
Supports event changes in JavaHelp classes.


Interface Summary
HelpModelListener Defines the interface for an object that listens to changes in a HelpModel.
HelpSetListener Defines the interface of an object that listens to changes in the HelpSet.
TextHelpModelListener Defines the interface for an object that listens to changes in a TextHelpModel.

Class Summary
EventListenerList A class that holds a list of EventListeners.
HelpHistoryModelEvent Notifies interested parties that a change in a Help History Model source has occurred.
HelpModelEvent Notifies interested parties that a change in a Help Model source has occurred.
HelpSetEvent Conveys information when a HelpSet is added/removed.
TextHelpModelEvent Notifies interested parties when a change in a TextHelpModel occurs.

Package Description

Supports event changes in JavaHelp classes. HelpModelEvent and HelpModelListener support changes to the locations within HelpSets being presented, TextHelpModelEvent and TextHelpModelListener support textual changes and HelpSetEvent, and HelpSetListener support changes to the HelpSet itself.

EventListenerList is used as a convenience class to maintain lists of listeners and it is functionally equivalent to the equivalent Swing class--it is included to avoid adding unwanted dependencies on Swing.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, tool support, and other documentation, please see the JavaHelp System User's Guide.