Uses of Class

Packages that use Resource

Uses of Resource in org.apache.velocity

Subclasses of Resource in org.apache.velocity
 class Template
          This class is used for controlling all template operations.

Uses of Resource in org.apache.velocity.context

Methods in org.apache.velocity.context that return Resource
 Resource InternalContextAdapterImpl.getCurrentResource()
 Resource VMContext.getCurrentResource()

Methods in org.apache.velocity.context with parameters of type Resource
 void InternalContextAdapterImpl.setCurrentResource(Resource r)
 void VMContext.setCurrentResource(Resource r)

Uses of Resource in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive that return Resource
 Resource Foreach.NullHolderContext.getCurrentResource()

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive with parameters of type Resource
 void Foreach.NullHolderContext.setCurrentResource(Resource r)

Uses of Resource in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource

Subclasses of Resource in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource
 class ContentResource
          This class represent a general text resource that may have been retrieved from any number of possible sources.

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource that return Resource
 Resource ResourceCacheImpl.get(Object key)
 Resource ResourceCache.get(Object resourceKey)
          retrieves a Resource from the cache
 Resource ResourceManagerImpl.getResource(String resourceName, int resourceType)
          Deprecated. Use ResourceManagerImpl.getResource(String resourceName, int resourceType, String encoding )
static Resource ResourceFactory.getResource(String resourceName, int resourceType)
 Resource ResourceManagerImpl.getResource(String resourceName, int resourceType, String encoding)
          Gets the named resource.
 Resource ResourceManager.getResource(String resourceName, int resourceType, String encoding)
          Gets the named resource.
protected  Resource ResourceManagerImpl.loadResource(String resourceName, int resourceType, String encoding)
          Loads a resource from the current set of resource loaders
 Resource ResourceCacheImpl.put(Object key, Resource value)
 Resource ResourceCache.put(Object resourceKey, Resource resource)
          stores a Resource in the cache
 Resource ResourceCacheImpl.remove(Object key)
 Resource ResourceCache.remove(Object resourceKey)
          removes a Resource from the cache

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource with parameters of type Resource
 Resource ResourceCacheImpl.put(Object key, Resource value)
 Resource ResourceCache.put(Object resourceKey, Resource resource)
          stores a Resource in the cache
protected  void ResourceManagerImpl.refreshResource(Resource resource, String encoding)
          Takes an existing resource, and 'refreshes' it.

Uses of Resource in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader with parameters of type Resource
 long DataSourceResourceLoader.getLastModified(Resource resource)
 long FileResourceLoader.getLastModified(Resource resource)
abstract  long ResourceLoader.getLastModified(Resource resource)
          Get the last modified time of the InputStream source that was used to create the template.
 long ClasspathResourceLoader.getLastModified(Resource resource)
          Defaults to return 0
 long JarResourceLoader.getLastModified(Resource resource)
 boolean DataSourceResourceLoader.isSourceModified(Resource resource)
 boolean FileResourceLoader.isSourceModified(Resource resource)
          How to keep track of all the modified times across the paths.
abstract  boolean ResourceLoader.isSourceModified(Resource resource)
          Given a template, check to see if the source of InputStream has been modified.
 boolean ClasspathResourceLoader.isSourceModified(Resource resource)
          Defaults to return false.
 boolean JarResourceLoader.isSourceModified(Resource resource)

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