Uses of Interface

Packages that use IInputPinListener Interfaces and concrete implmentations of classes to enable simple low-level i/o to and from the SunSPOT sensorboards. Interfaces and concrete implementations of various peripherals that are either connected to or built into the daughter cards. 

Uses of IInputPinListener in

Classes in that implement IInputPinListener
 class InvertingInputPin
          Class implementing single bit input with inversion of values read, i.e. low signal is returned as high and high signal is returned as low.

Methods in that return IInputPinListener
 IInputPinListener[] IOPin.getIInputPinListeners()
          Returns an array of all the input pin listeners registered on this input pin.
 IInputPinListener[] InvertingInputPin.getIInputPinListeners()
          Returns an array of all the input pin listeners registered on this input pin.
 IInputPinListener[] InputPin.getIInputPinListeners()
          Returns an array of all the input pin listeners registered on this input pin.
 IInputPinListener[] IInputPin.getIInputPinListeners()
          Return an array of all the input pin listeners registered on this input pin.
 IInputPinListener[] BinaryScalar.getIInputPinListeners()
          Returns an array of all the input pin listeners registered on this input pin.

Methods in with parameters of type IInputPinListener
 void IOPin.addIInputPinListener(IInputPinListener who)
          Adds the specified input pin listener to receive callbacks from this input pin.
 void InvertingInputPin.addIInputPinListener(IInputPinListener who)
          Adds the specified input pin listener to receive callbacks from this input pin.
 void InputPin.addIInputPinListener(IInputPinListener who)
          Adds the specified input pin listener to receive callbacks from this input pin.
 void IInputPin.addIInputPinListener(IInputPinListener who)
          Adds the specified input pin listener to receive callbacks from this input pin.
 void BinaryScalar.addIInputPinListener(IInputPinListener who)
          Adds the specified input pin listener to receive callbacks from this input pin.
 void IOPin.removeIInputPinListener(IInputPinListener who)
          Removes the specified input pin listener so that it no longer receives callbacks from this input pin.
 void InvertingInputPin.removeIInputPinListener(IInputPinListener who)
          Removes the specified input pin listener so that it no longer receives callbacks from this input pin.
 void InputPin.removeIInputPinListener(IInputPinListener who)
          Removes the specified input pin listener so that it no longer receives callbacks from this input pin.
 void IInputPin.removeIInputPinListener(IInputPinListener who)
          Removes the specified input pin listener so that it no longer receives callbacks from this input pin.
 void BinaryScalar.removeIInputPinListener(IInputPinListener who)
          Removes the specified input pin listener so that it no longer receives callbacks from this input pin.

Uses of IInputPinListener in

Classes in that implement IInputPinListener
 class Switch
          Class implementing simple switches, assuming a mapping of open=LOW, closed=HIGH.


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