Contents Index Communication error messages sorted by message Communication error descriptions

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Communication Error Messages

Communication error messages sorted by constant

Constant Error message
ACTSYNC NOT INSTALLED ActiveSync provider has not been installed.
ACTSYNC NO PORT ActiveSync synchronization cannot be initiated by an application.
CREATE RANDOM OBJECT Unable to create a random number object.
DEQUEUING CONNECTION Unable to dequeue from the connection queue.
END READ An end read failed.
END WRITE An end write failed.
GENERATE RANDOM Unable to generate a random number.
HTTP BAD STATUS CODE An error status was returned: '%1!s!'.
HTTP BUFFER SIZE OUT OF RANGE The HTTP buffer size specified is out of the valid range.
HTTP CHUNK LEN BAD CHARACTER An unexpected character was read while parsing the chunk length. %1!s!.
HTTP CHUNK LEN ENCODED MISSING Failed to read encoded chunk length.
HTTP CLIENT ID NOT SET Client id is not available for use in HTTP header.
HTTP CONTENT TYPE NOT SPECIFIED The content type '%1!s!' is unknown.
HTTP CRLF ENCODED MISSING Failed to read encoded CR LF.
HTTP EXPECTED POST Expected data from remote but current request is not a POST.
HTTP EXTRA DATA END READ Extra data found in the HTTP body: %1!s!
HTTP NO CONTD CONNECTION Timed out while waiting for the next HTTP request in this synchronization.
HTTP UNABLE TO PARSE COOKIE Unable to parse cookie: '%1!s!'.
HTTP UNKNOWN TRANSFER ENCODING Unknown transfer encoding: '%1!s!'.
HTTP VERSION Unsupported HTTP version: %1!s!
INIT RANDOM Unable to initialize the random number generator.
LOAD NETWORK LIBRARY Unable to load the network interface library.
MEMORY ALLOCATION Unable to allocate %1!s! bytes.
NONE No error or unknown error.
NOT IMPLEMENTED Feature not implemented.
PARAMETER Invalid parameter '%1!s!'.
PARAMETER NOT BOOLEAN Parameter value '%1!s!' is not a valid boolean value. The value must be 0 or 1.
PARAMETER NOT HEX Parameter value '%1!s!' is not a valid hexadecimal value.
PARAMETER NOT UINT32 Parameter value '%1!s!' is not an unsigned integer.
PARAMETER NOT UINT32 RANGE Parameter value '%1!s!' is not an unsigned integer value or range. A range has the form NNN-NNN.
PARSE Unable to parse the parameter string '%1!s!'.
READ Unable to read %1!s! bytes.
READ TIMEOUT Timed out trying to read %1!s! bytes.
SECURE ADD CERTIFICATE Unable to add a certificate to a certificate chain.
SECURE ADD TRUSTED CERTIFICATE Unable to add a trusted certificate.
SECURE CERTIFICATE CHAIN LENGTH Invalid certificate chain length (%1!s!).
SECURE CERTIFICATE COMMON NAME Unrecognized common name '%1!s!'.
SECURE CERTIFICATE COMPANY NAME Unrecognized organization '%1!s!'.
SECURE CERTIFICATE COMPANY UNIT Unrecognized organization unit '%1!s!'.
SECURE CERTIFICATE COUNT No trusted certificates found.
SECURE CERTIFICATE EXPIRED A certificate has expired.
SECURE CERTIFICATE EXPIRY DATE Unable to fetch a certificate expiry date.
SECURE CERTIFICATE FILE NOT FOUND Unable to open certificate file '%1!s!'.
SECURE CERTIFICATE NOT TRUSTED Server certificate not trusted.
SECURE CERTIFICATE REF Certificate error (4023).
SECURE CERTIFICATE ROOT Invalid root certificate.
SECURE CREATE CERTIFICATE Unable to allocate a certificate.
SECURE CREATE PRIVATE KEY OBJECT Unable to create a private key object.
SECURE DUPLICATE CONTEXT Unable to duplicate security context.
SECURE EXPORT CERTIFICATE Unable to copy a certificate.
SECURE HANDSHAKE Handshake error.
SECURE IMPORT CERTIFICATE Unable to import a certificate.
SECURE READ CERTIFICATE Unable to read certificates.
SECURE READ PRIVATE KEY Unable to read the private key.
SECURE SET CHAIN NUMBER Internal error 4032.
SECURE SET CIPHER SUITES Internal error 4031.
SECURE SET IO Unable to attach the network layer to the security layer.
SECURE SET IO SEMANTICS Internal error 4027.
SECURE SET PRIVATE KEY Unable to set the private key.
SECURE SET PROTOCOL SIDE Unable to set the protocol side (%1!s!).
SECURE SET RANDOM FUNC Internal initialization error 4046.
SECURE SET RANDOM REF Internal initialization error 4045.
SECURE SET READ FUNC Internal initialization error 4055.
SECURE SET WRITE FUNC Internal initialization error 4056.
SECURE TRUSTED CERTIFICATE FILE NOT FOUND Unable to find the trusted certificate file '%1!s!'.
SECURE TRUSTED CERTIFICATE READ Error reading from the trusted certificate file '%1!s!'.
SEED RANDOM Unable to seed the random number generator.
SHUTTING DOWN An error occurred during shutdown.
SOCKET BIND Unable to bind a socket to port %1!s!.
SOCKET CLEANUP Unable to clean up the socket layer.
SOCKET CLOSE Unable to close a socket.
SOCKET CONNECT Unable to connect a socket.
SOCKET CREATE TCPIP Unable to create a TCP/IP socket.
SOCKET CREATE UDP Unable to create a UDP socket.
SOCKET GET HOST BY ADDR Unable to get host by address.
SOCKET GET NAME Unable to get a socket's local name.
SOCKET GET OPTION Unable to get socket option number %1!s!.
SOCKET HOST NAME NOT FOUND The host name '%1!s!' could not be found.
SOCKET LISTEN Unable to listen on a socket. The backlog is %1!s!.
SOCKET LIVENESS OUT OF RANGE Invalid liveness timeout value %1!s!. The value must be between zero and 65535.
SOCKET LOCALHOST NAME NOT FOUND Unable to determine localhost.
SOCKET PORT OUT OF RANGE Invalid port number %1!s!. The value must be between zero and 65535.
SOCKET SELECT Unable to select a socket status.
SOCKET SET OPTION Unable to set socket option number %1!s!.
SOCKET SHUTDOWN Unable to shut down a socket.
SOCKET STARTUP Unable to initialize the sockets layer.
WOULD BLOCK The operation would cause blocking.
WRITE Unable to write %1!s! bytes.
WRITE TIMEOUT Timed out trying to write %1!s! bytes.

Contents Index Communication error messages sorted by message Communication error descriptions