Uses of Class

Packages that use SnmpVarBindList Provides the classes implementing the SNMP adaptor servers Provides the core classes for implementing common SNMP data types and services Provides the classes for implementing an SNMP agent Provides the classes for implementing an SNMP manager and for sending SNMP requests. 

Uses of SnmpVarBindList in

Methods in that return SnmpVarBindList
 SnmpVarBindList SnmpV3InformRequest.getReportVarBindList()
          Gets the report SnmpVarBindList.
 SnmpVarBindList SnmpInformRequest.getResponseVarBindList()
          Gets the SnmpVarBindList of the inform response.

Methods in with parameters of type SnmpVarBindList
 void SnmpInformHandler.processSnmpPollData(SnmpInformRequest request, int errStatus, int errIndex, SnmpVarBindList vblist)
          This callback is invoked when a manager responds to an SNMP inform request.
 SnmpInformRequest SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpInformRequest(InetAddress address, String cs, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 SnmpInformRequest SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpInformRequest(InetAddress addr, String cs, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 Vector SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpInformRequest(SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 Vector SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpInformRequest(SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 SnmpInformRequest SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpInformRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 SnmpInformRequest SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpInformRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV1Trap(InetAddress addr, SnmpIpAddress agentAddr, String cs, SnmpOid enterpOid, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV1Trap(InetAddress address, String cs, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV1Trap(InetAddress addr, String cs, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV1Trap(int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV1Trap(int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV1Trap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpIpAddress agentAddr, SnmpOid enterpOid, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV1Trap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpIpAddress agentAddr, SnmpOid enterpOid, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV2Trap(InetAddress address, String cs, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV2Trap(InetAddress addr, String cs, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV2Trap(InetAddress addr, String cs, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV2Trap(SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV2Trap(SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServerMBean.snmpV2Trap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void SnmpAdaptorServer.snmpV2Trap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 SnmpV3InformRequest SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3InformRequest(InetAddress addr, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpScopedPduRequest pdu, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          You shouldn't use this method directly.
 SnmpV3InformRequest SnmpV3AdaptorServerMBean.snmpV3UsmInformRequest(SnmpUsmPeer informPeer, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends an inform request using SNMP V3 inform request format.
 SnmpV3InformRequest SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3UsmInformRequest(SnmpUsmPeer informPeer, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends an inform request using SNMP V3 inform request format.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServerMBean.snmpV3UsmTrap(InetAddress addr, String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends a trap to the specified address using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3UsmTrap(InetAddress addr, String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends a trap to the specified address using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServerMBean.snmpV3UsmTrap(InetAddress addr, String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap to the specified address using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3UsmTrap(InetAddress addr, String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap to the specified address using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServerMBean.snmpV3UsmTrap(SnmpUsmPeer peer, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap to the specified SnmpUsmPeer using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3UsmTrap(SnmpUsmPeer peer, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap to the specified SnmpUsmPeer using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServerMBean.snmpV3UsmTrap(String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends a trap to all IP addresses in IPAcl using Usm as security model.
 void SnmpV3AdaptorServer.snmpV3UsmTrap(String principal, int securityLevel, String contextName, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList list)
          Sends a trap to all IP addresses in InetAddressAcl using Usm as security model.

Uses of SnmpVarBindList in

Methods in that return SnmpVarBindList
 SnmpVarBindList SnmpVarBindList.cloneWithoutValue()
          Clones the SnmpVarBindList.
 SnmpVarBindList SnmpVarBindList.cloneWithValue()
          Clones the SnmpVarBindList.
 SnmpVarBindList SnmpVarBindList.splitAt(int pos)
          Splits the SnmpVarBindList.

Methods in with parameters of type SnmpVarBindList
 void SnmpVarBindList.addVarBindList(SnmpVarBindList list)
          Appends an SnmpVarBindList at the end of the current SnmpVarBindList object.
 boolean SnmpVarBindList.removeVarBindList(SnmpVarBindList list)
          Removes all the SnmpVarBind objects of the given SnmpVarBindList from the existing SnmpVarBindList.

Constructors in with parameters of type SnmpVarBindList
SnmpVarBindList(SnmpVarBindList list)
          Similar to the copy constructor.

Uses of SnmpVarBindList in

Constructors in with parameters of type SnmpVarBindList
SnmpTrap(InetAddress addr, String cs, int gen, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Initializes this SNMP trap with SNMP V1 style parameters.
SnmpTrap(InetAddress addr, String cs, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Initializes this SNMP trap with SNMP V2 style parameters.
SnmpTrap(int gen, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Initializes this SNMP trap with SNMP V1 style parameters
SnmpTrap(SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Initializes this SNMP trap with SNMP V2 style parameters.

Uses of SnmpVarBindList in

Methods in that return SnmpVarBindList
 SnmpVarBindList SnmpRequest.getReportVarBindList()
          Gets the report SnmpVarBindList.
 SnmpVarBindList SnmpRequest.getRequestVarBindList()
          Gets the active SnmpVarBindList.
 SnmpVarBindList SnmpRequest.getResponseVarBindList()
          Gets the SnmpVarBindList that is the response obtained when an agent is queried.

Methods in with parameters of type SnmpVarBindList
 void SnmpRequestHandler.processSnmpPollData(SnmpRequest request, int errStatus, int errIndex, SnmpVarBindList vblist)
          This callback is invoked when a peer responds to an SNMP request.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetBulkRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int nonRepeat, int maxRepeat)
          Performs a single SNMP getbulk request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetBulkRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int nonRepeat, int maxRepeat)
          Performs a single SNMP getbulk request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetNextPollRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int intrvl)
          Starts polling the peer at the specified intervals, for the MIB variables in the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetNextPollRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int intrvl)
          Starts polling the peer at the specified intervals, for the MIB variables in the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP getnext request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP getnext request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetPollRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int intrvl)
          Starts polling the peer at the specified intervals, for the MIB variables in the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetPollRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, int intrvl)
          Starts polling the peer at the specified intervals, for the MIB variables in the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP get request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpGetRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP get request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpInformRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP inform request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpInformRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP inform request on the variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpSetRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP set request on the peer for the specified variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpSetRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst)
          Performs a single SNMP set request on the peer for the specified variable binding list.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpWalkUntilRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, SnmpOid key)
          Walks through the lexicographic ordering of the agent MIB.
 SnmpRequest SnmpSession.snmpWalkUntilRequest(SnmpRequestHandler cb, SnmpVarBindList vblst, SnmpOid key)
          Walks through the lexicographic ordering of the agent MIB.

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