Uses of Interface

Packages that use VelMethod

Uses of VelMethod in org.apache.velocity.util.introspection

Classes in org.apache.velocity.util.introspection that implement VelMethod
 class UberspectImpl.VelMethodImpl
          Implementation of VelMethod

Methods in org.apache.velocity.util.introspection that return VelMethod
 VelMethod UberspectImpl.getMethod(Object obj, String methodName, Object[] args, Info i)
 VelMethod Uberspect.getMethod(Object obj, String method, Object[] args, Info info)
          Returns a general method, corresponding to $ $woogie )

Constructors in org.apache.velocity.util.introspection with parameters of type VelMethod
UberspectImpl.VelSetterImpl(VelMethod velmethod)
UberspectImpl.VelSetterImpl(VelMethod velmethod, String key)

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