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database files: changing the encryption key Changing the encryption key for a database
database files: defragmenting UltraLite databases Defragmenting UltraLite databases
database files: encrypting Encrypting an UltraLite database
database files: obfuscating Encrypting UltraLite databases
database files: setting the file name Configuring and managing database storage
databases: connections from UltraLite Java Connecting to and configuring your UltraLite database
databases: generating UltraLite Java Generating UltraLite Java classes
databases: multiple UltraLite Java Connecting to multiple databases
databases: UltraLite Java Configuring the UltraLite Java database
definitions: persistent storage parameters Configuring and managing database storage
defragmenting: UltraLite databases Defragmenting UltraLite databases
deploying: UltraLite Java applications Deploying Java applications
disableUserAuthentication method: JdbcSupport class disableUserAuthentication method
disable_concurrency synchronization parameter: MobiLink synchronization disable_concurrency synchronization parameter
documentation: conventions SQL Anywhere Studio documentation
documentation: SQL Anywhere Studio SQL Anywhere Studio documentation
download-only synchronization: getDownloadOnly method (static Java API) download_only synchronization parameter
download-only synchronization: getNewPassword method (static Java API) new_password synchronization parameter
download-only synchronization: setDownloadOnly method (static Java API) download_only synchronization parameter
Driver class Loading and registering the JDBC driver
DriverManager class Loading and registering the JDBC driver
DriverManager.getConnection() method Loading and registering the JDBC driver
drop method: JdbcDatabase class drop method