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Writing Advanced Applications
Chapter 9: Deploying the Auction Application


With the auction application tested, debugged, and tuned, you are ready to deploy it. Deployment involves bundling the application files, moving the application files to their production locations, installing Java Plug-In so auction administrators can run the Administration applet from their browsers, and installing the Administration applet policy file. Java Plug-In is needed because the Administration applet is written with Java Development Kit (JDKTM) 1.2 APIs, but the administrators' browsers might run an earlier version of the Java Runtime EnvironmentTM (JRE) software.

This chapter explains how to use the Java Archive (JAR) file format to bundle and deploy the application files, and how to install Java Plug-In and a security policy file for the SolarisTM and Win32 platforms to run the Administration applet.

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[ This page was updated: 13-Oct-99 ]

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