Uses of Class

Packages that use Info

Uses of Info in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive

Fields in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive declared as Info
protected  Info Foreach.uberInfo
          immutable, so create in init

Uses of Info in org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node

Fields in org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node declared as Info
protected  Info ASTReference.uberInfo
protected  Info ASTIdentifier.uberInfo
          This is really immutable after the init, so keep one for this node

Uses of Info in org.apache.velocity.util.introspection

Methods in org.apache.velocity.util.introspection with parameters of type Info
 Iterator UberspectImpl.getIterator(Object obj, Info i)
          To support iterative objects used in a #foreach() loop.
 Iterator Uberspect.getIterator(Object obj, Info info)
          To support iteratives - #foreach()
 VelMethod UberspectImpl.getMethod(Object obj, String methodName, Object[] args, Info i)
 VelMethod Uberspect.getMethod(Object obj, String method, Object[] args, Info info)
          Returns a general method, corresponding to $ $woogie )
 VelPropertyGet UberspectImpl.getPropertyGet(Object obj, String identifier, Info i)
          Property getter
 VelPropertyGet Uberspect.getPropertyGet(Object obj, String identifier, Info info)
          Property getter - returns VelPropertyGet appropos for #set($foo = $bar.woogie)
 VelPropertySet UberspectImpl.getPropertySet(Object obj, String identifier, Object arg, Info i)
          Property setter
 VelPropertySet Uberspect.getPropertySet(Object obj, String identifier, Object arg, Info info)
          Property setter - returns VelPropertySet appropos for #set($ = "geir")

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