Class MainWindow


public class MainWindow
extends WindowPresentation

MainWindow is a class that will create a single main help window for an application. Although there is generally only one per application there can be multiple MainWindow. By default it is a tri-paned fully decorated window consisting of a toolbar, navigator pane, and help content view. By default the class is not destroyed when the window exits.

See Also:
WindowPresentation, Presentation

Method Summary
static Presentation getPresentation(HelpSet hs, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new MainWindow for a given HelpSet and HelpSet.Presentation "name".
Methods inherited from class
createHelpWindow, destroy, getActivationWindow, getCurrentView, getFont, getHelpSetPresentation, getHelpWindow, getLocation, getScreen, getSize, getTitle, isDestroyedOnExit, isDisplayed, isTitleSetFromDocument, isToolbarDisplayed, isViewDisplayed, setActivationObject, setActivationWindow, setCurrentView, setDestroyOnExit, setDisplayed, setFont, setHelpSet, setHelpSetPresentation, setLocale, setLocation, setScreen, setSize, setTitle, setTitleFromDocument, setToolbarDisplayed, setViewDisplayed
Methods inherited from class
getCurrentID, getCurrentURL, getHelpSet, getLocale, setCurrentID, setCurrentID, setCurrentURL
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Presentation getPresentation(HelpSet hs,
                                           java.lang.String name)
Creates a new MainWindow for a given HelpSet and HelpSet.Presentation "name". If the "name"d HelpSet.Presentation does not exist in HelpSet then the default HelpSet.Presentation is used.

hs - The HelpSet used in this presentation
name - The name of the Presentation to create - also the name of the HelpSet.Presentation to use.