Class Popup

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.util.EventListener

public class Popup
extends Presentation
implements java.awt.event.ActionListener

Popup is a Presentation class that will create a popup help window for an application. There is only one popup per application. A popup contains only a content viewer. It is intended to provide immediate help and then allow the user to continue working. Once a popup loses focus, it is destroyed.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
 java.awt.Component getInvoker()
          Get the Component that invoked this popup
 java.awt.Rectangle getInvokerInternalBounds()
          Get the internal bounds for the invoker.
static Presentation getPresentation(HelpSet hs, java.lang.String name)
          create a new Popup for a given HelpSet and HelpSet.Presentation "name".
 boolean isDisplayed()
          Determines if the presentation is displayed.
 void setDisplayed(boolean b)
          Displays the presentation to the user
 void setInvoker(java.awt.Component invoker)
          Set the invoking component for this popup.
 void setInvokerInternalBounds(java.awt.Rectangle bounds)
          Set the the internal bounds for an invoker.
Methods inherited from class
getCurrentID, getCurrentURL, getFont, getHelpSet, getLocale, getSize, setCurrentID, setCurrentID, setCurrentURL, setFont, setHelpSet, setHelpSetPresentation, setLocale, setSize
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Presentation getPresentation(HelpSet hs,
                                           java.lang.String name)
create a new Popup for a given HelpSet and HelpSet.Presentation "name". If the "name"d HelpSet.Presentation does not exist in the HelpSet then the defaultHelpSet.Presentation if used.

hs - The HelpSEt used in this presentation
name - The name of the HelpSet.Presentation to use


public java.awt.Component getInvoker()
Get the Component that invoked this popup

Component The invoking component


public void setInvoker(java.awt.Component invoker)
Set the invoking component for this popup. This must be called before setDisplayed(true) is called. If there is an invoker already set it will be used instead of the new invoker.

invoker - The component that invoked this popup
an - IllegalArgumentException if the invoker or it's parents are not showing.


public java.awt.Rectangle getInvokerInternalBounds()
Get the internal bounds for the invoker.


public void setInvokerInternalBounds(java.awt.Rectangle bounds)
Set the the internal bounds for an invoker. For some invokers like JTrees and JTables it is necessary to set an internal bounds to further define the location of where to place the popup.

bounds - A Rectangle of the internal bounds


public void setDisplayed(boolean b)
Displays the presentation to the user

Specified by:
setDisplayed in class Presentation


public boolean isDisplayed()
Description copied from class: Presentation
Determines if the presentation is displayed.

Specified by:
isDisplayed in class Presentation


public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
Specified by:
actionPerformed in interface java.awt.event.ActionListener