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Writing Advanced Applications
Chapter 9 Continued: JAR File Format


Java TM Archive (JAR) file format is a compression and file packaging format and tool for bundling executable files with other related application files so they can be deployed as a single unit. The auction application, has three units of files to deploy to three different locations.

  1. The HTML files that make up the auction application user interface deploy to a publicly accessible location under the web server.

  2. The Enterprise Beans deploy to an internal location accessible to your production installation of the Enterprise JavaBeansTM server.

  3. The Administration applet deploys to an internal location accessible to auction administrators where it is run from their browsers.
This section shows you how to use the jar tool to bundle and deploy the application files.

Bundle and Deploy the HTML Files

Here is the list of HTML files that make up the auction application user interface: Here is the jar command to bundle them. Everything goes on one line. This command is executed in the same directory with the files. If you execute the command from a directory other than where the files are, specify the full or relative pathname as appropriate.
  jar cvf HTML.jar all.html close.html details.html 
	index.html new.html 
        registration.html search.html sell.html
jar is the jar command. If you type jar with no options, you get the following help screen. You can see from the help screen that the cf options to the jar command mean create a new JAR file named HTML.jar and put the list of files that follows into it. The new JAR file is placed in the current directory.

kq6py% jar
Usage: jar {ctxu}[vfm0M] [jar-file] [manifest-file] 
                   [-C dir] files ...
  -c  create new archive
  -t  list table of contents for archive
  -x  extract named (or all) files from archive
  -u  update existing archive
  -v  generate verbose output on standard output
  -f  specify archive file name
  -m  include manifest information from specified 
        manifest file
  -0  store only; use no ZIP compression
  -M  Do not create a manifest file for the entries
  -C  change to the specified directory and include 
        the following file
If any file is a directory then it is processed 
recursively. The manifest file name and the archive 
file name needs to be specified in the same order 
the 'm' and 'f' flags are specified.

Example 1: to archive two class files into an archive 
     called classes.jar:
     jar cvf classes.jar Foo.class Bar.class
Example 2: use an existing manifest file 'mymanifest' 
     and archive all the files in the foo/ director
     into 'classes.jar':
     jar cvfm classes.jar mymanifest -C foo/ .

To deploy the HTML files, all you have to do is move the HTML.jar file to a publicly accessible directory under the web server and decompress the JAR file:
  jar xf HTML.jar

Note: If you included a full or relative pathname when you added the files to the JAR file, the files are placed in the same directory structure when they are unpacked.

Bundle and Deploy the Enterprise Beans

Some Enterprise JavaBeans servers create the JAR file for you. However, if yours does not or if you just wonder how it's done, this section describes the steps.

Here are the server-side files you need to deploy the Enterprise Beans. This list is taken from the original auction application described in Chapter 2: Auction Application Code before any modifications were made to make the Enterprise Beans container managed. Note the inclusion of the deployment descriptor, and the container-generated stub and skel classes.

auction Package

Here are the application files in the auction package that make up the AuctionServlet servlet and AuctionItemBean Enterprise Bean. Because they are all to be installed in an auction directory accessible to the production Enterprise JavaBeans server, bundle them together so they can be unpacked in one step in the destination directory and placed in the acution subdirectory..
  • auction.AuctionServlet.class
  • auction.AuctionItem.class
  • auction.AuctionItemBean.class
  • auction.AuctionItemHome.class
  • auction.AuctionItemPK.class
  • auction.DeploymentDescriptor.txt
  • AuctionItemBeanHomeImpl_ServiceStub.class
  • WLStub1h1153e3h2r4x3t5w6e82e6jd412c.class
  • WLStub364c363d622h2j1j422a4oo2gm5o.class
  • WLSkel1h1153e3h2r4x3t5w6e82e6jd412c.class
  • WLSkel364c363d622h2j1j422a4oo2gm5o.class
Here is how to bundle them. Everything goes on one line, and the command is executed one directory above where the class files are located.
  jar cvf auction.jar  auction/*.class

  jar cvf auction.jar  auction\*.class
Once the JAR file is copied to the destination directory for the Enterprise beans, unpack it as follows. The extraction creates an auction directory with the class files in it.
  jar xv auction.jar

registration Package

Here are the application files in the registration package that make up the Registration Enterprise Bean.
  • registration.Registration.class
  • registration.RegistrationBean.class
  • registration.RegistrationHome.class
  • registration.RegistrationPK.class
  • auction.DeploymentDescriptor.txt
  • RegistrationBeanHomeImpl_ServiceStub.class
  • WLStub183w4u1f4e70p6j1r4k6z1x3f6yc21.class
  • WLStub4z67s6n4k3sx131y4fi6w4x616p28.class
  • WLSkel183w4u1f4e70p6j1r4k6z1x3f6yc21.class
  • WLSkel4z67s6n4k3sx131y4fi6w4x616p28.class
Here is how to bundle them. Everything goes on one line, and the command is executed one directory above where the class files are located.
  jar cvf registration.jar  registration/*.class

  jar cvf registration.jar  registration\*.class
Once the JAR file is copied to the destination directory for the Enterprise beans, unpack it as follows. The extraction creates a registration directory with the class files in it.
  jar xv registration.jar

bidder Package

Here are the application files in the bidder package that make up the Bidder Enterprise Bean.
  • bidder.Bidder.class
  • bidder.BidderHome.class
  • bidder.BidderBean.class
  • auction.DeploymentDescriptor.txt
  • BidderBeanEOImpl_ServiceStub.class
  • BidderBeanHomeImpl_ServiceStub.class
  • WLStub1z35502726376oa1m4m395m4w5j1j5t.class
  • WLStub5g4v1dm3m271tr4i5s4b4k6p376d5x.class
  • WLSkel1z35502726376oa1m4m395m4w5j1j5t.class
  • WLSkel5g4v1dm3m271tr4i5s4b4k6p376d5x.class
Here is how to bundle them. Everything goes on one line, and the command is executed one directory above where the class files are located.
  jar cvf bidder.jar  bidder/*.class

  jar cvf bidder.jar  bidder\*.class
Once the JAR file is copied to the destination directory for the Enterprise beans, unpack it as follows. The extraction creates a bidder directory with the class files in it.
  jar xv bidder.jar

seller Package

Here are the application files in the seller package that make up the Seller Enterprise Bean.
  • seller.Seller.class
  • seller.SellerHome.class
  • seller.SellerBean.class
  • auction.DeploymentDescriptor.txt
  • SellerBeanEOImpl_ServiceStub.class
  • SellerBeanHomeImpl_ServiceStub.class
  • WLStub3xr4e731e6d2x3b3w5b693833v304q.class
  • WLStub86w3x4p2x6m4b696q4kjp4p4p3b33.class
  • WLSkel3xr4e731e6d2x3b3w5b693833v304q.class
  • WLSkel86w3x4p2x6m4b696q4kjp4p4p3b33.class
Here is how to bundle them. Everything goes on one line, and the command is executed one directory above where the class files are located.
  jar cvf seller.jar  seller/*.class

  jar cvf seller.jar  seller\*.class
Once the JAR file is copied to the destination directory for the Enterprise beans, unpack it as follows. The extraction creates a seller directory with the class files in it.
  jar xv seller.jar

Bundle and Deploy the Administration Applet

The Administration applet family of files consists of the and files.

Here is the jar command to bundle them. Everything goes on one line, and the command is executed where the policy file is located which is one directory above where the class files are located.

  jar cvf applet.jar admin/*.class

  jar cvf applet.jar admin\*.class
To deploy the applet, copy the applet.jar file to the destination applet directory and extract it as follows. The extraction creates an admin directory with the Administration applet class files in it.
  jar xf applet.jar

Note: The applet uses JDK 1.2 APIs. It needs a policy file to access the printer and Java Plug-In to run in a pre-JDK 1.2 browser. Information on running the applet with Java Plug-In and a security policy file can be found in the Solaris Platform and Win32 Platform sections that follow.


[ This page was updated: 13-Oct-99 ]

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