Uses of Interface

Packages that use RowOutputInterface

Uses of RowOutputInterface in org.hsqldb

Methods in org.hsqldb with parameters of type RowOutputInterface
static void Result.write(Result r, RowOutputInterface rowout, OutputStream dataout)
          Convenience method for writing, shared by Server side.

Uses of RowOutputInterface in org.hsqldb.rowio

Classes in org.hsqldb.rowio that implement RowOutputInterface
 class RowOutputBase
          Base class for writing the data for a database row in different formats.
 class RowOutputBinary
          Provides methods for writing the data for a row to a byte array.
 class RowOutputLegacy
          Provides methods for writing the data for a row to a byte array.
 class RowOutputText
          Class for writing the data for a database row in text table format.
 class RowOutputTextLog
 class RowOutputTextQuoted
          This class quotes strings only if they contain the quote character or the separator for the field.

Methods in org.hsqldb.rowio that return RowOutputInterface
static RowOutputInterface RowOutputBase.newRowOutput(int cachedRowType)

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