Interface CSH.Manager

Enclosing interface:

public static interface CSH.Manager

CSH Manager Interface to support dynamic HelpSet and ID for object. CSH is allowed only for Component and MenuItem.


Method Summary
 java.lang.String getHelpIDString(java.lang.Object comp, java.awt.AWTEvent e)
          Returns String represent Map.ID of the object depending on the event.
 HelpSet getHelpSet(java.lang.Object comp, java.awt.AWTEvent e)
          Returns HelpSet of the object depending on the event.

Method Detail


public HelpSet getHelpSet(java.lang.Object comp,
                          java.awt.AWTEvent e)
Returns HelpSet of the object depending on the event.

comp - The object to get HelpSet for it. Only Component and MenuItem is allowed.
e - The event by which dynamic CSH was invoked. It can be MouseEvent in case of window level CSH, ActionEvent in case of field level CSH or null otherwise.
A HelpSet for given object or null if no HelpSet is assigned to object
See Also:
CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking, CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus, CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource


public java.lang.String getHelpIDString(java.lang.Object comp,
                                        java.awt.AWTEvent e)
Returns String represent Map.ID of the object depending on the event.

comp - The object to get Map.ID for it. Only Component and MenuItem is allowed.
e - The event by which dynamic CSH was invoked. It can be MouseEvent in case of window level CSH, ActionEvent in case of field level CSH or null otherwise.
A Map.ID string for given object or null if no Map.ID is assigned to object
See Also:
CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking, CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus, CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource