:: JGOODIES :: Forms

:: Reference :: Component Sizes ::

The component sizes min, pref, default are used to set column and row sizes that reflect the minimum or preferred sizes of the contained components.

If you specify a column size as min sized, FormLayout will ask all components in that column for their minimum width and chooses the largest width as the column width. The same applies to rows and the pref component size.

The default size aims to give a column the width of the largest preferred width. If container space is scarce, it shrinks the column down to the largest minimum width.

String Representations

I recommend to specify column and row sizes in the FormLayout constructor using string representations. These strings will be accepted by the FormLayout, ColumnSpec, RowSpec and Borders classes.
componentSize ::= MIN | PREF | DEFAULT | M | P | D 


new ColumnSpec("min");
new ColumnSpec("m");
new ColumnSpec("default");
new ColumnSpec("d");
new ColumnSpec("pref");
new ColumnSpec("p");

new RowSpec("min");
new RowSpec("m");

new FormLayout("left:pref, 4dlu, fill:default", 
               "p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p");
(c) 2003 JGoodies