Uses of Class

Packages that use SnmpStatusException Provides the classes implementing the SNMP adaptor servers Provides the core classes for implementing common SNMP data types and services Provides the classes for implementing an SNMP agent Provides the classes for implementing an SNMP manager and for sending SNMP requests. Provides the classes for sending SNMPv3 requests, using the User-based Security Model Provides the classes which implement the Message Processing Models for SNMP version 1, version 2c and version 3. Provides the classes for implementing the SNMP User-based Security Model for SNMPv3. Provides the classes which implement the SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB

Uses of SnmpStatusException in

Methods in that throw SnmpStatusException
 SnmpInformRequest SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpInformRequest(InetAddress address, String cs, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 SnmpInformRequest SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpInformRequest(InetAddress addr, String cs, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 Vector SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpInformRequest(SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 Vector SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpInformRequest(SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 SnmpInformRequest SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpInformRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 SnmpInformRequest SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpInformRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpPduTrap(InetAddress address, SnmpPduPacket pdu)
          Send the specified trap PDU to the passed InetAddress.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpPduTrap(InetAddress address, SnmpPduPacket pdu)
          Send the specified trap PDU to the passed InetAddress.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpPduTrap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpPduPacket pdu)
          Send the specified trap PDU to the passed SnmpPeer.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpPduTrap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpPduPacket pdu)
          Send the specified trap PDU to the passed SnmpPeer.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV1Trap(InetAddress addr, SnmpIpAddress agentAddr, String cs, SnmpOid enterpOid, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV1Trap(InetAddress address, String cs, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV1Trap(InetAddress addr, String cs, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV1Trap(int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV1Trap(int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV1Trap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpIpAddress agentAddr, SnmpOid enterpOid, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV1Trap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpIpAddress agentAddr, SnmpOid enterpOid, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV2Trap(InetAddress address, String cs, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV2Trap(InetAddress addr, String cs, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV2Trap(InetAddress addr, String cs, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV2Trap(SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV2Trap(SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV2Trap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV2Trap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 SnmpV3InformRequest SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3InformRequest(InetAddress addr, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpScopedPduRequest pdu, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          You shouldn't use this method directly.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3Trap(InetAddress addr, SnmpScopedPduRequest pdu)
          You shouldn't call this method directly.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3Trap(SnmpScopedPduRequest pdu)
          You shouldn't call this method directly.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3Trap(SnmpUsmPeer peer, SnmpScopedPduRequest pdu)
          You shouldn't call this method directly.
 SnmpV3InformRequest SnmpV3AdaptorServerMBean.snmpV3UsmInformRequest(SnmpUsmPeer informPeer, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends an inform request using SNMP V3 inform request format.
 SnmpV3InformRequest SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3UsmInformRequest(SnmpUsmPeer informPeer, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends an inform request using SNMP V3 inform request format.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServerMBean.snmpV3UsmTrap(InetAddress addr, String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends a trap to the specified address using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3UsmTrap(InetAddress addr, String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends a trap to the specified address using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServerMBean.snmpV3UsmTrap(InetAddress addr, String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap to the specified address using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3UsmTrap(InetAddress addr, String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap to the specified address using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServerMBean.snmpV3UsmTrap(SnmpUsmPeer peer, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap to the specified SnmpUsmPeer using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3UsmTrap(SnmpUsmPeer peer, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap to the specified SnmpUsmPeer using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServerMBean.snmpV3UsmTrap(String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends a trap to all IP addresses in IPAcl using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3UsmTrap(String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends a trap to all IP addresses in InetAddressAcl using Usm as security model.

Uses of SnmpStatusException in

Methods in that throw SnmpStatusException
 void SnmpVarBind.addInstance(long[] inst)
          Adds an instance part to the OID in the SnmpOid object.
 void SnmpVarBindList.addInstance(String inst)
          Adds the string as an instance part to all OIDs in this list.
 void SnmpVarBind.addInstance(String inst)
          Adds an instance part to the OID in the SnmpOid object.
 void SnmpOid.addToOid(long[] oid)
          Adds the specified array of longs to the end of this SnmpOid.
 void SnmpOid.addToOid(String s)
          Adds the specified dot-formatted OID String to the end of this SnmpOid.
 void SnmpVarBindList.addVarBind(String name)
          Creates an SnmpVarBind object from the given MIB variable and appends it to the existing SnmpVarBindList.
 void SnmpVarBindList.addVarBind(String[] list)
          Adds an array of MIB variable names to the list.
 void SnmpVarBindList.addVarBind(String[] list, String inst)
          Prepares a vector of SnmpVarBindList from an array of SNMP MIB variables and instances.
 void SnmpSecurityParameters.decode(byte[] params)
          BER decoding of security parameters.
 void SnmpV3Message.decodeMessage(byte[] inputBytes, int byteCount)
          Decodes the specified bytes and initializes this message.
abstract  void SnmpMsg.decodeMessage(byte[] inputBytes, int byteCount)
          Decodes the specified bytes and initializes this message.
 void SnmpMessage.decodeMessage(byte[] inputBytes, int byteCount)
          Decodes the specified bytes and initializes this message.
 SnmpPdu SnmpV3Message.decodeSnmpPdu()
          Gets the PDU encoded in this message.
abstract  SnmpPdu SnmpMsg.decodeSnmpPdu()
          Gets the PDU encoded in this message.
 SnmpPdu SnmpMessage.decodeSnmpPdu()
          Gets the PDU encoded in this message.
 SnmpPdu SnmpPduFactoryBER.decodeSnmpPdu(SnmpMsg msg)
          Calls SnmpMsg.decodeSnmpPdu on the specified message and returns the resulting SnmpPdu.
 SnmpPdu SnmpPduFactory.decodeSnmpPdu(SnmpMsg msg)
          Decodes the specified SnmpMsg and returns the resulting SnmpPdu.
 void SnmpV3Message.encodeSnmpPdu(SnmpPdu pdu, int maxDataLength)
          Initializes this message with the specified pdu.
 SnmpMsg SnmpPduFactoryBER.encodeSnmpPdu(SnmpPdu pdu, int maxPktSize)
          Encodes the specified SnmpPdu and returns the resulting SnmpMsg.
abstract  void SnmpMsg.encodeSnmpPdu(SnmpPdu pdu, int maxDataLength)
          Initializes this message with the specified pdu.
 void SnmpMessage.encodeSnmpPdu(SnmpPdu pdu, int maxDataLength)
          Initializes this message with the specified pdu.
 SnmpMsg SnmpPduFactory.encodeSnmpPdu(SnmpPdu pdu, int maxPktSize)
          Encodes the specified SnmpPdu and returns the resulting SnmpMsg.
 void SnmpMsg.encodeVarBindList(BerEncoder benc, SnmpVarBind[] varBindList)
          For Java DMK private use only.
 long SnmpOid.getOidArc(int pos)
          Returns the value of the OID arc found at the requested position in the components array.
static int SnmpMsg.getProtocolVersion(byte[] data)
          Returns the encoded SNMP version present in the passed byte array.
 int SnmpV3Message.getRequestId(byte[] data)
          Returns the associated request Id.
abstract  int SnmpMsg.getRequestId(byte[] data)
          Returns the associated request ID.
 int SnmpMessage.getRequestId(byte[] inputBytes)
          Returns the associated request ID.
static int SnmpStringFixed.nextOid(int l, long[] index, int start)
          Scans an index OID, skip the string value and returns the position of the next value.
static int SnmpString.nextOid(long[] index, int start)
          Scans an index OID, skips the string value and returns the position of the next value.
static int SnmpCounter64.nextOid(long[] index, int start)
          Scans an index OID, skips the counter value and returns the position of the next value.
static int SnmpInt.nextOid(long[] index, int start)
          Scans an index OID, skips the integer value and returns the position of the next value.
static int SnmpIpAddress.nextOid(long[] index, int start)
          Scans an index OID, skips the address value and returns the position of the next value.
static int SnmpOid.nextOid(long[] index, int start)
          Scans an index OID, skips the OID value and returns the position of the next value.
 void SnmpOidDatabaseSupport.remove(SnmpOidTable table)
          Removes a SnmpOidTable object from this SnmpOidDatabase.
 void SnmpOidDatabase.remove(SnmpOidTable table)
          Removes an SnmpOidTable object from this SnmpOidDatabase.
 boolean SnmpVarBindList.removeVarBind(String name)
          Removes the SnmpVarBind object corresponding to the given MIB variable from the existing SnmpVarBindList.
 boolean SnmpVarBindList.removeVarBind(String[] list)
          Removes the array of SNMP MIB variables from the existing SnmpVarBindList.
 boolean SnmpVarBindList.removeVarBind(String[] list, String inst)
          Removes the array of SNMP MIB variables and instances from the existing SnmpVarBindList.
 SnmpOidRecord SnmpVarBind.resolveVarName(String name)
          Consults the MIB table storage to resolve the name to its OID type structure.
 SnmpOidRecord SnmpOidTableSupport.resolveVarName(String name)
          Searches for a MIB variable given its logical name and returns an SnmpOidRecord object containing information on the variable.
 SnmpOidRecord SnmpOidTable.resolveVarName(String name)
          Searches for a MIB variable given its logical name and returns an SnmpOidRecord object containing information on the variable.
 SnmpOidRecord SnmpOidDatabaseSupport.resolveVarName(String name)
          Searches for a MIB variable given its logical name and returns an SnmpOidRecord object containing information on the variable.
 SnmpOidRecord SnmpOidDatabase.resolveVarName(String name)
          Searches for a MIB variable given its logical name and returns an SnmpOidRecord object containing information on the variable.
 String SnmpOid.resolveVarName(String s)
          Resolves a MIB variable String with the MIB database.
 SnmpOidRecord SnmpOidTableSupport.resolveVarOid(String oid)
          Searches for a MIB variable given its OID and returns an SnmpOidRecord object containing information on the variable.
 SnmpOidRecord SnmpOidTable.resolveVarOid(String oid)
          Searches for a MIB variable given its OID and returns an SnmpOidRecord object containing information on the variable.
 SnmpOidRecord SnmpOidDatabaseSupport.resolveVarOid(String oid)
          Searches for a MIB variable given its OID and returns an SnmpOidRecord object containing information on the variable.
 SnmpOidRecord SnmpOidDatabase.resolveVarOid(String oid)
          Searches for a MIB variable given its OID and returns an SnmpOidRecord object containing information on the variable.
static SnmpOid SnmpStringFixed.toOid(int l, long[] index, int start)
          Extracts the fixed-string from an index OID and returns its value converted as an SnmpOid.
static SnmpOid SnmpString.toOid(long[] index, int start)
          Extracts the string from an index OID and returns its value converted as an SnmpOid.
static SnmpOid SnmpCounter64.toOid(long[] index, int start)
          Extracts the counter from an index OID and returns its value converted as an SnmpOid.
static SnmpOid SnmpInt.toOid(long[] index, int start)
          Extracts the integer from an index OID and returns its value converted as an SnmpOid.
static SnmpOid SnmpIpAddress.toOid(long[] index, int start)
          Extracts the ip address from an index OID and returns its value converted as an SnmpOid.
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.toOid(long[] index, int start)
          Extracts the OID from an index OID and returns its value converted as an SnmpOid.

Constructors in with parameters of type SnmpStatusException
SnmpStatusException(SnmpStatusException x, int index)
          Constructs a new SnmpStatusException with an error index.

Constructors in that throw SnmpStatusException
SnmpVarBind(String name)
          Constructs a new SnmpVarBind object from the specified String value.

Uses of SnmpStatusException in

Fields in declared as SnmpStatusException
protected static SnmpStatusException SnmpMibNode.noSuchInstanceException
          Contains a predefined exception that is often fired when an object is not found in the MIB.
protected static SnmpStatusException SnmpMibNode.noSuchNameException
protected static SnmpStatusException SnmpMibNode.noSuchObjectException

Methods in with parameters of type SnmpStatusException
 void SnmpMibSubRequest.registerCheckException(SnmpVarBind varbind, SnmpStatusException exception)
          This method should be called when a status exception needs to be raised when checking a given varbind for an SNMP SET request.
 void SnmpMibSubRequest.registerGetException(SnmpVarBind varbind, SnmpStatusException exception)
          This method should be called when a status exception needs to be raised for a given varbind of an SNMP GET request.
 void SnmpMibSubRequest.registerSetException(SnmpVarBind varbind, SnmpStatusException exception)
          This method should be called when a status exception needs to be raised for a given varbind of an SNMP SET request.

Methods in that throw SnmpStatusException
protected  void SnmpTableSupport.addEntry(SnmpIndex index, Object entry)
          Add an entry in this table.
protected  void SnmpTableSupport.addEntry(SnmpIndex index, ObjectName name, Object entry)
          Add an entry in this table.
 void SnmpMibTable.addEntry(SnmpOid rowOid, Object entry)
          Add a new entry in this SnmpMibTable.
 void SnmpMibTable.addEntry(SnmpOid oid, ObjectName name, Object entry)
          Add a new entry in this SnmpMibTable.
 void SnmpTableSupport.addEntryCb(int pos, SnmpOid row, ObjectName name, Object entry, SnmpMibTable meta)
          This callback is called by the associated metadata object when a new table entry has been registered in the table metadata.
 void SnmpTableCallbackHandler.addEntryCb(int pos, SnmpOid row, ObjectName name, Object entry, SnmpMibTable meta)
          This method is called by the SNMP runtime after a new entry has been added to the table.
 Object SnmpUserDataFactory.allocateUserData(SnmpPdu requestPdu)
          Called by the SnmpV3AdaptorServer adaptor.
 Object SnmpUserDataFactory.allocateUserData(SnmpPduPacket requestPdu)
          Called by the SnmpAdaptorServer adaptor.
protected  void SnmpMibTable.beginRowAction(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth, int rowAction)
          This method takes care of initial RowStatus handling during the check() phase of a SET request.
 Object SnmpGenericMetaServer.buildAttributeValue(long id, SnmpValue value)
          Construct an attribute value (as returned by Attribute::getValue()) from an SnmpValue.
abstract  ObjectName SnmpTableSupport.buildNameFromIndex(SnmpIndex index)
          Builds the default ObjectName of an entry from the SnmpIndex identifying this entry.
abstract  SnmpOid SnmpTableSupport.buildOidFromIndex(SnmpIndex index)
          Builds an SnmpOid from an SnmpIndex object.
protected abstract  SnmpIndex SnmpTableSupport.buildSnmpIndex(long[] oid, int start)
          Builds an SnmpIndex object from the index part of an OID.
 SnmpIndex SnmpTableSupport.buildSnmpIndex(SnmpOid rowOid)
          Builds an entry SnmpIndex from its row OID.
 SnmpValue SnmpGenericMetaServer.buildSnmpValue(long id, Object value)
          Construct an SnmpValue from an Attribute value as returned by Attribute::getValue().
 void SnmpGenericObjectServer.check(SnmpGenericMetaServer meta, ObjectName name, SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Checks whether an SNMP SET request can be successfully performed.
 void SnmpGenericObjectServer.check(SnmpGenericMetaServer meta, ObjectName name, SnmpValue x, long id, Object data)
          Checks whether a SET operation can be performed on a given SNMP variable.
 void SnmpProxy.check(SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          Implement the check method from the abstract SnmpMibAgent class.
 void SnmpErrorHandlerAgent.check(SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          Checks if a set operation can be performed.
 void SnmpMib.check(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Checks if a set operation can be performed.
 void SnmpMibAgentMBean.check(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Checks if a set operation can be performed.
 void SnmpMibAgent.check(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Checks if a set operation can be performed.
abstract  void SnmpMibEntry.check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the check operation.
 void SnmpMibTable.check(SnmpMibSubRequest request, int depth)
          Generic handling of the check operation.
abstract  void SnmpMibNode.check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the check operation.
 void SnmpMibOid.check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the check operation.
abstract  void SnmpMibGroup.check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the check operation.
protected abstract  void SnmpMibTable.check(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
          This method is used internally and is implemented by the SnmpMibTable subclasses generated by mibgen.
 void SnmpStandardObjectServer.check(SnmpStandardMetaServer meta, SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the check operation.
 void SnmpStandardMetaServer.check(SnmpValue x, long arc, Object userData)
          Checks that the new desired value of the scalar object identified by the given OID arc is valid.
 void SnmpGenericMetaServer.checkGetAccess(long id, Object data)
          Check the access rights for a GET operation.
protected  void SnmpMibTable.checkRemoveTableRow(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
          Check whether the specified row can be removed from the table.
protected  void SnmpMibTable.checkRowStatusChange(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth, int newStatus)
          Check whether the control variable of the given row can be switched to the new specified newStatus.
 void SnmpGenericMetaServer.checkSetAccess(SnmpValue x, long id, Object data)
          Check the access rights for a SET operation.
abstract  void SnmpMibTable.createNewEntry(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
          This method is invoked when the creation of a new entry is requested by a remote SNMP manager.
abstract  void SnmpTableSupport.createNewEntry(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth, SnmpMibTable meta)
          Creates a new entry in the table.
 void SnmpTableEntryFactory.createNewEntry(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth, SnmpMibTable meta)
          This method is called by the SNMP runtime whenever a new entry creation is requested by a remote manager.
protected abstract  SnmpParams SnmpV3Proxy.createParameters(SnmpPdu pdu)
          Factory parameters method.
protected  SnmpParams SnmpUsmProxy.createParameters(SnmpPdu pdu)
          Factory parameters method.
protected  void SnmpMibTable.endRowAction(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth, int rowAction)
          This method takes care of final RowStatus handling during the set() phase of a SET request.
 SnmpPdu SnmpRequestForwarder.forward(SnmpPdu p)
          This method is called by the adaptor when a request is received for an engine id that is handled by this SnmpRequestForwarder
 SnmpValue SnmpStandardMetaServer.get(long arc, Object userData)
          Returns the value of the scalar object identified by the given OID arc.
 SnmpValue SnmpGenericObjectServer.get(SnmpGenericMetaServer meta, ObjectName name, long id, Object data)
          Get the value of an SNMP variable.
 void SnmpGenericObjectServer.get(SnmpGenericMetaServer meta, ObjectName name, SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Execute an SNMP GET request.
 void SnmpProxy.get(SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          Implement the get method from the abstract SnmpMibAgent class.
 void SnmpErrorHandlerAgent.get(SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          Processes a get operation.
 void SnmpMib.get(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Processes a get operation.
 void SnmpMibAgentMBean.get(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Processes a get operation.
 void SnmpMibAgent.get(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Processes a get operation.
abstract  void SnmpMibEntry.get(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the get operation.
 void SnmpMibTable.get(SnmpMibSubRequest request, int depth)
          Generic handling of the get operation.
abstract  void SnmpMibNode.get(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the get operation.
 void SnmpMibOid.get(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the get operation.
abstract  void SnmpMibGroup.get(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the get operation.
protected abstract  void SnmpMibTable.get(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
          This method is used internally and is implemented by the SnmpMibTable subclasses generated by mibgen.
protected  void SnmpProxy.get(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpSession session, SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          The get implementation.
 void SnmpStandardObjectServer.get(SnmpStandardMetaServer meta, SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the get operation.
 String SnmpGenericMetaServer.getAttributeName(long id)
          Return the name of the attribute corresponding to the SNMP variable identified by the given id.
 void SnmpProxy.getBulk(SnmpMibRequest request, int nonRepeat, int maxRepeat)
          Implement the getBulk method from the abstract SnmpMibAgent class.
 void SnmpErrorHandlerAgent.getBulk(SnmpMibRequest inRequest, int nonRepeat, int maxRepeat)
          Processes a getBulk operation.
 void SnmpMib.getBulk(SnmpMibRequest req, int nonRepeat, int maxRepeat)
          Processes a getBulk operation.
 void SnmpMibAgentMBean.getBulk(SnmpMibRequest req, int nonRepeat, int maxRepeat)
          Processes a getBulk operation.
 void SnmpMibAgent.getBulk(SnmpMibRequest req, int nonRepeat, int maxRepeat)
          Processes a getBulk operation.
 Object SnmpMibTable.getEntry(SnmpOid rowOid)
          Get the entry corresponding to the specified rowOid.
 ObjectName SnmpMibTable.getEntryName(SnmpOid rowOid)
          Get the ObjectName of the entry corresponding to the specified rowOid.
 void SnmpProxy.getNext(SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          Implement the getNext method from the abstract SnmpMibAgent class.
 void SnmpErrorHandlerAgent.getNext(SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          Processes a getNext operation.
 void SnmpMib.getNext(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Processes a getNext operation.
 void SnmpMibAgentMBean.getNext(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Processes a getNext operation.
 void SnmpMibAgent.getNext(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Processes a getNext operation.
protected  void SnmpProxy.getNext(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpSession session, SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          The getNext implementation.
protected static int SnmpMibNode.getNextIdentifier(int[] table, long value)
          This will give the first element greater than value in a sorted array.
protected  SnmpOid SnmpMibTable.getNextOid(Object userData)
          Return the first entry OID registered in the table.
protected  SnmpOid SnmpMibTable.getNextOid(SnmpOid oid, Object userData)
          Get the SnmpOid index of the row that follows the given oid in the table.
protected abstract  long SnmpMibTable.getNextVarEntryId(SnmpOid rowOid, long var, Object userData)
          This method is used internally and is implemented by the SnmpMibTable subclasses generated by mibgen.
protected  long SnmpMibTable.getNextVarEntryId(SnmpOid rowOid, long var, Object userData, int pduVersion)
          Return the next OID arc corresponding to a readable columnar object in the underlying entry OBJECT-TYPE, possibly skipping over those objects that must not or cannot be returned.
 long SnmpMibEntry.getNextVarId(long id, Object userData)
          Get the next OID arc corresponding to a readable scalar variable.
 long SnmpMibNode.getNextVarId(long id, Object userData)
          Get the next OID arc corresponding to a readable scalar variable, a branch leading to a subgroup, or a table.
 long SnmpMibNode.getNextVarId(long id, Object userData, int pduVersion)
          Get the next OID arc corresponding to a readable scalar variable, a branch leading to a subgroup, or a table, possibly skipping over those arcs that must not or cannot be returned.
protected  int SnmpMibTable.getRowAction(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
          Return the RowStatus code value specified in this request.
protected abstract  boolean SnmpMibTable.isReadableEntryId(SnmpOid rowOid, long var, Object userData)
          This method is used internally and is implemented by the SnmpMibTable subclasses generated by mibgen.
protected  boolean SnmpMibTable.isRowReady(SnmpOid rowOid, Object userData)
          Tell whether the specified row is ready and can be put in the notInService state.
protected  int SnmpMibTable.mapRowStatus(SnmpOid rowOid, SnmpVarBind vbstatus, Object userData)
          Map the value of the vbstatus varbind to the corresponding RowStatus code defined in EnumRowStatus.
 void SnmpMibSubRequest.registerCheckException(SnmpVarBind varbind, SnmpStatusException exception)
          This method should be called when a status exception needs to be raised when checking a given varbind for an SNMP SET request.
 void SnmpMibSubRequest.registerGetException(SnmpVarBind varbind, SnmpStatusException exception)
          This method should be called when a status exception needs to be raised for a given varbind of an SNMP GET request.
 void SnmpMibSubRequest.registerSetException(SnmpVarBind varbind, SnmpStatusException exception)
          This method should be called when a status exception needs to be raised for a given varbind of an SNMP SET request.
 void SnmpGenericObjectServer.registerTableEntry(SnmpMibTable meta, SnmpOid rowOid, ObjectName objname, Object entry)
 void SnmpUserDataFactory.releaseUserData(Object userData, SnmpPdu responsePdu)
          Called by the SnmpV3AdaptorServer adaptor.
 void SnmpUserDataFactory.releaseUserData(Object userData, SnmpPduPacket responsePdu)
          Called by the SnmpAdaptorServer adaptor.
 void SnmpMibTable.removeEntry(int pos, Object entry)
          Remove the specified entry from the table.
protected  void SnmpTableSupport.removeEntry(SnmpIndex index, Object entry)
          Remove an entry from this table.
 void SnmpMibTable.removeEntry(SnmpOid rowOid)
          Remove the specified entry from the table.
 void SnmpMibTable.removeEntry(SnmpOid rowOid, Object entry)
          Remove the specified entry from the table.
 void SnmpTableSupport.removeEntryCb(int pos, SnmpOid row, ObjectName name, Object entry, SnmpMibTable meta)
          This callback is called by the associated metadata object when a new table entry has been removed from the table metadata.
 void SnmpTableCallbackHandler.removeEntryCb(int pos, SnmpOid row, ObjectName name, Object entry, SnmpMibTable meta)
          This method is called by the SNMP runtime after a new entry has been removed from the table.
protected  void SnmpMibTable.removeTableRow(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
          Remove a table row upon a remote manager request.
 void SnmpTrap.sendV1(SnmpAdaptorServer server)
          Send this trap.
 void SnmpTrap.sendV2(SnmpAdaptorServer server)
          Send as a V2 trap.
 void SnmpTrap.sendV3(SnmpV3AdaptorServer server)
          Send as a V3 trap.
 void SnmpTrap.sendV3Usm(SnmpV3AdaptorServer server, String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName)
          Send as a V3 trap.
 void SnmpGenericObjectServer.set(SnmpGenericMetaServer meta, ObjectName name, SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Execute an SNMP SET request.
 SnmpValue SnmpGenericObjectServer.set(SnmpGenericMetaServer meta, ObjectName name, SnmpValue x, long id, Object data)
          Set the value of an SNMP variable.
 void SnmpProxy.set(SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          Implement the set method from the abstract SnmpMibAgent class.
 void SnmpErrorHandlerAgent.set(SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          Processes a set operation.
 void SnmpMib.set(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Processes a set operation.
 void SnmpMibAgentMBean.set(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Processes a set operation.
 void SnmpMibAgent.set(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Processes a set operation.
abstract  void SnmpMibEntry.set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the set operation.
 void SnmpMibTable.set(SnmpMibSubRequest request, int depth)
          Generic handling of the set operation.
abstract  void SnmpMibNode.set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the set operation.
 void SnmpMibOid.set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the set operation.
abstract  void SnmpMibGroup.set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the set operation.
protected abstract  void SnmpMibTable.set(SnmpMibSubRequest request, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
          This method is used internally and is implemented by the SnmpMibTable subclasses generated by mibgen.
protected  void SnmpProxy.set(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpSession session, SnmpMibRequest inRequest)
          The set implementation.
 void SnmpStandardObjectServer.set(SnmpStandardMetaServer meta, SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
          Generic handling of the set operation.
 SnmpValue SnmpStandardMetaServer.set(SnmpValue x, long arc, Object userData)
          Sets the value of the scalar object identified by the given OID arc.
protected  SnmpValue SnmpMibTable.setRowStatus(SnmpOid rowOid, int newStatus, Object userData)
          Set the control variable to the specified newStatus value.
protected  SnmpParams SnmpV3Proxy.translateParameters(SnmpMibRequest req)
          Return the parameters to use when sending the call.
protected  SnmpParams SnmpProxy.translateParameters(SnmpMibRequest request)
          Return the parameters to use when sending the call.
protected abstract  void SnmpMibTable.validateVarEntryId(SnmpOid rowOid, long var, Object userData)
          This method is used internally and is implemented by the SnmpMibTable subclasses generated by mibgen.
 void SnmpMibEntry.validateVarId(long arc, Object userData)
          Checks whether the given OID arc identifies a variable (columnar object).
 void SnmpMibGroup.validateVarId(long arc, Object userData)
          Checks whether the given OID arc identifies a variable (scalar object).

Constructors in that throw SnmpStatusException
SnmpProxy(SnmpEngine engine, SnmpPeer peer, String rootOid)
          Initializes this SNMP proxy with a SnmpPeer to which calls are forwarded.
SnmpProxy(SnmpEngine engine, SnmpPeer peer, String rootOid, String name)
          Initializes this SNMP proxy with a SnmpPeer to which calls are forwarded.
SnmpUsmProxy(SnmpEngine engine, SnmpUsmPeer peer, String rootOid)
          Initializes this SNMP proxy with a SnmpPeer to which calls are forwarded.
SnmpUsmProxy(SnmpEngine engine, SnmpUsmPeer peer, String rootOid, String name)
          Initializes this SNMP proxy with a SnmpPeer to which calls are forwarded.
SnmpV3Proxy(SnmpEngine engine, SnmpPeer peer, String rootOid, String name)
          Initializes this SNMP proxy with a SnmpPeer to which calls are forwarded.

Uses of SnmpStatusException in

Methods in that throw SnmpStatusException
 byte[] SnmpParameters.encodeAuthentication(int snmpCmd)
          For Java DMK internal use only.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetBulkRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int nonRepeat, int maxRepeat)
          Performs a single SNMP getbulk request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetBulkRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int nonRepeat, int maxRepeat)
          Performs a single SNMP getbulk request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetNextPollRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int intrvl)
          Starts polling the peer at the specified intervals, for the MIB variables in the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetNextPollRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int intrvl)
          Starts polling the peer at the specified intervals, for the MIB variables in the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP getnext request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP getnext request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetPollRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int intrvl)
          Starts polling the peer at the specified intervals, for the MIB variables in the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetPollRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int intrvl)
          Starts polling the peer at the specified intervals, for the MIB variables in the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP get request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP get request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpInformRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP inform request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpInformRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP inform request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpSetRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP set request on the peer for the specified variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpSetRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP set request on the peer for the specified variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpWalkUntilRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, SnmpOid key)
          Walks through the lexicographic ordering of the agent MIB.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpWalkUntilRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, SnmpOid key)
          Walks through the lexicographic ordering of the agent MIB.
 boolean SnmpRequest.waitForCompletion(long time)
          Used in synchronous mode only.

Constructors in that throw SnmpStatusException
SnmpSession(SnmpEngineParameters parameters, SnmpEngineFactory factory, String name, SnmpPeer apeer)
          Constructor for creating a new session.
SnmpSession(SnmpEngineParameters parameters, SnmpEngineFactory factory, String name, SnmpPeer apeer, InetAddress localaddress, int port)
          Constructor for creating a new session.
SnmpSession(SnmpEngineParameters parameters, SnmpEngineFactory factory, String name, SnmpPeer apeer, InetSocketAddress localaddress)
          Constructor for creating a new session.
SnmpSession(SnmpEngine engine, String name, SnmpPeer apeer)
          Constructor for creating a new session.
SnmpSession(String name)
          Constructor for creating a new session.
SnmpSession(String name, SnmpPeer apeer)
          Constructor for creating a new session.

Uses of SnmpStatusException in

Methods in that throw SnmpStatusException
 void SnmpUsmPeer.processUsmTimelinessDiscovery()
          Call this method in order to discover Usm timeliness needed infos.

Constructors in that throw SnmpStatusException
SnmpUsmPeer(SnmpEngine engine, InetAddress netaddr)
          Creates an SNMP peer object for a device.
SnmpUsmPeer(SnmpEngine engine, InetAddress netaddr, SnmpEngineId id)
          Creates an SNMP peer object for a device.
SnmpUsmPeer(SnmpEngine engine, String host)
          Creates an SNMP peer object for a device.
SnmpUsmPeer(SnmpEngine engine, String host, int port)
          Creates an SNMP peer object for a device with the specified port.
SnmpUsmPeer(SnmpEngine engine, String host, int port, SnmpEngineId id)
          Creates an SNMP peer object for a device with the specified port.
SnmpUsmPeer(SnmpEngine engine, String host, SnmpEngineId id)
          Creates an SNMP peer object for a device.

Uses of SnmpStatusException in

Methods in that throw SnmpStatusException SnmpMsgProcessingModelV3.decode(byte[] buff)
          Look for SnmpMsgProcessingModel interface specification. SnmpMsgProcessingModelV1V2.decode(byte[] pdu)
          Look for SnmpMsgProcessingModel interface specification.
 SnmpPdu SnmpMsgProcessingModelV3.getRequestPdu(SnmpParams p, int command)
          Look for SnmpMsgProcessingModel interface specification.
 SnmpPdu SnmpMsgProcessingModelV1V2.getRequestPdu(SnmpParams p, int command)
          Look for SnmpMsgProcessingModel interface specification.

Uses of SnmpStatusException in

Methods in that throw SnmpStatusException
 int SnmpUserSecurityModel.generateRequestMsg( cache, int version, int msgId, int msgMaxSize, byte msgFlags, int msgSecurityModel, SnmpSecurityParameters p, byte[] contextEngineId, byte[] contextName, byte[] data, int dataLength, byte[] outputBytes)
          See SnmpSecurityModel interface for doc.
 int SnmpUserSecurityModel.generateResponseMsg( cache, int version, int msgId, int msgMaxSize, byte msgFlags, int msgSecurityModel, SnmpSecurityParameters p, byte[] contextEngineId, byte[] contextName, byte[] data, int dataLength, byte[] outputBytes)
          See SnmpSecurityModel interface for doc.
 SnmpSecurityParameters SnmpUserSecurityModel.processIncomingRequest( cache, int version, int msgId, int msgMaxSize, byte msgFlags, int msgSecurityModel, byte[] msgSecurityParameters, byte[] contextEngineId, byte[] contextName, byte[] data, byte[] encryptedPdu, decryptedPdu)
          See SnmpSecurityModel interface for doc.
 SnmpSecurityParameters SnmpUserSecurityModel.processIncomingResponse( cache, int version, int msgId, int msgMaxSize, byte msgFlags, int msgSecurityModel, byte[] msgSecurityParameters, byte[] contextEngineId, byte[] contextName, byte[] data, byte[] encryptedPdu, decryptedPdu)
          See SnmpSecurityModel interface for doc.

Uses of SnmpStatusException in

Methods in that throw SnmpStatusException
 TableUsmUserTable UsmUser.accessUsmUserTable()
          Access the "UsmUserTable" variable.
 TableUsmUserTable UsmUserMBean.accessUsmUserTable()
          Access the "UsmUserTable" variable.
 void UsmUserTableMeta.addEntry(SnmpOid rowOid, ObjectName objname, Object entry)
 void TableUsmUserTable.addEntry(UsmUserEntryMBean entry)
          Add a new entry to the table.
 void TableUsmUserTable.addEntry(UsmUserEntryMBean entry, ObjectName name)
          Add a new entry to the table.
 void TableUsmUserTableImpl.addEntryCb(int pos, SnmpOid row, ObjectName name, Object entry, SnmpMibTable meta)
 ObjectName TableUsmUserTable.buildNameFromIndex(SnmpIndex index)
 SnmpOid TableUsmUserTable.buildOidFromIndex(SnmpIndex index)
          Build index for "UsmUserEntry".
 SnmpOid TableUsmUserTable.buildOidFromIndexVal(Byte[] aUsmUserEngineID, String aUsmUserName)
          Build index for "UsmUserEntry".
 SnmpIndex TableUsmUserTable.buildSnmpIndex(long[] index, int start)
          Build index for "UsmUserEntry".
 SnmpIndex TableUsmUserTable.buildSnmpIndex(UsmUserEntryMBean entry)
          Build index for "UsmUserEntry".
 void UsmUserEntryMeta.check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
 void UsmStatsMeta.check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
 void UsmUserMeta.check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
 void UsmUserTableMeta.check(SnmpMibSubRequest req, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
 void UsmUserEntryMeta.check(SnmpValue x, long var, Object data)
          Check the value of a scalar variable
 void UsmStatsMeta.check(SnmpValue x, long var, Object data)
          Check the value of a scalar variable
 void UsmUserMeta.check(SnmpValue x, long var, Object data)
          Check the value of a scalar variable
 void UsmUserEntry.checkUsmUserAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.checkUsmUserAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.checkUsmUserAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.checkUsmUserAuthProtocol(String x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserAuthProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.checkUsmUserAuthProtocol(String x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserAuthProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.checkUsmUserAuthProtocol(String x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserAuthProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.checkUsmUserCloneFrom(String x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserCloneFrom" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.checkUsmUserCloneFrom(String x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserCloneFrom" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.checkUsmUserCloneFrom(String x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserCloneFrom" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.checkUsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.checkUsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.checkUsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.checkUsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.checkUsmUserPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.checkUsmUserPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.checkUsmUserPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.checkUsmUserPrivProtocol(String x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserPrivProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.checkUsmUserPrivProtocol(String x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserPrivProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.checkUsmUserPrivProtocol(String x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserPrivProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.checkUsmUserPublic(Byte[] x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserPublic" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.checkUsmUserPublic(Byte[] x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserPublic" variable.
 void UsmUserImpl.checkUsmUserSpinLock(Integer x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserSpinLock" variable.
 void UsmUser.checkUsmUserSpinLock(Integer x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserSpinLock" variable.
 void UsmUserMBean.checkUsmUserSpinLock(Integer x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserSpinLock" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.checkUsmUserStatus(EnumUsmUserStatus x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserStatus" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.checkUsmUserStatus(EnumUsmUserStatus x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserStatus" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.checkUsmUserStatus(EnumUsmUserStatus x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserStatus" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.checkUsmUserStorageType(EnumUsmUserStorageType x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserStorageType" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.checkUsmUserStorageType(EnumUsmUserStorageType x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserStorageType" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.checkUsmUserStorageType(EnumUsmUserStorageType x)
          Checker for the "UsmUserStorageType" variable.
 void UsmUserTableMeta.createNewEntry(SnmpMibSubRequest req, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
 void TableUsmUserTable.createNewEntry(SnmpMibSubRequest req, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth, SnmpMibTable meta)
 Object TableUsmUserTableImpl.createUsmUserEntryMBean(SnmpMibSubRequest req, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth, ObjectName entryObjName, SnmpMibTable meta, Byte[] aUsmUserEngineID, String aUsmUserName)
 Object TableUsmUserTable.createUsmUserEntryMBean(SnmpMibSubRequest req, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth, ObjectName entryObjName, SnmpMibTable meta, Byte[] aUsmUserEngineID, String aUsmUserName)
          Factory method for "UsmUserEntry" entry MBean class.
 SnmpValue UsmUserEntryMeta.get(long var, Object data)
          Get the value of a scalar variable
 SnmpValue UsmStatsMeta.get(long var, Object data)
          Get the value of a scalar variable
 SnmpValue UsmUserMeta.get(long var, Object data)
          Get the value of a scalar variable
 void UsmUserEntryMeta.get(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
 void UsmStatsMeta.get(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
 void UsmUserMeta.get(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
 void UsmUserTableMeta.get(SnmpMibSubRequest req, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
 String UsmUserEntryMeta.getAttributeName(long id)
          Return the name of the attribute corresponding to the SNMP variable identified by "id".
 String UsmStatsMeta.getAttributeName(long id)
          Return the name of the attribute corresponding to the SNMP variable identified by "id".
 String UsmUserMeta.getAttributeName(long id)
          Return the name of the attribute corresponding to the SNMP variable identified by "id".
 long UsmUserTableMeta.getNextVarEntryId(SnmpOid rowOid, long var, Object data)
          Returns the arc of the next columnar object following "var".
 int UsmUserEntryMeta.getRowStatus(Object userData)
 int UsmUserTableMeta.getRowStatus(SnmpOid rowOid, Object userData)
 Long UsmStats.getUsmStatsDecryptionErrors()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsDecryptionErrors" variable.
 Long UsmStatsMBean.getUsmStatsDecryptionErrors()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsDecryptionErrors" variable.
 Long UsmStats.getUsmStatsNotInTimeWindows()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsNotInTimeWindows" variable.
 Long UsmStatsMBean.getUsmStatsNotInTimeWindows()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsNotInTimeWindows" variable.
 Long UsmStats.getUsmStatsUnknownEngineIDs()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsUnknownEngineIDs" variable.
 Long UsmStatsMBean.getUsmStatsUnknownEngineIDs()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsUnknownEngineIDs" variable.
 Long UsmStats.getUsmStatsUnknownUserNames()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsUnknownUserNames" variable.
 Long UsmStatsMBean.getUsmStatsUnknownUserNames()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsUnknownUserNames" variable.
 Long UsmStats.getUsmStatsUnsupportedSecLevels()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsUnsupportedSecLevels" variable.
 Long UsmStatsMBean.getUsmStatsUnsupportedSecLevels()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsUnsupportedSecLevels" variable.
 Long UsmStats.getUsmStatsWrongDigests()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsWrongDigests" variable.
 Long UsmStatsMBean.getUsmStatsWrongDigests()
          Getter for the "UsmStatsWrongDigests" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserAuthKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserAuthKeyChange" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserAuthKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserAuthKeyChange" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserAuthKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserAuthKeyChange" variable.
 String UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserAuthProtocol()
          Getter for the "UsmUserAuthProtocol" variable.
 String UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserAuthProtocol()
          Getter for the "UsmUserAuthProtocol" variable.
 String UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserAuthProtocol()
          Getter for the "UsmUserAuthProtocol" variable.
 String UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserCloneFrom()
          Getter for the "UsmUserCloneFrom" variable.
 String UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserCloneFrom()
          Getter for the "UsmUserCloneFrom" variable.
 String UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserCloneFrom()
          Getter for the "UsmUserCloneFrom" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserEngineID()
          Getter for the "UsmUserEngineID" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserEngineID()
          Getter for the "UsmUserEngineId" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserEngineID()
          Getter for the "UsmUserEngineID" variable.
 String UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserName()
          Getter for the "UsmUserName" variable.
 String UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserName()
          Getter for the "UsmUserName" variable.
 String UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserName()
          Getter for the "UsmUserName" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserPrivKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserPrivKeyChange" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserPrivKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserPrivKeyChange" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserPrivKeyChange()
          Getter for the "UsmUserPrivKeyChange" variable.
 String UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserPrivProtocol()
          Getter for the "UsmUserPrivProtocol" variable.
 String UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserPrivProtocol()
          Getter for the "UsmUserPrivProtocol" variable.
 String UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserPrivProtocol()
          Getter for the "UsmUserPrivProtocol" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserPublic()
          Getter for the "UsmUserPublic" variable.
 Byte[] UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserPublic()
          Getter for the "UsmUserPublic" variable.
 String UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserSecurityName()
          Getter for the "UsmUserSecurityName" variable.
 String UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserSecurityName()
          Getter for the "UsmUserSecurityName" variable.
 String UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserSecurityName()
          Getter for the "UsmUserSecurityName" variable.
 Integer UsmUser.getUsmUserSpinLock()
          Getter for the "UsmUserSpinLock" variable.
 Integer UsmUserMBean.getUsmUserSpinLock()
          Getter for the "UsmUserSpinLock" variable.
 EnumUsmUserStatus UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserStatus()
          Getter for the "UsmUserStatus" variable.
 EnumUsmUserStatus UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserStatus()
          Getter for the "UsmUserStatus" variable.
 EnumUsmUserStorageType UsmUserEntry.getUsmUserStorageType()
          Getter for the "UsmUserStorageType" variable.
 EnumUsmUserStorageType UsmUserEntryImpl.getUsmUserStorageType()
          Getter for the "UsmUserStorageType" variable.
 EnumUsmUserStorageType UsmUserEntryMBean.getUsmUserStorageType()
          Getter for the "UsmUserStorageType" variable.
 UsmUserEntryMBean[] UsmUser.getUsmUserTable()
          Access the "UsmUserTable" variable as a bean indexed property.
 boolean UsmUserTableMeta.isReadableEntryId(SnmpOid rowOid, long var, Object data)
          Returns true if "var" identifies a readable scalar object.
 boolean UsmUserEntryMeta.isRowReady(Object userData)
 boolean UsmUserTableMeta.isRowReady(SnmpOid rowOid, Object userData)
 int UsmUserTableMeta.mapRowStatus(SnmpOid rowOid, SnmpVarBind vbstatus, Object userData)
protected  int UsmUserEntryMeta.mapRowStatus(SnmpVarBind var, Object userData)
 void TableUsmUserTable.removeEntry(UsmUserEntryMBean entry)
          Remove the specified entry from the table.
 void TableUsmUserTableImpl.removeEntryCb(int pos, SnmpOid row, ObjectName name, Object entry, SnmpMibTable meta)
          A user has been removed from SNMP.
 void TableUsmUserTable.removeEntryCb(int pos, SnmpOid row, ObjectName name, Object entry, SnmpMibTable meta)
 void UsmUserEntryMeta.set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
 void UsmStatsMeta.set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
 void UsmUserMeta.set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, int depth)
 void UsmUserTableMeta.set(SnmpMibSubRequest req, SnmpOid rowOid, int depth)
 SnmpValue UsmUserEntryMeta.set(SnmpValue x, long var, Object data)
          Set the value of a scalar variable
 SnmpValue UsmStatsMeta.set(SnmpValue x, long var, Object data)
          Set the value of a scalar variable
 SnmpValue UsmUserMeta.set(SnmpValue x, long var, Object data)
          Set the value of a scalar variable
 SnmpValue UsmUserEntryMeta.setRowStatus(int status, Object userData)
 SnmpValue UsmUserTableMeta.setRowStatus(SnmpOid rowOid, int status, Object userData)
 void UsmUserEntry.setUsmUserAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.setUsmUserAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.setUsmUserAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.setUsmUserAuthProtocol(String x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserAuthProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.setUsmUserAuthProtocol(String x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserAuthProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.setUsmUserAuthProtocol(String x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserAuthProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.setUsmUserCloneFrom(String x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserCloneFrom" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.setUsmUserCloneFrom(String x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserCloneFrom" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.setUsmUserCloneFrom(String x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserCloneFrom" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.setUsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.setUsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.setUsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserOwnAuthKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.setUsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.setUsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.setUsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserOwnPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.setUsmUserPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.setUsmUserPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.setUsmUserPrivKeyChange(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserPrivKeyChange" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.setUsmUserPrivProtocol(String x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserPrivProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.setUsmUserPrivProtocol(String x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserPrivProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.setUsmUserPrivProtocol(String x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserPrivProtocol" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.setUsmUserPublic(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserPublic" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.setUsmUserPublic(Byte[] x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserPublic" variable.
 void UsmUserImpl.setUsmUserSpinLock(Integer x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserSpinLock" variable.
 void UsmUser.setUsmUserSpinLock(Integer x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserSpinLock" variable.
 void UsmUserMBean.setUsmUserSpinLock(Integer x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserSpinLock" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.setUsmUserStatus(EnumUsmUserStatus x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserStatus" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.setUsmUserStatus(EnumUsmUserStatus x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserStatus" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.setUsmUserStatus(EnumUsmUserStatus x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserStatus" variable.
 void UsmUserEntry.setUsmUserStorageType(EnumUsmUserStorageType x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserStorageType" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryImpl.setUsmUserStorageType(EnumUsmUserStorageType x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserStorageType" variable.
 void UsmUserEntryMBean.setUsmUserStorageType(EnumUsmUserStorageType x)
          Setter for the "UsmUserStorageType" variable.
 void UsmUserTableMeta.validateVarEntryId(SnmpOid rowOid, long var, Object data)
          check that the given "var" identifies a columnar object.

Open Source build 02
opendmk-1.0-b02 2007.10.01_19:17:46_MEST

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