
Supports presentation of online documentation with both content and contextual views of this information.


Interface Summary
CSH.Manager CSH Manager Interface to support dynamic HelpSet and ID for object.
HelpBroker The HelpBroker is the default presentation of a HelpSet.
HelpHistoryModel The interface to the history model.
HelpModel The interface to the model of a JHelp that represents the HelpSet being presented to the user.
Map A Map is the interface to ID<->URL mapping.
TextHelpModel The interface to a HelpModel that manipulates text.
TextHelpModel.Highlight This is very similar to javax.swing.text.Highlighter.Highlight except that it does not use the notion of HighlightPainter.
TreeItemFactory A factory for creating TreeItems.

Class Summary
AppendMerge Append merge type
CSH A convenience class that provides simple access to context-senstive help functionality.
CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking An ActionListener that displays help on a selected object after tracking context-sensitive events.
CSH.DisplayHelpFromFocus An ActionListener that displays the help of the object that currently has focus.
CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource An ActionListener that gets the helpID for the action source and displays the helpID in the help viewer.
DefaultHelpBroker An implmentation of the HelpBroker interface
DefaultHelpHistoryModel DefaultHelpHistoryModel is default implementation of HelpHistoryModel interface
DefaultHelpModel This class implements the API and notifies the JHelpModel listeners when changes occur.
DefaultHelpModel.DefaultHighlight A default implementation of TextHelpModel.Highlight
FavoritesItem A class for individual favorites items.
FavoritesNode A class for Favorites node.
FavoritesView Navigational View information for the Favorites
FavoritesView.DefaultFavoritesFactory A default TreeItemFactory that can be used to parse Favorites items as used by this navigator.
FlatMap A FlatMap is a simple implementation of a Map.
GlossaryView View information for a Glossary Navigator
HelpSet A HelpSet is a collection of help information consisting of a HelpSet file, table of contents (TOC), index, topic files, and Map file.
HelpSet.DefaultHelpSetFactory The default HelpSetFactory that processes HelpSets.
HelpSet.Presentation HelpSet Presentation class.
HelpSetFactory.HelpAction Internal storage of HelpAction defined in a Presentaion
HelpUtilities Provides a number of utility functions: Support for Beans, mapping from a Bean class to its HelpSet and to its ID.
IndexItem A class for individual index items.
IndexView Navigational View information for an Index
IndexView.DefaultIndexFactory A default TreeItemFactory that can be used to parse TOC items as used by this navigator.
JHelp Displays HelpSet data with navigators and a content viewer.
JHelpContentViewer A component to represent the Help viewer that can be embedded if desired.
JHelpFavoritesNavigator JHelpFavoritesNavigator is a JHelpNavigator for Favorites.
JHelpGlossaryNavigator JHelpGlossaryNavigator is a JHelpNavigator for a Glossary
JHelpIndexNavigator JHelpIndexNavigator is a JHelpNavigator for an Index.
JHelpNavigator A JHelpNavigator is a control that presents navigational help data.
JHelpSearchNavigator A JHelpNavigator for search data.
JHelpTOCNavigator A JHelpNavigator for a TOC.
MainWindow MainWindow is a class that will create a single main help window for an application.
Map.ID An ID is a pair of String, HelpSet.
Merge Common superclass for all merge types
Merge.DefaultMergeFactory Default Merge factory which creates concrete Merge objects
MergeHelpUtilities Common utilities for merge types
NavigatorView Navigational View information
NoMerge No merge type
Popup Popup is a Presentation class that will create a popup help window for an application.
Presentation Presentation is an abstract class providing a generic interface for the development of alternative Presentations.
SearchHit Stores search information for individual Search hits.
SearchTOCItem Stores Search TOC items.
SearchView Navigational View information for a Search
SecondaryWindow MainWindowPresentation is a class that will create a single main help window for an application.
ServletHelpBroker An implmentation of the HelpBroker interface for Servlets
SortMerge Sort merge type
SwingHelpUtilities Provides a number of utility functions: Support for Beans, mapping from a Bean class to its HelpSet and to its ID.
TOCItem A class for individual TOC items
TOCView Navigational View information for a TOC.
TOCView.DefaultTOCFactory A default TreeItemFactory that can be used to parse TOC items as used by this navigator.
TreeItem The base items known to TOC, Index and Favorites Navigators.
TryMap A Map that can combine a number of other Maps in an efficient manner.
UniteAppendMerge Unite-append merge type
WindowPresentation Window Presentation is an abstract class providing a generic interface for the development of Window Presentations.

Exception Summary
BadIDException An ID was attempted to be created with incorrect arguments
HelpSetException This exeception reports generic failures in HelpSet.
InvalidHelpSetContextException The HelpSet is not a (transitive) sub-HelpSet of some context HelpSet.
InvalidNavigatorViewException JHelpNavigator cannot deal with given NavigatorView.
UnsupportedOperationException This is a platform-independent stand-in for the java.lang class

Package Description

Supports presentation of online documentation with both content and contextual views of this information. This is the main package for the JavaHelp standard extension. The main focus of JavaHelp is online help, but it can be used for any online content.

JavaHelp supports the notion of a HelpSet that encompases all documentation information. There is a simple way to read a HelpSet, create a presentation for it, and interact with it and there is also a collection of Swing components that can be used directly for additional control. JavaHelp presents content using Swing's EditorKits, which provide for extensibility of content. JavaHelp also provides for extensibility of context via the notion of a NavigatorView; several views are standard. One of the standard views provides full-text search, which relies on a simple search package to communicate with search engines.

Basic Classes

HelpSet is the main class, providing access to a HelpSet file. A visual presentation of a HelpSet can be obtained through a HelpBroker which is an abstraction that permits interaction regardless of the presentation details; the default presentation is DefaultHelpBroker. An application can provide online help using only these two classes.

Helpsets can be merged dynamically or statically, and can be associated with Beans.

Swing components

JavaHelp provides a collection of Swing components that are used to implement the DefaultHelpBroker and can also be used directly. The components follow the standard MVC from Swing. HelpModel models changes to the location within a HelpSet--components that want to respond to these changes should listen to events originating within the model (this is how synchronized views work). TextHelpModel provides additional information when the content is textual. DefaultHelpModel is the default model that implements both models.

JHelpContentViewer is the Swing component for HTML content, while context corresponds to several subclasses of JHelpNavigator. JHelp is a common grouping of these classes into synchronized views of content.


Context extensibility is described through a NavigatorView which provides access to context information, plus a way of presenting this information. TOCView, IndexView, and SearchView are standard views for table of contents, index, and full-text search.

The standard views yield standard JHelpTOCNavigator, JHelpIndexNavigator, and JHelpSearchNavigator Swing components. The standard views also provide access to the content--this access is provides through subclasses of TreeItem.

New views can be added, for instance a new TOC presentation can be obtained by subclassing TOCView and changing the JHelpNavigator returned by it.

Context Sensitive Help

JavaHelp supports a Map between identifiers and URLs. FlatMap and TryMap are two implementations. The main class used to associate specific content with graphic objects is CSH, while DialogSupport provides support in Dialogs (this may migrate to Swing at some point).


JavaHelp supports a standard full-text search view and navigator. The view interacts with a search engine through the types in the package. The reference implementation provides a search engine that implements these interfaces, but others can also be used. The specific search engine is part of the information given to the search view. This separation provides the full-text search functionality but does not imposing specific formats.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, tool support, and other documentation, please see the JavaHelp System User's Guide.