:: JGOODIES :: Forms

:: Tutorial :: Factories ::

Forms provides factories that can create frequently used layouts, panels and button bars. You should favor these factories over builders to increase the consistency of your layouts and in turn applications.

It is recommended to have the JGoodies Forms Demo open on your screen!


The ButtonBarFactory vends prepared button bars for general dialogs, wizards and in-form bars. It offers generic bars, for example a right-aligned bar with 3 buttons, and specific bars, for example OK, Cancel, Help. See the API docs for details.


The FormFactory provides frequently used column and row specifications and can create standardized form layouts. For example FormFactory.GLUE_COLSPEC is a ColumnSpec that represents a glue, i. e. a gap with initial size 0px that grows.


Class Borders provides a bunch of prepared and reusable Border instances, for example EMPTY_BORDER, DLU4_BORDER and DIALOG_BORDER.
(c) 2003 JGoodies