AbstractHelpAction - class javax.help.AbstractHelpAction.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Displays the viewer according to the viewerType
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.PrintSetupAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.ReloadAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.PrintAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.Popup
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.HomeAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.CopyAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PasteAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.CutAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FolderAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.RemoveAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.AddAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
Handles Action from the JTextField component for searching.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
Handles Action from the JTextField component for searching.
add(Class, EventListener) - Method in class javax.help.event.EventListenerList
Adds the listener as a listener of the specified type.
add(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Adds the child node.
add(FavoritesItem) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Adds FavoritesItem as a child.
add(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Adds a HelpSet, HelpSetEvents are generated.
add(Map) - Method in class javax.help.TryMap
Adds a map to a "filter" Map.
addHelpHistoryModelListener(HelpHistoryModelListener) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Adds a listener for the HelpHistoryModelEvent posted after the model has changed.
addHelpHistoryModelListener(HelpHistoryModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Adds a listener for the HelpHistoryModelEvent posted after the model has changed.
addHelpModelListener(HelpModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Adds a listener for the HelpModelEvent posted after the model has changed.
addHelpModelListener(HelpModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Adds a listener for the HelpModelEvent posted after the model has changed.
addHelpModelListener(HelpModelListener) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Adds a listener for the HelpModelEvent posted after the model has changed.
addHelpModelListener(HelpModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Adds a listener for the HelpModelEvent posted after the model has changed.
addHelpNavigator(JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
A JHelp can have a number of navigators.
addHelpSetListener(HelpSetListener) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Adds a listener for the HelpSetEvent posted after the model has changed.
addHighlight(int, int) - Method in interface javax.help.TextHelpModel
Adds a highlight to a range of positions in a document.
addHighlight(int, int) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Hightlights a section of the current document from p0 to p1.
addHighlight(int, int) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Highlights a range of positions in a document.
addManager(CSH.Manager) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Registers the specified manager to maintain dynamic CSH.
addManager(int, CSH.Manager) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Registers the specified manager to maintain dynamic CSH at the specified position in list of managers.
addNavigator(JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.HelpUI
Adds a Navigator.
addNavigator(JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Adds a listener to monitor changes to the properties in this model
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpAction
Adds a PropertyChange listener.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Adds a listener to changes to the properties in this model.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class javax.help.AbstractHelpAction
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addSearchHit(SearchHit) - Method in class javax.help.SearchTOCItem
Adds a SearchHit.
addSearchListener(SearchListener) - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchQuery
Adds a listener for the SearchEngine posted after the search has started, stopped, or search parameters have been defined.
addTextHelpModelListener(TextHelpModelListener) - Method in interface javax.help.TextHelpModel
Adds a listener for a TextHelpModel.
addTextHelpModelListener(TextHelpModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Adds a listener for the TExtHelpModelEvent posted after the model has changed.
addTextHelpModelListener(TextHelpModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Adds a listener for the TextHelpModelEvent posted after the model has changed.
allowsChildren() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns wheter item allows children or not
AppendMerge - class javax.help.AppendMerge.
Append merge type
AppendMerge(NavigatorView, NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.AppendMerge
Constructs AppendMerge
attr - Variable in class javax.help.HelpSetFactory.HelpAction
Attributes of the Action


BackAction - class javax.help.BackAction.
BackAction(Object) - Constructor for class javax.help.BackAction
Creates new BackAction
BadIDException - exception javax.help.BadIDException.
An ID was attempted to be created with incorrect arguments
BadIDException(String, Map, String, HelpSet) - Constructor for class javax.help.BadIDException
Create the exception.
BasicContentViewerUI - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI.
The default UI for JHelpContentViewer.
BasicContentViewerUI(JHelpContentViewer) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
BasicCursorFactory - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicCursorFactory.
Factory object that can vend cursors appropriate for the basic L & F.
BasicCursorFactory() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicCursorFactory
BasicFavoritesCellRenderer - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesCellRenderer.
BasicFavoritesCellRenderer() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesCellRenderer
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.
The default UI for JHelpNavigator of type Favorites
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.AddAction - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.AddAction.
AddAction class.
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.AddAction() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.AddAction
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.CopyAction - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.CopyAction.
CopyAction class.
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.CopyAction() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.CopyAction
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.CutAction - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.CutAction.
CutAction class.
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.CutAction() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.CutAction
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree.
Class for JTree supported D&D features.
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree(FavoritesNode) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
Creates FavoritesTree
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FolderAction - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FolderAction.
FolderAction class.
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FolderAction() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FolderAction
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PasteAction - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PasteAction.
PasteAction class.
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PasteAction() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PasteAction
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PopupListener - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PopupListener.
PopupListener class
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PopupListener() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PopupListener
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.RemoveAction - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.RemoveAction.
RemoveAction class.
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.RemoveAction() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.RemoveAction
BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI(JHelpFavoritesNavigator) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Creates BasicFavoritesUI for JHelpFavoritesNavigator
BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI.
The default UI for JHelpNavigator of type Glossary.
BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI(JHelpGlossaryNavigator) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
BasicHelpUI - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI.
The default UI for JHelp.
BasicHelpUI(JHelp) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
BasicIndexCellRenderer - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexCellRenderer.
Cell Renderer for the index UI.
BasicIndexCellRenderer() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexCellRenderer
BasicIndexNavigatorUI - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI.
The default UI for JHelpNavigator of type Index.
BasicIndexNavigatorUI(JHelpIndexNavigator) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
BasicNativeContentViewerUI - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI.
A native UI for JHelpContentViewer using the native browser.
BasicNativeContentViewerUI(JHelpContentViewer) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI
BasicSearchCellRenderer - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer.
Displays an search entry in a tree.
BasicSearchCellRenderer(Map) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Returns a new instance of BasicSearchCellRender.
BasicSearchNavigatorUI - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI.
BasicSearchNavigatorUI(JHelpSearchNavigator) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
BasicTOCCellRenderer - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCCellRenderer.
Basic cell renderer for TOC UI.
BasicTOCCellRenderer(Map) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCCellRenderer
BasicTOCCellRenderer(Map, TOCView) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCCellRenderer
BasicTOCNavigatorUI - class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI.
The default UI for JHelpNavigator of type TOC.
BasicTOCNavigatorUI(JHelpTOCNavigator) - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI


canMerge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpTOCNavigator
Determines if this instance of a JHelpNavigator can merge its data with another one.
canMerge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpSearchNavigator
Determines if this instance of a JHelpNavigator can merge its data with another one.
canMerge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpFavoritesNavigator
Determines if this instance of a JHelpNavigator can merge its data with another one.
canMerge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Determines if this instance of a JHelpNavigator can merge its data with another one.
canMerge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpIndexNavigator
Determines if this instance of a JHelpNavigator can merge its data with another one.
className - Variable in class javax.help.HelpSetFactory.HelpAction
Name of the Action
clear() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Cleans the content
clone() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
clone() - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexerKit
Creates a copy of the indexer kit.
close() - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexBuilder
Closes the index.
closeDocument() - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexBuilder
Closes the document.
COLLAPSE - Static variable in class javax.help.TreeItem
Show the children of the node collapsed in the view
collapseID(String) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpTOCNavigator
Sets state of navigation entry for given target to collapsed if entry is visible.
collapseID(String) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpFavoritesNavigator
Sets state of navigation entry for given target to collapsed if entry is visible.
collapseID(String) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpIndexNavigator
Sets state of navigation entry for given target to collapsed if entry is visible.
compareNames(DefaultMutableTreeNode, DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.MergeHelpUtilities
Compares name of nodes
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component has been made invisible.
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component has been made invisible.
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component has been made invisible.
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component's position changes.
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component's position changes.
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component's position changes.
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component's size changes.
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component's size changes.
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component's size changes.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component has been made visible.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component has been made visible.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
Invoked when the component has been made visible.
ConfigFile - class javax.help.search.ConfigFile.
Describes and parses the configuration file for the full-text search indexer.
ConfigFile(String, Vector, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.help.search.ConfigFile
Creates a configuration file.
contains(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Determines if a HelpSet is a sub-HelpSet of this object.
create(HelpSet, String, String, Locale, String, Hashtable) - Static method in class javax.help.NavigatorView
Creates a NavigatorView for some given information.
create(String, HelpSet) - Static method in class javax.help.Map.ID
A location within a HelpSet.
createEditorKitForContentType(String) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Creates a handler for the given type from the registry of editor kits.
createHelpBroker() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Creates a presentation object for this HelpSet.
createHelpBroker(String) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Creates a presentation object for this HelpSet.
createHelpWindow() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
createItem() - Method in class javax.help.IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory
Creates a default IndexItem.
createItem() - Method in class javax.help.TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory
Creates a default TOCItem.
createItem() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory
Creates a default FavoritesItem.
createItem() - Method in interface javax.help.TreeItemFactory
Creates a default TreeItem.
createItem(String, Hashtable, HelpSet, Locale) - Method in class javax.help.IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory
Creates an IndexItem with the given data.
createItem(String, Hashtable, HelpSet, Locale) - Method in class javax.help.TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory
Create an TOCItem with the given data.
createItem(String, Hashtable, HelpSet, Locale) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory
Creates an FavoritesItem with the given data.
createItem(String, Hashtable, HelpSet, Locale) - Method in interface javax.help.TreeItemFactory
Creates a TreeItem from the given data.
createNavigator(HelpModel) - Method in class javax.help.TOCView
Creates a navigator for a given model.
createNavigator(HelpModel) - Method in class javax.help.SearchView
Creates a navigator for a given model.
createNavigator(HelpModel) - Method in class javax.help.NavigatorView
Creates a navigator for a given model.
createNavigator(HelpModel) - Method in class javax.help.IndexView
create a navigator for a given model.
createNavigator(HelpModel) - Method in class javax.help.GlossaryView
create a navigator for a given model
createNavigator(HelpModel) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView
create a navigator for a given model.
createQuery() - Method in class javax.help.search.MergingSearchEngine
Creates the query for this helpset.
createQuery() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchEngine
Creates a new search query.
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
Creates UI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
CSH - class javax.help.CSH.
A convenience class that provides simple access to context-senstive help functionality.
CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking - class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking.
An ActionListener that displays help on a selected object after tracking context-sensitive events.
CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking(HelpBroker) - Constructor for class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking
CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking(HelpSet, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking
Create a DisplayHelpAfterTracking actionListener for a given HelpSet.
CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus - class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus.
An ActionListener that displays the help of the object that currently has focus.
CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus(HelpBroker) - Constructor for class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus
CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus(HelpSet, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus
Create a DisplayHelpFromFocus actionListener for a given HelpSet.
CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource - class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource.
An ActionListener that gets the helpID for the action source and displays the helpID in the help viewer.
CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource(HelpBroker) - Constructor for class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource
CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource(HelpSet, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.help.CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource
Create a DisplayHelpFromSource actionListener for a given HelpSet.
CSH.Manager - interface javax.help.CSH.Manager.
CSH Manager Interface to support dynamic HelpSet and ID for object.
CSH() - Constructor for class javax.help.CSH


DEFAULT_EXPANSION - Static variable in class javax.help.TreeItem
A state of expansion determined by the view
DefaultHelpBroker - class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker.
An implmentation of the HelpBroker interface
DefaultHelpBroker() - Constructor for class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Zero-argument constructor.
DefaultHelpBroker(HelpSet) - Constructor for class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
DefaultHelpHistoryModel - class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel.
DefaultHelpHistoryModel is default implementation of HelpHistoryModel interface
DefaultHelpHistoryModel(JHelp) - Constructor for class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Creates new DefaultHelpHistoryModel for given JHelp
DefaultHelpModel - class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel.
This class implements the javax.help.HelpModel API and notifies the JHelpModel listeners when changes occur.
DefaultHelpModel.DefaultHighlight - class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel.DefaultHighlight.
A default implementation of TextHelpModel.Highlight
DefaultHelpModel.DefaultHighlight(int, int) - Constructor for class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel.DefaultHighlight
DefaultHelpModel(HelpSet) - Constructor for class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Constructs a HelpModel from a HelpSet
destroy() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Destroy this object.
destroy() - Method in class javax.help.SecondaryWindow
Destroy the SecondaryWindowPresentatin.
discard() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Discards a history
discard() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Discards a history
doAfterBody() - Method in class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTag
doAfterBody() - Method in class javax.help.tagext.TOCItemTag
doAfterBody() - Method in class javax.help.tagext.IndexItemTag
doAfterBody() - Method in class javax.help.tagext.NavigatorsTag
doMerge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
Merges in the navigational data from another IndexView.
doMerge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
Merges in the navigational data from another IndexView.
doMerge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
Merges in the navigational data from another IndexView.
doStartTag() - Method in class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTag
doStartTag() - Method in class javax.help.tagext.TOCItemTag
doStartTag() - Method in class javax.help.tagext.ValidateTag
doStartTag() - Method in class javax.help.tagext.IndexItemTag
doStartTag() - Method in class javax.help.tagext.NavigatorsTag
dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
dragExit(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
dragExit(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree
dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.FavoritesTree


ELEMENT - Static variable in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
XML element name
emptyInitState() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns true if item was initialized as empty
enableHelp(Component, String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Enables help for a Component.
enableHelp(Component, String, HelpSet) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Enables help for a component.
enableHelp(Component, String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Enables help for a Component.
enableHelp(MenuItem, String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Enables help for a MenuItem.
enableHelp(MenuItem, String, HelpSet) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Enables help for a MenuItem.
enableHelp(MenuItem, String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Enables help for a MenuItem.
enableHelpKey(Component, String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Enables the Help key on a Component.
enableHelpKey(Component, String, HelpSet) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Enables the Help key on a component.
enableHelpKey(Component, String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Enables the Help key on a Component.
enableHelpKey(Component, String, HelpSet, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
enableHelpKey(Component, String, HelpSet, String, String) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Enables the Help key on a component.
enableHelpKey(Component, String, HelpSet, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Enables the Help key on a Component.
enableHelpOnButton(Component, String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Enables help for a Component.
enableHelpOnButton(Component, String, HelpSet) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Enables help for a component.
enableHelpOnButton(Component, String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Enables help for a Component.
enableHelpOnButton(MenuItem, String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Enables help for a MenuItem.
enableHelpOnButton(MenuItem, String, HelpSet) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Enables help for a MenuItem.
enableHelpOnButton(MenuItem, String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Enables help for a MenuItem.
enableHelpOnButton(Object, String, HelpSet, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
enableHelpOnButton(Object, String, HelpSet, String, String) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Enables help for an object.
enableHelpOnButton(Object, String, HelpSet, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Enables help for a Component.
end - Variable in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel.DefaultHighlight
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.help.Map.ID
Determines if two IDs are equal.
EventListenerList - class javax.help.event.EventListenerList.
A class that holds a list of EventListeners.
EventListenerList() - Constructor for class javax.help.event.EventListenerList
EXPAND - Static variable in class javax.help.TreeItem
Show the children of the node expanded in the view
expandID(String) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpTOCNavigator
Sets state of navigation entry for given target to expanded.
expandID(String) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpFavoritesNavigator
Sets state of navigation entry for given target to expanded.
expandID(String) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpIndexNavigator
Sets state of navigation entry for given target to expanded.
export(OutputStream) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Exports nodes descendants to the OutputStream
exportHeader(OutputStream) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Exports header defined for this type of node to the OutputStream.
exportNode(OutputStreamWriter) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Exports node and its descendants to the xml file according favorites.dtd.


FAVORITES_FLAVOR - Static variable in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
FavoritesAction - class javax.help.FavoritesAction.
FavoritesAction(Object) - Constructor for class javax.help.FavoritesAction
Creates new FavoritesAction
FavoritesItem - class javax.help.FavoritesItem.
A class for individual favorites items.
FavoritesItem() - Constructor for class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Creates empty item
FavoritesItem(String) - Constructor for class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Creates item with name
FavoritesItem(String, String, String, String, Locale) - Constructor for class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Creates FavoritesItem.
FavoritesNode - class javax.help.FavoritesNode.
A class for Favorites node.
FavoritesNode(FavoritesItem) - Constructor for class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Creates a FavoritesNode for FavoritesItem.
FavoritesView - class javax.help.FavoritesView.
Navigational View information for the Favorites
FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory - class javax.help.FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory.
A default TreeItemFactory that can be used to parse Favorites items as used by this navigator.
FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory() - Constructor for class javax.help.FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory
FavoritesView(HelpSet, String, String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.FavoritesView
Construct an FavoritesView with some given data.
FavoritesView(HelpSet, String, String, Locale, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.FavoritesView
Constructs an FavoritesView with some given data.
findHelpSet(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpSet
As above but default on locale to Locale.getDefault()
findHelpSet(ClassLoader, String, Locale) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Locates a HelpSet file and return its URL.
findHelpSet(ClassLoader, String, String, Locale) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Locates a HelpSet file and return its URL.
FlatMap - class javax.help.FlatMap.
A FlatMap is a simple implementation of a Map.
FlatMap(URL, HelpSet) - Constructor for class javax.help.FlatMap
Create a FlatMap from a given URL.
FOOTER - Static variable in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Footer of xml document
ForwardAction - class javax.help.ForwardAction.
ForwardAction(Object) - Constructor for class javax.help.ForwardAction
Creates new ForwardAction


getAccessibleContext() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Get the AccessibleContext associated with this JComponent.
getAccessibleContext() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Get the AccessibleContext associated with this JComponent
getAccessibleContext() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Get the AccessibleContext associated with this JComponent.
getAction() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpSetEvent
getActivationWindow() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Get the activation window.
getAddAction() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpFavoritesNavigator
Returns an AddAction object for this navigator
getAddAction() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.HelpNavigatorUI
Returns an AddAction object.
getAddAction() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Returns the Add action
getAllIDs() - Method in class javax.help.TryMap
Gets an enumeration of all the IDs in a Map.
getAllIDs() - Method in interface javax.help.Map
Gets an enumeration of all the IDs in a Map.
getAllIDs() - Method in class javax.help.FlatMap
Gets an enumeration of all the IDs in a Map.
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Returns wheter node is allowed to have children or not.
getBackgroundNonSelectionColor() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Returns the background color to be used for unselected nodes.
getBackgroundSelectionColor() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Returns the color to use for the background if the node is selected.
getBackwardHistory() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Returns a backward history list
getBackwardHistory() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Returns a backward history vector
getBase() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchItem
Gets the base of the SearchItem.
getBegin() - Method in class javax.help.SearchHit
getBegin() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchItem
Gets the begin pointer position for the hit.
getBorderSelectionColor() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Returns the the border color.
getCandidates(Locale) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
This returns an enumeration of String tails.
getCategoryClosedImageID() - Method in class javax.help.TOCView
Returns the default category closed image ID.
getCategoryOpenImageID() - Method in class javax.help.TOCView
Returns the default category open image ID.
getChildren() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns children of this FavoritesItem.
getChildWithName(DefaultMutableTreeNode, String) - Static method in class javax.help.MergeHelpUtilities
Returns node with given name
getClassName() - Method in class javax.help.InvalidNavigatorViewException
getClosedIcon() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCCellRenderer
getClosestID(URL) - Method in class javax.help.TryMap
Determines the ID that is "closest" to this URL (with a given anchor).
getClosestID(URL) - Method in interface javax.help.Map
Determines the ID that is "closest" to this URL (with a given anchor).
getClosestID(URL) - Method in class javax.help.FlatMap
Determines the ID that is "closest" to this URL (with a given anchor).
getCombinedMap() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
The map for this HelpSet.
getConcepts() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchItem
If there are "concepts" against which the query is made, this is an enumeration of the concepts.
getConfidence() - Method in class javax.help.SearchTOCItem
getConfidence() - Method in class javax.help.SearchHit
getConfidence() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchItem
Gets the confidence value for the hit.
getConfidences() - Method in class javax.help.SearchTOCItem
getContent() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the content of the secondary viewer
getContentType() - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexerKit
Gets the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for.
getContentViewer() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Retrieves what is the current content viewer Read-Only property?
getContext() - Method in class javax.help.InvalidHelpSetContextException
Get the context HelpSet
getControl() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpAction
Getter for property control.
getControl() - Method in class javax.help.AbstractHelpAction
Getter for property control.
getCopyAction() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Returns the CopyAction Object
getCurrentID() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Determines which ID is displayed (if any).
getCurrentID() - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Determines which ID is displayed (if any).
getCurrentID() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Gets the current ID.
getCurrentID() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Determines The currently displayed ID (if any).
getCurrentID() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Gets the current ID.
getCurrentID() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Determines which ID is displayed (if any).
getCurrentNavigator() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
getCurrentNavigator() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.HelpUI
Gets the current Navigator.
getCurrentNavigator() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
getCurrentNavigatorView() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Returns the current navigator as a NavigatorView.
getCurrentURL() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Determines which URL is displayed.
getCurrentURL() - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Determines which URL is displayed.
getCurrentURL() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
getCurrentURL() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Returns The current URL.
getCurrentURL() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Determines the currently displayed ID.
getCurrentURL() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Returns the current URL
getCurrentURL() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Determines which URL is displayed.
getCurrentView() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Determines the current navigator.
getCurrentView() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Determines the current navigator.
getCurrentView() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Gets name of the current navigational view.
getCurrentView() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Determines the current navigator.
getCutAction() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Returns the CutAction object
getDataAsTree() - Method in class javax.help.TOCView
Public method that gets a DefaultMutableTreeNode representing the information in this view instance.
getDataAsTree() - Method in class javax.help.IndexView
Gets a DefaultMutableTreeNode representing the information in this view instance.
getDataAsTree() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView
Gets a DefaultMutableTreeNode representing the information in this view instance.
getDeepCopy() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Returns the deep copy of node
getDefaultPresentation() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
getDefaultQueryEngine() - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
Default for the search engine
getDnDCursor() - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicCursorFactory
Returns the DnDCursor.
getDocumentTitle() - Method in interface javax.help.TextHelpModel
Gets the title of the document.
getDocumentTitle() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
getDocumentTitle() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Gets the document title.
getEnd() - Method in class javax.help.SearchHit
getEnd() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchItem
Gets the ending pointer position.
getEndOffset() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel.DefaultHighlight
End offset
getEndOffset() - Method in interface javax.help.TextHelpModel.Highlight
Gets the ending model offset of the highlight.
getEngines() - Method in class javax.help.search.MergingSearchEngine
getExpansionType() - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Returns the exansion type
getFilename() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchItem
Gets the spec (as a URL relative to getBase() ) to the document.
getFiles() - Method in class javax.help.search.ConfigFile
Gets the list of files from a config file.
getFolderAction() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Returns the FolderAction object
getFont() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Gets the font for this WindowPresentation
getFont() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Gets the font for this HelpBroker.
getFont() - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Gets the font for this Presentation.
getFont() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Gets the font for this HelpBroker.
getFont() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Gets the font for this HelpBroker.
getForwardHistory() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Returns a forward history list
getForwardHistory() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Returns a forward history vector
getHelpActions(HelpSet, Object) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation
Returns an Enumeration HelpActions created from the list of Actions in the Presentation.
getHelpIDString(Component) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Returns the static helpID for a component.
getHelpIDString(MenuItem) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Returns the static helpID for a MenuItem.
getHelpIDString(Object, AWTEvent) - Method in interface javax.help.CSH.Manager
Returns String represent Map.ID of the object depending on the event.
getHelpIDString(Object, AWTEvent) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Returns the dynamic HelpID for a object.
getHelpNavigators() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
getHelpNavigators() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.Map.ID
Getter for property hs.
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Returns the default HelpSet
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Returns the HelpSet scoping this IndexItem.
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.NavigatorView
Gets the HelpSet for this Navigator view.
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Returns the default HelpSet
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.InvalidNavigatorViewException
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.InvalidHelpSetContextException
Get the offending HelpSet
getHelpSet() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Gets the loaded (aka "top") HelpSet for this model.
getHelpSet() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Gets the current HelpSet for this JavaHelp object.
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Gets the backing HelpSet.
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Returns the default HelpSet
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.BadIDException
The HelpSet that wasn't found in the Map
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.FlatMap
The HelpSet for this Map.
getHelpSet() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpSetEvent
getHelpSet(Component) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Returns the static HelpSet for a Component.
getHelpSet(MenuItem) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Returns the static HelpSet for a MenuItem.
getHelpSet(Object, AWTEvent) - Method in interface javax.help.CSH.Manager
Returns HelpSet of the object depending on the event.
getHelpSet(Object, AWTEvent) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Returns the dynamic HelpSet for an object.
getHelpSetNameFromBean(Class) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
Given the class for a bean, get its HelpSet.
getHelpSetPresentation() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Return the HelpSet.Presentation if one was set
getHelpSetPresentation() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
getHelpSets() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Enumerates all the HelpSets that have been added to this one.
getHelpSetTitle() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns the title of HelpSet
getHelpSetURL() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
getHelpSetURL() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
The URL that is the base for this HelpSet.
getHelpWindow() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Get the current window that help is displayed in
getHighlights() - Method in interface javax.help.TextHelpModel
Gets all highlights.
getHighlights() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Geta all the highlights currently active.
getHistory() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Returns a history
getHistory() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Returns a history
getHistoryModel() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Returns The HelpHistoryModel
getHistoryName() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpModelEvent
Returns the name of this entry
getHomeID() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Returns the ID to visit when the user makes a "go home" gesture.
getIcon() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Gets an icon to identify this Navigator.
getIcon() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.HelpNavigatorUI
getIcon(Class, String) - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
getId() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the ID of the secondary viewer
getID() - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Returns the ID for the item.
getID() - Method in class javax.help.BadIDException
The ID that wasn't found in the Map
getID() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpModelEvent
Returns the current ID in the HelpModel.
getIDFromURL(URL) - Method in class javax.help.TryMap
Determines the ID for this URL.
getIDFromURL(URL) - Method in interface javax.help.Map
Determines the ID for this URL.
getIDFromURL(URL) - Method in class javax.help.FlatMap
Gets the ID for this URL.
getIDs(URL) - Method in class javax.help.TryMap
Gets the the IDs related to this URL.
getIDs(URL) - Method in interface javax.help.Map
Determines the IDs related to this URL.
getIDs(URL) - Method in class javax.help.FlatMap
Determines the IDs related to this URL.
getIDString() - Method in class javax.help.Map.ID
Getter for property id.
getIDStringFromBean(Class) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
Given the class for a bean, get its ID string.
getImageIcon(Class, String) - Static method in class javax.help.SwingHelpUtilities
Create an Icon from a given resource.
getImageIcon(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.HelpNavigatorUI
Returns icon associated with the view.
getImageID() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation
getImageID() - Method in class javax.help.NavigatorView
Returns Map ID of icons passed to this View.
getImageID() - Method in class javax.help.TOCItem
Returns the image for this TOCItem.
getIndex() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Returns a current history position
getIndex() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Returns a current history position
getInvoker() - Method in class javax.help.Popup
Get the Component that invoked this popup
getInvokerInternalBounds() - Method in class javax.help.Popup
Get the internal bounds for the invoker.
getKeyData(Object, String) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Gets some Data for a Key in a given context.
getLabel() - Method in class javax.help.NavigatorView
Gets the locale-dependent name of this View
getLabel() - Method in class javax.help.InvalidNavigatorViewException
getLabel(Locale) - Method in class javax.help.NavigatorView
Gets the locale-dependent name of this View.
getLang() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchItem
Gets the lang of the SearchItem.
getLeafIcon() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCCellRenderer
getListenerCount() - Method in class javax.help.event.EventListenerList
Returns the total number of listeners for this listenerList.
getListenerCount(Class) - Method in class javax.help.event.EventListenerList
Returns the total number of listeners of the supplied type for this listenerList.
getListenerList() - Method in class javax.help.event.EventListenerList
This passes back the event listener list as an array of ListenerType - listener pairs.
getLoader() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
A classloader to use when locating classes.
getLocale() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Gets the locale of this component.
getLocale() - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Returns the locale for the item.
getLocale() - Method in class javax.help.NavigatorView
getLocale() - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Gets the locale of this component.
getLocale() - Method in class javax.help.InvalidNavigatorViewException
getLocale() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Gets the locale for this HelpSet.
getLocale() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Returns the locale of this object.
getLocale() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Gets the locale of this component.
getLocale() - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexerKit
Gets the Locale.
getLocale(Component) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
Gets the locale of a component.
getLocale(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.MergeHelpUtilities
Returns locale of node
getLocalizedResource(ClassLoader, String, String, Locale) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
Locate a resource relative to a given classloader CL.
getLocalizedResource(ClassLoader, String, String, Locale, boolean) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
Locate a resource relative to a given classloader CL.
getLocalMap() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Get the local (i.e. non-recursive) Map for this HelpSet.
getLocation() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation
getLocation() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Requests the location of the presentation.
getLocation() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Requests the location of the presentation.
getLocation() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Gets the location of the presentation.
getLocation() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Requests the location of the presentation.
getManager(int) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Returns the manager at the specified position in manager list.
getManagerCount() - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Returns the number of managers registered to maintain dynamic CSH.
getManagers() - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Returns array of managers registered to maintain dynamic CSH.
getMap() - Method in class javax.help.BadIDException
The HelpSet in which the ID wasn't found
getMaps() - Method in class javax.help.TryMap
Enumerates all the Maps in this TryMap.
getMaximumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI
getMaximumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
getMaximumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
getMaximumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
getMaximumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
getMaximumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
getMaximumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
getMaximumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
getMerge(NavigatorView, NavigatorView) - Static method in class javax.help.Merge.DefaultMergeFactory
Returns suitable Merge object
getMergeType() - Method in class javax.help.TOCView
Get the TOC navigators mergeType.
getMergeType() - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Returns the merge type for the item
getMergeType() - Method in class javax.help.NavigatorView
Gets merge type of this Navigator view
getMergeType() - Method in class javax.help.IndexView
Get the Index navigators mergeType.
getMergeType() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView
Get the Index navigators mergeType.
getMinimumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI
getMinimumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
getMinimumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
getMinimumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
getMinimumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
getMinimumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
getMinimumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
getMinimumSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
getModel() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Returns the HelpModel that provides the data.
getModel() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
getModel() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
getName() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation
getName() - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Returns the name of the item.
getName() - Method in class javax.help.NavigatorView
Gets the name of this Navigator view.
getName() - Method in class javax.help.InvalidNavigatorViewException
getNavigator() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpModelEvent
Returns the navigator of this entry
getNavigatorLabel() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Gets the name of this navigator view.
getNavigatorLabel(Locale) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Gets locale-dependent name for this navigator view.
getNavigatorName() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Names this Navigator.
getNavigatorView() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Gets the NavigatorView that created this Navigator View.
getNavigatorView(String) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Gets the NavigatorView with a specific name.
getNavigatorViews() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
NavigatorView describes the navigator views that are requested by this HelpSet.
getNodeName(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.MergeHelpUtilities
Returns name of node
getOffset() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Returns the string representation of offset.
getOnItemCursor() - Static method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicCursorFactory
Returns the OnItem cursor.
getOpenIcon() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCCellRenderer
getParameters() - Method in class javax.help.NavigatorView
Gets parameters passed to this View.
getParams() - Method in class javax.help.InvalidNavigatorViewException
getParams() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchEvent
Returns the parameters to the query.
getParent() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns parent of FavoritesItem.
getPasteAction() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Returns the PasteAction object
getPos0() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpModelEvent
getPos1() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpModelEvent
getPreferredSize() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Overrides JComponent.getPreferredSize to return slightly taller preferred size value.
getPreferredSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI
getPreferredSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
getPreferredSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
getPreferredSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
getPreferredSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
getPreferredSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
getPreferredSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
getPreferredSize(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
getPresentation() - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Returns the presentation
getPresentation(HelpSet, String) - Static method in class javax.help.SecondaryWindow
Get a named SecondaryWindow for a given HelpSet.
getPresentation(HelpSet, String) - Static method in class javax.help.Presentation
Get a "name" Presentation given the passed HelpSet.
getPresentation(HelpSet, String) - Static method in class javax.help.Popup
create a new Popup for a given HelpSet and HelpSet.Presentation "name".
getPresentation(HelpSet, String) - Static method in class javax.help.MainWindow
Creates a new MainWindow for a given HelpSet and HelpSet.Presentation "name".
getPresentation(String) - Static method in class javax.help.SecondaryWindow
Gets a SecondaryWindow if one exists.
getPresentation(String) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Gets the HelpSet.Presentation with a specific name.
getPresentationName() - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Returns the presentation name
getPresentations() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
HelpSet.Presentation describes the presentations that are defined by this HelpSet.
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewerBeanInfo
getRemoveAction() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Returns the RemoveAction object
getScreen() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Requests the screen of the presentation
getScreen() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Requests the screen of the presentation.
getScreen() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Get ths the screen the presentation is displayed on This operation may throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying implementation does not allow this.
getScreen() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Requests the screen of the presentation.
getSearchEngine() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpSearchNavigator
Instantiates and returns a SearchEngine class.
getSearchEngine() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchQuery
Returns the SearchEngine associated with this SearchQuery.
getSearchHits() - Method in class javax.help.SearchTOCItem
getSearchItems() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchEvent
An enumerated list of SearchItems that match parameters of the query.
getSelectedItems() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Returns a list of selected items
getSelectedItems() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Returns a list of selected items from the current navigator
getSelectedNode() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Returns the selected node
getSize() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation
getSize() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Requests the size of the presentation.
getSize() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Requests the size of the presentation.
getSize() - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Requests the size of the presentation.
getSize() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Gets the size of the presentation.
getSize() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Requests the size of the presentation.
getStartOffset() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel.DefaultHighlight
Start offset
getStartOffset() - Method in interface javax.help.TextHelpModel.Highlight
Gets the starting model offset of the highlight.
getStopWords() - Method in class javax.help.search.ConfigFile
Returns the list of stopwords from a config file.
getStopWords() - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexBuilder
Returns the list of stopwords for an index.
getString(Locale, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
Versions with an explicit locale.
getString(String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
Get the Text message for the default locale.
getStringArray(Locale, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
getSynch() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Returns synchronization mode
getTarget() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns the id for this item.
getText(Locale, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
getText(Locale, String, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
getText(Locale, String, String, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
getText(Locale, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
getText(String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
getText(String, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
getText(String, String, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
getText(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
getTextColor() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the text Color of the activator text
getTextFontFamily() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the text Font family name of the activator text
getTextFontSize() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the text Font family name of the activator text
getTextFontStyle() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the text Font style of the activator text
getTextFontWeight() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the text Font weight of the activator text
getTextNonSelectionColor() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Returns the color the text is drawn with when the node is not selected.
getTextSelectionColor() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Returns the color the text is drawn with when the node is selected.
getTitle() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation
getTitle() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
getTitle() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Gets the title of this HelpSet.
getTitle() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchItem
Gets the title of the SearchItem.
getTopicImageID() - Method in class javax.help.TOCView
Returns the topic image ID.
getTransferData(DataFlavor) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns an object which represents the data to be transferred.
getTransferDataFlavors() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns an array of DataFlavor objects indicating the flavors the data can be provided in.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCCellRenderer
Configures the renderer based on the components passed in.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Configures the renderer based on the components passed in.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexCellRenderer
Configures the renderer based on the passed in components.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesCellRenderer
getUI() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Returns the HelpUI that provides the current look and feel.
getUI() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
getUI() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Returns the HelpUI that is providing the current look and feel.
getUIClassID() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpTOCNavigator
The UID for this JComponent.
getUIClassID() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpSearchNavigator
The UID for this JComponent.
getUIClassID() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpGlossaryNavigator
Returns UIClassID
getUIClassID() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpFavoritesNavigator
Gets the UID for this JComponent.
getUIClassID() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
getUIClassID() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
getUIClassID() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpIndexNavigator
Gets the UID for this JComponent.
getUIClassID() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
getURL() - Method in class javax.help.Map.ID
Returns the URL that the Map.ID refers to.
getURL() - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Returns the URL for the item.
getURL() - Method in class javax.help.SearchTOCItem
getURL() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Return the URL for this item
getURL() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpModelEvent
Returns the current URL in the HelpModel.
getURLFromID(Map.ID) - Method in class javax.help.TryMap
Gets the URL that corresponds to a given ID in the Map.
getURLFromID(Map.ID) - Method in interface javax.help.Map
Gets the URL that corresponds to a given ID in the Map.
getURLFromID(Map.ID) - Method in class javax.help.FlatMap
Gets the URL that corresponds to a given ID in the map.
getURLSpec() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns the external representation of url for this item.
getURLString(String) - Method in class javax.help.search.ConfigFile
Returns the URL filename of a file in String format.
getValue(String) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpAction
Gets one of this object's properties using the associated key.
getValue(String) - Method in class javax.help.AbstractHelpAction
Gets the Object associated with the specified key.
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.TOCItemTEI
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTEI
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.IndexItemTEI
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.NavigatorsTEI
getViewerActivator() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the viewer activator
getViewerLocation() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the viewer Location.
getViewerName() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the viewer name
getViewerSize() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the viewer's Size.
getViewerStyle() - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Returns the current ViewerStyle
getVisibleChildCount() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Returns the number of visible children
getWindowPresentation() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Get the WindowPresentation for this HelpBroker
getXMLElement() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Returns the XML element string
getXMLHeader() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Returns the XML header string
GlossaryView - class javax.help.GlossaryView.
View information for a Glossary Navigator
GlossaryView(HelpSet, String, String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.GlossaryView
Construct a GlossaryView with some given data.
GlossaryView(HelpSet, String, String, Locale, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.GlossaryView
Construct a GlossaryViewer VIew with some given data.
goBack() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Sets a previous history entry
goBack() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Sets the previous histroy entry
goForward() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Sets a next history entry
goForward() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Sets the next history entry


haveEqualID(DefaultMutableTreeNode, DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.MergeHelpUtilities
Method for comparing ID of nodes
HEADER - Static variable in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Header part of xml file
HelpAction - interface javax.help.HelpAction.
HelpBroker - interface javax.help.HelpBroker.
The HelpBroker is the default presentation of a HelpSet.
helpBrokerClass - Static variable in class javax.help.HelpSet
helpBrokerLoader - Static variable in class javax.help.HelpSet
HelpContentViewerUI - class javax.help.plaf.HelpContentViewerUI.
UI factory interface for JHelpContentViewer.
HelpContentViewerUI() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.HelpContentViewerUI
HelpHistoryModel - interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel.
The interface to the history model.
HelpHistoryModelEvent - class javax.help.event.HelpHistoryModelEvent.
Notifies interested parties that a change in a Help History Model source has occurred.
HelpHistoryModelEvent(Object, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.help.event.HelpHistoryModelEvent
Represents a history change
HelpHistoryModelListener - interface javax.help.event.HelpHistoryModelListener.
HelpModel - interface javax.help.HelpModel.
The interface to the model of a JHelp that represents the HelpSet being presented to the user.
HelpModelEvent - class javax.help.event.HelpModelEvent.
Notifies interested parties that a change in a Help Model source has occurred.
HelpModelEvent(Object, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.help.event.HelpModelEvent
Creates a HelpModelEvent for highlighting.
HelpModelEvent(Object, Map.ID, URL) - Constructor for class javax.help.event.HelpModelEvent
Represents a change in the JavaHelp in the current ID or URL.
HelpModelEvent(Object, Map.ID, URL, String, JHelpNavigator) - Constructor for class javax.help.event.HelpModelEvent
Represents a change in the JavaHelp in the current ID or URL.
HelpModelListener - interface javax.help.event.HelpModelListener.
Defines the interface for an object that listens to changes in a HelpModel.
HelpNavigatorUI - class javax.help.plaf.HelpNavigatorUI.
UI factory interface for JHelpNavigator.
HelpNavigatorUI() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.HelpNavigatorUI
HelpSet - class javax.help.HelpSet.
A HelpSet is a collection of help information consisting of a HelpSet file, table of contents (TOC), index, topic files, and Map file.
HELPSET_ADDED - Static variable in class javax.help.event.HelpSetEvent
A HelpSet was added
HELPSET_REMOVED - Static variable in class javax.help.event.HelpSetEvent
A HelpSet was removed
HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory - class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory.
The default HelpSetFactory that processes HelpSets.
HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory() - Constructor for class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
HelpSet.Presentation - class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation.
HelpSet Presentation class.
HelpSet.Presentation(String, boolean, boolean, Dimension, Point, String, Map.ID, boolean, Vector) - Constructor for class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation
HelpSet() - Constructor for class javax.help.HelpSet
Creates an empty HelpSet.
HelpSet(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class javax.help.HelpSet
Creates an empty HelpSet that one can parse into.
HelpSet(ClassLoader, URL) - Constructor for class javax.help.HelpSet
Creates a HelpSet.
helpSetAdded(HelpSetEvent) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Adds a new HelpSet to "our" HelpSet.
helpSetAdded(HelpSetEvent) - Method in interface javax.help.event.HelpSetListener
Invoked when a new HelpSet is added.
helpSetAdded(HelpSetEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
HelpSetEvent - class javax.help.event.HelpSetEvent.
Conveys information when a HelpSet is added/removed.
HelpSetEvent(Object, HelpSet, int) - Constructor for class javax.help.event.HelpSetEvent
Creates a HelpSetEvent.
HelpSetException - exception javax.help.HelpSetException.
This exeception reports generic failures in HelpSet.
HelpSetException(String) - Constructor for class javax.help.HelpSetException
Constructs a HelpSetException with a specified detailed message.
HelpSetFactory.HelpAction - class javax.help.HelpSetFactory.HelpAction.
Internal storage of HelpAction defined in a Presentaion
HelpSetFactory.HelpAction(String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.HelpSetFactory.HelpAction
HelpSetListener - interface javax.help.event.HelpSetListener.
Defines the interface of an object that listens to changes in the HelpSet.
helpSetRemoved(HelpSetEvent) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Removes a HelpSet from "our" HelpSet.
helpSetRemoved(HelpSetEvent) - Method in interface javax.help.event.HelpSetListener
Invoked when a new HelpSet is removed.
helpSetRemoved(HelpSetEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
HelpUI - class javax.help.plaf.HelpUI.
UI factory interface for JHelp.
HelpUI() - Constructor for class javax.help.plaf.HelpUI
HelpUtilities - class javax.help.HelpUtilities.
Provides a number of utility functions: Support for Beans, mapping from a Bean class to its HelpSet and to its ID.
HelpUtilities() - Constructor for class javax.help.HelpUtilities
highlightsChanged(TextHelpModelEvent) - Method in interface javax.help.event.TextHelpModelListener
Invoked when the set of highlights changess.
highlightsChanged(TextHelpModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI
Determines if highlights have changed.
highlightsChanged(TextHelpModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
Determines if highlights have changed.
historyChanged(HelpHistoryModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.ForwardAction
Tells the listener that the history has changed.
historyChanged(HelpHistoryModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.BackAction
Tells the listener that the history has changed.
historyChanged(HelpHistoryModelEvent) - Method in interface javax.help.event.HelpHistoryModelListener
Tells the listener that the history has changed.
hitCount() - Method in class javax.help.SearchTOCItem
HomeAction - class javax.help.HomeAction.
HomeAction(Object) - Constructor for class javax.help.HomeAction
Creates new HomeAction
hs - Variable in class javax.help.Map.ID
hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
Notification of a change relative to a hyperlink.


id - Variable in class javax.help.Map.ID
idChanged(HelpModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Tells the listener that the current ID in the HelpModel has changed.
idChanged(HelpModelEvent) - Method in interface javax.help.event.HelpModelListener
Tells the listener that the current ID in the HelpModel has changed.
idChanged(HelpModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI
idChanged(HelpModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
Processes an idChanged event.
idChanged(HelpModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
idChanged(HelpModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Processes and idChanged event.
idChanged(HelpModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
Processes an idChanged event.
idChanged(HelpModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
idChanged(HelpModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
implRegistry - Static variable in class javax.help.HelpSet
Information for implementation customization.
IndexBuilder - class javax.help.search.IndexBuilder.
Abstract base class that builds an index for a search database.
IndexBuilder(String) - Constructor for class javax.help.search.IndexBuilder
Builds an index at indexDir.
IndexerKit - class javax.help.search.IndexerKit.
Establishes the requirements of an indexing object for a type of text content.
IndexerKit() - Constructor for class javax.help.search.IndexerKit
IndexItem - class javax.help.IndexItem.
A class for individual index items.
IndexItem() - Constructor for class javax.help.IndexItem
Create a default IndexItem.
IndexItem(Map.ID, HelpSet, Locale) - Constructor for class javax.help.IndexItem
Create an IndexItem.
IndexItem(Map.ID, Locale) - Constructor for class javax.help.IndexItem
Create an IndexItem defaulting the HelpSet to that of its ID.
IndexItemTag - class javax.help.tagext.IndexItemTag.
The JSP tag class for an IndexItem
IndexItemTag() - Constructor for class javax.help.tagext.IndexItemTag
IndexItemTEI - class javax.help.tagext.IndexItemTEI.
The JSP tag extra info class for an IndexItem
IndexItemTEI() - Constructor for class javax.help.tagext.IndexItemTEI
IndexView - class javax.help.IndexView.
Navigational View information for an Index
IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory - class javax.help.IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory.
A default TreeItemFactory that can be used to parse TOC items as used by this navigator.
IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory() - Constructor for class javax.help.IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory
IndexView(HelpSet, String, String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.IndexView
Construct an IndexView with some given data.
IndexView(HelpSet, String, String, Locale, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.IndexView
Constructs an IndexView with some given data.
initialize() - Method in class javax.help.tagext.NavigatorsTag
initPresentation() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Initializes the presentation.
initPresentation() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Initializes the presentation.
initPresentation() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Initializes the presentation.
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
inTOC() - Method in class javax.help.SearchTOCItem
InvalidHelpSetContextException - exception javax.help.InvalidHelpSetContextException.
The HelpSet is not a (transitive) sub-HelpSet of some context HelpSet.
InvalidHelpSetContextException(String, HelpSet, HelpSet) - Constructor for class javax.help.InvalidHelpSetContextException
Create the exception.
InvalidNavigatorViewException - exception javax.help.InvalidNavigatorViewException.
JHelpNavigator cannot deal with given NavigatorView.
InvalidNavigatorViewException(String, HelpSet, String, String, Locale, String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.InvalidNavigatorViewException
Create an exception.
isActive() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchQuery
Determines if this SearchQuery is active.
isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns whether or not the specified data flavor is supported for this object.
isDestroyedOnExit() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Determines if the presentation should be distroyed on exit
isDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Determines if the presentation is displayed.
isDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Determines if the presentation is displayed.
isDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Determines if the presentation is displayed.
isDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.Popup
isDisplayed() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Determines if the presentation is visible.
isDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Determines if the presentation is displayed.
isEnabled() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpAction
Getter for property enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class javax.help.AbstractHelpAction
Getter for property enabled.
isFolder() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns whether or not this item is folder.
isID(URL) - Method in class javax.help.TryMap
Determines if the URL corresponds to an ID in the Map.
isID(URL) - Method in interface javax.help.Map
Determines if the URL corresponds to an ID in the Map.
isID(URL) - Method in class javax.help.FlatMap
Determines if the URL corresponds to an ID in the Map.
isLeaf() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Returns whether or not this item is leaf
isNavigatorDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Determines if the Navigators are hidden/displayed in the HelpUI.
isNext() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpHistoryModelEvent
Returns if action "next" is allowed
isPrevious() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpHistoryModelEvent
Returns if action "previous" is allowed.
isSearchCompleted() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchEvent
A boolean value that indicates if the search is completed.
isStringInString(RuleBasedCollator, String, String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
Returns information about whether a string is contained in another string.
isTitleSetFromDocument() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Is the title set from the Document.
isToolbar() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation
isToolbarDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Determines if the toolbar is visible.
isToolbarDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Determines if the Navigators are hidden/displayed in the HelpUI.
isValidID(String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.TryMap
Determines if the ID is valid (known to in the project file).
isValidID(String, HelpSet) - Method in interface javax.help.Map
Determines if the ID is valid (defined in the map file).
isValidID(String, HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.FlatMap
Determines whether the given ID is valid.
isViewDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation
isViewDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Determines if the current view is visible.
isViewDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Determines if the current view is visible.
isViewDisplayed() - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Determines if the Navigational View is visible.
isViewDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Determines if the current view is visible.
isViewImagesDisplayed() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.Presentation
isVisible() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Returns wheter node is visible or not
isVisible() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
itemsFound(boolean, Vector) - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchQuery
Notifies that query of items is found in the search.
itemsFound(SearchEvent) - Method in interface javax.help.search.SearchListener
Tells the listener that matching SearchItems have been found.
itemsFound(SearchEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
itemsFound(SearchEvent) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTag


javax.help - package javax.help
Supports presentation of online documentation with both content and contextual views of this information.
javax.help.event - package javax.help.event
Supports event changes in JavaHelp classes.
javax.help.plaf - package javax.help.plaf
Supports access to Component UI classes.
javax.help.plaf.basic - package javax.help.plaf.basic
javax.help.search - package javax.help.search
Supports simple access to search engines.
javax.help.tagext - package javax.help.tagext
JHelp - class javax.help.JHelp.
Displays HelpSet data with navigators and a content viewer.
JHelp() - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelp
Create a JHelp component without a TextHelpModel.
JHelp(HelpSet) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelp
Create a JHelp with a JHelpContentViewer and all Navigators requested in the HelpSet.
JHelp(TextHelpModel) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelp
Create a JHelp using the TextHelpModel.
JHelp(TextHelpModel, HelpHistoryModel, HelpSet.Presentation) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelp
Create a JHelp using the TextHelpModel and HelpHistoryModel
JHelpContentViewer - class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer.
A component to represent the Help viewer that can be embedded if desired.
JHelpContentViewer() - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Creates a JHelp with a default TextHelpModel.
JHelpContentViewer(HelpSet) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Creates a JHelp with an instance of DefaultHelpModel as its data model.
JHelpContentViewer(TextHelpModel) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Creates a JHelp with an specific TextHelpModel as its data model.
JHelpFavoritesNavigator - class javax.help.JHelpFavoritesNavigator.
JHelpFavoritesNavigator is a JHelpNavigator for Favorites.
JHelpFavoritesNavigator(HelpSet, String, String, URL) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpFavoritesNavigator
Creates an Index navigator with explicit arguments.
JHelpFavoritesNavigator(NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpFavoritesNavigator
Creates an Index navigator.
JHelpFavoritesNavigator(NavigatorView, HelpModel) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpFavoritesNavigator
Creates a Index navigator.
JHelpGlossaryNavigator - class javax.help.JHelpGlossaryNavigator.
JHelpGlossaryNavigator is a JHelpNavigator for a Glossary
JHelpGlossaryNavigator(HelpSet, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpGlossaryNavigator
Creates JHelpGlossaryNavigator from given HelpSet, name and title
JHelpGlossaryNavigator(NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpGlossaryNavigator
Creates JHelpGlossaryNavigator from given GlossaryView
JHelpGlossaryNavigator(NavigatorView, HelpModel) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpGlossaryNavigator
Creates JHelpGlossaryNavigator from given GlossaryView and HelpModel
JHelpIndexNavigator - class javax.help.JHelpIndexNavigator.
JHelpIndexNavigator is a JHelpNavigator for an Index.
JHelpIndexNavigator(HelpSet, String, String, URL) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpIndexNavigator
Creates an Index navigator with explicit arguments.
JHelpIndexNavigator(NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpIndexNavigator
Creates an Index navigator.
JHelpIndexNavigator(NavigatorView, HelpModel) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpIndexNavigator
Creates a Index navigator.
JHelpNavigator - class javax.help.JHelpNavigator.
A JHelpNavigator is a control that presents navigational help data.
JHelpNavigator(NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Returns a JHelpNavigator with an instance of DefaultHelpModel as its data model.
JHelpNavigator(NavigatorView, HelpModel) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Constructs a JHelpNavigator from some view and with a preexisting model and in default initial state of navigation entries.
JHelpSearchNavigator - class javax.help.JHelpSearchNavigator.
A JHelpNavigator for search data.
JHelpSearchNavigator(HelpSet, String, String, URL) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpSearchNavigator
Creates a TOC navigator with explicit arguments.
JHelpSearchNavigator(NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpSearchNavigator
Creates a Search navigator
JHelpSearchNavigator(NavigatorView, HelpModel) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpSearchNavigator
Creates a Search navigator.
JHelpTOCNavigator - class javax.help.JHelpTOCNavigator.
A JHelpNavigator for a TOC.
JHelpTOCNavigator(HelpSet, String, String, URL) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpTOCNavigator
Creates a TOC navigator with explicit arguments.
JHelpTOCNavigator(NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpTOCNavigator
Create a TOC navigator
JHelpTOCNavigator(NavigatorView, HelpModel) - Constructor for class javax.help.JHelpTOCNavigator
Creates a TOC navigator.
JHSecondaryViewer - class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer.
This class is a secondary viewer to be included in HTML content within JHContentViewer.
JHSecondaryViewer() - Constructor for class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Create a secondaryviewer.
JHSecondaryViewerBeanInfo - class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewerBeanInfo.
This class provides information about getter/setter methods within JHSecondaryWindow.
JHSecondaryViewerBeanInfo() - Constructor for class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewerBeanInfo


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Invoked when a key is pressed.
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Invoked when a key is released.
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Invoked when a key is typed.
kitLoaderRegistry - Static variable in class javax.help.HelpSet
kitTypeRegistry - Static variable in class javax.help.HelpSet
HelpSet context information.


LINK_BUTTON - Static variable in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
LINK_LABEL - Static variable in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
listMessages() - Method in class javax.help.IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory
Lists all the error messages.
listMessages() - Method in class javax.help.TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory
Lists all the error messages.
listMessages() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory
Lists all the error messages.
listMessages() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
Enumerates all the error messages.
listMessages() - Method in interface javax.help.TreeItemFactory
Lists all the error messages.
localeFromLang(String) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpUtilities
Convenient method for creating a locale from a lang string.


MainWindow - class javax.help.MainWindow.
MainWindow is a class that will create a single main help window for an application.
Map - interface javax.help.Map.
A Map is the interface to ID<->URL mapping.
Map.ID - class javax.help.Map.ID.
An ID is a pair of String, HelpSet.
markNodes(DefaultMutableTreeNode, DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.MergeHelpUtilities
Marks nodes with the same name but diferent IDs with their HelpSet title
Merge - class javax.help.Merge.
Common superclass for all merge types
Merge.DefaultMergeFactory - class javax.help.Merge.DefaultMergeFactory.
Default Merge factory which creates concrete Merge objects
Merge.DefaultMergeFactory() - Constructor for class javax.help.Merge.DefaultMergeFactory
merge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpTOCNavigator
Merges a NavigatorView into this instance.
merge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpSearchNavigator
Merges a NavigatorView into this instance.
merge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Merged a NavigatorView into this instance.
merge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpIndexNavigator
Merges some NavigatorView into this instance.
merge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.search.MergingSearchEngine
Adds/Removes a Search Engine to/from list.
merge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.HelpNavigatorUI
Merges a Navigator View.
merge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
Merges in the navigational data from another NavigatorView.
merge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
Merges in the navigational data from another TOCView.
merge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
Merges in the navigational data from another TOCView.
merge(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
Merges in the navigational data from another IndexView.
MergeHelpUtilities - class javax.help.MergeHelpUtilities.
Common utilities for merge types
MergeHelpUtilities() - Constructor for class javax.help.MergeHelpUtilities
mergeNodeChildren(String, DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.MergeHelpUtilities
Merge a nodes children according the merging rules of the node's merge type
mergeNodeChildren(TreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.UniteAppendMerge
Merge Node Children.
mergeNodeChildren(TreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.SortMerge
Merge Node Children.
mergeNodeChildren(TreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.NoMerge
Merge Node Children.
mergeNodeChildren(TreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.Merge
Merge Node Children.
mergeNodeChildren(TreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.AppendMerge
Merge Node Children.
mergeNodes(String, DefaultMutableTreeNode, DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.MergeHelpUtilities
Merge the nodes according the merging rules of the masterNode's merge type
mergeNodes(TreeNode, TreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.UniteAppendMerge
Merge Nodes.
mergeNodes(TreeNode, TreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.SortMerge
Merge Nodes.
mergeNodes(TreeNode, TreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.NoMerge
Merge Nodes.
mergeNodes(TreeNode, TreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.Merge
Merge Nodes.
mergeNodes(TreeNode, TreeNode) - Static method in class javax.help.AppendMerge
Merge Nodes.
MergingSearchEngine - class javax.help.search.MergingSearchEngine.
MergingSearchEngine(NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.search.MergingSearchEngine
MergingSearchEngine(SearchEngine) - Constructor for class javax.help.search.MergingSearchEngine
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.ForwardAction
Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on a component.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.BackAction
Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on a component.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.ForwardAction
Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.BackAction
Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.ForwardAction
Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.BackAction
Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.ForwardAction
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.BackAction
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PopupListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.ForwardAction
Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.BackAction
Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI.PopupListener


NavigatorsTag - class javax.help.tagext.NavigatorsTag.
The JSP tag class for a Navigators
NavigatorsTag() - Constructor for class javax.help.tagext.NavigatorsTag
NavigatorsTEI - class javax.help.tagext.NavigatorsTEI.
The JSP tag extra info class for navigators
NavigatorsTEI() - Constructor for class javax.help.tagext.NavigatorsTEI
NavigatorView - class javax.help.NavigatorView.
Navigational View information
NoMerge - class javax.help.NoMerge.
No merge type
NoMerge(NavigatorView, NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.NoMerge
Constructs NoMerge


openDocument(String) - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexBuilder
Opens a document to store information.


paint(Graphics) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Paints the value.
parse(HelpSet, Locale, TreeItemFactory) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView
Public method for parsing the Favorites in a URL.
parse(Reader, String, boolean, IndexBuilder, ConfigFile) - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexerKit
Parses content from the given stream.
parse(URL, ClassLoader, HelpSetFactory) - Static method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Parsed a HelpSet file.
parse(URL, HelpSet, Locale, TreeItemFactory) - Static method in class javax.help.TOCView
Public method for parsing a TOC in a URL.
parse(URL, HelpSet, Locale, TreeItemFactory) - Static method in class javax.help.IndexView
Public method for parsing an Index in a URL.
parse(URL, HelpSet, Locale, TreeItemFactory, TOCView) - Static method in class javax.help.TOCView
Public method for parsing a TOC in a URL.
parseInto(URL, HelpSetFactory) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Parses into this HelpSet.
parseIntoTokens(String, int) - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexerKit
Parses a string into tokens and stores the tokens.
parsingEnded(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class javax.help.IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory
Parsing has ended.
parsingEnded(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class javax.help.TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory
Ends parsing.
parsingEnded(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory
Parsing has ended.
parsingEnded(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in interface javax.help.TreeItemFactory
Ends parsing.
parsingEnded(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
Parsing has ended.
parsingStarted(URL) - Method in class javax.help.IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory
Parsing has started
parsingStarted(URL) - Method in class javax.help.TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory
Starts parsing.
parsingStarted(URL) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory
Parsing has started
parsingStarted(URL) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
Parsing starts.
parsingStarted(URL) - Method in interface javax.help.TreeItemFactory
Starts parsing.
Popup - class javax.help.Popup.
Popup is a Presentation class that will create a popup help window for an application.
POPUP - Static variable in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Presentation - class javax.help.Presentation.
Presentation is an abstract class providing a generic interface for the development of alternative Presentations.
Presentation() - Constructor for class javax.help.Presentation
PrintAction - class javax.help.PrintAction.
PrintAction(Object) - Constructor for class javax.help.PrintAction
Creates new BackAction
PrintSetupAction - class javax.help.PrintSetupAction.
PrintSetupAction(Object) - Constructor for class javax.help.PrintSetupAction
Creates new BackAction
processDOCTYPE(String, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory
Process a DOCTYPE
processDOCTYPE(String, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory
Processes a DOCTYPE.
processDOCTYPE(String, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory
Process a DOCTYPE
processDOCTYPE(String, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
Process a DOCTYPE
processDOCTYPE(String, String, String) - Method in interface javax.help.TreeItemFactory
Processes a DOCTYPE.
processHomeID(HelpSet, String) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
A HomeID is found.
processMapRef(HelpSet, Hashtable) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
process a <mapref>
processMerge(TreeNode) - Method in class javax.help.UniteAppendMerge
Processes unite-append merge
processMerge(TreeNode) - Method in class javax.help.SortMerge
Processes sort merge
processMerge(TreeNode) - Method in class javax.help.NoMerge
Processes no merge
processMerge(TreeNode) - Method in class javax.help.Merge
Processes merge.
processMerge(TreeNode) - Method in class javax.help.AppendMerge
Processes append merge
processPI(HelpSet, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory
We have found a PI; ignore it
processPI(HelpSet, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory
Finds a PI--ignore it.
processPI(HelpSet, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory
We have found a PI; ignore it
processPI(HelpSet, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
Processes a PI
processPI(HelpSet, String, String) - Method in interface javax.help.TreeItemFactory
A Processing Instruction.
processPresentation(HelpSet, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, Dimension, Point, String, String, boolean, Vector) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
processSubHelpSet(HelpSet, Hashtable) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
Called when a sub-HelpSet is found.
processTitle(HelpSet, String) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
A title is found
processView(HelpSet, String, String, String, Hashtable, String, Hashtable, Locale) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.SwingHelpUtilities
The PropertyChange method is used to track changes to LookAndFeel via the "lookAndFeel" property.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.PrintSetupAction
This method gets called when a bound property is changed.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.PrintAction
This method gets called when a bound property is changed.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
publicIDString - Static variable in class javax.help.TOCView
PublicID (known to this XML processor) to the DTD for version 1.0 of the TOC.
publicIDString - Static variable in class javax.help.IndexView
PublicID (known to this XML processor) to the DTD for version 1.0 of the Index
publicIDString - Static variable in class javax.help.HelpSet
PublicID (known to this XML processor) to the DTD for version 1.0 of the HelpSet
publicIDString - Static variable in class javax.help.FlatMap
PublicID (known to this XML processor) to the DTD for version 1.0 of the Map
publicIDString - Static variable in class javax.help.FavoritesView
PublicID (known to this XML processor) to the DTD for version 2.0 of the Index
publicIDString_V2 - Static variable in class javax.help.TOCView
PublicID (known to this XML processor) to the DTD for version 2.0 of the TOC.
publicIDString_V2 - Static variable in class javax.help.IndexView
PublicID (known to this XML processor) to the DTD for version 2.0 of the Index
publicIDString_V2 - Static variable in class javax.help.HelpSet
PublicID (known to this XML processor) to the DTD for version 2.0 of the HelpSet
publicIDString_V2 - Static variable in class javax.help.FlatMap
PublicID (known to this XML processor) to the DTD for version 1.0 of the Map
putValue(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpAction
Sets one of this object's properties using the associated key.
putValue(String, Object) - Method in class javax.help.AbstractHelpAction
Sets the Value associated with the specified key.


reload() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Reloads the content
ReloadAction - class javax.help.ReloadAction.
ReloadAction(Object) - Constructor for class javax.help.ReloadAction
Creates new ReloadAction
remove(Class, EventListener) - Method in class javax.help.event.EventListenerList
Removes the listener as a listener of the specified type.
remove(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Removes the child node.
remove(FavoritesItem) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Removes FavoritesItem from vector of children.
remove(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Removes a HelpSet from this HelpSet; HelpSetEvents are generated Return True if it is found, otherwise false.
remove(Map) - Method in class javax.help.TryMap
Removes a Map from this "filter" Map.
remove(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpTOCNavigator
Removes a NavigatorView from this instance.
remove(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpSearchNavigator
Removes a NavigatorView from this instance.
remove(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Removes a NavigatorView from this instance.
remove(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpIndexNavigator
Removes a NavigatorView from this instance.
remove(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.search.MergingSearchEngine
remove(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.HelpNavigatorUI
Removes a Navigator View.
remove(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
Removes the navigational data from another NavigatorView.
remove(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
Removes the navigational data from another GlossaryView.
remove(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
Removes the navigational data.
remove(NavigatorView) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
Removes the navigational data from another IndexView.
removeAllHighlights() - Method in interface javax.help.TextHelpModel
Removes all highlights on the current document.
removeAllHighlights() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Removes any Highlights.
removeAllHighlights() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Removes highlights.
removeAllManagers() - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Removes all managers from manager list.
removeHelpHistoryModelListener(HelpHistoryModelListener) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Removes a listener previously added with addHelpHistoryModelListener
removeHelpHistoryModelListener(HelpHistoryModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Removes a listener previously added with addHelpHistoryModelListener
removeHelpModelListener(HelpModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Removes a listener previously added with addHelpModelListener.
removeHelpModelListener(HelpModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Removes a listener previously added with addHelpModelListener
removeHelpModelListener(HelpModelListener) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Removes a listener previously added with addHelpModelListener
removeHelpModelListener(HelpModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Removes a listener previously added with addHelpListener
removeHelpModelListener(TextHelpModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Removes a listener previously added with addTextHelpModelListener
removeHelpNavigator(JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Removes a navigator.
removeHelpSet(HelpSet) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Removes entries related to removed HelpSet from history
removeHelpSet(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Removes entries related to removed HelpSet from history
removeHelpSetListener(HelpSetListener) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Removes a listener previously added with addHelpSetListener
removeLastEntry() - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Removes the last history entry
removeManager(CSH.Manager) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Removes the first occurrence of the specified manager in manager list.
removeManager(int) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Removes the manager at the specified position in manager list.
removeNavigator(JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.HelpUI
Remove a Navigator.
removeNavigator(JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Removes a listener monitoring changes to the properties in this model
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpAction
Removes a PropertyChange listener.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Removes a listener to changes to the properties in this model.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class javax.help.AbstractHelpAction
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removeSearchListener(SearchListener) - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchQuery
Removes a listener previously added with addSearchListener.
removeTextHelpModelListener(TextHelpModelListener) - Method in interface javax.help.TextHelpModel
Removes a listener for a TextHelpModel.
removeTextHelpModelListener(TextHelpModelListener) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Removes a listener previously added with addHelpListener
reportMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.help.IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory
Reports an error message.
reportMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.help.TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory
Reports an error message.
reportMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory
Reports an error message.
reportMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory
Reports an error message.
reportMessage(String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.help.TreeItemFactory
Reports a parsing error.


saveFavorites() - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Saves favorites to the file
saveFavorites(FavoritesNode) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesView
Saves favorites file
SearchEngine - class javax.help.search.SearchEngine.
Defines the methods used to access a search engine.
SearchEngine() - Constructor for class javax.help.search.SearchEngine
Creates a SearchEngine.
SearchEngine(URL, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.search.SearchEngine
Creates a SearchEngine using the standard JavaHelp SearchEngine parameters.
SearchEvent - class javax.help.search.SearchEvent.
Encapsulates information that describes changes to a SearchQuery.
SearchEvent(Object, String, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.help.search.SearchEvent
Represents a change in the SearchEngine.
SearchEvent(Object, String, boolean, Vector) - Constructor for class javax.help.search.SearchEvent
Represents a change in the SearchEngine.
searchFinished(SearchEvent) - Method in interface javax.help.search.SearchListener
Tells the listener that the search has finished
searchFinished(SearchEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
searchFinished(SearchEvent) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTag
SearchHit - class javax.help.SearchHit.
Stores search information for individual Search hits.
SearchHit(double, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.help.SearchHit
SearchItem - class javax.help.search.SearchItem.
A SearchItem corresponds to one specific item found in a search query.
SearchItem(URL, String, String, String, double, int, int, Vector) - Constructor for class javax.help.search.SearchItem
Constructs a SearchItem
SearchListener - interface javax.help.search.SearchListener.
Defines the interface for an object that listens to changes from a SearchQuery instance.
SearchQuery - class javax.help.search.SearchQuery.
The instance of a query on a search database.
SearchQuery(SearchEngine) - Constructor for class javax.help.search.SearchQuery
Creates a SearchQuery.
searchStarted(SearchEvent) - Method in interface javax.help.search.SearchListener
Tells the listener that the search has started.
searchStarted(SearchEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
searchStarted(SearchEvent) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTag
SearchTOCItem - class javax.help.SearchTOCItem.
Stores Search TOC items.
SearchTOCItem(Map.ID, Map.ID, HelpSet, Locale) - Constructor for class javax.help.SearchTOCItem
SearchTOCItem(SearchItem) - Constructor for class javax.help.SearchTOCItem
SearchTOCItemTag - class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTag.
The JSP tag extra info class for an SearchTOCItem
SearchTOCItemTag() - Constructor for class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTag
SearchTOCItemTEI - class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTEI.
The JSP tag extra info class for an SearchTOCItem
SearchTOCItemTEI() - Constructor for class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTEI
SearchView - class javax.help.SearchView.
Navigational View information for a Search
SearchView(HelpSet, String, String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.SearchView
Constructs a SearchView with some given data.
SearchView(HelpSet, String, String, Locale, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.SearchView
Constructs a SearchView with some given data.
SECONDARY_WINDOW - Static variable in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
SecondaryWindow - class javax.help.SecondaryWindow.
MainWindowPresentation is a class that will create a single main help window for an application.
SeparatorAction - class javax.help.SeparatorAction.
SeparatorAction(Object) - Constructor for class javax.help.SeparatorAction
ServletHelpBroker - class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker.
An implmentation of the HelpBroker interface for Servlets
ServletHelpBroker() - Constructor for class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Zero-argument constructor.
setActivationObject(Object) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Set the activation window from given Component or MenuItem.
setActivationObject(Object) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Set the activation window from given Component or MenuItem.
setActivationWindow(Window) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Set the activation window.
setActivationWindow(Window) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Set the activation window.
setAsFolder() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Sets this item as folder.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Subclassed to only accept the color if it is not a ColorUIResource.
setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Sets the background color to be used for unselected nodes.
setBackgroundSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Sets the color to use for the background if the node is selected.
setBaseID(String) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.TOCItemTag
setBaseID(String) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.IndexItemTag
setBorderSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Sets the color to use for the border.
setCategoryClosedImageID(String) - Method in class javax.help.TOCView
Set the default category closed image ID.
setCategoryOpenImageID(String) - Method in class javax.help.TOCView
Set the default category open image ID.
setContent(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Set the content for the secondary viewer
setContentViewerUI(String) - Static method in class javax.help.SwingHelpUtilities
Set the default ContentViewerUI param cvUI - full class name of the content viewer UI
setCurrentID(Map.ID) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Displays this ID--HelpVisitListeners are notified.
setCurrentID(Map.ID) - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Displays this ID--HelpVisitListeners are notified.
setCurrentID(Map.ID) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Visits a given ID.
setCurrentID(Map.ID) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Visits a given ID.
setCurrentID(Map.ID) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Sets the current ID relative to some HelpSet HelpModelListeners and HelpVisitListeners are notified
setCurrentID(Map.ID) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Displays this ID.
setCurrentID(Map.ID) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Sets the current ID.
setCurrentID(Map.ID) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Displays this ID--HelpVisitListeners are notified.
setCurrentID(Map.ID, String, JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Visits a given ID.
setCurrentID(Map.ID, String, JHelpNavigator) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Sets the current ID relative to some HelpSet HelpModelListeners and HelpVisitListeners are notified
setCurrentID(Map.ID, String, JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Sets the current ID relative to some HelpSet HelpModelListeners and HelpVisitListeners are notified
setCurrentID(String) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Shows this ID as content relative to the (top) HelpSet for the HelpBroker instance--HelpVisitListeners are notified.
setCurrentID(String) - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Shows this ID as content relative to the (top) HelpSet for the Presentation instance--HelpVisitListeners are notified.
setCurrentID(String) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Visits a given ID.
setCurrentID(String) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Convenience version of the above.
setCurrentID(String) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Displays this ID.
setCurrentID(String) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Shows this ID as content relative to the (top) HelpSet for the HelpBroker instance--HelpVisitListeners are notified.
setCurrentID(String) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.ValidateTag
setCurrentNav(String) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.NavigatorsTag
setCurrentNavigator(JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Sets the current navigator in the HelpUI.
setCurrentNavigator(JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.HelpUI
Sets the current Navigator.
setCurrentNavigator(JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
Sets the current Navigator.
setCurrentURL(URL) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Displays this URL.
setCurrentURL(URL) - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
sets the current URL.
setCurrentURL(URL) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Visits a given URL.
setCurrentURL(URL) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Visits a given URL.
setCurrentURL(URL) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Sets the current URL.
setCurrentURL(URL) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Displays this ID.
setCurrentURL(URL) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Sets the current URL.
setCurrentURL(URL) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Displays this URL.
setCurrentURL(URL, String, JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Visits a given URL.
setCurrentURL(URL, String, JHelpNavigator) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Sets the current URL and the name wich will appear in history list.
setCurrentURL(URL, String, JHelpNavigator) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Sets the current URL and the name wich will appear in history list.
setCurrentView(String) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Set the currentView to the navigator with the same name as the name parameter.
setCurrentView(String) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Set the currentView to the navigator with the same name as the name parameter.
setCurrentView(String) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Activates the Navigator view with a given name.
setCurrentView(String) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Set the currentView to the navigator with the same name as the name parameter.
setDestroyOnExit(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Destory the window on exit
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Displays the presentation to the user.
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Displays the presentation to the user.
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Displays the presentation to the user.
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.Popup
Displays the presentation to the user
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Displays the presentation to the user.
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Displays the presentation to the user.
setDocumentTitle(String) - Method in interface javax.help.TextHelpModel
Sets the title of the document.
setDocumentTitle(String) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Assigns the document title.
setEditorKit(String, EditorKit) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpAction
Setter for property enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.AbstractHelpAction
Setter for property enabled.
setExpansionType(int) - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Sets the expansion type
setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Sets the font for this this WindowPresentation.
setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Sets the font for this this HelpBroker.
setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Sets the font for this this Presentation.
setFont(Font) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Sets the font for this HelpBroker.
setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Sets the font for this this HelpBroker.
setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Subclassed to only accept the font if it is not a FontUIResource.
setHelpBroker(HelpBroker) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTag
setHelpBroker(HelpBroker) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.TOCItemTag
setHelpBroker(HelpBroker) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.ValidateTag
setHelpBroker(HelpBroker) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.IndexItemTag
setHelpBroker(HelpBroker) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.NavigatorsTag
setHelpIDString(Component, String) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Sets the helpID for a Component.
setHelpIDString(MenuItem, String) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Sets the helpID for a MenuItem.
setHelpModel(HelpModel) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Sets the HelpModel
setHelpModel(HelpModel) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Sets a new HelpModel
setHelpSet(Component, HelpSet) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Sets the static HelpSet for a Component.
setHelpSet(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Changes the HelpSet for this presentation.
setHelpSet(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Changes the HelpSet for this broker.
setHelpSet(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Set the HelpSet for this TreeItem.
setHelpSet(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Changes the HelpSet for this presentation.
setHelpSet(HelpSet) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpModel
Sets the loaded (aka "top") HelpSet for this model.
setHelpSet(HelpSet) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Sets the current HelpSet for this HelpBroker.
setHelpSet(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Sets the HelpSet for this HelpModel.
setHelpSet(HelpSet) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Changes the HelpSet for this broker.
setHelpSet(MenuItem, HelpSet) - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Sets the static HelpSet for a MenuItem.
setHelpSetName(String) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.ValidateTag
setHelpSetPresentation(HelpSet.Presentation) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Set the Presentation attributes specific to WindowPresentations from a named presentation in a HelpSet.
setHelpSetPresentation(HelpSet.Presentation) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
setHelpSetPresentation(HelpSet.Presentation) - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Set the Presentation attributes from a named presentation in a HelpSet.
setHelpSetPresentation(HelpSet.Presentation) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Set the HelpSet.Presentation.
setHelpSetPresentation(HelpSet.Presentation) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Sets the presentation attributes from a HelpSet.Presentation.
setHelpSetPresentation(HelpSet.Presentation) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Set the presentation attributes from a HelpSet.Presentation.
setHelpSetSpec(String) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Set the URL to the HelpSet.
setHighlights(TextHelpModel.Highlight[]) - Method in interface javax.help.TextHelpModel
Sets the highlights to be a range of positions in a document.
setHighlights(TextHelpModel.Highlight[]) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel
Set highlights.
setHistoryEntry(int) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpHistoryModel
Sets the current history entry
setHistoryEntry(int) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpHistoryModel
Sets the current history entry
setHomeID(String) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Sets the Home ID for a HelpSet.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.HelpNavigatorUI
Sets the icon for this HelpNavigator.
setIconByID(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the icon in the activator by id.
setIconByName(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the icon in the activator by url or id.
setID(Map.ID) - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Set the ID for the item.
setId(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Set the ID for content in the secondary viewer
setIndexView(IndexView) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.IndexItemTag
setInvalidURL(String) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.ValidateTag
setInvoker(Component) - Method in class javax.help.Popup
Set the invoking component for this popup.
setInvokerInternalBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class javax.help.Popup
Set the the internal bounds for an invoker.
setKeyData(Object, String, Object) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Sets some local KeyData on a given context.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Sets the locale of this Presentation.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Sets the locale of this HelpBroker.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Sets the locale of this Presentation.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Sets the locale of this HelpBroker.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Sets the locale of this HelpBroker.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexerKit
Sets the locale for string tokenizing.
setLocale(String) - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexerKit
Convenience method for setting the locale from a lang string Takes the lang string in the form of "language_country_variant".
setLocalMap(Map) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Set the Map for this HelpSet.
setLocation(Point) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Requests the presentation be located at a given position.
setLocation(Point) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Requests the presentation be located at a given position.
setLocation(Point) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Sets the position of the presentation.
setLocation(Point) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Requests the presentation be located at a given position.
setMerge(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.ValidateTag
setMergeType(String) - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Sets the merge type
setModel(HelpModel) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Sets the HelpModel that provides the data.
setModel(TextHelpModel) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Sets the HelpModel that provides the data.
setModel(TextHelpModel) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Sets the HelpModel that provides the data.
setName(String) - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Sets the name of the item.
setNavigatorDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Hidess/Displays the Navigators in the HelpUI.
setParent(FavoritesItem) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
Sets the parent of this item.
setPresentation(String) - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Sets the presentation
setPresentationName(String) - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Sets the presentation name
setQuery(String) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTag
setScreen(int) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Sets the screen of the presentation
setScreen(int) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Requests the presentation be set to a given screen.
setScreen(int) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Set the screen the presentation is to be displayed on This operation may throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying implementation does not allow this.
setScreen(int) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Requests the presentation be set to a given screen.
setSearchEngine(SearchEngine) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpSearchNavigator
Explicitly changes the default (overriding what is in the HelpSet).
setSearchView(SearchView) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.SearchTOCItemTag
setSelectedItems(TreeItem[]) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Sets the list of selected items
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Requests the presentation be set to a given size.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Requests the presentation be set to a given size.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.help.Presentation
Requests the presentation be set to a given size.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Sets the size of the presentation.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Requests the presentation be set to a given size.
setSynch(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Sets synchronization of this JHelpContentViewer with navigators.
setTextColor(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the text Color for the activator text.
setTextFontFamily(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the text Font family for the activator text.
setTextFontSize(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the text size for the activator text.
setTextFontStyle(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the text Font Style for the activator text.
setTextFontWeight(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the text Font Weigth for the activator text.
setTextNonSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Sets the color the text is drawn with when the node is not selected.
setTextSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchCellRenderer
Sets the color the text is drawn with when the node is selected.
setTitle(String) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
setTitle(String) - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Sest the title for this HelpSet.
setTitleFromDocument(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Set the title from the Document.
setTocView(TOCView) - Method in class javax.help.tagext.TOCItemTag
setToolbarDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Hides/Shows Toolbar
setToolbarDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Hidess/Displays the Toolbar in the HelpUI.
setTopicImageID(String) - Method in class javax.help.TOCView
Set the topic image ID param String ID for the topic image
setUI(HelpContentViewerUI) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Sets the HelpViewerUI that provides the current look and feel.
setUI(HelpNavigatorUI) - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Sets the HelpUI that provides the current look and feel.
setUI(HelpUI) - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Sets the HelpUI that will provide the current look and feel.
setViewData(View) - Method in interface com.sun.java.help.impl.ViewAwareComponent
Set the View that corresponds to this object This gives access to a wealth of information.
setViewData(View) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets data optained from the View
setViewDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.WindowPresentation
Hides/Shows view.
setViewDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
Hides/Shows view.
setViewDisplayed(boolean) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Hides/Shows Navigational Views.
setViewDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Hides/Shows view.
setViewerActivator(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the viewer activator.
setViewerLocation(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the viewer's location to display the content in.
setViewerName(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the viewer name to display the content in.
setViewerSize(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the viewer's size to display the content in.
setViewerStyle(String) - Method in class com.sun.java.help.impl.JHSecondaryViewer
Sets the viewer style.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesNode
Sets visibility of node
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
showID(Map.ID, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
showID(Map.ID, String, String) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Displays this ID in a given presentation
showID(Map.ID, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Show this ID.
showID(String, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.ServletHelpBroker
showID(String, String, String) - Method in interface javax.help.HelpBroker
Displays this ID in a particular presentation
showID(String, String, String) - Method in class javax.help.DefaultHelpBroker
Shows this ID.
SortMerge - class javax.help.SortMerge.
Sort merge type
SortMerge(NavigatorView, NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.SortMerge
Constructs SortMerge
sortNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode, Locale) - Static method in class javax.help.SortMerge
Sorts children of node using Array.sort
start - Variable in class javax.help.DefaultHelpModel.DefaultHighlight
start(String, Locale) - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchQuery
Starts the search.
stop() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchQuery
Stops the search.
storeLocation(String, int) - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexBuilder
Stores a concept at a given position.
storeStopWords(Enumeration) - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexBuilder
Sets the stopwords in an index.
storeTitle(String) - Method in class javax.help.search.IndexBuilder
Stores the title for the document.
SwingHelpUtilities - class javax.help.SwingHelpUtilities.
Provides a number of utility functions: Support for Beans, mapping from a Bean class to its HelpSet and to its ID.
SwingHelpUtilities() - Constructor for class javax.help.SwingHelpUtilities


TextHelpModel - interface javax.help.TextHelpModel.
The interface to a HelpModel that manipulates text.
TextHelpModel.Highlight - interface javax.help.TextHelpModel.Highlight.
This is very similar to javax.swing.text.Highlighter.Highlight except that it does not use the notion of HighlightPainter.
TextHelpModelEvent - class javax.help.event.TextHelpModelEvent.
Notifies interested parties when a change in a TextHelpModel occurs.
TextHelpModelEvent(Object) - Constructor for class javax.help.event.TextHelpModelEvent
Creates a TextHelpModelEvent.
TextHelpModelListener - interface javax.help.event.TextHelpModelListener.
Defines the interface for an object that listens to changes in a TextHelpModel.
TOCItem - class javax.help.TOCItem.
A class for individual TOC items
TOCItem() - Constructor for class javax.help.TOCItem
Creates a default TOCItem.
TOCItem(Map.ID, Map.ID, HelpSet, Locale) - Constructor for class javax.help.TOCItem
Creates a TOCItem.
TOCItem(Map.ID, Map.ID, Locale) - Constructor for class javax.help.TOCItem
Creates a TOCItem with a default HelpSet based on its ID.
TOCItemTag - class javax.help.tagext.TOCItemTag.
The JSP tag extra info class for an TocItem
TOCItemTag() - Constructor for class javax.help.tagext.TOCItemTag
TOCItemTEI - class javax.help.tagext.TOCItemTEI.
The JSP tag extra info class for an TOCItem
TOCItemTEI() - Constructor for class javax.help.tagext.TOCItemTEI
TOCView - class javax.help.TOCView.
Navigational View information for a TOC.
TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory - class javax.help.TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory.
A default TreeItemFactory that can be used to parse TOC items as used by this navigator.
TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory() - Constructor for class javax.help.TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory
TOCView(HelpSet, String, String, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.TOCView
Constructs a TOC VIew with some given data.
TOCView(HelpSet, String, String, Locale, Hashtable) - Constructor for class javax.help.TOCView
Constructs a TOC VIew with some given data.
toString() - Method in class javax.help.Map.ID
Gets an external represenation of an ID.
toString() - Method in class javax.help.TreeItem
Returns a String used when displaying the object.
toString() - Method in class javax.help.HelpSet
Prints Name for this HelpSet.
toString() - Method in class javax.help.FavoritesItem
toString() - Method in class javax.help.search.SearchItem
toString() - Method in class javax.help.event.HelpSetEvent
Returns textual about the instance.
toString() - Method in class javax.help.event.EventListenerList
Returns a string representation of the EventListenerList.
trackCSEvents() - Static method in class javax.help.CSH
Context Sensitive Event Tracking Creates a new EventDispatchThread from which to dispatch events.
TreeItem - class javax.help.TreeItem.
The base items known to TOC, Index and Favorites Navigators.
TreeItem() - Constructor for class javax.help.TreeItem
Creates an empty TreeItem.
TreeItem(Map.ID, HelpSet, Locale) - Constructor for class javax.help.TreeItem
Create an TreeItem.
TreeItem(Map.ID, Locale) - Constructor for class javax.help.TreeItem
Creates a TreeItem.
TreeItem(String) - Constructor for class javax.help.TreeItem
Creates a TreeItem.
TreeItemFactory - interface javax.help.TreeItemFactory.
A factory for creating TreeItems.
treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
TryMap - class javax.help.TryMap.
A Map that can combine a number of other Maps in an efficient manner.
TryMap() - Constructor for class javax.help.TryMap
Creates an empty Map.


uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicNativeContentViewerUI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
Uninstalls UI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicHelpUI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicContentViewerUI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
UniteAppendMerge - class javax.help.UniteAppendMerge.
Unite-append merge type
UniteAppendMerge(NavigatorView, NavigatorView) - Constructor for class javax.help.UniteAppendMerge
Constructs UniteAppendMerge
UnsupportedOperationException - exception javax.help.UnsupportedOperationException.
This is a platform-independent stand-in for the java.lang class
UnsupportedOperationException() - Constructor for class javax.help.UnsupportedOperationException
Constructs an UnsupportedOperationException with no detail message.
UnsupportedOperationException(String) - Constructor for class javax.help.UnsupportedOperationException
Constructs an UnsupportedOperationException with the specified detail message.
updateUI() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpNavigator
Replaces the UI with the latest version from the default UIFactory.
updateUI() - Method in class javax.help.JHelpContentViewer
Replaces the UI with the latest version from the default UIFactory.
updateUI() - Method in class javax.help.JHelp
Replaces the UI with the latest version from the default UIFactory.


ValidateTag - class javax.help.tagext.ValidateTag.
Validates a HelpSet file and an Map.ID thourgh either a Request Parameter or passed as a JSP argument and sets the state in a HelpBroker.
ValidateTag() - Constructor for class javax.help.tagext.ValidateTag
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicSearchNavigatorUI
A value has changed.
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicGlossaryNavigatorUI
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicFavoritesNavigatorUI
Finds the subnode with certain id and name
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicTOCNavigatorUI
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class javax.help.plaf.basic.BasicIndexNavigatorUI
ViewAwareComponent - interface com.sun.java.help.impl.ViewAwareComponent.
Interface that a Component should support if it wants to play in the View hierachy.


WindowPresentation - class javax.help.WindowPresentation.
Window Presentation is an abstract class providing a generic interface for the development of Window Presentations.
WindowPresentation(HelpSet) - Constructor for class javax.help.WindowPresentation