Uses of Class

Packages that use HsqlException

Uses of HsqlException in org.hsqldb

Methods in org.hsqldb that return HsqlException
static HsqlException Trace.error(int code, int subCode, Object[] add)
          Compose error message by inserting the strings in the add parameters in placeholders within the error message.
static HsqlException Trace.error(int code, Object[] add)
          Compose error message by inserting the strings in the add parameters in placeholders within the error message.
static HsqlException Trace.error(int code, int code2, String add)
static HsqlException Trace.error(int code, int code2)
static HsqlException Trace.error(int code, Object add)
          Method declaration
static HsqlException Trace.error(int code)
          Method declaration

Methods in org.hsqldb that throw HsqlException
 Iterator BaseTable.iterator()
static Object Column.convertObject(Object o, int type)
          Convert an object into a Java object that represents its SQL type.
static byte[] Column.hexToByteArray(String hexString)
          Converts the specified hexadecimal digit String to an equivalent array of bytes.
protected  CachedRow DataFileCache.makeRow(int pos, Table t)
          Constructs a new Row for the specified table, using row data read at the specified position (pos) in this object's database file.
protected  void DataFileCache.saveRow(CachedRow r)
          Writes out the specified Row.
protected  void DataFileCache.setStorageSize(CachedRow r)
          Calculates the number of bytes required to store a Row in this object's database file.
 Table Database.getTable(String name, Session session)
          Retrieves the specified user-defined table or view visible within the context of the specified Session, or any system table of the given name.
static Session DatabaseManager.newSession(String type, String path, String user, String password, boolean ifexists, HsqlProperties props)
          Used by in-process connections and by Servlet
protected  void HSQLClientConnection.initConnection(String host, int port, boolean isTLS)
protected  void HSQLClientConnection.openConnection(String host, int port, boolean isTLS)
 Result HSQLClientConnection.execute(Result r)
 boolean HSQLClientConnection.isReadOnly()
 void HSQLClientConnection.setReadOnly(boolean mode)
 boolean HSQLClientConnection.isAutoCommit()
 void HSQLClientConnection.setAutoCommit(boolean mode)
 void HSQLClientConnection.commit()
 void HSQLClientConnection.rollback()
protected  void HSQLClientConnection.write(Result r)
protected  Result
protected  void HTTPClientConnection.initConnection(String host, int port, boolean isTLS)
 Result HTTPClientConnection.execute(Result r)
protected  void HTTPClientConnection.write(Result r)
protected  Result
 byte[] JavaObject.getBytes()
 int JavaObject.getBytesLength()
 Object JavaObject.getObject()
          This method is called from classes implementing the JDBC interfaces.
static String Library.database(Connection conn)
          Returns the name of the database corresponding to this connection.
static String Library.user(Connection conn)
          Returns the user's authorization name (the user's name as known to this database).
static int Library.identity()
          Retrieves the last auto-generated integer indentity value used by this connection.
static void Result.write(Result r, RowOutputInterface rowout, OutputStream dataout)
          Convenience method for writing, shared by Server side.
static Result rowin, DataInputStream datain)
          Convenience method for reading, shared by Server side.
static void ScriptRunner.runScript(Database database, String scriptFilename, int logType)
          This is used to read the *.log file and manage any necessary transaction rollback.
 void Session.setReadOnly(boolean readonly)
          Setter for readonly attribute.
 Result SessionInterface.execute(Result r)
 boolean SessionInterface.isReadOnly()
 void SessionInterface.setReadOnly(boolean readonly)
 boolean SessionInterface.isAutoCommit()
 void SessionInterface.setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit)
 void SessionInterface.commit()
 void SessionInterface.rollback()
protected  void Table.setDataSource(String source, boolean isDesc, Session s, boolean newFile)
protected  Table Table.duplicate()
 void Table.insertNoCheck(Object[] row, Session c, boolean log)
          Low level method for row insert.
protected  void Table.insertNoChange(org.hsqldb.CachedDataRow r)
          Used by TextCache to insert a row into the indexes when the source file is first read.
protected  void Table.enforceCheckConstraints(Object[] data)
          Checks a row against NOT NULL constraints on columns.
protected  void Table.setIdentityColumn(Object[] row, Session c)
          If there is an identity column (visible or hidden) on the table, sets the value and/or adjusts the iIdentiy value for the table.
protected  void TextCache.initParams()
protected  void TextCache.initBuffers()
protected  void TextCache.setStorageSize(CachedRow r)
protected  CachedRow TextCache.makeRow(int pos, Table t)
 String Tokenizer.getString()
          Return any token.
static void Trace.check(boolean condition, int code, Object add)
          Throws exception if condition is false

Constructors in org.hsqldb that throw HsqlException
CachedRow(Table t, Object[] o)
          Constructor for new Rows.
CachedRow(Table t, RowInputInterface in)
          constructor when read from the disk into the Cache
HSQLClientConnection(String host, int port, String path, String database, boolean isTLS, String user, String password)
HTTPClientConnection(String host, int port, String path, String database, boolean isTLS, String user, String password)
JavaObject(Object o, boolean serialise)
          This constructor is from classes implementing the JDBC interfaces.

Uses of HsqlException in org.hsqldb.jdbc

Methods in org.hsqldb.jdbc with parameters of type HsqlException
static SQLException jdbcUtil.sqlException(HsqlException e)

Constructors in org.hsqldb.jdbc that throw HsqlException
jdbcCallableStatement(jdbcConnection c, String sql, int type)
          Creates a new instance of jdbcCallableStatement
jdbcConnection(Session c)
          Constructs an INTERNAL Connection, using the specified Session.

Uses of HsqlException in org.hsqldb.rowio

Methods in org.hsqldb.rowio that throw HsqlException
static RowInputInterface RowInputBase.newRowInput(int cachedRowType)
protected abstract  String RowInputBase.readChar(int type)
protected abstract  Integer RowInputBase.readSmallint()
protected abstract  Integer RowInputBase.readInteger()
protected abstract  Long RowInputBase.readBigint()
protected abstract  Double RowInputBase.readReal(int type)
protected abstract  BigDecimal RowInputBase.readDecimal()
protected abstract  Boolean RowInputBase.readBit()
protected abstract  Time RowInputBase.readTime()
protected abstract  Date RowInputBase.readDate()
protected abstract  Timestamp RowInputBase.readTimestamp()
protected abstract  Object RowInputBase.readOther()
protected abstract  Binary RowInputBase.readBinary(int type)
 Object[] RowInputBase.readData(int[] colTypes)
          reads row data from a stream using the JDBC types in colTypes
protected  Integer RowInputBinary.readSmallint()
protected  Integer RowInputBinary.readInteger()
protected  Long RowInputBinary.readBigint()
protected  Double RowInputBinary.readReal(int type)
protected  BigDecimal RowInputBinary.readDecimal()
protected  Boolean RowInputBinary.readBit()
protected  Time RowInputBinary.readTime()
protected  Date RowInputBinary.readDate()
protected  Timestamp RowInputBinary.readTimestamp()
protected  Object RowInputBinary.readOther()
protected  Binary RowInputBinary.readBinary(int type)
 Object[] RowInputInterface.readData(int[] colTypes)
protected  Integer RowInputLegacy.readSmallint()
protected  Integer RowInputLegacy.readInteger()
protected  Long RowInputLegacy.readBigint()
protected  Double RowInputLegacy.readReal(int type)
protected  BigDecimal RowInputLegacy.readDecimal()
protected  Boolean RowInputLegacy.readBit()
protected  Time RowInputLegacy.readTime()
protected  Date RowInputLegacy.readDate()
protected  Timestamp RowInputLegacy.readTimestamp()
protected  Object RowInputLegacy.readOther()
protected  Binary RowInputLegacy.readBinary(int type)
protected  Integer RowInputText.readSmallint()
protected  Integer RowInputText.readInteger()
protected  Long RowInputText.readBigint()
protected  Double RowInputText.readReal(int type)
protected  BigDecimal RowInputText.readDecimal()
protected  Time RowInputText.readTime()
protected  Date RowInputText.readDate()
protected  Timestamp RowInputText.readTimestamp()
protected  Boolean RowInputText.readBit()
protected  Object RowInputText.readOther()
protected  Binary RowInputText.readBinary(int type)
static RowOutputInterface RowOutputBase.newRowOutput(int cachedRowType)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeSmallint(Number o)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeInteger(Number o)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeBigint(Number o)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeReal(Double o, int type)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeDecimal(BigDecimal o)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeBit(Boolean o)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeDate(Date o)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeTime(Time o)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeTimestamp(Timestamp o)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeOther(JavaObject o)
protected abstract  void RowOutputBase.writeBinary(Binary o, int t)
 void RowOutputBase.writeData(Object[] data, Table t)
          This method is called to write data for a table.
 void RowOutputBase.writeData(int l, int[] types, Object[] data, HashMappedList cols, boolean primarykeys)
          This method is called to write data for a Result.
 int RowOutputBinary.getSize(CachedRow row)
          Calculate the size of byte array required to store a row.
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeSmallint(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeInteger(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeBigint(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeReal(Double o, int type)
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeDecimal(BigDecimal o)
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeBit(Boolean o)
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeDate(Date o)
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeTime(Time o)
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeTimestamp(Timestamp o)
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeOther(JavaObject o)
protected  void RowOutputBinary.writeBinary(Binary o, int t)
 void RowOutputInterface.writeData(Object[] data, Table t)
 void RowOutputInterface.writeData(int l, int[] types, Object[] data, HashMappedList cols, boolean primarykeys)
 int RowOutputInterface.getSize(CachedRow row)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeSmallint(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeInteger(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeBigint(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeReal(Double o, int type)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeDecimal(BigDecimal o)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeBit(Boolean o)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeDate(Date o)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeTime(Time o)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeTimestamp(Timestamp o)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeOther(JavaObject o)
protected  void RowOutputLegacy.writeBinary(Binary o, int t)
 int RowOutputLegacy.getSize(CachedRow row)
          Calculate the size of byte array required to store a row.
protected  void RowOutputText.writeSmallint(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputText.writeInteger(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputText.writeBigint(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputText.writeReal(Double o, int type)
protected  void RowOutputText.writeDecimal(BigDecimal o)
protected  void RowOutputText.writeBit(Boolean o)
protected  void RowOutputText.writeDate(Date o)
protected  void RowOutputText.writeTime(Time o)
protected  void RowOutputText.writeTimestamp(Timestamp o)
protected  void RowOutputText.writeOther(JavaObject o)
protected  void RowOutputText.writeBinary(Binary o, int t)
 int RowOutputText.getSize(CachedRow r)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeReal(Double o, int type)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeSmallint(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeTime(Time o)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeBinary(Binary o, int t)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeDate(Date o)
 int RowOutputTextLog.getSize(CachedRow row)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeInteger(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeBigint(Number o)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeOther(JavaObject o)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeBit(Boolean o)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeDecimal(BigDecimal o)
protected  void RowOutputTextLog.writeTimestamp(Timestamp o)

Uses of HsqlException in org.hsqldb.scriptio

Methods in org.hsqldb.scriptio that throw HsqlException
static ScriptReaderBase ScriptReaderBase.newScriptReader(Database db, String file, int scriptType)
 void ScriptReaderBase.readAll(Session session)
protected abstract  void ScriptReaderBase.readDDL(Session session)
protected abstract  void ScriptReaderBase.readExistingData(Session session)
protected  void ScriptReaderText.readDDL(Session session)
protected  void ScriptReaderText.readExistingData(Session session)
static ScriptWriterBase ScriptWriterBase.newScriptWriter(Database db, String file, boolean includeCachedData, boolean newFile, int scriptType)
 void ScriptWriterBase.close()
 void ScriptWriterBase.writeAll()
protected  void ScriptWriterBase.openFile()
          File is opened in append mode although in current usage the file never pre-exists
protected  void ScriptWriterBase.writeDDL()
protected  void ScriptWriterBase.writeExistingData()
protected  void ScriptWriterBase.writeTableInit(Table t)
protected  void ScriptWriterBase.writeTableTerm(Table t)
protected  void ScriptWriterBase.writeSingleColumnResult(Result r)
protected  void ScriptWriterText.openFile()
          File is opened in append mode although in current usage the file never pre-exists
 void ScriptWriterText.writeRow(int sid, Table table, Object[] data)
 void ScriptWriterText.writeLogStatement(String s, int sid)
 void ScriptWriterText.writeDeleteStatement(int sid, Table table, Object[] data)
 void ScriptWriterText.writeSequenceStatement(int sid, NumberSequence seq)

Constructors in org.hsqldb.scriptio that throw HsqlException
ScriptWriterText(Database db, String file, boolean includeCachedData, boolean newFile)

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