Class ServletHelpBroker

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServletHelpBroker
extends java.lang.Object
implements HelpBroker

An implmentation of the HelpBroker interface for Servlets

Constructor Summary
          Zero-argument constructor.
Method Summary
 void enableHelp(java.awt.Component comp, java.lang.String id, HelpSet hs)
          Enables help for a Component.
 void enableHelp(java.awt.MenuItem comp, java.lang.String id, HelpSet hs)
          Enables help for a MenuItem.
 void enableHelpKey(java.awt.Component comp, java.lang.String id, HelpSet hs)
          Enables the Help key on a Component.
 void enableHelpKey(java.awt.Component comp, java.lang.String id, HelpSet hs, java.lang.String presentation, java.lang.String presentationName)
          Enables the Help key on a component.
 void enableHelpOnButton(java.awt.Component comp, java.lang.String id, HelpSet hs)
          Enables help for a Component.
 void enableHelpOnButton(java.awt.MenuItem comp, java.lang.String id, HelpSet hs)
          Enables help for a MenuItem.
 void enableHelpOnButton(java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String id, HelpSet hs, java.lang.String presentation, java.lang.String presentationName)
          Enables help for an object.
 Map.ID getCurrentID()
          Determines which ID is displayed (if any).
 NavigatorView getCurrentNavigatorView()
          Returns the current navigator as a NavigatorView. getCurrentURL()
          Determines which URL is displayed.
 java.lang.String getCurrentView()
          Determines the current navigator.
 java.awt.Font getFont()
          Gets the font for this HelpBroker.
 HelpSet getHelpSet()
          Returns the default HelpSet
 java.util.Locale getLocale()
          Gets the locale of this component.
 java.awt.Point getLocation()
          Requests the location of the presentation.
 int getScreen()
          Requests the screen of the presentation.
 java.awt.Dimension getSize()
          Requests the size of the presentation.
 void initPresentation()
          Initializes the presentation.
 boolean isDisplayed()
          Determines if the presentation is displayed.
 boolean isViewDisplayed()
          Determines if the current view is visible.
 void setCurrentID(Map.ID id)
          Displays this ID--HelpVisitListeners are notified.
 void setCurrentID(java.lang.String id)
          Shows this ID as content relative to the (top) HelpSet for the HelpBroker instance--HelpVisitListeners are notified.
 void setCurrentURL( url)
          Displays this URL.
 void setCurrentView(java.lang.String name)
          Set the currentView to the navigator with the same name as the name parameter.
 void setDisplayed(boolean b)
          Displays the presentation to the user.
 void setFont(java.awt.Font f)
          Sets the font for this this HelpBroker.
 void setHelpSet(HelpSet hs)
          Changes the HelpSet for this broker.
 void setHelpSetPresentation(HelpSet.Presentation pres)
          Sets the presentation attributes from a HelpSet.Presentation.
 void setLocale(java.util.Locale l)
          Sets the locale of this HelpBroker.
 void setLocation(java.awt.Point p)
          Requests the presentation be located at a given position.
 void setScreen(int screen)
          Requests the presentation be set to a given screen.
 void setSize(java.awt.Dimension d)
          Requests the presentation be set to a given size.
 void setViewDisplayed(boolean displayed)
          Hides/Shows view.
 void showID(Map.ID id, java.lang.String presentation, java.lang.String presentationName)
          Displays this ID in a given presentation
 void showID(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String presentation, java.lang.String presentationName)
          Displays this ID in a particular presentation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ServletHelpBroker()
Zero-argument constructor. It should be followed by a setHelpSet() invocation.

Method Detail


public HelpSet getHelpSet()
Returns the default HelpSet

Specified by:
getHelpSet in interface HelpBroker
The HelpSet this JavaHelp is presenting.


public void setHelpSet(HelpSet hs)
Changes the HelpSet for this broker.

Specified by:
setHelpSet in interface HelpBroker
hs - The HelpSet to set for this broker. A null hs is valid parameter.


public java.util.Locale getLocale()
Gets the locale of this component.

Specified by:
getLocale in interface HelpBroker
This component's locale. If this component does not have a locale, the defaultLocale is returned.
See Also:


public void setLocale(java.util.Locale l)
Sets the locale of this HelpBroker. The locale is propagated to the presentation.

Specified by:
setLocale in interface HelpBroker
l - The locale to become this component's locale. A null locale is the same as the defaultLocale.
See Also:


public java.awt.Font getFont()
Gets the font for this HelpBroker.

Specified by:
getFont in interface HelpBroker


public void setFont(java.awt.Font f)
Sets the font for this this HelpBroker.

Specified by:
setFont in interface HelpBroker
f - The font.


public void setCurrentView(java.lang.String name)
Set the currentView to the navigator with the same name as the name parameter.

Specified by:
setCurrentView in interface HelpBroker
name - The name of the navigator to set as the current view. If nav is null or not a valid Navigator in this HelpBroker then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if nav is null or not a valid Navigator.


public java.lang.String getCurrentView()
Determines the current navigator.

Specified by:
getCurrentView in interface HelpBroker
The name of the current navigational view.


public NavigatorView getCurrentNavigatorView()
Returns the current navigator as a NavigatorView.


public void initPresentation()
Initializes the presentation. Not implemented in ServletHelpBroker.

Specified by:
initPresentation in interface HelpBroker


public void setDisplayed(boolean b)
Displays the presentation to the user.

Specified by:
setDisplayed in interface HelpBroker
b - Makes the presentation visible or not.


public boolean isDisplayed()
Determines if the presentation is displayed.

Specified by:
isDisplayed in interface HelpBroker
Whether the presentation is currently visible.


public void setLocation(java.awt.Point p)
                 throws UnsupportedOperationException
Requests the presentation be located at a given position. This operation throws an UnsupportedOperationException in ServletHelpBroker

Specified by:
setLocation in interface HelpBroker


public java.awt.Point getLocation()
                           throws UnsupportedOperationException
Requests the location of the presentation. This operation throws an UnsupportedOperationException in ServletHelpBroker

Specified by:
getLocation in interface HelpBroker


public void setSize(java.awt.Dimension d)
             throws UnsupportedOperationException
Requests the presentation be set to a given size. This operation throws an UnsupportedOperationException in ServletHelpBroker

Specified by:
setSize in interface HelpBroker


public java.awt.Dimension getSize()
                           throws UnsupportedOperationException
Requests the size of the presentation. throws UnsupportedOperationException in ServletHelpBroker.

Specified by:
getSize in interface HelpBroker


public void setScreen(int screen)
               throws UnsupportedOperationException
Requests the presentation be set to a given screen. This operation throws an UnsupportedOperationException in ServletHelpBroker

Specified by:
setScreen in interface HelpBroker


public int getScreen()
              throws UnsupportedOperationException
Requests the screen of the presentation. throws UnsupportedOperationException in ServletHelpBroker.

Specified by:
getScreen in interface HelpBroker


public void setViewDisplayed(boolean displayed)
Hides/Shows view.

Specified by:
setViewDisplayed in interface HelpBroker
displayed - Make the navigational views visible or not.


public boolean isViewDisplayed()
Determines if the current view is visible.

Specified by:
isViewDisplayed in interface HelpBroker
Whether the navigational views are visible.


public void setCurrentID(java.lang.String id)
                  throws BadIDException
Shows this ID as content relative to the (top) HelpSet for the HelpBroker instance--HelpVisitListeners are notified.

Specified by:
setCurrentID in interface HelpBroker
id - A string that identifies the topic to show for the loaded (top) HelpSet
BadIDException - The ID is not valid for the HelpSet


public void setCurrentID(Map.ID id)
                  throws InvalidHelpSetContextException
Displays this ID--HelpVisitListeners are notified.

Specified by:
setCurrentID in interface HelpBroker
id - a Map.ID indicating the URL to display
InvalidHelpSetContextException - if the current helpset does not contain id.helpset
See Also:


public Map.ID getCurrentID()
Determines which ID is displayed (if any).

Specified by:
getCurrentID in interface HelpBroker
The ID being shown.


public void setCurrentURL( url)
Displays this URL. HelpVisitListeners are notified. The currentID changes if there is a mathing ID for this URL

Specified by:
setCurrentURL in interface HelpBroker
url - The url to display. A null URL is a valid url.


public getCurrentURL()
Determines which URL is displayed.

Specified by:
getCurrentURL in interface HelpBroker
The URL being shown.


public void enableHelpKey(java.awt.Component comp,
                          java.lang.String id,
                          HelpSet hs)
Enables the Help key on a Component. Not implemented in ServletHelpBroker

Specified by:
enableHelpKey in interface HelpBroker
comp - The component to enable the keyboard actions on.
id - The default HelpID to be displayed.
hs - The default HelpSet to be displayed.


public void enableHelp(java.awt.Component comp,
                       java.lang.String id,
                       HelpSet hs)
Enables help for a Component. Not implemented in ServletHelpBroker

Specified by:
enableHelp in interface HelpBroker
See Also:
CSH.setHelpID, CSH.setHelpSet


public void enableHelp(java.awt.MenuItem comp,
                       java.lang.String id,
                       HelpSet hs)
Enables help for a MenuItem. Not implemented in ServletHelpBroker

Specified by:
enableHelp in interface HelpBroker
See Also:
CSH.setHelpID, CSH.setHelpSet


public void enableHelpOnButton(java.awt.Component comp,
                               java.lang.String id,
                               HelpSet hs)
Enables help for a Component. Not implemented in ServletHelpBroker

Specified by:
enableHelpOnButton in interface HelpBroker
See Also:
CSH.setHelpID, CSH.setHelpSet, AbstractButton, Button


public void enableHelpOnButton(java.awt.MenuItem comp,
                               java.lang.String id,
                               HelpSet hs)
Enables help for a MenuItem. Not implemented in ServletHelpBroker.

Specified by:
enableHelpOnButton in interface HelpBroker
See Also:
CSH.setHelpID, CSH.setHelpSet, MenuItem


public void setHelpSetPresentation(HelpSet.Presentation pres)
Description copied from interface: HelpBroker
Sets the presentation attributes from a HelpSet.Presentation. The HelpSet.Presentation must be in the current HelpSet.

Specified by:
setHelpSetPresentation in interface HelpBroker
pres - The HelpSet.Presentation


public void showID(java.lang.String id,
                   java.lang.String presentation,
                   java.lang.String presentationName)
            throws BadIDException
Description copied from interface: HelpBroker
Displays this ID in a particular presentation

Specified by:
showID in interface HelpBroker
id - A String identifying the topic to show relative to getHelpSet()
presentation - The Presentation class to display the Help in.
presentationName - The name of a Presentation section from a HelpSet to use. For some Presentations this will also be the name to apply to the Presentation.
BadIDException - if the ID is not valid in the map.
See Also:


public void showID(Map.ID id,
                   java.lang.String presentation,
                   java.lang.String presentationName)
            throws InvalidHelpSetContextException
Description copied from interface: HelpBroker
Displays this ID in a given presentation

Specified by:
showID in interface HelpBroker
id - An ID that identifies the topic to display.
presentation - The Presentation class to display the Help in.
presentationName - The name of a Presentation section from a HelpSet to use. For some Presentations this will also be the name to apply to the Presentation.
InvalidHelpSetContextException - If id.hs is not contanied in the current HelpSet of this broker.
See Also:


public void enableHelpKey(java.awt.Component comp,
                          java.lang.String id,
                          HelpSet hs,
                          java.lang.String presentation,
                          java.lang.String presentationName)
Description copied from interface: HelpBroker
Enables the Help key on a component. This method works best when the component is the rootPane of a JFrame in Swing implementations, or a java.awt.Window (or subclass thereof) in AWT implementations. This method sets the default helpID and HelpSet for the component and registers keyboard actions to trap the "Help" keypress. When the "Help" key is pressed, if the object with the current focus has a helpID, the helpID is displayed, otherwise the default helpID is displayed.

Specified by:
enableHelpKey in interface HelpBroker
comp - The component to enable the keyboard actions on.
id - The default HelpID to be displayed.
hs - The default HelpSet to be displayed.
presentation - The Presentation class to display the Help in.
presentationName - The name of a Presentation section from a HelpSet to use. For some Presentations this will also be the name to apply to the Presentation.
See Also:


public void enableHelpOnButton(java.lang.Object obj,
                               java.lang.String id,
                               HelpSet hs,
                               java.lang.String presentation,
                               java.lang.String presentationName)
Description copied from interface: HelpBroker
Enables help for an object. This method sets a object's helpID and HelpSet and adds an ActionListener. When an action is performed it displays the component's helpID and HelpSet in the default viewer or the presenation if defined. If the component is not a javax.swing.AbstractButton or a java.awt.Button an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

Specified by:
enableHelpOnButton in interface HelpBroker
id - The default HelpID to be displayed.
hs - The default HelpSet to be displayed.
presentation - The Presentation class to display the Help in.
presentationName - The name of a Presentation section from a HelpSet to use. For some Presentations this will also be the name to apply to the Presentation.
See Also:
Presentation, CSH.setHelpID, CSH.setHelpSet, AbstractButton, Button