Class IndexerKit

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class IndexerKit
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable

Establishes the requirements of an indexing object for a type of text content. The DefaultKit acts as a factory for policy. For example, an implementation for HTML and RTF can be provided that is replaceable with other implementations.

New kits are normally created by cloning a prototype kit.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  java.lang.Object clone()
          Creates a copy of the indexer kit.
abstract  java.lang.String getContentType()
          Gets the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for.
 java.util.Locale getLocale()
          Gets the Locale.
abstract  void parse( in, java.lang.String file, boolean ignoreCharset, IndexBuilder builder, ConfigFile config)
          Parses content from the given stream.
abstract  int parseIntoTokens(java.lang.String source, int pos)
          Parses a string into tokens and stores the tokens.
 void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
          Sets the locale for string tokenizing.
 void setLocale(java.lang.String lang)
          Convenience method for setting the locale from a lang string Takes the lang string in the form of "language_country_variant".
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IndexerKit()
Method Detail


public abstract java.lang.Object clone()
Creates a copy of the indexer kit. This allows an implementation to serve as a prototype for others, so that they can be quickly created.

clone in class java.lang.Object
the copy


public abstract java.lang.String getContentType()
Gets the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for.

the type


public void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
Sets the locale for string tokenizing. A null locale value is valid and means that no locale has been set for this IndexerKit.


public void setLocale(java.lang.String lang)
Convenience method for setting the locale from a lang string Takes the lang string in the form of "language_country_variant". Parses the string and creates an appropriate locale.

lang - A string representation of a locale. If lang is null it is the same as setting the locale to null.


public java.util.Locale getLocale()
Gets the Locale.


public abstract void parse( in,
                           java.lang.String file,
                           boolean ignoreCharset,
                           IndexBuilder builder,
                           ConfigFile config)
Parses content from the given stream. The stream is expected to be in a format appropriate for this content handler to parse into tokens according to the locale of the class. In the absense of a locale, the default locale tokenizer is used.

in - The stream to read from.
file - The file name being parsed.
builder - The IndexBuilder for the full text insertion.
config - The indexer configuration information.
Throws: - on any I/O error.


public abstract int parseIntoTokens(java.lang.String source,
                                    int pos)
Parses a string into tokens and stores the tokens.