Package org.hsqldb

Interface Summary
HsqlSocketRequestHandler Interface HsqlSocketRequestHandler
ResultConstants An enumeration of the request and response mode values used to communicate between the client and the engine when sending Result objects back and forth.
ServerConstants An enumeration of the property keys and default property values used by HSQLDB servers
SessionInterface Interface to Session and its remote proxy objects.

Class Summary
Binary Representation of instnace of BINARY field data.
CachedRow In-memory representation of a disk-based database row object with methods for serialization and de-serialization.
Column Implementation of SQL table columns as defined in DDL statements with static methods to process their values.
Database Database is the root class for HSQL Database Engine database.
DatabaseManager Multifunction class with all static methods.
DatabaseScript Script generation.
DITypeInfo Provides information intrinsic to each standard data type known to HSQLDB.
HsqlDateTime collection of static methods to convert Date, Time and Timestamp strings into corresponding Java objects.
HsqlProperties Wrapper for java.util.Properties to limit values to Specific types and allow saving and loading.
HsqlServerFactory HsqlServerFactory
HsqlSocketFactory Base class for producing the Socket objects used by HSQLDB.
HsqlSocketFactorySecure The default secure socket factory implementation.
HTTPClientConnection HTTP protocol session proxy implementation.
JavaObject Representation of an instance of OTHER field data.
jdbcDriver Each JDBC driver must supply a class that implements the Driver interface.
Library Provides the HSQLDB implementation of standard Open Group SQL CLI Extended Scalar Functions and other public HSQLDB SQL functions.
LockFile The base HSQLDB cooperative file locking implementation and factory.
NumberSequence Maintains a sequence of numbers.
Record Record class declaration
Result Class declaration
Server The HSQLDB HSQL protocol network database server.
Servlet Servlet can act as an interface between the client and the database for the the client / server mode of HSQL Database Engine.
Session Implementation of a user session with the database.
SessionManager Container that maintains a map of session id's to Session objects.
SetFunction Implementation of SQL set functions (currently only aggregate functions).
Token Provides declaratin and enumeration of reserved and non-reserved SQL keywords.
Trace handles creation and reporting of error messages and throwing HsqlException
WebServer The HSQLDB HTTP protocol network database server.

Exception Summary
HsqlException Class encapsulating all exceptions that can be thrown within the engine.

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