Class Database

  extended byorg.hsqldb.Database

public class Database
extends Object

Database is the root class for HSQL Database Engine database.

Although it either directly or indirectly provides all or most of the services required for DBMS functionality, this class should not be used directly by an application. Instead, to achieve portability and generality, the JDBC interface classes should be used.


Method Summary
 void finalize()
          Called by the garbage collector on this Databases object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to it.
 Table getTable(String name, Session session)
          Retrieves the specified user-defined table or view visible within the context of the specified Session, or any system table of the given name.
 HsqlArrayList getTables()
          Retrieves a HsqlArrayList containing references to all non-system tables and views.
 boolean isFilesInJar()
 void setReferentialIntegrity(boolean ref)
          isReferentialIntegrity attribute setter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public boolean isFilesInJar()


public HsqlArrayList getTables()
Retrieves a HsqlArrayList containing references to all non-system tables and views. This includes all tables and views registered with this Database object via a call to linkTable.

a HsqlArrayList of all registered non-system tables and views


public void setReferentialIntegrity(boolean ref)
isReferentialIntegrity attribute setter.

ref - if true, this Database object enforces referential integrity, else not


public Table getTable(String name,
                      Session session)
               throws HsqlException
Retrieves the specified user-defined table or view visible within the context of the specified Session, or any system table of the given name. This excludes any temp tables created in different Sessions.

name - of the table or view to retrieve
session - the Session within which to search for user tables
the user table or view, or system table
HsqlException - if there is no such table or view


public void finalize()
Called by the garbage collector on this Databases object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to it.

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