Class SearchQuery


public abstract class SearchQuery
extends java.lang.Object

The instance of a query on a search database. It is instantiated by SearchEngine.startQuery. Subclasses of SearchQuery can perform the search or negotiate the search results with an outside agent as setup in the SearchEngine class. A server search engine is an an example of an outside agent. Search results are returned through SearchEvents to listeners that register with a SearchEngine instance.

See Also:
SearchEvent, SearchListener

Constructor Summary
SearchQuery(SearchEngine hs)
          Creates a SearchQuery.
Method Summary
 void addSearchListener(SearchListener l)
          Adds a listener for the SearchEngine posted after the search has started, stopped, or search parameters have been defined.
 SearchEngine getSearchEngine()
          Returns the SearchEngine associated with this SearchQuery.
abstract  boolean isActive()
          Determines if this SearchQuery is active.
 void itemsFound(boolean inSearch, java.util.Vector docs)
          Notifies that query of items is found in the search.
 void removeSearchListener(SearchListener l)
          Removes a listener previously added with addSearchListener.
 void start(java.lang.String searchparams, java.util.Locale l)
          Starts the search.
 void stop()
          Stops the search.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SearchQuery(SearchEngine hs)
Creates a SearchQuery.

Method Detail


public void addSearchListener(SearchListener l)
Adds a listener for the SearchEngine posted after the search has started, stopped, or search parameters have been defined.

l - The listener to add.
See Also:


public void removeSearchListener(SearchListener l)
Removes a listener previously added with addSearchListener.

l - The listener to remove.
See Also:


public void start(java.lang.String searchparams,
                  java.util.Locale l)
           throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
Starts the search. This method invokes searchStarted on SearchListeners and stores the searchparams. Extensions of SearchQuery should fully implement this method according to the needs of the SearchQuery and its corresponding SearchEngine.

searchparams - The search string.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The parameters are not understood by this engine.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - There is an active search in progress in this instance.


public void stop()
          throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Stops the search. This method invokes searchStopped on SearchListeners. Extensions of SearchQuery should fully implement this method according to needs of the SearchQuery and its corresponding SearchEngine.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - The search engine is not in a state in which it can be started.


public SearchEngine getSearchEngine()
Returns the SearchEngine associated with this SearchQuery.


public abstract boolean isActive()
Determines if this SearchQuery is active.


public void itemsFound(boolean inSearch,
                       java.util.Vector docs)
Notifies that query of items is found in the search.

docs - A vector of SearchItem.
inSearch - Is the search completed?