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The following sections list XSLTC changes back to the incorporation of XSLTC into Xalan-Java.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.7.0

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecord.java NodeSortRecordFactory.java SortSettings.java
    Committer's log entry: Restored old constructor of NodeSortRecordFactory and _collator field of NodeSortRecord for binary compatibility. These changes allow translets compiled with an earlier version of XSLTC to continue to run with the new version. They should not be used in newly compiled translets or in new code in XSLTC itself.
    Also introduced a SortSettings class that is used to bundle sort settings from NodeSortRecordFactory into instances of NodeSortRecord. That reduces some of the space overhead in constructing a NodeSortRecord.
    Reviewed by Igor Hersht (igorh@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ForwardPositionIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Revived ForwardPositionIterator class and BasisLibrary.positionF purely to support backwards compatibility with translets compiled with earlier versions of XSLTC. New code should not reference either.
    Reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/03/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeCounter.java
    Committer's log entry: xsl:number, minor code cleaning and optimization.

  • Committed by bhakti@apache.org on 2004/03/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Check if the systemId for the stylesheet is null to avoid getting an NPE.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/03/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Reverting latest patch by Arun. There are some problems with the new code to invoke functions dynamically (e.g. docbook reports a compile-time type check error). The approach taken to determine when to invoke methods dynamically needs to be revisted.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2004/03/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bug 27417. If an output stream is created by the XSLTC transformer, close it after the transformation.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/04/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyImports.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for bugs 27932 and 15333.
    Code was incorrectly calculating the set of templates to which an xsl:apply-imports instruction applies. It should consider all templates that the current template rule could override, which means that if the template appeared in a stylesheet that was included in another stylesheet, any templates imported into the including stylesheet have to be considered as well. The method Stylesheet.getMinimumDescendantPrecedence is responsible for this calculation.
    In addition, when code is generated for an xsl:apply-imports, if any template has local parameters, an empty stack frame has to be pushed before attempting to apply-imports. Otherwise, parameters from the template that contains the apply-imports instruction will be passed into the matching template.
    Reviewed by Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/04/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for bug 27932.
    Code was incorrectly calculating the set of templates to which an xsl:apply-imports instruction applies. It should consider all templates that the current template rule could override, which means that if the template appeared in a stylesheet that was included in another stylesheet, any templates imported into the including stylesheet have to be considered as well. The method Stylesheet.getMinimumDescendantPrecedence is responsible for this calculation.
    Reviewed by Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by bhakti@apache.org on 2004/05/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: In xsltc currently with the extension redirect the output file is created only if the parent dir exists. Making the behaviour similar to that of xalan wherein the parent directory is also created.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/05/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 29120. The translet now stores a reference to the DocumentBuilderFactory which is used by nodeList2Iterator() in the basis library. Note that to reuse that reference you need to use the same transformer (not just the same template).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeValueTemplate.java
    Committer's log entry: Implemented a new parser for ATVs. The old was buggy: did not handle escaped curly braces in all cases and did not handled quotes at all. The old parser assumed that braces came in pairs, but it is possible to have an odd number as in "{{{$foo}}}". The new parser seems to handle all cases correctly.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralAttribute.java LiteralElement.java Parser.java SyntaxTreeNode.java
    Committer's log entry: Modified code to ensure line number information is propagated from parent to children to ensure we get informative error messages. This was particularly bad for errors in ATVs.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/05/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Improved patch for Bugzilla 29120 based on Matthias' suggestion. A DOMImplementation is now cached for even better performance.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/05/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: If the local is set to Turkish, but the codepage is MS-DOS (US) 437. The BCEL InstructionFinder.search(String) method can not find any instructions contain letter I. In Turkish, there are 2 lower case i. Since the search() method is case insensitive, change the pattern string to use lower case.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla 29411. New algorithm shoudl optimize the way NS decls are reported for nested literal elements. Note that the algorithm will not work accross non-literal elements. E.g., if there is an xsl:element between two literal elements, the inner literal element may report unnecessary NS delcs. This is just a simple way to ensure that any NS decls defined by the xsl:element instruction are re-defined in the inner literal (see namespace39 in the conf tests).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed a problem with peephole optimization patterns. I don't know if something changed in BCEL since the code was written, but the pattern syntax was not correct. I've also added a new common peephole pattern which should reduce then inner loop's length in some Translets.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom KeyIndex.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/util IntegerArray.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla Bug 28622.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/06/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CastExpr.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ObjectType.java StringType.java Type.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla 27539 and related problems. The main problem was that hashCode() was not implemented correctly in ObjectType. To eleminate further problems I also removed Type.ObjectString as this type is the same as Type.String and the latter can be used in place of the former.

  • Committed by aruny@apache.org on 2004/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Description: getNode should return the result DOM tree once TransformerHandler completes the transformation.

  • Committed by aruny@apache.org on 2004/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: Description: Patch for the support of extension attribute "intent-amount" for xsl:output. Supports the old URI {http://xml.apache.org/xslt} and new URI{http://xml.apache.org/xalan}.

  • Committed by aruny@apache.org on 2004/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Description: Patch for concatenating adjacent text nodes.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/07/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Yash Talwar
    Reviewed by: Brian Minchau
    Fix for bugzilla 28796.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/08/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletException.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline/getopt GetOptsException.java IllegalArgumentException.java MissingOptArgException.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CompilerException.java IllegalCharException.java ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MultiHashtable.java ObjectFactory.java StringStack.java TypeCheckError.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom BitArray.java ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax ObjectFactory.java TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added serialVersionUID for classes which implement Serializable interface. Patch created by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) and was reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/09/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Variable.java
    Committer's log entry: Skip translation for any unreferenced variables. Patch reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/11/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CallTemplate.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bug report XALANJ-1994.
    The CallTemplate.getCalleeTemplate() method was searching through a Vector of all templates defined by the logical stylesheet, and picked out the first with the same name referenced by the current xsl:call-template instruction. However, that failed to account for import precedence. The SymbolTable.lookupTemplate method takes into account import precedence, and should be used instead.
    Patch was reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/12/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java Operators.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2003. Problem was unrelated to recursion, but simply a bug in the basis library. Swapping operands requires swapping operators and the latter was not done. A workaround for this bug would be to swap the operands (and operator) in the stylesheet (as that would not cause any swapping in the basis library).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/12/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2TO.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2015. Namespace declarations are now reported on a first pass to avoid the problem described in the bug report.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/12/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java Parser.java SyntaxTreeNode.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-1761. Output properties from multiple xsl:output instructions are now correctly merged (previously, only cdata-section-elements were handled correctly).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/12/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Operators.java
    Committer's log entry: Replaced meaningless numbers by predefined constants in swapArray[] vector.

  • Committed by joannet@apache.org on 2004/12/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed XALANJ-1812. Template inlining setting propagated to imported stylesheets.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2005/02/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Number.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AnyNodeCounter.java MultipleNodeCounter.java NodeCounter.java SingleNodeCounter.java
    Committer's log entry: Implement Errata E24 for XSLTC, when the value attribute of xsl:number is NaN, infinite or less than 0.5. More details please refer to bug report XALANJ-1979. Patch is reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by ytalwar@apache.org on 2005/02/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyImports.java Mode.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ClassGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XALANJ-1417.

  • Committed by ytalwar@apache.org on 2005/02/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java TestSeq.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MethodGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XALANJ-2058. In the code, the problem is that a pattern gets compiled once, and then this compiled pattern gets re-used whenever the pattern is needed in any method. The fix is that pattern should get compiled once per method. So, pattern get reused only within a given method. for any new method, a pattern is recompiled. This fix has been reviewed by Henry Zongaro. Henry had also provided suggestions about the fix to resolve this issue. Thanks Henry for his valuable input.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/03/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan readme.xml resources.xml xsltc_usage.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xsltc README.xslt README.xsltc
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-1937. Change references in the docs from bugzilla to Apache Jira for reporting new issues and checking the status of existing issues.

  • Committed by ytalwar@apache.org on 2005/03/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Text.java
    Committer's log entry: This is a fix for XALANJ-2081. In class org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.Text, a check was being done to find out if a given text string is all whitespaces. In case, a given text string is all whitespace, a call to serializer is not made. The code was using trim() method from java.lang.String. trim() method trimmed characters as whitespaces that are not considered as whitespace in XML. The code logic is changed to check if a given string is all whitespace accoding to XML specifications. I would like to thank Michael Glavassevich and Brian Minchau for their input to resolve this issue.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2005/04/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Clear XML reader for the case in which them main stylesheet is passed using a DOMSource. This fixes the problem of trying to use a DOM2SAX reader for included/imported stylesheets that are resolved by user-defined URI resovers.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Put in the missing Transformer.reset() implementation when doing the JAXP 1.3 integration.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Support DOMResult.nextSibling in XSLTC. The nextSibling information is passed from TransformerImpl to TransletOutputHandlerFactory, then to SAX2DOM. If nextSibling is not null, SAX2DOM inserts the result nodes before it. Otherwise the result nodes are appended as the last children of the parent.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/31
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java ErrorMsg.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2123. Move hard-coded messages for JAXP 1.3 into resource bundles.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java Parser.java TransletOutput.java XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java ErrorMessages.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java TrAXFilter.java Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2136. Implement the secure processing feature for XSLTC. Extension functions and extension elements are disabled when this feature is set to true.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/06/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom KeyIndex.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XALANJ-1938.
    A KeyIndex object contains a Hashtable mappings from key values to the IntegerArray objects that contain the set of nodes selected by those key values. For a reference to the key function, the lookupKey method finds the nodes selected by a particular key value, and the merge method merges all the nodes selected if more than one key value is specified for the one refernce to the key function.
    The problem was that the lookupKey and merge methods operated on the "live" versions of the IntegerArrays stored in the mapping Hashtable, so that one reference to the key function might affect the result of subsequent references to the key function. Changed those methods to make clones of the selected IntegerArray objects, which can be safely modified without affecting the original IntegerArrays.
    This patch was reviewed by Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/06/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bug XALANJ-2097 from Nick Van den Bleeken. (Nick.VandenBleeken@pandora.be), reviewed by Henry Zongaro.
    The code generated for a path expression of the form $var/self::node() was incorrect. It looked like the following, where "i" refers to the context node.
    new StepIterator(dtmaxisiterator1.cloneIterator(), new SingletonIterator(i));
    That's incorrect, because the SingletonIterator will only return the node used upon its instantiation, rather than the node provided from the parent step expression by the StepIterator.
    The SingletonIterator should only be used if the self::node() is not a step in a path expression. In the case of a path expression, dom.getAxisIterator should be used to create the axis iterator instead.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/06/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AbsoluteLocationPath.java FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath.java FilterExpr.java FilterParentPath.java FunctionCall.java KeyCall.java ParentLocationPath.java Sort.java Step.java StepPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2146. Reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).
    Section 4.3.4 of the JVM specification prohibits an uninitialized object from appearing on the stack or in a local variable when a backwards branch is executed. We need to guard against that in the generated code in XSLTC by storing arguments to constructors in temporary variables if there's any possibility that the code used to calculate such arguments might contain a backwards branch.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2005/07/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: Added missing apostrophe for error messages. Fixed bug report XALANJ-2167. Patch is reviewed by Sarah McNamara (mcnamara@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/07/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bug report XALANJ-2140.
    The AbstractTranslet._keyIndexes field is used to record the sets of keys for a particular transformation by name. This table was not cleared at the end of a transformation, so the keys from one transformation persisted to subsequent transformations. Fixed this by adding a try-finally block in the AbstractTranslet.transform method and setting _keyIndexes to null in the finally block.
    Reviewed by Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/07/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor change in the error message, fix was found by Brian Vargas, patch produced and reviewed by Brian Minchau.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixing a NPE for when _locator is null in the XSLTC Parser. Applyin the patch in XALANJ-2154 from Brian Minchau, reiwed and approved by Santiago P.G.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/domapi XPathEvaluatorImpl.java XPathExpressionImpl.java XPathNSResolverImpl.java XPathResultImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Version.src xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources entities.src xalan-jlocal.xml xalan-jsite.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan commandline_xsltc.xml commandline.xml downloads.xml extensions.xml extensionslib.xml faq.xml features.xml getstarted.xml index.xml overview.xml public_apis.xml resources.xml samples.xml trax.xml usagepatterns.xml whatsnew.xml xpath_apis.xml xsltc_usage.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xsltc README.xslt README.xsltc
    Committer's log entry: Doc changes for Xalan Java 2.7.0 release. This change was reviewed and approved in XALANJ-2170 by Christine Li.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/13
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.lex
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-1912.
    Provided by Santiago Pericas-Geertsen
    Reviewed by Yash Talwar.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.6.0

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/31
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java

    Committer's log entry: Use translet as whitespace filter if it implements the StripFilter interface (This class should probably be deprecated to avoid having to get it in sync with the Process class).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/31
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetPIHandler.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla 24187 by Bhakti Mehta (Bhakti.Mehta@sun.com).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/11/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla 24188 by Bhakti Mehta (Bhakti.Mehta@sun.com). The runtime now attempts to resolve a reference when the URI resolver returns null.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/11/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Committing patch for Bugzilla 24414 by Bhakti Mehta (Bhakti.Mehta@sun.com).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/11/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Param.java ParameterRef.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla 24518 by Mehta Bhakti (Mehta.Bhakti@sun.com).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/11/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java Util.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla 24695 by Bhakti Mehta (Bhakti.Mehta@sun.com).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/11/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java Util.java

    Committer's log entry: Updated patch for Bugzilla 24695 by Bhakti Metha. This patch gets an XMLReader from a SAXParserFactory if unable to obtain one from an XMLReaderFactory.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/11/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java Stylesheet.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch from Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com), reviewed by myself:

    Split namesArray in translet into three arrays: namesArray, urisArray and typesArray.

    Previously, entries in the namesArray had to be examined at run-time to distinguish those that represented elements, from those that represented attributes (prefixed by an '@'), and those that represented namespace node names (prefixed by a '?'). In addition, any namespace URI for the element or attribute was similarly stored in the namesArray entry. So, "http://example.org:abc" and "http://example.org:@abc" respectively represented an element and an attribute named abc in the http://example.org namespace; "?abc" represented a namespace prefix of abc.

    With this change, the namesArray will have entries for "abc" in all three cases; the urisArray will contain entries for "http://example.org" for the element and attribute, and an empty string for the namespace prefix; and the typesArray will contain the value 1 for the element, 2 for the attribute and 13 for the namespace (which correspond to the DTM constant values for those kinds of nodes).

    In addition, these values are stored in static arrays in the translet, and references to those arrays are copied to instance fields in the translet's constructor, rather than constructing arrays and initializing all their entries in the constructor each time.

    All this serves to reduce the overhead of initializing a transformation.

    Patch from myself, reviewed by Morris Kwan:

    Introduced a versioning mechanism in AbstractTranslet. After constructing an object of a class that extends AbstractTranslet, the postInitialization method must be called. That method will detect any versioning differences that can be resolved automatically, if a translet was compiled with an older version of the XSLTC than is being used at run-time. The version number is stored in the translet's transletVersion field.

    In many cases, incompabilities run up against Java's binary compatibility rules, and fail catastrophically. This versioning mechanism is designed to detect those cases that can't be detected by the JVM. The first use of this mechanism is to translate from the old form of the namesArray used by old translets, to the new form expected by the modified version of the XSLTC run-time, as described above.

    In addition, if the translet version detected by the XSLTC run-time is more recent than any supported by the XSLTC run-time, an error will be reported.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/11/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime ErrorMessages.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch from myself, reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com):

    Introduced a versioning mechanism in AbstractTranslet. After constructing an object of a class that extends AbstractTranslet, the postInitialization method must be called. That method will detect any versioning differences that can be resolved automatically, if a translet was compiled with an older version of the XSLTC than is being used at run-time. The version number is stored in the translet's transletVersion field.

    In many cases, incompabilities run up against Java's binary compatibility rules, and fail catastrophically. This versioning mechanism is designed to detect those cases that can't be detected by the JVM. The first use of this mechanism is to translate from the old form of the namesArray used by old translets, to the new form expected by the modified version of the XSLTC run-time, as described above.

    In addition, if the translet version detected by the XSLTC run-time is more recent than any supported by the XSLTC run-time, an error will be reported.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOMEnhancedForDTM.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DocumentCache.java DOMAdapter.java DOMWSFilter.java KeyIndex.java LoadDocument.java SAXImpl.java XSLTCDTMManager.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: Changes to permit different DTM implementations to be supplied to XSLTC.

    Part of the change was to replace hard-coded references to SAXImpl with references to a new interface - DOMEnhancedForDTM. This part of the change was supplied by Joseph Kesselman (keshlam@us.ibm.com).

    The other part of the change was to use ObjectFactory to look up a new XSLTC DTM Manager service provider (org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom.XSLTCDTMManager). The provider is looked up once when a TransformerFactory is created, and used by any Transformer objects created by that TransformerFactory.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Changes to permit different DTM implementations to be supplied to XSLTC.

    XSLTC will now use ObjectFactory to look up a new XSLTC DTM Manager service provider (org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom.XSLTCDTMManager). The provider is looked up once when a TransformerFactory is created, and used by any Transformer objects created by that TransformerFactory.

    Also, moved code for caching XMLReader objects from XSLTC's TransformerFactoryImpl to a new org.apache.xml.utils.XMLReaderManager class.

    It is now the responsibility of the DTMManagerDefault class to request one of these cached XMLReader objects, so the benefit of reusing an XMLReader is now conferred upon both XSLTC and Xalan-J Interpretive, as well as upon references to the document() function.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ForwardPositionIterator.java

    Committer's log entry: Added comments to describe the situation in which this iterator is used.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/12/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Creation of translet's class loader should be wrapped in a doPrivileged block (java.lang.RuntimePermission createClassLoader).

  • Committed by rameshm@apache.org on 2003/12/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLQueryParser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Util.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecord.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Constants.java

    Committer's log entry: Adding explicit final keyword to the intended constants which are defined with public static keywords. This will avoid the problem of cross site java sandbox violation. In the case of xsltc/compiler/util/Util.java making the "filesep" variable to private to avoid the chance of somebody else changing the value of this static variable.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DocumentCache.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Take advantage of DTM pluggability support for XSLTC.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: The getDOM method might be entered more than once during a transformation, so the DTMManager that is created the first time in must be saved so that subsequent DTM's can be created with respect to it, and then discarded at the end of the transformation.

    This change restores logic that I had foolishly eliminated with my previous change to this file.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/12/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java BooleanCall.java CastExpr.java CopyOf.java DocumentCall.java EqualityExpr.java Expression.java FilterExpr.java ForEach.java FunctionCall.java Key.java KeyCall.java NameBase.java NumberCall.java RelationalExpr.java StringCall.java VariableBase.java WithParam.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch for XSLTC's parameter optimization introduced in 2.5.2. The problem is that a param's default value can now be compiled multiple times, once for every call to the template for which that param is not specified. This essentially turns the AST into a graph, which requires the state of a param subtree to be reset after the each compilation. In particular, the variable Expression._startReset was not reset and this resulted in calls to setStartNode() to be generated only the first time the param's default value was compiled. After some analysis, I realized that _startReset was no longer necessary, so I removed it. I also renamed Expression.startResetIterator() to Expression.startIterator() since calls to reset() are no longer generated within this method.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/12/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: Setting the maximum fraction digits on a DecimalFormat object to Integer.MAX_VALUE causes problems in some JDKs. Since only doubles need to be formatted, I've changed the code to set the maximum to 340. I've also optimized formatNumber(), the new version uses setters on the DecimalFormat object instead of calling toPattern().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/12/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util BooleanType.java IntType.java RealType.java ReferenceType.java StringType.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: Type conversions from internal to external Java types revisited: (1) Type.Int and Type.Real are now treated identically given that the former is an optimization for the latter (i.e. their use should be transparent to the user) (2) Better support Type.Reference, conversions to integral types are now supported. There are still some conversions that are supported by Xalan and not by XSLTC. We need to either revisit the conversion table for XSLTC or document the differences.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/12/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CallTemplate.java Param.java ParameterRef.java Template.java VariableBase.java WithParam.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NamedMethodGenerator.java

    Committer's log entry: The parameter optimization implemented in 2.5.2 does not work in all cases. The problem (see Bugzilla 25449) is that a param's default value needs to be compiled multiples when there are mulitple calls the a template none of which has a correspoding with-param. However, ASTs store an internal state which is not restored after compilation; consequently, only the first compilation is guaranteed to succeed. Stated differently, the AST cannot be operated as a graph because sub-tree sharing causes problems.

    The optimization has now been changed so that a param default value is compiled only once by the callee instead of multiple times by each caller. A caller will now pass 'null' when there is no with-param; a callee will only initialize a param if its value is 'null'. This ensures that default values are compiled exactly once while at the same time preserving the XSLT semantics.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/01/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: SAXImpl.startDocument was calling SAX2DTM.startDocument followed by SAX2DTM.startPrefixMapping for the xml prefix. However, the SAX2DTM.startElement always ensures the xml prefix is declared for the first element. The effect of the startPrefixMapping call was to create two namespace nodes on the first element declaring the xml prefix. This had no discernible consequence, except to throw off the numbering of subsequent nodes with the generate-id() function.

    I've eliminated the redundant call to startPrefixMapping, and adjusted the gold test output files for the generate-id function.

    Reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/01/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DupFilterIterator.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 25924 by Bhakti Mehta (Bhakti.Mehta@sun.com). Variable _lastNext must be preserved in setMark() and restored in gotoMark().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/01/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java ForEach.java ForwardPositionExpr.java PositionCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ForwardPositionIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: Committing a patch from Bhakti Mehta (Bhakti.Mehta@sun.com). ForwardPositionIterators and ForwardPositionExprs are not needed anymore after the intergration with DTM. Despite that, ForwardPositionIterators were still being used even though they did not provide any additional functionally (they were basically identity iterators). This patch eliminates the need for these iterators (and the corresponding compile-time expressions) and also replaces calls to BasisLibrary.positionF() with calls to currentIterator.getPosition(). The resulting code should be smaller and faster.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/01/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java
    Committer's log entry: Removing unused constant.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/01/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NodeSetType.java ResultTreeType.java

    Committer's log entry: XSLT->Java and Java->XSLT conversion table revisited. I made sure that two internal types corresponding to the same XSLT type had identical conversion rules (e.g. IntType and RealType). The multi-step conversions NodeSetType->int and ResultTreeType->double have been eliminated in order to simplify the table (they can always by implemented externally). The resulting conversion table is still not identical to the interpreter (and perhaps it will never be) so it should be documented separately.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 23046. For included stylesheet, set the _numberFormattingUsed flag to true for its including stylesheet too.

    Reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/02/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FilterExpr.java Predicate.java Step.java StepPattern.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla 19194. I've made the following changes: (i) re-wrote Predicate.typeCheck() (ii) the predicate optimizations are turned off for FilterExpr, as they don't apply in all cases (iii) sync up Step, StepPattern and FilterExpr to accomodate the new changes. The interaction between these classes is non-trivial, and the code for some optimizations is brittle, to say the least. As part of this patch, I rolled back a patch to FilterExpr and fixed Bugzilla 25783 which wasn't really related despite what the bug report states. For the 2.0 work, it would be nice to place optimization code in separate classes so that it can be easily maintained and also easily deactivated via a command-line flag.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncRound.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler RoundCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 24111. The string values for both positive and nagative zero are 0. However, a number div 0 returns Infinity, a number div -0 returns -Infinity.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/02/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 24788. NodeValue optimization was too optimistic. Since the value in 'step = value' is not compiled in the predicate's context, it must be limited to expressions that are context independent, but this was not the case as the example in 24788 shows.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/02/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2TO.java

    Committer's log entry: Committing patch by Bhakti for XSLTC. If attributes are created without an explicit prefix, then NamespaceMappings.generateNextPrefix will be called to generate a prefix. Also if elements are created using createElementNS(null,localname) then they will be serialized properly without being in default namespace.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: A slightly faster implementation of round function.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix a bug introduced during optimizing for the previous code Should check for NaN cases.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/02/16
    Modified: Most files in the Xalan Java cvs repository (too many to list)

    Committer's log entry: New Apache 2.0 license update.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/02/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AdaptiveResultTreeImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla Bugs 24793.

  • Committed by bhakti@apache.org on 2004/02/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2TO.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for the bug in DOM2TO where there was a call to _handler.addAttribute which was moved to the if clause and hence attributes in no namespace were lost when using an identity transformation with DOMSource.

    Thanks to Henry Z. for pointing it out and Santiago for reviewing. I have tested it locally. Please let me know if you see any issues with this.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 26697 XSLTC supports convert a NodeList to an internal DOM iterator. Use setAttributeNS method to copy attribute node when an attribute has a prefix, which maps to a namespace URI

    Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java

    Committer's log entry: Always use setAttributeNS() method and pass null as its namespace for non-namespaced nodes. Thanks Joe Kesselman for pointing it out.

  • Committed by aruny@apache.org on 2004/02/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java FunctionCall.java Param.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ReferenceType.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime CallFunction.java ObjectFactory.java SecuritySupport.java SecuritySupport12.java

    Committer's log entry: Description : Adding the basic functionality for resolving external function dynamically. If static resolution fails then Dynamic resolution is used as last resort.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/02/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMsg.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla Bug 25368 submitted by Joanne Tong.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CallTemplate.java VariableBase.java WithParam.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla bug reports 24988 and 25368 from Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com) reviewed by myself.

    24988: Changes required to test whether an attribute value that is required to be a QName, NCName or whitespace-separated list of QNames actually meets that requirement.

    25368: Code was basing variable and parameter names on the local part of the name, rather than including the namespace URI in the name. This resulted in collisions in the generated code between distinct variables that had the same local-name.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Number.java Predicate.java Sort.java Variable.java VariableRef.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla bug report 25368 from Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com) reviewed by myself.

    Code was basing variable and parameter names on the local part of the name, rather than including the namespace URI in the name. This resulted in collisions in the generated code between distinct variables that had the same local-name.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java

    Committer's log entry: Part of fix for bug report 24985. The code that resulted for a NodeTest of the form "@p:*" or "attribute::p:*" was identical to that for "@*" - in other words, the prefix was not being tested. Fixed this so that DOM.getNamespaceAxisIterator is used to create the right kind of iterator.

    Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Part of fix for bug reports 24985 and 24365.

    Moved the NamespaceChildrenIterator and NamespaceAttributeIterator classes into this class from SAX2DTM2, where they can use fields specific to SAXImpl to refer to namespace information.

    Also added a new NamespaceWildcardIterator that handles axes other than the child and attribute axes (which are handled by the specific iterators already mentioned).

    Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.5.2

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Expression.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 20685. In startResetIterator(), check see if the expression wrapped by the CastExpr is a VariableRef. If so, don't generate a call to setStartNode.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a minor bug in MultiDOM.addDOMAdapter().

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOMCache.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DocumentCache.java LoadDocument.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #15828. Arguments to URIResolver.resolve method for document function, in XSLTC are now href: argument passed to document function base: URI of stylesheet

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Putting back LoadDocument.java

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #15828. Arguments to URIResolver.resolve method for document function, in XSLTC are now href: argument passed to document function base: URI of stylesheet

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Putting back TransformerImpl

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #15828. Arguments to URIResolver.resolve method for document function, in XSLTC are now href: argument passed to document function base: URI of stylesheet

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added SAXTransformerFactory.FEATURE and SAXTransformerFactory.FEATURE_XMLFILTER to the list of features that are implemented. Fix for bug 20795.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler SyntaxTreeNode.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java MultiDOM.java SAXImpl.java SimpleResultTreeImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Performance improvement for XSLTC Don't add a simple or adaptive RTF to the DTMManager if the nodeset extension is not used. The DOMAdapters are also not created in this case. This is a noticeable improvement for stylesheets that use many small RTFs but do not use the nodeset extension.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CallTemplate.java Mode.java Param.java Template.java WithParam.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NamedMethodGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Performance improvement for XSLTC New codegen solution for parameter passing in named templates, which provides significant improvement for stylesheets that use xsl:call-template and xsl:with-param heavily. The old solution generates code to call Translet.addParameter(), which seems to be too expensive. In the new solution, parameters are passed to named templates via method arguments. The method signature for a named template is not fixed. It depends on the number of parameters declared in the template. The caller (xsl:call-template) is responsible for generating the correct parameter list and passes it to the called template. This is done in the CallTemplate class, which finds out the corresponding called template and processes its own xsl:with-param children together with the xsl:params in the called template to generate an effective parameter list. In the case where a xsl:param references another xsl:param, local variables are generated to hold the temporary parameter value.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #15828.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TrAXFilter.java
    Committer's log entry: Add a "public Transformer getTransformer()" method to XSLTC's TrAXFilter class. The Xalan TrAXFilter class already has such an interface.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java XSLTCSource.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XSLTCSource (see bugzilla 21048).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xsltc xsltc_trax_api.xml
    Committer's log entry: Update documentation about how to use XSLTCSource.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java VariableBase.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom CachedNodeListIterator.java ClonedNodeListIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Performance improvement for XSLTC Introduce two new iterators (CachedNodeListIterator and CloneNodeListIterator). They are used by variable/param references that are evaluated to nodesets. CachedNodeListIterator traverses the underlying iterator once and caches the nodes in an IntegerArray. Its clone() method returns an object of CloneNodeListIterator, which also retrieves nodes from the cache. This mostly improves the case where a variable is referenced multiple times in a context. In the old code, the iterator for the variable is traversed as many times as the variable is referenced. Using the cached iterators, the iterator is only traversed once. All later references retrieve nodes from the cache.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java MultiDOM.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Implement a feature to cache the DTM for the stylesheet in the Templates object. This improves the case where document('') is used. In this case the DTM for the stylesheet is only built once per thread. It can be reused by multiple transformers created by the sample Templates.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/06/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) for bugzilla 20913, with modifications. In UnionIterator, after calling the getLast() method, the heap is not restored properly. Recreate the heap in gotoMark(), as well as restore _returnedLast and _heapSize.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DocumentCache.java
    Committer's log entry: Put back DocumentCache

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOMCache.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DocumentCache.java
    Committer's log entry: Update the DocumentCache class to be compatible with the DOMCache interface. Although, with the native interface no longer supported, users should not be using the DocumentCache. Instead they should set a URIResolver on the Transformer in order to resolve arguments passed to the document function.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for 3 trax.localPath failures.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/07/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a memory leak problem with the DTMManager.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/07/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CallTemplate.java Stylesheet.java Template.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a few conformance regressions introduced by the addParameter optimization work.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/07/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/util IntegerArray.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 20074. Don't create an IntegerArray of size 0.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/07/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java ErrorMsg.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC: TransformerHandler.setResult should throw an IllegalArgumentException when the result argument is null.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/07/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MethodGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bug 20256. Remove an unused reference to an inexistent class.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/07/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #20537. When URIResolver was set for includes/imports, the system id of the included/imported files was not always set correctly.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/07/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch from Igor Hersht (igorh@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug 18821. At some point in the recent past, Predicate started trying to optimize filter expressions with positional predicates, but the receiving code in FilterExpr was always incorrect. The fixes to FilterExpr and related code aren't so straightforward, so the easiest thing to do for now is to disable the broken optimization for FilterExpr objects.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/07/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch from Igor Hersht (igorh@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug 18821. Nested iterators in UnionIterator weren't correctly handling multiple calls to setStartNode in generated code. Fixed by ignoring calls after the first.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/07/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 20832. Also fix testcase attribset19.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/07/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 21805.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/08/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Added code to create static char[] fields in the translet containing the literal text in the source stylesheet. The code generation for xsl:comment and for literal text that constructs text nodes takes advantage of this by using the serializer's comment(char[],int,int) and characters(char[],int,int) methods, respectively, rather than the comment(String) and characters(String) methods. The former pair of methods avoid some potential overhead in the serializer from copying the contents of strings to char[] objects. Code that creates a static initializer method in a translet was written by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com). Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/08/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Comment.java Constants.java Text.java XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Added code to create static char[] fields in the translet containing the literal text in the source stylesheet. The code generation for xsl:comment and for literal text that constructs text nodes takes advantage of this by using the serializer's comment(char[],int,int) and characters(char[],int,int) methods, respectively, rather than the comment(String) and characters(String) methods. The former pair of methods avoid some potential overhead in the serializer from copying the contents of strings to char[] objects. Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/08/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Bruno Dumon (bruno@outerthought.org) for bugzilla 20114. When using XSLTC's TemplatesHandler to create templates, errors are never reported; getTemplates() just returns null. Changed behaviour to be inline with Xalan behaviour: stylesheets are compiled in the endDocument() event and a SAXException wrapping the real exception is thrown.

  • \
  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2003/08/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeSet.java Constants.java UseAttributeSets.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util AttributeSetMethodGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla Bug 19918

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/08/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bytecode generation problem for extension method calls via interfaces for bugzilla 22115.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/08/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 19972 Submitted by: William Lee (william.lee@cognos.com) Reviewed by: Brian Minchau and Gordon Chui The code loops over elements in a Vector, incrementing the index j. Some elements should not be processed so they were removed from the Vector. The removal of element "j" shifted all higher elements down and made the Vector 1 shorter. So removal of an element and incrementing "j" actually caused elements to be skipped. It is not quite clear why the element is being removed from the Vector rather than just skipped over. For safety sake an iteration over the loop either removes an element, or increments "j", but not both in the same iteration.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for bug 19973 from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com). A call to buildKeys (for xsl:key) should be generated before a call to topLevel (to handle top-level variable and parameter declarations) because top-level variables and parameters can contain references to the key() function, but not the other way around.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/09/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler VariableRefBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Applied patch for bug 22769 from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com). If a variable reference occurs inside the definition of another variable, XSLTC adds a dependency link upon the referenced variable to the defined variable. However, if the referenced variable was overrode by another variable definition with higher import precendence, the dependency should be placed on the overriding variable instead.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/09/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Moved return statements outside of finally block. The compiler correctly points out that when an exception is not caught by a catch, the finally block cannot return normally.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Ensure we set a non-empty name for the translet even when one cannot be obtained from the systemId.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CallTemplate.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem in XSLT parameter optimization. The search for the template being called should start from the top-level stylesheet. The incorrect signature was generated when xsl:template and xsl:call-template were located in different stylesheets.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: (Committing this again to get the log message right! - c.f. revision 1.54) 1. Added Javadoc comments to instance variables. 2. getAllValidTemplates() now caches result in top-level stylesheet. 3. setSystemId() maps a file system path to a URI (if needed).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: 1. New code to map relative paths to URIs in Include.java and Import.java. 2. If SourceLoader returns null, the JAXP API states that the processor should attempt to resolve the reference. Changed the logic to do this. (1 and 2 should solve some of the problems we have resolving relative paths and also using URI resolvers. More testing is needed, though).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CastCall.java Parser.java xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Adding a new extension function for XSLTC. Using this extension function, it is possible to recover type information lost by the use of xsl:param (see Bugzilla 19038). Here is an example: <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:java="http://xml.apache.org/xalan/java" xmlns:xsltc="http://xml.apache.org/xalan/xsltc"> <xsl:param name="object"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:value-of select="java:length(xsltc:cast('java.lang.String', $object))"/> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> Without using xsltc:cast(), XSLTC will report an error as the type of param 'object' cannot be determined statically. The type of xsltc:cast() is: object[T] cast('T', reference | object[R]) where 'T' indicates that the type of the first argument must be a literal string. A ClassCastException may be thrown at runtime if R is not convertible to T. I believe we still need a fully-dynamic solution that does not rely on this extension function. However, the two solutions can coexists, especially since using xsltc:cast() will always be more efficient than any alternative based on Java reflection.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2003/10/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java SAXImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla Bug 14607

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix the makeNode and makeNodeList methods in SAXImpl for bugzilla 23115.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Sort.java
    Committer's log entry: Apply the patch for bugzilla 23271 from Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz (brunofr@olympum.com).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 15901 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: John Meyer (bug reporter) XSLTC now uses properties from the serializer's factory rather than setting its own defaults. This makes XSLTC's default serialializer properties (indentation, entity file ... ) the same as Xalan-J.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler BinOpExpr.java LogicalExpr.java Predicate.java RelationalExpr.java UnaryOpExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 15327 Submitted by: Christine Li Reviewed by: Brian Minchau Fix for XSLTC problems with [last()] and [last()-1] predicates.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java Stylesheet.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Replace ad-hoc code to resolve relative URIs by calls to the xml.utils.SystemIDResolver class. This change fixes a few a regressions and also simplifies the code in XSLTC.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CastCall.java CastExpr.java FunctionCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ObjectType.java StringType.java Type.java
    Committer's log entry: Allow conversion between types 'string' and 'object[java.lang.String]'. Conversion is trivial as instances of both types have the same runtime representation. This was needed in order to write expressions such as, string:new(xsltc:cast('java.lang.String', $object)) where 'object' is a param bound to a value of type 'java.lang.String'.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/10/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug report 22167. When the zero-argument constructor of DOMSource, StreamSource or SAXSource is invoked, and no setter method is called to specify an actual source, the source should be treated as if it contained only a root node.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Check for null before setting DTM base URI.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for regression in Resolve002 TCK.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java UnsupportedElement.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java ErrorMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: Apply Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com) patch for bugzilla 23706, with my own modifications. I also fixed bug 23896 in the same patch. This patch includes the fixes for the following: 1. an unsupported XSL element will trigger a syntax error in 1.0 mode. 2. In forward-compatibility mode, if an unsupported XSL element is in a template, has no fallback, it will trigger a runtime error if it is instantiated. 3. All fallback children are called in sequence. The old code only makes use of the first fallback child. 4. Only direct fallback children are processed. The old code finds the fallback from all descendants of an unsupported element, which is wrong behavior according to the spec.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing path for bugzilla 22438 from Bhakti Mehta (Bhakti.Mehta@sun.com). This patch fixes serialization problems of Templates objects in XSLTC. A user-defined URIResolver associated to a Templates object is also serialized whenever possible (i.e. if it is also serializable).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.5.1

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/04/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler DocumentCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patches from Igor Hersht (igorh@ca.ibm.com) for bug 15200 and bug 18585. Fixed up code that processes the document function when it has two arguments, the second of which must be a node-set; the code didn't always resolve the value of the first argument against the first node in the second argument, as it should have. In addition, in order to simplify run-time processing, added a new LoadDocument.documentF method that is used when the second argument to the XSLT document function is present; if that argument is an empty node-set, the result of the document function should be an empty node-set, and that logic is much easier to code in the run-time than via generated code.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/04/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Set SourceLocator in stylesheet instead of XSLTC object. This ensures proper use of user-defined URIResolvers in a TemplatesHandler.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/04/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Output properties were not properly cleared when reusing the same instance of a TemplatesHandlerImpl. The top-level stylesheet in the XSLTC object referenced by TemplatesHandlerImpl (indirectly via an instance of Parser) was not reset after the first use of the instance.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/05/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a multithread safety issue in the use-classpath option. The old code reuses a Translet object for all newTransformer() calls, which is not the right thing to do. We should pass in a Class array and let TemplateImpl create a new Translet instance for each newTransformer() call.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.5.0

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/02/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java Message.java
    Committer's log entry: New implementation of xsl:message that does not use RTFs. Using RTFs is both slow and problematic since the number of RTFs that can be created is limited in XSLTC. The new implementation uses a StreamXMLOutput and a StringWriter to output the template body as a string (in some cases, NS declarations will be included and this behavior differs from the old implementation). Additionally, the new implementation optimizes the case where the message is empty and where the message is just a literal string. The bug was reported by Mark Brunkhart (mark@matchanalysis.com).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/02/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed the getTreeString() method from the DOM interface (as well as from all the classes that implement this interface). This update will require a sync with the XSLTC_DTM branch, but there was no point in keeping this method when it's no longer used.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/02/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ReferenceType.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 17447. Conversion from reference type to string type assumed the existence of the "current" local variable, which is unavailable at top-level.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/02/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Improvement for xsl:copy-of. Instead of using the expensive getFirstAttribute() and getFirstNamespace() interfaces, increase the element id by 1 to iterate through all attribute and namespace nodes.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/02/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Minor cleanup to SAXImpl.copy() and copyElement(). Introduce a new interface handleTextEvents() to handle Text nodes more efficiently.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler SyntaxTreeNode.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ResultTreeType.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java MultiDOM.java SAXImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax XSLTCSource.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Design a new DOM model (SimpleResultTreeImpl) for simple result tree fragment (RTF). A simple RTF is an RTF which has only one Text node. It can be generated by a combination of Text, xsl:value-of and xsl:number instructions. It can also be generated by xsl:if or xsl:choose, as far as the content of the control body is pure Text. The code to detect whether an RTF is simple is in SyntaxTreeNode.isSimpleRTF(). Before this change, an RTF is represented by a SAXImpl object. SAXImpl is a heavy-weight class in that it allocates a lot of array objects for storage. In the case where the RTF is only one Text node, creating a SAXImpl is just too expensive. A SimpleResultTreeImpl has only two nodes, i.e. the root node and the Text node. All DOM interfaces are overridden to handle this simplified model. SimpleResultTreeImpl has a few internal iterators, which is designed to support the nodeset() extension function. This change brings a significant improvement to stylesheets that create a lot of simple RTFs. Some testcases are more than 100% faster after the change.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SimpleResultTreeImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Add a new class SimpleResultTreeImpl as the model for simple RTF.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java NodeSortRecord.java SAXImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/util IntegerArray.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work A few small improvements. More space efficient version of IntegerArray.clone(). Rearrange the condition checking in StreamXML(HTML)Output.escapeCharacters(). Only create one default Collator instance in NodeSortRecord.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java SAXImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Small tweaks in DOMAdapter. Invoking a final method is generally faster than invoking a method via interface.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Improvement in StreamOutput.escapeString(). Do not create the StringBuffer if there is nothing to escape. This change needs to be put back to the new serializer if it uses the same code.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime StringValueHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Use a more sophisticated algorithm in StringValueHandler. Do not create new Strings if there is only String value. Creating many new Strings is an expensive operation.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a bug that causes id function testcases to fail in trax.sax flavor.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Set the namespace feature directly on the XMLReader. SAXParserFactory.setFeature() actually creates a temporary SAXParser to verify that feature. So we end up creating two SAXParsers per document() call in the old code.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AdaptiveResultTreeImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: file AdaptiveResultTreeImpl.java was initially added on branch XSLTC_DTM.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler SyntaxTreeNode.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AdaptiveResultTreeImpl.java DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java MultiDOM.java SAXImpl.java SimpleResultTreeImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Design a light-weight DOM model (AdaptiveResultTreeImpl) for RTFs with xsl:call-template. AdaptiveResultTreeImpl is a adaptive DOM model for result tree fragments (RTF). It is used in the case where the RTF is likely to be pure text yet it can still be a DOM tree. It is designed for RTFs which have <xsl:call-template> or <xsl:apply-templates> in the contents. Example: <xsl:variable name = "x"> <xsl:call-template name = "test"> <xsl:with-param name="a" select="."/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:variable> In this example the result produced by <xsl:call-template> is likely to be a single Text node. But it can also be a DOM tree. This kind of RTF cannot be modelled by SimpleResultTreeImpl. AdaptiveResultTreeImpl can be considered as a smart switcher between SimpleResultTreeImpl and SAXImpl. It treats the RTF as simple Text and uses the SimpleResultTreeImpl model at the beginning. However, if it receives a call which indicates that this is a DOM tree (e.g. startElement), it will automatically transform itself into a wrapper around a SAXImpl. In this way we can have a light-weight model when the result only contains simple text, while at the same time it still works when the RTF is a DOM tree. All methods in this class are overridden to delegate the action to the wrapped SAXImpl object if it is non-null, or delegate the action to the SimpleResultTreeImpl if there is no wrapped SAXImpl.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Save the DTMManager in a field in MultiDOM. Don't compute it everytime in MultiDOM.getDTMId().

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime StringValueHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a bug which causes the docbook testcase to fail.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Improvement in MultiDOM. Make the nodeHandle to DOMAdapter mapping a straight map. The code in getDTMId() is much light-weight than before, because the complicated stuff is moved to addDOMAdapter() which is only called once per DTM. In the case where the DTM id runs across several addressing range (the size of each range is 65536 - an unusal case), there will be several items in the adapter array for one DTM.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/03/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ProcessingInstructionPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for bug 15332 from Igor Hersht (igorh@ca.ibm.com). Ensure that patterns of the form processing-instruction() and processing-instruction('name') are given the right priorities.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/03/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ProcessingInstructionPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for bug 15332 from Igor Hersht (igorh@ca.ibm.com). Ensure that patterns of the form processing-instruction() and processing-instruction('name') are given the right priorities.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/03/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ProcessingInstructionPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for bug 15332 from Igor Hersht (igorh@ca.ibm.com). Ensure that patterns of the form processing-instruction() and processing-instruction('name') are given the right priorities.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java DOMWSFilter.java KeyIndex.java LoadDocument.java SAXImpl.java XSLTCDTMManager.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work New solution for DOM input. Use SAXImpl + DOM2SAX to handle DOM input. This is the solution used in the old XSLTC. The DOMImpl class is completely deprecated. This solution is better than DOMImpl on top of DOM2DTM for the following reasons: 1. DOM2DTM is known to be slow. 2. DOM2DTM is an incremental model while DOMImpl is not. 3. There are too much code duplication between DOMImpl and SAXImpl Under the new solution, any improvement to SAXImpl and SAX2DTM2 will also benefit the DOM case. There is no need to have separate optimizations for the DOM case. This solution is a little sophisticated than the old XSLTC solution in that we borrow some code from DOM2DTM (e.g. handling for id function and unparsed entity). The end result is that conformance in trax.dom is better than the old XSLTC.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/03/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util VoidType.java
    Committer's log entry: Override definition of Type.POP() in VoidType to return NOP instead of POP. If type is void, there's nothing to be popped. This problem shows up when invoking an external Java function whose return type is void.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/03/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java Parser.java SyntaxTreeNode.java XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages_no.java ErrorMessages.java ErrorMsg.java TypeCheckError.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java ErrorMessages_no.java ErrorMessages.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed XSLTC messages to extend ListResourceBundle, and use String keys to access messages. Code used to extend ResourceBundle and used to use integer indices to access error messages. Changes from myself and Gordon Chiu (grchiu@uwaterloo.ca).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/03/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java Parser.java SyntaxTreeNode.java XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages_no.java ErrorMessages.java ErrorMsg.java TypeCheckError.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java ErrorMessages_no.java ErrorMessages.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed XSLTC messages to extend ListResourceBundle, and use String keys to access messages. Code used to extend ResourceBundle and used to use integer indices to access error messages. Changes from myself and Gordon Chiu (grchiu@uwaterloo.ca).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/03/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java DecimalFormatting.java Constants.java DecimalFormatting.java
    Committer's log entry: The generated code for xsl:decimal-format used the no argument constructor of DecimalFormatSymbols, which is affected by the default locale. The default attribute values for xsl:decimal-format should not be affected by the default locale. Instead, the en_US Locale should be passed to the constructor, as it has settings that are consistent with the defaults for xsl:decimal-format.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/03/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java DecimalFormatting.java
    Committer's log entry: The generated code for xsl:decimal-format used the no argument constructor of DecimalFormatSymbols, which is affected by the default locale. The default attribute values for xsl:decimal-format should not be affected by the default locale. Instead, the en_US Locale should be passed to the constructor, as it has settings that are consistent with the defaults for xsl:decimal-format.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/03/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslAttribute.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 18162. Warnings are still reported if an occurrence of xsl:attribute *may* result in a runtime error.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/03/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing patch by Arun Yadav (Arun.Yadav@sun.com) that fixes the problem of using "." or "-" as part of the name of a parameter (Bugzilla 15636).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/03/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler KeyCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing patch from Arun Yadav (arun.yadav@sun.com) for Bugzilla 15830. Correct handling for id()/key() values of type result-tree.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/03/31
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: New implementation for TemplatesHandlerImpl that does not extend xsltc.compiler.Parser. The new implementation has a simpler init() method. Also, instances of the new class can be re-used (previously, there were problems with the output method when an instance was used more than once).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/31
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Remove XSLTC's compile time dependency on Xalan.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: New implementation of TemplatesHandlerImpl. Fixes output method problem when reusing TemplatesHandler instances.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java DOMCache.java NodeIterator.java Translet.java TransletOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.xsltc. 1. Remove TransletOutputHandler.java 2. Adapt the XSLTC interfaces to the DTM model.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/util IntegerArray.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.util.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AbsolutePathPattern.java AncestorPattern.java CastExpr.java Constants.java CopyOf.java DocumentCall.java ForEach.java GenerateIdCall.java IdKeyPattern.java Key.java KeyCall.java Message.java Mode.java NameBase.java NodeTest.java Output.java ParentLocationPath.java Predicate.java ProcessingInstructionPattern.java Step.java StepPattern.java Stylesheet.java SyntaxTreeNode.java UnionPathExpr.java UnparsedEntityUriCall.java ValueOf.java xpath.cup XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MethodGenerator.java NodeSetType.java ObjectType.java ReferenceType.java ResultTreeType.java TypeCheckError.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java DOM2TO.java SAX2TO.java TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java XSLTCSource.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output OutputBase.java SAXHTMLOutput.java SAXOutput.java SAXTextOutput.java SAXXMLOutput.java StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamTextOutput.java StreamUnknownOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.output Remove the output classes in XSLTC. XSLTC now uses the output classes in the common serializer.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java AttributeList.java BasisLibrary.java Constants.java DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java SAXAdapter.java StringValueHandler.java TextOutput.java TransletOutputBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AbsoluteIterator.java AdaptiveResultTreeImpl.java AnyNodeCounter.java Axis.java BitArray.java CollatorFactoryBase.java CurrentNodeListFilter.java CurrentNodeListIterator.java DocumentCache.java DOMAdapter.java DOMBuilder.java DOMImpl.java DOMWSFilter.java DTDMonitor.java DupFilterIterator.java EmptyFilter.java ExtendedSAX.java Filter.java FilteredStepIterator.java FilterIterator.java ForwardPositionIterator.java KeyIndex.java LoadDocument.java MatchingIterator.java MultiDOM.java MultipleNodeCounter.java NodeCounter.java NodeIteratorBase.java NodeSortRecord.java NodeSortRecordFactory.java NthIterator.java SAXImpl.java SimpleResultTreeImpl.java SingleNodeCounter.java SingletonIterator.java SortingIterator.java StepIterator.java StripWhitespaceFilter.java UnionIterator.java XSLTCDTMManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Adapt all dom classes in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom to the DTM model. Removed DOMImpl, DTDMonitor. Added a few new classes for the new DOM model. The core DOM class is SAXImpl.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/04/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: If there is an error listener registered to a TransformerFactory, and the stylesheet cannot be compiled, call fatalError, in addition to throwing the TransformerConfigurationException.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime StringValueHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: According to spec http://www.w3.org/1999/11/REC-xslt-19991116-errata/#E27, when element nodes are used in the instantiated content of attribute, comment and processing instructions, we should ignore the elements together with their content.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AdaptiveResultTreeImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Need to override more startElement and endElement interfaces in AdaptiveResultTreeImpl, because it now extends EmptySerializer, which has a few more interfaces than the old TransletOutputHandler.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java SAXImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for a few testcase failures in XSLTC trax.localPath. Detect the backslash ("\") character in the path in addtional to the forward slash ('/') in LoadDocument.document(). The XSLTC conformance result in trax.localPath changed from Pass: 1634/Fail: 14/Errr: 35 to Pass: 1657/Fail: 17/Errr: 9 after this change.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 17448. Stylesheet.setIncludingStylesheet() should use _includedFrom instead of _importedFrom.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix another problem related to bug 17448. Only set the import precedence of an included stylesheet when it is directly included by this stylesheet. If it is indirectly included via imports, the import precedence will be different.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.4.1

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Keep track of parameters for built-in identity transform (needed for some TCK tests).

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/08/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java TrAXFilter.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed XSLTCs implementation of XMLFilter

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/08/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TrAXFilter.java
    Committer's log entry: added some check for parents of filter chain

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 12125.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/08/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler EqualityExpr.java RelationalExpr.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 12148 fixed, xpath pred and relational expr

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/09/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: Change committed on behalf of Igor Hersht: added -DIAG option similar to that supported by org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process class (for bug 12261). Also (on my own behalf) changed calculation of average transform time and throughput rate for -n option to use floating-point division, rather than integer division; latter yielded meaningless results.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output OutputBuffer.java StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamTextOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java StringOutputBuffer.java WriterOutputBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: New buffering system for stream output.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeCounter.java
    Committer's log entry: Support for Greek alphabet in xsl:number.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output WriterOutputBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: Set a larger buffer size for Solaris.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java SyntaxTreeNode.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ResultTreeType.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Set different initial sizes for DOMImpl arrays. The new values result in better performance for the average case.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AbsoluteIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Optimized evaluation of //RelativeLocationPath expressions.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ObjectType.java
    Committer's log entry: For XSLTC extension integration. Support creating ObjectType from a Class object. Add an additional field to store the Class.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util BooleanType.java IntType.java NodeSetType.java NodeType.java RealType.java ResultTreeType.java StringType.java
    Committer's log entry: For XSLTC extension integration. Add more translation rules required by extensions. Specifically, all types can be translated to a generic Java Object. Numeric types can be translated to their corresponding Java types (e.g. Real to java.lang.Double). Node, NodeSet and ResultTree can be translated to a Java String.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: Support the append attribute in the redirect/output extension.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: For XSLTC extension integration. Implement the object-type extension function in the EXSLT commons package. Change the behavior of the nodeList2Iterator interface so that it will do a deep copy on the argument NodeList, i.e. if a Node in the NodeList is an Element, it will not only copy the Node itself, but also copy all children and attributes. This is required to get any extension function that returns a NodeList to work in XSLTC.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler TransletOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Support the append attribute in the output extension element, so that it behavior is more like redirect:write.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java
    Committer's log entry: Add a constant string for the redirect namespace.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CastExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: For extension integration. Allow numeric types to be casted to Object type.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: For extension integration. Add the objectType extension function to the Symbol Table. Maps the redirect:write element to the TransletOutPut class.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: For extension integration. The nodeset extension function can be used as node-set in the http://exslt.org/common namespace.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Changes for Java extension and EXSLT extension support. For Java extension: - support 3 different namespace formats (Java, class and package). - fix a bunch of type translation problems - fix problems in class/method matching algorithm For EXSLT extension: - support the math, set, strings and datetime extension - support using the nodeset extension in 3 different ways (xsltc, xalan and EXSLT commons) - support the object-type extension in EXSLT commons as a native XSLTC function - Maps the redirect:write element to XSLTC's output element - extension function name translation (e.g. node-set to nodeSet)

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Additional optimizations in expansion of '//'.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed "-DIAG" option as it is similar to "-n 1". XSLTC's command line options are single letters, so -DIAG does not really fit in the synopsis. Morris K. is working on an extension for Xalan's Process class to allow the compilation and execution of translets (once that work is completed the -DIAG option will be available for XSLTC too).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: Change default policy for template inlining.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Replaced attribute "disable-inlining" by attribute "enable-inlining".

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java
    Committer's log entry: Lazy computation of mappings and reverse mappings.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: (1) Synchronize access to static variable. (2) Pre-allocate static objects for attribute and element types.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed setting to speed up DOM building process.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Return a fresh XMLReader for each call to getXMLReader(). Returning the same instance is incorrect in multi-threaded apps where a single transformer factory is shared by all threads.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2TO.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 12924. Add handling code for DocumentType Node.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 12924. In constructor SAX2DOM(Node), the Node might not always be a Document. Add additional handling code so that SAX2DOM can work with a non-Document root.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/09/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Use a thread variable to cache an XMLReader.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionAvailableCall.java FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: EXtension work. Make function-available work with external Java and EXSLT extension functions.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionAvailableCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Handle dots in the local part, e.g. xmlns:ext="http://xml.apache.org/xalan/java/java.lang function-available('ext:Thread.currentThread') return true.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionAvailableCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor cleanup in class name handling.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/09/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMsg.java TypeCheckError.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DocumentCache.java DOMImpl.java DTDMonitor.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline/getopt GetOpt.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Include.java TransletOutput.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing changes from Gordon Chiu (grchiu@ca.ibm.com), with some tweaks from me, to move some hard-coded XSLTC messages into the compiler and run-time ErrorMessages classes, as appropriate.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/09/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime ErrorMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing changes from Gordon Chiu (grchiu@ca.ibm.com), with some tweaks from me, to move some hard-coded XSLTC messages into the compiler and run-time ErrorMessages classes, as appropriate. Also, added copious comments to assist anyone who might translate these resources in the future.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/09/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMsg.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed a duplicate error message number I inadvertently entered.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/09/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: bugzilla 12813 fixed

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java ErrorMsg.java
    Committer's log entry: Add debug messages for -XX option in the Process command line. These messages tell the user whether they are transforming using XSLTC.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problems in the baseName() interface so that it can handle system ids like file:abc.xsl and file:///c:\test\abc.xsl.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC support in the Process command line - phase 2 Add two new output types: - BYTEARRAY_AND_FILE_OUTPUT: return a byte array and generate the translet class - BYTEARRAY_AND_JAR_OUTPUT: return a byte array and generate the jar file Add a new compile() interface which accepts the output type as the third parameter. Use different Vectors to store bytecodes and JavaClass objects.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Add a wrapper for the noExtName() method in compiler.util.Util. The transformerFactoryImpl class makes use of it.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: The member name _defaultTransletName in TransformerFactoryImpl has been changed to _transletName.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC support in the Process command line - phase 2 Most of the changes appear in this class. The changes not only allow you to use the new XSLTC options in the Process command line. It also give you the ability to customize the XSLTC behavior using the standard TRAX API. Previously, the XSLTC TRAX API is not aware of translets. You cannot tell it to use translets for do transformations. Now you can customize the XSLTC bevaior using the new attributes. For example, the following code will allow you to use translets for transformations when the translet is newer than the xsl. TransformerFactory tf; tf.setAttribute("auto-translet", "true"); Templates templates = tf.newTemplates(xslSource); The following attributes are added: Attributes Corresponding Process command line options use-translet translet-name -XO destination-directory -XD package-name -XP jar-name -XJ auto-translet -XT Four of the new attributes (translet-name, destination-directory, package-name and jar-name) are transient. They only apply to the next newTemplates() or newTransformer() call. Their values are reset to the default after the call. There is also a makefile like feature when you set the "auto-translet" attribute. It will use the translet to do transformation when the translet is newer than the xsl. If the xsl is modified, it will use the xsl to transform and regenerate the translet. Unlike the XSLTC Transform command line, the new code will NOT use the existing ClassLoader to load the translet or jar file. It directly reads the file content into a byte array. This makes the Process command line capable of loading the translet from any directory the xsl file might be in or any user specified destination directory, without the need on the user to add that directory to the CLASSPATH first.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Multi-thread protection for the new attributes. The four transient attributes are now stored in ThreadLocal objects to prevent multi-thread contention problems. This ensures that each thread will have a different copy of the attributes and no collision issue will occur.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Change the four attributes to be instance variables and remove the ThreadLocal protection. TransformerFactory is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. We will leave the synchronization issues up to the user if they want to use one TransformerFactory in multiple threads.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Param.java
    Committer's log entry: The default type of a <xsl:param> should be result tree.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a problem in class namespace format and also cleanup the indentation.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Param.java
    Committer's log entry: Set default type of parameters to be reference. The type of a parameter cannot be determined statically in XSLT 1.0.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java Constants.java ForEach.java LastCall.java Parser.java PositionCall.java Step.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AbsoluteIterator.java CurrentNodeListIterator.java DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java DupFilterIterator.java FilteredStepIterator.java FilterIterator.java ForwardPositionIterator.java KeyIndex.java MatchingIterator.java MultiDOM.java NodeIteratorBase.java NthIterator.java ReverseIterator.java StepIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/util IntegerArray.java
    Committer's log entry: (1) Eliminated the need for a ReverseIterator. (2) Added a ForwardPositionIterator as a temporary solution for some cases. (3) Added several javadoc-type comments. (4) Fixed a number of cloneIterator() implementations that were broken.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ForwardPositionExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: Expression wrapper to compute positions properly.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output OutputBase.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 13304.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/10/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 12644, Santiago found that the clone iterator was doing a shallow copy

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Key.java KeyCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom KeyIndex.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/util IntegerArray.java
    Committer's log entry: (1) Fixed some dynamic typing problems with idkeys. Values are now properly converted to strings before they are compared. (2) Eliminated the use of BitArrays in KeyIndex (better space efficiency). (3) All idkey tests now pass with flavor=stream (the 6 failures that are reported are due to the use of a different algorithm to generate ids).

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 13550, for multiple <xsl:output> elements, cdata-section-elements attrs are now merged

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslElement.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: New implementation of xsl:element that properly handles the case where the namespace URI computed at runtime is "". Some of the code implementing the xsl:element instruction has been factored out from the translet into the basis library.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 12317, serialization of Templates is fixed

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: A RuntimeException cannot be constructed from a Throwable with JDKs prior to 1.4.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Clear dom index flag before passing node to DOMAdapter. Bug reported by Prakash Sridharan.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Switch order of calls to startElement() and namespace() in startXslElement().

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/10/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 12308, typeCheck, nodeset to node optimization is turned off if node has context

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java
    Committer's log entry: Added support for all EBCDIC flavors in xsl:output.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Moved EBCDIC support from Output to StreamOutput to ensure correct serialization of XML header.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler PositionCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom CurrentNodeListIterator.java DOMImpl.java FilterIterator.java NthIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing patch from Henry Zongaro. This patch moves the logic from XPath's position() function from NodeIterator.getPosition() to BasisLibrary.positionF(). This change simplifies the integration between XSLTC and DTM.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ForwardPositionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Adding XSLTC_DTM version of file to branch.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ForwardPositionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Whoops! Checked in file on MAIN branch that was meant for XSLTC_DTM branch.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ForwardPositionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Adding DTM version of ForwardPositionIterator to XSLTC_DTM branch.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ForwardPositionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Aarrrgggghhhhh\!\! Checked in file on MAIN branch that was meant for XSLTC_DTM branch, again\!

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 13826. A problem in reset() was the cause of duplicate nodes in the resulting nodeset.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NodeSetType.java ReferenceType.java ResultTreeType.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 13850 provided by Morris Kwan. Morris Kwan wrote: Changes in NodeSetType.java: Allow a org.w3c.dom.Node to be converted to a XSLTC internal nodeset Changes in ReferenceType.java: Allow conversions from Reference to Java String, double, w3c Node/NodeList Changes in ResultTreeType.java: The result tree when converted to a nodeset, should contain only one node starting from the root. If you replace <xsl:param> with <xsl:variable> in the attached testcase, you will see a problem in "ext:nodelistTest ($a)/h1/h2" because of this problem. Changes in BasisLibrary.java: Added interfaces referenceToNodeList, referenceToNode and node2Iterator. The changes in copyNodes() fix a problem with the document node. In the case of an RTF, the NodeList passed to nodeList2Iterator() contains only one Node, which is a Document Node. The changes try to create a dummy element for the Document and copy all Nodes under it.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 13850 provided by Morris Kwan. Changes in BasisLibrary.java: Added interfaces referenceToNodeList, referenceToNode and node2Iterator. The changes in copyNodes() fix a problem with the document node. In the case of an RTF, the NodeList passed to nodeList2Iterator() contains only one Node, which is a Document Node. The changes try to create a dummy element for the Document and copy all Nodes under it.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LocationPathPattern.java Mode.java Step.java StepPattern.java xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Distinguish between child::node() and attribute::node() both in patterns and expressions. This patch also fixes Bugzilla 11433.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/10/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem in DOMImpl$ChildrenIterator.getLast(). It now returns 0 when the nodeset is empty.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.4.0

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added new method 'setDocumentLocator()' to TemplatesHandlerImpl so that SAX parser can inform handler of doc location- thanks to Scott Boag and Shane Curcuru for the insight into this

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler UnresolvedRef.java
    Committer's log entry: Assigned type to _type.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java AttributeSet.java CallTemplate.java DecimalFormatting.java EqualityExpr.java FormatNumberCall.java Key.java KeyCall.java Parser.java QName.java SymbolTable.java Template.java UseAttributeSets.java VariableBase.java xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem with default namespace in XPath expressions and XSLT's named objects (e.g. templates, keys, variables, etc.).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Fixed StepPattern production to include named PIs.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Text.java
    Committer's log entry: Optimized calls to setEscaping().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Simple code optimizations.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: Replaced Vector by ArrayList (synchronization is not needed here).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed looping problem reported by Girish.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletOutputHandler.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Text.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime SAXAdapter.java StringValueHandler.java TextOutput.java TransletOutputBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Added characters(String) to TextOutputHandler.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: avoid printing standalone attr if it is set to 'no'

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeIteratorBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for conf test axes113.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed a regression in output66 test

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Text.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for attribset49.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Fix for axes127.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Do not add the standalone attribute to the XML header unless requested.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output DOMOutput.java OutputBase.java SAXHTMLOutput.java SAXOutput.java SAXXMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: New output handlers.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bug in Attr iterator.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output HtmlOutput.java StreamOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXHTMLOutput.java SAXOutput.java SAXXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: updated new code, on-going development

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXHTMLOutput.java SAXOutput.java SAXXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: added new methods, on-going

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletOutputHandler.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java SAXAdapter.java TransletOutputBase.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output HtmlOutput.java OutputBase.java StreamOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: New methods added to the translet output handler.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output HtmlOutput.java StreamHTMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Renamed module.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output DOMOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: temporarily moved out of the way

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXOutput.java SAXXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: updated namespace support

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXHTMLOutput.java SAXOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed uninitialized stack

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: Experimental output system.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Experimental output system.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: Added "-n" option to Transform.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamUnknownOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamTextOutput.java TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Insert XML header at the beginning.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: added sax case support

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: updated

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added 'experimental-output' attribute to transformer factory.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/05/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: added processing instruction support

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug fixes after testing.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Added DOCTYPE.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem with 'xmlns' reported as attribute.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/31
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem with offset in characters().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output OutputBase.java SAXHTMLOutput.java SAXOutput.java SAXXMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Moved common methods to base classes.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output OutputBase.java SAXHTMLOutput.java SAXOutput.java SAXXMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamTextOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: updating work in progress

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXOutput.java SAXXMLOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output OutputBase.java SAXXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problems with id/key.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output OutputBase.java SAXOutput.java SAXXMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamUnknownOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: reset output flag

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: updated xsl:vendor string

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: updated xsl:vendor string

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 9179, leading zero in localized formatting

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Include attributes in xsl:message template body.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Set a new buffer size.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed memory leak in AbstractTranslet and moved replace() method to BasisLibrary.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXOutput.java SAXTextOutput.java TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: New class.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed processing instruction call

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: added text case for SAX

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Typo.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXHTMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Do not insert <META>.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem in the implementation of setOutputProperties().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: Added comment() support.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: added support for comment handling in DOM

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed getTemplates() to return null when compilation fails.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultRun.java
    Committer's log entry: No longer in use.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java Output.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java TextOutput.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXOutput.java StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamUnknownOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: New output system installed.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix for copy32.xsl unit test; cdata handling

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed file creation for xsltc:output extension.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom BitArray.java
    Committer's log entry: Added default constructor.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed insertion of META when HEAD is empty.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom CurrentNodeListIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Replaced eager by lazy computation of last.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom StepIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Very minor optimization.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Simple hand optimizations.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java Parser.java Stylesheet.java XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed layering of output properties in Trax.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Replaced getProperty() by get() in setOutputProperties().

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Include.java
    Committer's log entry: catching file not found exception fixed

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: added ability to detect/flag superfluous attributes

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: removed commented out code

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed bug that passes warnings to listener

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamUnknownOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Added support for XHTML in output system (c.f. embed04).

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed bug with number formatting, richmark test

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed escaping of quote in href attribute

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem in creation of output handler.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output OutputBase.java SAXOutput.java SAXXMLOutput.java StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem with cdata-section-elements in xsl:output and namespaces.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed nit for Tom

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed unescaped quote in attribute, namespace110 unit test

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Ignore default properties in setOutputProperties().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXHTMLOutput.java StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamUnknownOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to set output properties correctly in the new output system.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed indentation when output method is HTML.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamUnknownOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed indentation when output method is HTML.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: Rollback to revision 1.39

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: whitespace13.xsl fix for trax.dom case

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed regression.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler NameBase.java
    Committer's log entry: _type renamed to _paramType to avoid shadowing of protected vars.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Replaced _type by getType().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed evaluation of "parent::*" with multiple DOMs.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 9068.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Better fix for Bugzilla 9068.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 8551.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzillas 3238 and 10137.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 6925.

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 2002/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionAvailableCall.java
    Committer's log entry: fix check for extension functions

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionAvailableCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for function-available() needed to handle XSLTC's extension functions.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ParentLocationPath.java Step.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for axes122.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed regression.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/util IntegerArray.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed bug in clone().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ElementAvailableCall.java Expression.java FunctionAvailableCall.java If.java LogicalExpr.java When.java
    Committer's log entry: Added support for function-available()/element-available() in logical expressions (note that these functions are resolved at compile time in XSLTC).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamOutput.java StreamUnknownOutput.java TransletOutputHandlerFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added 'indent-number' attribute to the transformer factory. The value of this attribute is the number of spaces that will be used by the output system when indentation is turned on.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for node21 and some position tests.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem in copyElement().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Use doubles instead of longs for big ints.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LongExpr.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util LongType.java
    Committer's log entry: removed unused class, compiler will now use doubles

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CastExpr.java Constants.java Parser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Type.java
    Committer's log entry: removed references to the LongExpr classes that were removed

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Copy namespace nodes of an element in xsl:copy.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ElementAvailableCall.java FunctionAvailableCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Better error reporting when argument is not a literal.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/06/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Use a BufferedOutputStream to write classes.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/07/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed conf tests copy21, copy22, expression02, idkey04, numbering91 with introduction of setSystemId on InputSource

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated XSLTC's version number from 1.0 to 1.1

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeSet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 4603 (thanks to Henri Zongaro)

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: Print warning message for superfluous attributes that have a null URI only.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/07/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java Sort.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 5941 fixed, <clinit> access chged to ACC_STATIC from ACC_FINAL

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util TypeCheckError.java
    Committer's log entry: Enhanced error reporting in calls to external Java functions.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 10832 fix, relational expressions with RTFs

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 9174.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed error message in defineTransletClasses() method.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 9171.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem in error reporting code.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java
    Committer's log entry: Ignore default NS when expanding calls to position().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Accept null as a possible return value from URIResolver.resolve()

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java
    Committer's log entry: Report a decent error when the URI cannot be resolved.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a few getters to this class.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Use the superclass to determine the main class of a translet.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 10715.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed a regression.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed for Bugzilla 10625. URIResolvers were being dropped in several places.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Util class for the TrAX package.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Synchronize calls to Stylesheet.translate() using class' lock.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Ensure synchronization for Templates objects.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added safety net to getDOM().

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/07/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ObjectType.java
    Committer's log entry: added new type for support of ext java functions

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/07/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc Translet.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CastExpr.java FunctionCall.java Parser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java ErrorMsg.java NodeSetType.java NodeType.java ReferenceType.java StringType.java Type.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AbsoluteIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 10837, support of ext java functions

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Expression.java FlowList.java Mode.java StepPattern.java TestSeq.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 11166.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed loop exit condition in prepareTestSequences().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/07/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ReferenceType.java ResultTreeType.java
    Committer's log entry: Added type promotion from result-tree to object (used in call to nodeset()).

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/07/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CastExpr.java FunctionCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MultiHashtable.java
    Committer's log entry: improved selection algorithm for overloaded methods and constructors in ext java funct calls

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionAvailableCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed regression of test function-available('xalan:nodeset').

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Use factory class methods to instantiate default decimal formatter.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output SAXHTMLOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: 1. Report attributes with non-empty local names. 2. Ignore attributes reported as content.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Use unmodified URI when retrieving the document via the DOM cache.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletOutputHandler.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime SAXAdapter.java TextOutput.java TransletOutputBase.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime/output OutputBase.java SAXXMLOutput.java StreamHTMLOutput.java StreamOutput.java StreamXMLOutput.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java DOM2TO.java SAX2TO.java TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: New implementation of identity transform. Fix for Bugzilla 11345.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/08/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Expression.java ParameterRef.java VariableRef.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix for bugzilla 11221, MK053

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/08/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 11704, fixed ErrorMsg to include name information

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/08/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed bug that was calling an inappropriate compare method when the right side of the comparison was a DOM

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/08/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2TO.java
    Committer's log entry: fixes conf tests lre02, lre03, lre11, namespace125, namespace126

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler RelationalExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 11987. Missing case in typeCheck() method.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Very minor optimization.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/08/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: conf test string134 fix

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for namespace102 (this test worked with Crimson but failed with Xerces).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ResultTreeType.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed debugging message.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Closure.java Constants.java Number.java ParameterRef.java Predicate.java Sort.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Template.java Variable.java VariableRef.java VariableRefBase.java XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NodeSortRecordFactGenerator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 11828. A new closure conversion algorithm has been designed and implemented. The old algorithm did not work in some edge cases (c.f. description of Bugzilla 11828). Closure variables in an inner class are now accessed locally instead of via the AbstractTranslet class. Also, we have set the new version to be "XSLTC 1.2".

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Allow the default namespace to be redefined as "".

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: *** empty log message ***

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix for output13 conf test

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 12075.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.3.2

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 02/21/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 6417, removed extra root element in DOM, contributed by Tim Elcott

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 02/21/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-beta-branch SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: fix DOMResult SOAP bug 4641035

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 02/26/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 6636, Transformers forgets output properties fix contributed by Tim Elcott (bigfoot.com)

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 02/28/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 6751, null properties are now set properly, fix contributed by Derek Sayeau- thanks Derek.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransletLoader.java
    Committer's log entry: Tomcat 4.x external Java class bug fix, Tomcat 4.x could not find external java classes, contrib by Santiago Pericas

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Tomcat 4.x external Java class bug fix, Tomcat 4.x could not find external java classes, contrib by Santiago Pericas

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-beta-branch TransletLoader.java
    Committer's log entry: bugtraq #4644811, Tomcat and ext java classes, Santiago Pericas

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-beta-branch TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bugtraq #4644811, Tomcat and ext java classes, Santiago Pericas

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-beta-branch TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: backed out chg

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-beta-branch TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bugtraq #4644811, Tomcat and ext java classes, Santiago Pericas

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/04/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SortingIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 6693- fix by Santiago Pericas, implement a iterator clone method.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java SAX2DOM.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 6620 fix: DOMSource no longer requires Document nodes, fix contrib by Santiago Pericas-Geersten

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: re-entered bug fix 6751, last putback inadvert. removed this fix

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fixes for 6257,6851,6665,6809; Santiago Pericas-Geerston

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 6850, Santiago Pericas-Geerston

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/07/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 6312, TemplatesHandler and XMLReader, fix by Santiago Pericas

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 03/11/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler StepPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: just minor change to syntax

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 03/11/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: fix 5573 for XSLTMark alphabetize test

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 03/11/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom CurrentNodeListIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: fix bug 5577 XSLTMark trend test

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 03/11/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: got rid of call to forceNaturalOrder code, Santiago Pericasgeersten

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 03/11/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Expression.java
    Committer's log entry: fix XSLTMark test dbonerow slow performance, Santiago P.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/12/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FormatNumberCall.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 6692, fix by Santiago Pericas-Geersen

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/12/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ProcessingInstruction.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 5141, fix by Santiago Pericas-Geersen

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/12/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime StringValueHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 5141, fix by Santiago Pericas-Geersen

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/12/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Util.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 6413, fix by Santiago Pericas-Geersen

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/13/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 6963, omit header needs to be set before output occurs, fix by Santiago Pericas-Geersen

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/14/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ParentLocationPath.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 5576, had to add a new test case in translate() to set includeself for step iterator, thanks to Santiago Pericas-Geersen

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/15/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 6819, variables translated before attrs to fix problems with dependency, fix by Santiago Pericas-Geertsen

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/18/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 6935, fixed char escaping in non-URL HTML attribute case; also added recognition for URL escaping in HTML4 cite attrs.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/19/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: fix for unit test customer/murphy3.xsl

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/27/2002
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ExtendedSAX.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 2951, new class

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/27/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMBuilder.java DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 2951 fix

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/27/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime SAXAdapter.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 2951 fix

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 03/28/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix for output31, output32 tests, esc chars

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/02/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 7679, xsl:vendor fix

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/03/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch ApplyTemplates.java Constants.java Expression.java FormatNumberCall.java LiteralElement.java ParentLocationPath.java Parser.java ProcessingInstruction.java Step.java StepPattern.java Stylesheet.java SymbolTable.java SyntaxTreeNode.java XslAttribute.java XslElement.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch Util.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch CurrentNodeListIterator.java DOMBuilder.java DOMImpl.java SortingIterator.java UnionIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java Constants.java DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java SAXAdapter.java StringValueHandler.java TextOutput.java TransletLoader.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch DOM2SAX.java SAX2DOM.java TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch ExtendedSAX.java
    Committer's log entry: merged the latest xsltc subtree with the xalan 2.3.1 fcs branch

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/04/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem with attribute URI

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/04/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 7721

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/04/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix related to bugzilla 7721

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed attr namespace.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch SAX2DOM.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem when a DOMResult is created with a root node.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 7721.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/08/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Add support for user-specified root node.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/08/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Add support for user-specified root node.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/09/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch FunctionAvailableCall.java FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 7375 fixed, handles ext java functions now

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/09/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed regression.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/09/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Regression fixed.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/15/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch TemplatesHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 8017, translet class name fixed in getTemplates

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/15/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch AttributeValue.java AttributeValueTemplate.java Number.java XslAttribute.java XslElement.java
    Committer's log entry: New implementation of xsl:element

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/15/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: New implementation of xsl:element

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/15/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: New implementation of xsl:element

  • Committed by Tom.Amiro@Sun.COM on 04/15/2002
    Committer's log entry: > bug 8017, translet class name fixed in getTemplates > >

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/16/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 8017, translet class name fixed in getTemplates

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/16/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Check for localName == null.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/16/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch Include.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 7835, patch from Stefan Kost to better handle empty strings and local paths in xsl:include

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/16/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Include.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 7835, integrated patch by Stefan Kost which better handles empty strings and local paths in xsl:include

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/16/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch DocumentCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Santiago: fixed type check error when 2nd arg (base-uri) is node instead of node-set.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: XSLTC_DTM Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: get rid of debug line

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch FunctionCall.java Parser.java Stylesheet.java SyntaxTreeNode.java XSLTC.java xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Added support for extension function nodeset().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Added support for extension function nodeset().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Added support for extension function nodeset().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/18/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch CastExpr.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch ReferenceType.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem with extension function nodeset() and parameters.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/18/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Tag: XSLTC_DTM SAXAdapter.java
    Committer's log entry: Pass in the local name of the element

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/19/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch FunctionAvailableCall.java
    Committer's log entry: JAVA_EXT_PREFIX renamed to JAVA_EXT_XSLTC

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch MethodGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed bug in addLocalVariable() when the slot allocator was already initialized.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch ElementAvailableCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Added namespace support to the implementation of element-available().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch LiteralExpr.java
    Committer's log entry:

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: Namespace support for element-available().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed bug in resolveReferences().

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/23/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: escaped character handling improved by Santiago

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/23/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: escaped character handling improved by Santiago, again

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/23/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch ErrorMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed command line synopsis.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/24/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java AttributeValue.java AttributeValueTemplate.java CastExpr.java Constants.java DocumentCall.java ElementAvailableCall.java Expression.java FormatNumberCall.java FunctionAvailableCall.java FunctionCall.java Include.java LiteralElement.java LiteralExpr.java Number.java ParentLocationPath.java Parser.java ProcessingInstruction.java Step.java StepPattern.java Stylesheet.java SymbolTable.java SyntaxTreeNode.java XSLTC.java XslAttribute.java XslElement.java xpath.cup java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java MethodGenerator.java ReferenceType.java Util.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom CurrentNodeListIterator.java DOMAdapter.java DOMBuilder.java DOMImpl.java ExtendedSAX.java MultiDOM.java SortingIterator.java UnionIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java Constants.java DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java SAXAdapter.java StringValueHandler.java TextOutput.java TransletLoader.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java SAX2DOM.java TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Commit after syncing trunk with branch jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-04.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/25/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: updated compiler usage statement

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/25/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java
    Committer's log entry: added a -v option to compiler,prints out version

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/25/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: updated cmdline.Transform usage statement

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/25/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.lex
    Committer's log entry: Added support for the full Unicode char set.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/25/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Replacing '/' by '$slash$' and ':' by '$colon$' in escape() (bugzilla 6289)

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/26/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added -n option to disable template inlining. This is useful to avoid getting very long methods (the limit set by the JVM is 64K). The same option can be passed to a TransformationFactory via Trax using the "disable-inlining" attribute.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/26/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler VariableBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Added check to avoid duplicate dependencies.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/26/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java FilterParentPath.java ParentLocationPath.java
    Committer's log entry: Replaced STEP_ITERATOR by NODE_ITERATOR_BASE when calling includeSelf().

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/26/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Ensured that global vars are initialized in the order in which they were defined, whenever possible. This order may be altered due to the existence of dependencies between the vars.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ReferenceType.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a type mapping between 'reference' and 'java.lang.Object' and vice versa. With this addition, a stylesheet can pass a parameter to an external Java function without getting a type check error. (see Bugzilla 8595).

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 04/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed null ptr exception with sax sources that did not specify an xml reader

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed Bugzilla 8489.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/30/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed a bug in replace() by writting a new (and more efficient) version.

  • Committed by Tom.Amiro@Sun.COM on 04/30/2002
    Committer's log entry: > Fixed a bug in replace() by writting a new (and more efficient) version. > >

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 05/02/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed file-not-found problem with flavor=trax.sax by propagating the systemId.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 05/03/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed for Bugzilla 2886 (node15).

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 05/03/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyImports.java Include.java Stylesheet.java TestSeq.java XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Disabling template inlining for included stylesheets.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 05/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AncestorPattern.java Mode.java ParentPattern.java StepPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed a few problems with ancestor patterns (//) and patterns with explicit priorities.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 05/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Rewrote a couple of if statements as if expressions.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 05/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java VariableBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Better error reporting for syntax errors in XPath expressions.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 05/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 8041.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 05/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java ErrorMessages_no.java ErrorMsg.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 8041.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 05/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AbsolutePathPattern.java AncestorPattern.java ParentPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 2836 (modes15).

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 05/08/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: fixes a set of trax.dom conf tests

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 05/08/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: fixes a set of trax.dom conf tests

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.3 and 2.3.1

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 01/24/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 1520 fix, escape chars over 0080 instead of 00FF

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 01/24/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 1520, adjusted 0080 to 007F in ASCII cutoff

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 02/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeValueTemplate.java AbsoluteLocationPath.java AbsolutePathPattern.java AlternativePattern.java AncestorPattern.java ApplyImports.java ApplyTemplates.java AttributeSet.java BooleanCall.java BinOpExpr.java BooleanExpr.java CallTemplate.java CastExpr.java CeilingCall.java Choose.java Comment.java DecimalFormatting.java ConcatCall.java Constants.java ContainsCall.java Copy.java CopyOf.java CurrentCall.java DocumentCall.java EqualityExpr.java Import.java If.java ElementAvailableCall.java Expression.java Fallback.java FilterExpr.java FilterParentPath.java FloorCall.java FlowList.java ForEach.java FormatNumberCall.java FunctionAvailableCall.java FunctionCall.java GenerateIdCall.java IdKeyPattern.java Include.java IntExpr.java Key.java KeyCall.java LangCall.java LastCall.java LiteralAttribute.java LiteralElement.java LiteralExpr.java LocalNameCall.java NamespaceAlias.java LogicalExpr.java Message.java Mode.java NameBase.java NameCall.java NamespaceUriCall.java NotCall.java Number.java NumberCall.java Output.java Param.java ParentLocationPath.java ParameterRef.java ParentPattern.java PositionCall.java RelationalExpr.java Predicate.java Sort.java ProcessingInstruction.java RealExpr.java VariableRef.java RoundCall.java ValueOf.java SimpleAttributeValue.java StartsWithCall.java Stylesheet.java StringCall.java StringLengthCall.java StepPattern.java Template.java TestSeq.java Text.java TopLevelElement.java TransletOutput.java UnaryOpExpr.java UnionPathExpr.java UnparsedEntityUriCall.java UseAttributeSets.java LongExpr.java Variable.java Whitespace.java XslAttribute.java WithParam.java XSLTC.java XslElement.java UnsupportedElement.java VariableBase.java VariableRefBase.java FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Step.java UnresolvedRef.java ProcessingInstructionPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: changed de.fub.bytecode to org.apache.bcel

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 02/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NamedMethodGenerator.java NodeCounterGenerator.java NodeSetType.java NodeSortRecordGenerator.java NodeType.java RealType.java ReferenceType.java ResultTreeType.java RtMethodGenerator.java SlotAllocator.java StringType.java TestGenerator.java Util.java LongType.java
    Committer's log entry: changed de.fub.bytecode to org.apache.bcel

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 02/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util AttributeSetMethodGenerator.java BooleanType.java ClassGenerator.java CompareGenerator.java FilterGenerator.java IntType.java MatchGenerator.java MethodGenerator.java MethodType.java Type.java VoidType.java
    Committer's log entry: changed de.fub.bytecode to org.apache.bcel

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 02/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 1520, spec chars in href attributes

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 02/07/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 1520, updating href attr spec char handling

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 02/13/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 6189, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, contrib by Mirko Seifert

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 02/14/2002
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
    Committer's log entry: added a service provide source file to be copied into xsltc.jar (bundled jar)

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: A fix to the XPath parser to make sure (again!) that non-prefixed elements in XPath expressions/patterns are not assigned the default namespace but rather the null namespace. PR: bugzilla 4904 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Modified the order in which top-level elements are parsed. This to make sure that xsl:namespace-alias elements are parsed before xsl:import and include, so that namespace aliases are global to all included stylesheets. PR: bugzilla 4876 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java xpath.lex
    Committer's log entry:

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc NodeIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AbsoluteIterator.java CurrentNodeListIterator.java DOMImpl.java FilterIterator.java FilteredStepIterator.java KeyIndex.java MatchingIterator.java MultiDOM.java NodeIteratorBase.java NthIterator.java StepIterator.java UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for the various node iterators cloneIterator() method. This method should clear the _isRestartable flag to prevent iterators contained within variables and parameters from changing their value. This flag is now wrapped inside a setRestartable(boolean flag) method so that the call can be propagated down a stack of iterators. This seems to solve many of our iterator problems. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apaceh.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler SyntaxTreeNode.java XslElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a method to the SyntaxTreeNode base class that can be used to check the existence of an attribute in the input document: hasAttribute(String name). This method is used in the XslElement class to verify the existence of a 'namespace' attribute with an empty value. PR: bugzilla 4983 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated the realToString() method in the runtime library to always output numbers on decimal form (and not on Java's "computerized scientific notation." PR: bugzilla 4199 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java RoundCall.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed the return-type of the round() function form int to double. The result is still rounded (of course), but it is returned as a double to be able to return NaN and infinite values. PR: bugzilla 2805 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java
    Committer's log entry: I am still fiddling around with predicates containing variable references and position filters. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.lex
    Committer's log entry: Reverting previous putback.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java ErrorMessages_no.java ErrorMsg.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a warning message for unsupported output encodings. PR: bugzilla 5139 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.lex
    Committer's log entry: fixed typo

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for global parameters whose names contain dots or dashes. PR: bugzilla 5328 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: A fix for a bug in the XPath parser. The parser would choke on some XPath expressions that contained references to element names that were identical to axis names. PR: bugzilla 3502 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Added another fix to properly convert ver small floating point numbers to strings. PR: bugzilla 4199 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a fix for global variables declared in included/imported stylesheets. PR: bugzilla 5327 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MethodGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for use of XPath expressions in contexts where there is no 'current' node (ie. in top-level elements such as variables and attribute sets). PR: bugzilla 5194 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added factory creation methods and checks

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: new prototype class, work in progress

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added factory creation methods and checks

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: new prototype class, work in progress

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ResultTreeType.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for passing result tree fragments and node-sets to external Java methods. Node sets and RTFs can both be handled as org.w3c.dom.Node or org.w3c.dom.NodeList in the called method. PR: none Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added factory creation methods and checks

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: new prototype class, work in progress

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added factory creation methods and checks

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: new prototype class, work in progress

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ResultTreeType.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for passing result tree fragments and node-sets to external Java methods. Node sets and RTFs can both be handled as org.w3c.dom.Node or org.w3c.dom.NodeList in the called method. PR: none Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added factory creation methods and checks

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: new prototype class, work in progress

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added factory creation methods and checks

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: new prototype class, work in progress

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added factory creation methods and checks

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: new prototype class, work in progress

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: look for xsltc specific attributes

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: store error listener and or uri resolver locally set in real factory when needed

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed scope of internal method

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed some stupid debug timing-loop in the command line Transform tool. PR: none Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed the main() method from the XSLTC class. This class represents the native API of the compiler. PR: none Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 12/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DTDMonitor.java
    Committer's log entry: A small cleanup in our native API. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 01/07/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed problem with output content handler creation (while running xalan conf tests) in method getOutputHandler(Result).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D14

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslAttribute.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed bug for xsl:attribute PR: 4175 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for properly creating a SAX InputSource from a TrAX InputStream for encapsulating a stylesheet before it is compiled. PR: bugzilla 4711 (I hope to God) Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for last putback.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: This fix should take care of a regression introduced by the code that was added on the 29.10.2001 to take care of forward referenced variables. This little patch ensures that variables that do not have any dependencies are kept in order. PR: bugzilla 4779 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Fixed a minor regression after the fix for 3592. A literal number zero was always interpreted as an integer zero and never as a double -0 opr 0.0. PR: bugzill 4810 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the code that prevents escaping of text inside <script> and <style> elements in HTML. The code did not handle upper case element names. PR: bugzilla 2517 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 11/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 4906

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java Template.java xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Fix for nested parent location paths / filter parent paths with key() or id() root. These paths would in some case returnt he root node when they should not. PR: bugzilla 4781 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Sort.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for a big in the <xsl:sort> implementation. The element would not always work properly in the innermost loop in nested <xsl:for-each> elements. PR: bugzilla 4921 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java Sort.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for a regression introduced by a fix for <xsl:sort/> and nested <xsl:for-each/> elements. PR: bugzilla 4921 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to ensure that double quotes are escaped inside attribute values in HTML output. PR: bugzilla 4845 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for a bug caused by <xsl:apply-templates/> not always passing parameters to the invoked template(s). Parameters would not be put on the stack if the 'select' attribute contained wildcards. PR: bugzilla 4718 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util StringType.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed conversion between strings and numbers. Empty strings should return 0 and not NaN. PR: bugzilla 4783 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Choose.java Parser.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Text.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for a whole wack of bugs related to text-nodes and handling of whitespace and special characters. PR: bugzilla 1403, 1520, 3005, 3418 and 3690 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Prevented the namespace-uri() from returning anything for namespace nodes. PR: bugzilla 4896 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Added test in <xsl:element> to verify that the local name of the created element is legal (must have contents, but no whitespaces or colon). PR: bugzilla 4894 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: A small fix for the substring() function to output an empty string if the start index is an infinite value. PR: bugzilla 4813 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XHTML output. PR: bugzilla 4904 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Message.java
    Committer's log entry: A cleanup in the Message class. Making way for a fix for 4874 Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for position predicates used within parameters and variables. PR: bugzilla 4783 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslAttribute.java
    Committer's log entry: A small fix needed after a fix for stripping/preserving text nodes. The fix for text-nodes caused us to insert text nodes before <xsl:attribute> elements in the AST, which again caused the XslAttribute class to complain. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Message.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a new method to the DOM interface for retrieving the DOM as a single string. This method is different from the existing getStringValue() in the way that it generates element brackets and copies PIs and comments. PR: bugzilla 4874 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java FilteredStepIterator.java StepIterator.java UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated the StepIterator and FilteredStepIterator's cloneIterator() and reset() methods so that the _isRestartable flag is set correctly. PR: bugzilla 4905 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: Another fix for 3005 (special characters inside CDATA). PR: bugzilla 3005 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for decimal formatting PR: bugzilla 4901 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeSet.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for a regression introduced by a fix for whitespace handling. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FilterExpr.java Predicate.java VariableRefBase.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom CurrentNodeListIterator.java DOMImpl.java FilteredStepIterator.java KeyIndex.java MatchingIterator.java MultiDOM.java NthIterator.java StepIterator.java UnionIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for trees of step iterators stored inside variables. Also some fixes for recently introduced regressions. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.iorg

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for the TrAX API when used from within an environment that does _not_ use one of the standard classloaders. PR: bigzilla 5130 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: Jochen.Cordes@t-online.de Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Sort.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecord.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for multilevel sort-keys. If a set of translets (representing different stylesheets) are running one the same JVM, and two or more of these translets use NodeSortRecord objects to represent <xsl:sort/> elements, then the number of sort keys would be set in the NodeSortRecord _class_ constructor instead of being set locally for each occurance of <xsl:sort/>. PR: bugzilla 4755 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CastExpr.java EqualityExpr.java Expression.java LastCall.java Predicate.java VariableRefBase.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java StepIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for resetting the source iterator of a node-value iterator. PR: bugzilla 5152 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler DecimalFormatting.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for a few regressions from yesterday. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: A fix to the XPath parser to make sure (again!) that non-prefixed elements in XPath expressions/patterns are not assigned the default namespace but rather the null namespace. PR: bugzilla 4904 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Modified the order in which top-level elements are parsed. This to make sure that xsl:namespace-alias elements are parsed before xsl:import and include, so that namespace aliases are global to all included stylesheets. PR: bugzilla 4876 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D12 and 2.2.D13

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed the values for the output properties "OMIT_XML_DECLARATION" and "INDENT" from "true" and "false" to "yes" and "no". PR: bugzilla 4039 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated the getAttribute() method to throw an IllegalArgumentException for unknown attributes. PR: bugzilla 4046 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler NameBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed a bug in the name() and local-name() functions. The functions would use the current node and not the context node when no arguments were given. PR: bugzilla 3322 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated Mode.java to properly handle patterns matching on node(), comment() and processing-instruction(). Also had to make a small change to the setStartNode() method in the FollowingIterator (inner class of DOMImpl.java) to properly handle attribute-nodes as start nodes. Also, I had to change ParentLocationPath to remove duplicates that can be produced by the FollowingIterator when started with an attribute node. PR: bugzilla 2551 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: A small for for the output property OMIT_XML_DECLARATION PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to the transformer implementation to allow for namespace-prefixed output properties (output property extensions). PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: included a more portable way to create an URI from a File

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultRun.java
    Committer's log entry: ncluded a more portable way to create an URI from a File

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: ncluded a more portable way to create an URI from a File

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: ncluded a more portable way to create an URI from a File

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java ParentLocationPath.java Parser.java RelationalExpr.java SyntaxTreeNode.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for a few regressions. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for the "*" pattern. Made it include comment and PI nodes. PR: bugzilla 4050 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for the last fix. PR: bugzilla 4050 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for the last fix. PR: bugzil.la 4050 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added catch for malformed url

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: Modified error handling to extract messages from SAXException. This tool will also print the stack trace of the SAXException if the '-x' flag is specified (debug turned on). PR: none Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Added code to prevent index-out-of-bounds exception in the output handler. PR: none Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java xpath.cup java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added support for the namespace axis. PR: bugzilla 1379 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: Missing file from last putback. PR: bugzilla 1379 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: A few add'ons to the namespace axis implementation. Added support for the namespace-uri() function when applied to namespace nodes. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Code cleanup. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to prevent attribute nodes to be included by the node() pattern. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for the following:: iterator when started with an attribute node. PR: bugzilla 2551 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java Mode.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix to a recent regression after a fix for some axis iterators. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup xpath.lex
    Committer's log entry: Added 4 symbols to the lexiographical analyser (xpath.lex) to recognise name-tests with whitespace between the NCName and the "()" brackets. PR: bugzilla 4208 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslAttribute.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to prevent xsl:attributes from not compiling itself into the translet code. PR: bugzilla 4175 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FilterParentPath.java
    Committer's log entry: Enabled node ordering for certain filtered parent paths. PR: bugzilla 4178 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecord.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed the node sort record base class so that it places NaN values first in the sorted list/node-set. PR: bugzilla 3517 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed the DOM's copy() function to always copy the necessary namespace declaration to the output handler. PR: bugzilla 3409 (not complete fix) Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CallTemplate.java DecimalFormatting.java Param.java SymbolTable.java Template.java Variable.java VariableBase.java WithParam.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMsg.java
    Committer's log entry: Cleaned up the compiler's symbol table. Added support for detecting multiple defined decimal formatting symbols. PR: bugzilla 3872 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CallTemplate.java Template.java VariableBase.java WithParam.java XSLTC.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Util.java
    Committer's log entry: Added/checked proper escaping of template/variable/parameter/attribute-set/etc. names. Occurances of the characters '.' and '-' are replaced by '$dot$' and '$dash$' respectively in method/variable names. The characters are both replaced by an underbar ('_') in the translet class name. PR: 2399 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for getting all attributes from the Xerces parser. Xerces and Crimson report attributes differently, and we have to take that into account. PR: bugzilla 2465 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: Douglas Sellers <douglasjsellers@hotmail.com> Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FilterParentPath.java
    Committer's log entry: Added node ordering to FilterParentPath PR: bugzilla 4248 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed one of the compare() methods in the basis library to properly compare node sets. PR: bugzilla 4242 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the registerAttribute() method so that it always uses the same id for an attribute name. PR: bugzilla 4243 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Param.java.orig
    Committer's log entry: Removed file Param.java.orig Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java VariableBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed the variable base class to allow variables to be re-defined in a different scope. PR: bugzilla 3268 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a node-value iterator to the DOM multiplexer to allow for predicates in combination with the document() function. PR: bugzilla 3402 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for variables and parameters containing node sets in stylesheets that use the document() function. This fix completes the cloneIterator() method of the axis iterators returned by the DOM multiplexer. PR: bugzilla 3501 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added the default xml=http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespac namespace declaration to the root node of our internal DOM. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for determining the current working directory when loading XML documents using the document() function. The base URI (that gives you the CWD) should normally be taken from the context node, but can also be determined by the node/node-set defining the document URI. PR: bugzilla 3471 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Gave the parent/sibling stacks in the DOM builder dynamic length. PR: bugzilla 3066 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a '-i' option to the command-line compiler to allow stylesheets to be passed in through stdin. The '-i' option must be used with the '-o' option to specify a translet name. PR: bugzilla 4253 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: johnh@schemasoft.com (John Howard) Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Include.java Stylesheet.java XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Cleaned up the include/import precedence code in Import and Include PR: bugzilla 2695 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed output formatting of some floating point numbers. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LogicalExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for logical expressions that have combinations of not() and "and". PR: bugzilla 2351 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 10/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added a empty string systemId in cases where it was set to null, slight rearrangment of StreamSource handling code as well.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler header.txt
    Committer's log entry: Fix for names templates. Dashes and dots in template names are now escaped using '$dash$' and '$dot$'. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for a recent regression. A no major change. Just a one-line if to test for a potential NPE. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyImports.java Mode.java Stylesheet.java Template.java
    Committer's log entry: A major fix for <xsl:apply-imports/>. This element was previously treated as <xsl:apply-templates/> but is now handled similar to Java's 'super()' method. Note that this is not a complete fix. The rest will come tomorrow or the day after. I just wanted to make sure that today's efforts were not lost and that they are tested overnight. PR: bugzilla 1397 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyImports.java DocumentCall.java Stylesheet.java SyntaxTreeNode.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the document() function so that it will load documents relative to either the currently loaded document, or if that fails, relative to the location of the original stylesheet. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the TransformerHandler so that it's Transformer instance can be used separateely from the handler itself. PR: bugzilla 3873 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for resulving relative URIs when using <xsl:include/> and <xsl:import/> through TrAX without using a URIResolver. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for a bug that seemed to be triggered by the sequence in which Xerces' lexical handler and content handler were set. The lexical handler must be set before the content handler, otherwise Xerces will keep generating the first startElement() event over and over again. PR: bugzilla 2465 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the general handling of the XML namespace mapping. PR: bugzilla 4331 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyImports.java Mode.java Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for setting the scope of templates for an <xsl:apply-imports/> element. This fix allows for proper "multiple inheritance" in XSLTC. PR: bugzilla 1397 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to ensure that the order of the -o and -p command line options is not significant. PR: bugzilla 4343 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: johnh@schemasoft.com (John Howard) Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed our extension for calling external static Java methods to allow both the "http://xml.apache.org/xalan/xsltc/java" namespace and the "http://xml.apache.org/xslt/java" namespace (Xalan's namespace for Java function calls). PR: bugzilla 3994 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: after numerous requests/suggestions on xalan-dev Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler BinOpExpr.java Choose.java DocumentCall.java Number.java Otherwise.java StepPattern.java Stylesheet.java VariableBase.java VariableRef.java VariableRefBase.java When.java XSLTC.java xpath.cup java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMsg.java
    Committer's log entry: Implemented code to resolve forward references and dependencies between global variables and parameters. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/30/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler UnresolvedRef.java
    Committer's log entry: Missing file from last putback. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java AttributeSet.java AttributeValueTemplate.java BinOpExpr.java CallTemplate.java ConcatCall.java ContainsCall.java CopyOf.java DecimalFormatting.java DocumentCall.java ElementAvailableCall.java Expression.java ForEach.java FormatNumberCall.java FunctionAvailableCall.java FunctionCall.java If.java Import.java Include.java Instruction.java Key.java Output.java Param.java Parser.java ProcessingInstruction.java RelationalExpr.java StartsWithCall.java StringCall.java Stylesheet.java Template.java TopLevelElement.java TransletOutput.java UnsupportedElement.java UseAttributeSets.java ValueOf.java Variable.java VariableBase.java When.java Whitespace.java WithParam.java XslAttribute.java XslElement.java xpath.cup java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMsg.java
    Committer's log entry: Moved all error messages from the various source files into the ErrorMsg class in the compiler/util directory. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java Transform.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMsg.java SlotAllocator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java NodeSortRecordFactory.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java SAXAdapter.java TextOutput.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java XSLTCSource.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java ErrorMessages_en.java ErrorMessages_no.java
    Committer's log entry: A first stab at i18n'ing XSLTC. Error and warning messages from the compiler and TrAX are handled by the compiler/util/ErrorMsg class, while messages from the DOM and runtime/translet are handled by the Basis Library class. Only the ErrorMsg class has so far been updated to dynamically read its messages from a ResourceBundle. Bundles for British English and Norwegian are implemented. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util BooleanType.java ErrorMessages.java ErrorMessages_no.java ErrorMsg.java IntType.java NodeSetType.java NodeType.java RealType.java ReferenceType.java ResultTreeType.java StringType.java Type.java VoidType.java
    Committer's log entry: Code cleanup. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AbsoluteIterator.java CurrentNodeListIterator.java DOMImpl.java FilterIterator.java FilteredStepIterator.java MatchingIterator.java MultiDOM.java NodeIteratorBase.java StepIterator.java UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Final code cleanup after i18n work. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed a typo in console output. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMsg.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Added "Compiler Warning" text to output. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java StepPattern.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages_no.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages_en.java
    Committer's log entry: Localised the runtime/dom packages into Norwegian. This proves that the internationalisation work is completed. I also fixed a regression that was caused by the error handling being changed. PR: n/a (i18n and l10n work) Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Integrated a fix from John Howard for forcing forward slashes in file paths in JAR files and in manifests in JAR files. PR: bugzilla 4464 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: John Howard (johnh@schemasoft.com) Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for simplified stylesheets. A namespace declaration on the root element in the stylesheet (xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/strict") caused XSLTC to try to match elements in this namespace instead of elements in the null namespace. PR: bugzilla 3664 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed a regression from yesterday ('version' attribute missing). PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed default behaviour of text() and "*" in <xsl:apply-imports/>. (this element should not invoke built-ins). PR: bugzilla 1397 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime SAXAdapter.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated the SAXAdapter used to build result tree fragments to handle comments. PR: bugzilla 4172 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for the XPath substring() function. PR: bugzilla 4201 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Number.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed the last putback - should never have been done. Big mistake!!! PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DTDMonitor.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for generating IDs for implied attributes. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Enabled character escaping by default for HTML output. We are now able to generate the XSLT and XPath specs without any errors at all. PR: bugzilla 3065 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime ErrorMessages.java ErrorMessages_no.java
    Committer's log entry: Missing resource bundles for error messages for XSLTC's dom and runtime lib. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed pattern matching on namespace qualified wildcards, such as match="@blob:*". PR: bugzilla 2582 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a fix for predicates that test on node values, where the value to test agains is stored in a variable or predicate. PR: bugzilla 3501 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for re-definitions of variables inside templates (in different scopes). PR: bugzilla 3406 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Potential fix for bug 3416. Will not integrate for performance reasons. Code change is commented. PR: bugzilla 3416 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed a desperately bad piece of code that caused XSLTC to misinterpret some combinations of parent location paths and predicates. PR: bugzilla 4249 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeCounter.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for the formatter used with the xsl:count element. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Sort.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for sort-elements used with apply-templates elements with no select attribute. PR: bugzilla 3519 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler PositionCall.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeCounter.java SingleNodeCounter.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for the <xsl:number> element. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org / todd.miller@sun.com Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Sort.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecord.java NodeSortRecordFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed the 'order' and 'data-type' attributes of the <xsl:sort> element from plain attributes to attribute value templates. This required a change not inly in the way we interpret these attributes but also in the time at which these attributes are intrepreted. Since these are not treated as AVTs we need to wait until runtime before reading the values of the attributes. PR: bugzilla 3835 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler PositionCall.java StepPattern.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java MultiDOM.java NodeSortRecord.java
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java.old
    Committer's log entry: Fix for patterns on the format "/foo/*/bar" and "/foo/*[n]/bar". PR: bugzilla 4604 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom CurrentNodeListIterator.java DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the last() function for the typed and untyped ancestor iterators. I also updated our node list iterator (used to implement some predicates) to handle the last() function properly for reverse-order axes. PR: bugzilla 4602 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslAttribute.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for a regression after a previous fix for bug 3320. PR: bugzilla 4656 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler BinOpExpr.java CastExpr.java EqualityExpr.java Expression.java LastCall.java LogicalExpr.java PositionCall.java Predicate.java RelationalExpr.java Step.java StepPattern.java UnaryOpExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for compound predicates used in patterns. Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeValueTemplate.java Constants.java FilterParentPath.java LiteralAttribute.java LiteralElement.java LiteralExpr.java Mode.java ParentLocationPath.java Parser.java SimpleAttributeValue.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Text.java UnionPathExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: A bit of a code cleanup. I also added a small fix for ensuring document order of node sets returned by union expressions. PR: bugzilla 4677 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Sort.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java ErrorMessages_no.java ErrorMsg.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a test to verify that <xsl:sort/> elements are only used within <xsl:apply-templates/> or <xsl:for-each/> elements. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom Axis.java
    Committer's log entry: Added an array to the Axis class to give an easy indication to the direction of an axis. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOMCache.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionCall.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecordFactory.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransletLoader.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a new TransletLoader class to the runtime package. This class will be used only when the default Class.forName() call fails. The forName() call will fail if XSLTC is packed in a JAR and installed under $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext. This is because the extensions class loader is used instead of the bootstrap class loader, and that the extensions class loader does not load classes for the default class path. But, if the extensions class loader is being used, then we know two things: (1) XSLTC is running on Java 1.2 or later (when extensions were introduced) (2) XSLTC has access to the ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() method This class takes advantage of this and uses a privileged call to this method to get a reference to the bootstrap class loader. It then uses this class loader to load the desired class. PR: none Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a "debug" attribute to the TransformerFactory implementation. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed a debug statement that was left behind after last putback. PR: none Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java StepPattern.java XSLTC.java xpath.cup xpath.lex
    Committer's log entry: Added support for processing-instruction() with a literal parameter for use in node tests in expressions and patterns. PR: bugzilla 2583 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 11/09/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ProcessingInstructionPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Forgot this in last putback. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 11/09/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LongExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 3592, new class to handle Long expresssion

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 11/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java xpath.cup xpath.lex Constants.java CastExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 3592, handles long now

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 11/09/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util LongType.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 3592, added new class for Long types

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 11/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Type.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 3592, handles Long types

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D11

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 09/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix # 3424, memory retension fixed, John Howard contributed fix.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 09/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 2807, seth ford's fix

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 09/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Include.java Import.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 3426, gunnlaugur briem's fix

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 09/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslAttribute.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 3320, gunnlaugur briem's fix

  • Committed by "Gunnlaugur Thor Briem" <gthb@dimon.is< on 09/06/2001
    Committer's log entry: > bug fix 3320, gunnlaugur briem's fix > >

  • Committed by "G. Todd Miller - XML Tech Ctr - Development" <Glenn.Miller@Sun.COM> on 09/06/2001
    Committer's log entry: >>> bug fix 3320, gunnlaugur briem's fix >>> >>>

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 09/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: updated comments from bug fix 2553

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 09/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 3360, predicate handling added

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: I have updated out output handler to treat this in the same manner as XT does. We allow AVT's to create namespace mappings between some prefix and the null URI. But, whenever an attribute or element uses a prefix that maps to the null URI we replace the prefix with the default prefix. So insead of outputting an illegal namespace declaration xmlns:ns1="" and ns1:Attr1="Whatsup" we simply output Attr1="Whatsup" PR: bugzilla 1518 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: Modified some of the error messages that are reported by this command-line tool to include full and correct error messages.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMBuilder.java
    Committer's log entry: Added support for comment nodes in the DOM. This support disappeared when we upgraded the DOMBuilder's interface from SAX to SAX2. Added a new interface for the DOMBuilder that includes SAX's ContentHandler _and_ LexicalHandler. PR: bugzilla namespace30 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated the output handler to URL encode href attributes in HTML output. I used the URLEncoder class in java.net PR: bugzilla 1512 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the default output SAX handler so that it does not indent empty HTML tags such as <col> and <br> PR: bugzilla 1525 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to prevent character escaping inside <script> and <style> elements in HTML output. PR: bugzilla 2517 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler BooleanCall.java StepPattern.java Variable.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ResultTreeType.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to always return 'true' when result tree fragments are converted to boolean values (because a result tree always has at least one node - root). PR: bugzilla 2595 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added some code to the DOM builder to make sure that text nodes are not broken up into smaller fragments. PR: bugzilla 3506 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeIteratorBase.java UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for the count() function and union iterators. Union iterators would not reset all the iterators it contained, and it needed a reset() method. PR: bugzilla 3504 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 3312, //xx/descendant works now

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeIteratorBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed a debug statement that was left in here by mistake. Bad, bad, bad! PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 09/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ParentLocationPath.java
    Committer's log entry: added test for ParentLocationPath instance

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 09/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 3312 completed

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java Param.java ParameterRef.java ParentLocationPath.java Variable.java VariableBase.java VariableRef.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java MatchingIterator.java ReverseIterator.java StepIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java TextOutput.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: Several bugfixes and fixes for regressions recently introduced by other bugfixes. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for parameter references used within predicates. PR: bugzilla 3405 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java
    Committer's log entry: Added '-s' option to command-line compilaton tool to precent calls to System.exit(); This is needed when the command-line tool is invoked by our Java-based test harness. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: Added test in the method that handles stylesheet PIs in embedded stylesheets. This method did not properly test for the existence of stylesheets referenced in these PIs (ref. Sun's test embed09). PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java StepPattern.java TestSeq.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for predicates used in complex match patterns. The compiler failed to produce code that would match on patterns like "blob/*[@attr='str']". It would also fail to identify some position predicates such as "blob[$param]". Nested parameters were not handled properly either. A pattern such as "foo[bar[starts-with(@attr, 'baz')]]" would be broken up and actually compiled twice - the outer predicate would be compiled first and the inner one after that. This fix makes sure that the predicates are handled together as one test, and not as two separate tests. PR: bugzilla 1376 (was an id/key problem, now predicates) Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Modified the output handler and SAX handler to produce proper HTML output. Special characters in <script> and <style> elements are no longer escaped, and end-tags are properly produced (sometimes we would forget the last '>'). PR: bugzilla 2517 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java MatchingIterator.java StepIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Verious fixes for iterators. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom BitArray.java DupFilterIterator.java KeyIndex.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix in the duplicate filter iterator to ensure that the iterator can be reset properly. The iterator was using its own variable for tracking the current node (not the base class' _position variable) but did not implement the reset() method). PR: bugzilla 1430 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler VariableRef.java
    Committer's log entry: Forgot to add this file with my fix for bug 1430. PR: bugzilla 1430 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LastCall.java ParameterRef.java PositionCall.java Predicate.java RoundCall.java VariableRefBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for combination of wildcards and position predicates in match patterns. PR: bugzilla 1532 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 09/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler RelationalExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 2838, (namedtemplate test)

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to prevent escaping of the '"' character. This character should only be escaped inside attribute values, and not in text nodes. PR: bug 2952 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for ChildrenIterator to speed up last() and position() calls. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AbsoluteIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: This fix may affect a series of bugs. The AbsoluteIterator (/foo/bar/... etc.) did not update its _position variable, causing position() to return wrong values if called more than once. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MethodGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Added shortcut to call the reset() method on any iterator. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to ensure that node iterators stored inside parameters are clones for each time the parameter is referenced. If this is not done then the node iterator will be in an unstable state after it has been referenced once. PR: bugzilla 3238 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for layers of parent location paths and steps representing an XPath pattern/expression like /foo/*/bar PR: bugzilla 3311 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ParameterRef.java ParentLocationPath.java Predicate.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed a change from yesterday that caused a pretty bad regression in the position() and last() functions. Also changed a line un Param.java to add more information in debug outout. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to prevent complaints about illegal namespace declarations in output. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler VariableBase.java WithParam.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Added escaping of special characters in parameter names when passed to a template using <xsl:with param/>. PR: bugzilla 3324 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java
    Committer's log entry: minor edit to usuage for -s option

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: Added functionality behind the '-s' flag in the Transform command-line tool. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed two compile errors (bad, bad, bad). PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LastCall.java PositionCall.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java MultiDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the getTypedPosition() and getTypedLast() methods of the DOM. These were used to implement XPath patterns such as /foo/bar[8]/baz. PR: bugzilla 2803 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a little method to the output post-processor to replace whitespaces in URLs by "%20" sequences. This is all the escaping I think we should bother our heads doing. PR: bugzilla 1512 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java Step.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java MultiDOM.java NthIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Two fixes in this one. One to make sure that the context-node is set correctly when applying templates using an iterator that has a predicate that tests on '.' (the current node), such as select="foo/bar[. = 'blob']". The other fix is for the nth position iterator, that failed to count to n backwards in cases when the underlying iterator was reverse. PR: bugzilla 2954 (two bugs in one, really) Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for CDATA elements. The tags of CDATA sections were passed through the output post-processor's character escaping function but should be passed directly to the SAX handler. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java NthIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: The fix for 2954 introduced a regression, so I am pulling out the fix. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NthIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: A revised fix for bug 2954, that does not cause the regressions previously sown by some tests. PR: bugzilla 2954 (revised fix) Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for the last() function for children iterators. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the descendant iterator so that it does not return text-nodes for descendant::* PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Param.java Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for resolving mutiple defined global parameters and variables. The Import class has been fixed to set import precedences properly, and the Param class has been changed to use the import precedence to resolve between multiple definitions of the same variable/parameter. PR: bugzilla 3404 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ClassGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Forgot this file in my last update. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java NthIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Another fix for the preceding-sibling iterator. It appeared that this iterator returned its nodes in the wrong order, and this was the reason why the position iterator (used to implement preceding-siblling::*[n]) did not return the correct node. It is quite amazing that this iterator has been returning nodes in the wrong order for so long without any of us notising, and hopefully this fix will help eliminate a few of our open bugs. PR: bugzilla 2954 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Param.java Stylesheet.java Variable.java VariableBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to resolving multiple defined global variables or parameters. PR: bugzilla 3404 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Optimisation for string-2-int and real-2-int conversions. PR: bugzilla 3448 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: John Howard (johnh@schemasoft.com) Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Param.java Step.java Variable.java VariableBase.java xpath.cup java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for nth-position typed descendant iterators (previously not fully implemented). PR: bugzilla 3468 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for our handling of the <xsl:comment? element. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Param.java Variable.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed previous attempt to fix forward references in globar vars. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for allowing LRE as top-level elements in the stylesheet (they will be ignored). PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecord.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to make sure all num-numeric values are grouped last in numeric sorts. PR: bugzilla 3517 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java NodeIteratorBase.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix to ensure that the current position of any iterator is always kept updated. The returnNode() method of the NodeIteratorBase base class updates the _position variable for each returned node. This method should be called by the next() method of any iterator, except for next() methods that call super.next() (because this method calls returnNode() and so _position would be incremented twice or more for one returned node). PR: bugzilla 3816 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated the information returned by the system-property() function. xsl:verision returns "1.0" xsl:vendor returns "Apache Xalan XSLTC" - must be different from Xalan!!!" xsl:vendor-url returns "http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j" PR: bugzilla 3470 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to allow indentation to be turned off XML/HTML output. PR: bugzilla 3469 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: Douglas J. Sellers (douglasjsellers@hotmail.com) Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java Parser.java Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to make sure the one, and only one, xsl:output element is compiled per translet (import precedence taken into account). PR: bugzilla 3099 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed BasisLibrary.formatNumer() (this is the implementation of format-number()) so that it correctly formats NaNs into "NaN". PR: bugzilla 2890 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Another little update to format-number() to make sure it returns "Infinity" and "-Infinity" for infinite numbers. PR: bugzilla 2889 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed the order in which a stylesheet parses its top-level elements. PR: bugzilla 3812 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NthIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed a bug in the NthIterator iterator that prevented the iterator from properly being reset. This bug manifested itself if the Nth iterator was wrapped inside a step iterator. PR: bugzilla 3419 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: Added node-ordering for preceding iterators when used in apply-templates or value-of elements. PR: bugzilla 3463 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed debug statement in Step.java Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DupFilterIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Modified the DupFilterIterator so that it also orders nodes. PR: bugzilla 3466 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Step.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix after a regression for preceding-sibling::* iterator. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc Translet.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecordFactory.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for the problem with loading auxiliary classes for sorting when called from TrAX API. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

XSLTC source code updates for Xalan-Java 2.2.D10

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: I added a flag to the compiler/Parser class that is set if the outermost element in the stylesheet contains a definition of the XSL namespace. The parser already has a global variable '_target' that is set if the stylesheet contains a <?xml-stylesheet?> PI or not. The compiler will now flag an error if neither flags are set after the whole XSL/XML input document has been parsed. PR: bugzilla 1780 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler UnionPathExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a small fix that orders the expressions inside a union in such a way that expressions with an attribute axis or attribute node type will be put first. PR: bugzilla 2921 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: A small fix that will allow top-level elements of an unknown URI. XSLTC now ignored the element(s), while it previously reported an error of an unsupported XSLT extension. PR: bugzilla 2840 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: A start on a fix for output DOCTYPE declarations based on the attributes of the <xsl:output> element. I also added a fix for bug 2863, to prevent us from outputting namespace delcaration that point a prefix to the null URI (such as 'xmlns:blob=""'). PR: bugzilla 2863 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: bug 2553, fixes AbbreviatedAbsoluteLocationPath, some relative location paths still give duplicates, will need to filter.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultRun.java DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java TextOutput.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Implemented support for the doctype-system and doctype-public attributes of the <xsl:output/> element. The translet post-processor (TextOutput) can now be instanciated with a ContentHandler and an optional LexicalHandler. The LexicalHandler will receive notofications of the DOCTYPE declaration. The default SAX output handler now implements both ContentHandler and LexicalHandler. The LexicalHandler only handles the startDTD() method, by outputting the DOCTYPE declaration, and all other methods are empty. The trax.Transformer implementation has also been updated to use the LexicalHandler, but I still have not found any way in which a SAX client can set the LexicalHandler. PR: bugzilla 1504 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslElement.java
    Committer's log entry: A minor change to the class handling the <xsl:element> element to be more in-sync with the XSLT 1.0 spec (and M.Kay's book). This in order to make it more readable and maintainable. I was trying to debug the code for something I thought was a bug, and it was just impossible to navigate. This change was necessary, even though the code functioned as it should. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for outputting all necessary namespace declarations with LREs. PR: bugzilla 2863 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ReverseIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix to allow reverse iterators to be reset (inside nested for-each loops). PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/15/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DupFilterIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 2553, new iterator to get rid of dups

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/15/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 2553, new abs location path

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup Constants.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 2553, updated Constants for dup processing and updated CUP rule for AbbreviatedAbsoluteLocationPaths

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AbsoluteIterator.java DOMImpl.java DupFilterIterator.java StepIterator.java UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Implementation of id() and key() pattern - finally! Added a small fix to the DOMImpl$DescendantIterator to prevent NPEs. PR: bugzilla 1376 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler IdKeyPattern.java KeyCall.java Mode.java Output.java Parser.java TestSeq.java xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: Forgot an 'import' in DupFilterIterator PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletOutputHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DupFilterIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java SAXAdapter.java TextOutput.java TransletOutputBase.java
    Committer's log entry: missing file

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Added another fix for the missing DOCTYPE declaration. XSLTC will now output DOCTYPE declarations for HTML output if either doctype-system or doctype- public is declared in the <xsl:output> element. XSL output will get a DOCTYPE declaration only if doctype-system is declared. PR: 1504 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AbsoluteIterator.java
    Committer's log entry:

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: turning on filtering, bug 2553

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DupFilterIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed a bad optimisation in the duplicate filter iterator. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: re-activated the no dups filtering, dont know how this got reverted back to no filtering, but it is fixed again.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler IdKeyPattern.java Key.java KeyCall.java Parser.java Sort.java xpath.cup java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util CompareGenerator.java NodeSortRecordGenerator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DTDMonitor.java DupFilterIterator.java KeyIndex.java NodeSortRecord.java NodeSortRecordFactory.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Major update for id() and key(). Patterns containing id() and key() are now 100% supported (about time), and id() and key() expressions should now work in all (at least most) combinations. PR: bugzilla 1376 (!!!) and 2624 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: A small fix for a cleanup I did in the basis library (it broke the substring() function)> PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Added small fix to prevent NPE in output handler. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletOutputHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Variable.java VariableRef.java VariableRefBase.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MultiHashtable.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java TextOutput.java TransletOutputBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Added element/attribute prefix information in the internal DOM. This should fix some problems we have had with the copy and copy-of elements. Added a few lines of code in an attempt to speed up the DOM builder. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DTDMonitor.java
    Committer's log entry: An attempt to optimise the building of the ID index. The previous version of this code would traverse the DOM once for each type of element that had a defined ID attribute. The new version traverses the DOM once, and looks up each element's type in a hashtable to determine its ID attribute type (if any). The new version of the code does not use string comparisons, like the old one. This update was done to compensate for the possible performance degradation of having implemented an element/attribute prefix array in the internal DOM. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Protected some methods in our TrAX code that are not defined in the TrAX API. These methods were never intended for public use and should have been defined as "protected" to begin with. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for a problem with some combinations of <xsl:element> and namespace aliasing. The output lacked the necessary namespace definitions when an element created with <xsl:element> was given a qname with a prefix that was mapped to some other prefix. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ParameterRef.java
    Committer's log entry: removed typeCheck(), uses the base classes method now

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler VariableRefBase.java
    Committer's log entry: added default typeCheck() to this base class

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler RelationalExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 2838, cast to type real if both operands are ResultTreeType

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AbsoluteLocationPath.java AbsolutePathPattern.java AncestorPattern.java ApplyTemplates.java BooleanExpr.java CallTemplate.java CastExpr.java Constants.java Copy.java CopyOf.java DocumentCall.java FilterExpr.java FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath.java ForEach.java FunctionCall.java Key.java KeyCall.java LastCall.java LocalNameCall.java Mode.java NameCall.java NamespaceUriCall.java Number.java Param.java ParameterRef.java ParentLocationPath.java ParentPattern.java PositionCall.java Predicate.java RelationalExpr.java Sort.java Step.java StepPattern.java Stylesheet.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Template.java TestSeq.java Text.java TransletOutput.java ValueOf.java Variable.java VariableRef.java Whitespace.java XSLTC.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ClassGenerator.java ErrorMsg.java MethodGenerator.java NodeSetType.java NodeType.java ResultTreeType.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom Axis.java DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java LoadDocument.java MultiDOM.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Changes all calls from the compiled translet code to the DOM to be calls to the DOM interface (and not to a specific DOM class). I did this to make it possible to plugi in any DOM implementation. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletOutputHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java TransletOutput.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java TextOutput.java TransletOutputBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Added an <xsltc:output> extension to allow for multiple output files. I know that this is not a prioritised task, but I need this for a little project I am working on. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Param.java ParameterRef.java Variable.java VariableBase.java VariableRef.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NodeSetType.java NodeType.java ReferenceType.java ResultTreeType.java StringType.java Type.java
    Committer's log entry: A few fixes for the regression caused by my last (huge) putback. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DupFilterIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for the position() function when using duplicate filter iterators. PR: n/ Obtained from: N/A Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 08/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime SAXAdapter.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Tom Amiro I just added an empty close method to resolve the build problem.

XSLTC source code updates for Xalan-Java 2.2.D9

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Integrated fix for problem with count() function for certain iterators. PR: Bugzilla 1407 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: John Howard <johnh@schemasoft.com> Reviewed by: Morten Jorgensen <morten@xml.apache.org>

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler EqualityExpr.java FilterParentPath.java Parser.java Predicate.java Step.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Variable.java XSLTC.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java MultiDOM.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java TextOutput.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added code that will speed up predicates such as //foo[@attr=$var], //foo[bar = $var] and //foo/[@attr = 'str']. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Expression.java Param.java ParameterRef.java Predicate.java Stylesheet.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Variable.java VariableRef.java WithParam.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for parameter and variable handling. This fix makes sure variable slots are released once a variable goes out of scope. I have also extracted common functionality from Variable and Param into VariableBase, and similarly extracted some functionality from VariableRef and ParameterRef into a new class VariableRefBase. This can potentially make some code more efficient as one can test for 'if (blob instanceof VariableBase)' instead of testing on both Variable and Param. PR: Bugzilla 2661 and 2699 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: John Howard <JohnH@schemasoft.com> Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/31/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler VariableBase.java VariableRefBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Forgot to add these two in my last putback. PR: none Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java Step.java Stylesheet.java XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed type-cast error in Stylesheet.java PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler VariableBase.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed some of the linefeeds we output in the default SAX output handler to produce output more similar to Saxon (for testing purposes). Added a test for null-pointers in the new VariableBase class. PR: bugzilla 2922 & 2598 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org`

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeCounter.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a small fix to prevent unwanted output when using the xsl:number element. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java If.java Key.java Predicate.java Step.java When.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util CompareGenerator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeCounter.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: A few changes to make our output look more like Saxon's (to simplyfy test diffs). PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: add support for DOMResult handling

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/01/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: work in progress, converted needed for DOMResult

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added setting of systemId in DOMSource handling

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added an implementation of the TransformerHandler interface of TrAX/JAXP. Implemented the 4 methods in TransformerFactory to instanciate this TransformerHandler implementation. Added an attribute of the TransformerFactory which contains the default name for generated translet classes (the default name is GregorSamsa from Kafka's Metemorphosis), but should be set by the user in cases where the Templates implementation cannot get the systemId from the Source object.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerHandlerImpl.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added missing TemplatesHandlerImpl file (implementation of the TrAX TemplatesHandler interface). Added initial implementation of getAssociatedStylesheet() in the TransformerFactoryImpl class. Changed behaviour of TransformerHandlerImpl class with regard to the setResult() method. This method now has to be called before startDocument() is called, which gives XSLTC the same behaviour as Xalan. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java XSLTC.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added support for the TransformerFactory's getAssociatedStylesheet() method. Added similar methods to the native XSLTC API, as they can come in handy. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java DocumentCall.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for the document() function. The code compiled by DocumentCall now passes the context URI to the LoadDocument.document() method, and the document() method resolves the base/new URIs and constructs an absolute path/URI to the document to load. PR: bugzilla 2832 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: new recursive parse(InputSource) implemented

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: upated

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: updated again

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SAX2DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to get around problem with Crimson. Crimson does not like attribute- nodes to be created with 'null' or "" namespace URI. Added an if-test to invoke setAttribute(name, value) instead of setAttributeNS(uri, name, value). Had to add a little test to DOMImpl$DOMBuilder.makeAttributeNode() to get around an internal NPE problem. PR: n/a Obtained from: n.a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler CopyOf.java Step.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java UnionIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for union-iterators wrapping one or more attribute-iterators. Attributes should be wrapped in TypedAttributeIterator objects and not SingletonIterator objects when they occur insude unions. Fix for copying attribute nodes using <xsl:copy> and <xsl:copy-of> PR: bugzilla 2603 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Added code behind the document() function to force the parser to be namespace aware (Crimson is pr. default, Xerces is not). PR: bugzilla 2862 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to prevent escaping of attribute values in HTML output. PR: bugzilla 3003 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for grouping a sequence of text nodes inside one CDATA section. PR: bugzilla 3005 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ForEach.java xpath.cup java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for passing node-sets as parameters into a template with a for-each loop. The ForEach class resets its node iterator by default. This behaviour is not desierd for iterators that are passed in through a parameter, so I added an it-test that checks if the iterator is of type 'Reference'. PR: bugzilla 2468 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AbsolutePathPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for a certain combination of absolute path patterns and ancestor patterns, such as <xsl:template match="/foo//*"/>. PR: bugzilla 2836 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler DocumentCall.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for document() function. Prevents run-time error. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a test to the <xsl:element> element to verify that the element name given in the 'name' attribute contains something other than an empty string. PR: bugzilla 2794 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Applied a fix to our class for handling literal result elements. The only attributes in the XSLT namespace we handle in LREs are exclude-result-prefixes and extension-element-prefixes. We have a test to check if an attribute is in the XSLT namespace, and if it is we ignore the attribute. This test was placed before the test for the two XSLT attributes we do want to handle, causing us to ignore all xsl:exclude-result-prefixes attributes in LREs. PR: bugzilla 1506 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Attribute.java AttributeSet.java Copy.java UseAttributeSets.java XslAttribute.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix and performance improvement for attribute sets. PR: bugzilla 2536 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Copy.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for use of attribute sets with the xsl:copy element. We were a bit too restrictive in our tests to see if it was safe to send the attributes to the output handler. We only compiled in a test to see if the copied node was an elment, but should also have tested if the xsl:copy element's parent node was a LRE or a xsl:element element. PR: bugzilla 2538 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

XSLTC source code updates for Xalan-Java 2.2.D8

XSLTC source code updates:

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added support for SAXSource and SAXResult in TransformerFactoryImpl and TransformerFactory. I had to add a new consturctor the the default SAX output handler (in the xsltc runtime library) to acommodate the SAXResult TrAX output handler. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added default error-reporting behaviour for our trax code (error messages are dumped to System.err). PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: in progress, adding DOMSource support

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: new class, DOM2SAX, supports DOMSources, in progress

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java Stylesheet.java XSLTC.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler SourceLoader.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a SourceLoader interface to the compiler package. This interface can be used to plug in an external document loader for imported and/or included stylesheets. The trax.TransformerImpl class is updated to implement this interface and act as an adapter between the internal XSLTC SourceLoader interface and TrAX's URIResolver interface. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@apache.org Reviewed by: morten@apache.org

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Constants.java
    Committer's log entry: Added the NAMESPACE_FEATURE constant. Checked to see if it was in org.xml.sax first, but it wasn't. Since this constant is used both at compile and runtime, it should be in the runtime Constants class as well as the compile Constants class. Runtime code needs to be kept separate from the compile time code.

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultRun.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DocumentCache.java
    Committer's log entry: Added import for org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.Constants; to the runtime classes that need to use the NAMESPACE_FEATURE constant and had them reference it rather than define it themselves.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: minor changes for DOMSource impl support

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added DOMSource support for stylesheet

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax DOM2SAX.java
    Committer's log entry: updated convertor which supports DOMSource impl

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a small fix to the compiler (XSLTC.java) to make sure that the SAX parser reference was not reset prior to compiling the translet. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added support for DOMSource as input to our Transformer implementation

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Sort.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecord.java NodeSortRecordFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: For some reason I decided to optimise the <xsl:sort> functionaility. The sort records we used has some global values stored behind methods, but are now static fields. Somewhat faster. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Import.java Include.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for problem with import & include introduced with the latest updated for TrAX URIResolvers. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Integrated fix for problem with count() function for certain iterators. PR: Bugzilla 1407 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: John Howard <johnh@schemasoft.com> Reviewed by: Morten Jorgensen <morten@xml.apache.org>

XSLTC source code updates for Xalan-Java 2.2.D7
  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java Param.java StepPattern.java Stylesheet.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Variable.java WithParam.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom KeyIndex.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java DefaultRun.java Parameter.java TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Loads of small fixes and a good few comments added to the source code. The major fixes are one fix for variable/parameter handlingi and one for key/id index handling. XSLTC now correctly updates the value of parameters with changing default values, such as with <xsl:param name="foo" select="current()"/>. Also updated bit-arrays to correctly return single node ids, so that the key() and id() functions return the correct number of nodes (they would sometimes skip the first node in the defined node set for the key/id). Added some structure and loads of comments to the Translet base class. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AncestorPattern.java AttributeSet.java CallTemplate.java CastExpr.java EqualityExpr.java Expression.java FunctionCall.java If.java Import.java Include.java Mode.java NameBase.java Param.java ParameterRef.java Parser.java StepPattern.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Template.java TestSeq.java Variable.java VariableRef.java XSLTC.java XslAttribute.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMsg.java ReferenceType.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom MultiDOM.java StepIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: A wide range of fixes provided by Erwin Bolwidt. o) fix for long IF and GOTO instructions inside translets. 'wide' GOTOs are now used (GOTO_W) instead of plain GOTO to allow longer jump offsets o) fix for illegal field/method names in the translet. Methods and fields no longer contain the '.' or '-' characters o) source filenames (and if possible also line numbers) are now provided with error and warning messages o) external functions that are not supported by XSLTC do not cause compile errors. They will still cause a warning message at compile-time if they are not wrapped in proper <xsl:if> or <xsl:when> elements that test on the availability of the function, and will cause a runtime error if the function is attempted called. o) added type cast from reference-type to node-type o) some other smaller fixes to prevent null-pointer exceptions Other changes: o) code cleanup and some added comments PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: Erwin Bolwidt <ejb@klomp.org> Reviewed by: Morten Jorgensen <morten@xml.apache.org>

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java SyntaxTreeNode.java XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Cleaned up the XSLTC compiler class in an attempt to make it more flexible. This class was originally written as a command-line interface, but it has now grown huge and messy. I separated the command-line stuff from the methods that make up the actual functionality and made some methods public. This is part of the preparation for our new implementation of the JAXP Templates object. PR: n/a Obtained from: n.a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultRun.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java Transform.java
    Committer's log entry: Extracted the command-line stuff from the core XSLTC packages. The command- line handling is now in xalan.xsltc.cmdline.Compile and xalan.xsltc.cmdline.Transform. The command-line stuff is still left in xalan.xsltc.compiler.XSLTC and xalan.xsltc.runtime.DefaultRun for backwards compatability. This should be removed shortly. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Compile.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline/getopt GetOpt.java GetOptsException.java IllegalArgumentException.java MissingOptArgException.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/util/getopt GetOpt.java GetOptsException.java IllegalArgumentException.java MissingOptArgException.java
    Committer's log entry: Moved the org.apache.xalan.xsltc.util.getopt package to org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline.getopt. Also added some skeleton code in a new org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax directory. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransletTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: minor adjustment Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: removed obselete try/catch

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransletTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: A first stab at our new TrAX design.` Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: A few minor adjustments to yesterdays JAXP/TrAX implementation. These is one change in the way the compiler (XSLTC) generates bytecode arrays, and the rest is basically a cleanup of error reporting and a few added comments. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DocumentCache.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax OutputSettings.java
    Committer's log entry: Reduced the refresh rate of the DocumentCache to 1 second. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 07/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DocumentCache.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Tom Amiro Fixes bug 1591. Changed the lastModified() method to return the correct timestamp for local files beginnig with the "file:" protocol. Incorporated Brian Ewin's suggestion to use URLdecode. Todd Miller and Morten Jorgensen

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added some javadoc comments to our trax stuff. Added preliminary support for getting/setting output properties, and for getting/setting URL resolvers. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletOutputHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Output.java Stylesheet.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java DefaultRun.java DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java SAXAdapter.java StringValueHandler.java TextOutput.java TransletOutputBase.java
    Committer's log entry: A series of changes to the XSLTC output handling to accomodate the set/getOutputSettings() methods in the TrAX API. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the handling of the 'cdata-section-elements' attribute of the <xsl:output> element. Previously we output the whole element, including all contents, child elements and the start- and end-tags in one big CDATA section. We now correctly output only immediate text child-nodes as CDATA sections. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc Translet.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom LoadDocument.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added implementation of get/setOutputProperties() of the Transformer implementation. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 07/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DocumentCache.java
    Committer's log entry: Added (a rather brutal) handling of all Exceptions thrown in the DocumentCache.getLastModified() method. This class is provided only as an example/skeleton, but should still - for various reasons - be provided in the base 'xsltc.dom' package. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

XSLTC source code updates for the Xalan-Java 2.2.D releases up to and including 2.2.D6
  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 05/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Text.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 1403, output escaping fixed

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 05/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix 1403, output escaping fixed

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: stylesheet compilation error listening added for TrAX support

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: stylesheet compilation error listening added for TrAX support

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: stylesheet compilation error listening added for TrAX support

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Transformer factory's setErrorListener() now throws IllegalArgumentException is listener is null

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: translet transformation errors now forwarded to TrAX error listener when applicable

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: translet transformation errors now forwarded to TrAX error listener when applicable

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AttributeList.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a constructor for copying an org.xml.sax.Attributes to our org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.AttributeList. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyImports.java ApplyTemplates.java Attribute.java AttributeSet.java AttributeValueTemplate.java BinOpExpr.java CallTemplate.java Comment.java ConcatCall.java Constants.java Copy.java CopyOf.java DecimalFormatting.java DocumentCall.java Expression.java Fallback.java ForEach.java FormatNumberCall.java FunctionAvailableCall.java FunctionCall.java If.java Import.java Include.java Key.java LiteralAttribute.java LiteralElement.java LiteralExpr.java LogicalExpr.java Message.java NamespaceAlias.java Number.java Output.java Param.java Parser.java ProcessingInstruction.java QName.java RelationalExpr.java Sort.java Stylesheet.java SymbolTable.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Template.java Text.java TransletOutput.java UnaryOpExpr.java ValueOf.java Variable.java When.java Whitespace.java WithParam.java XSLTC.java XslAttribute.java XslElement.java xpath.cup java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MethodType.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed the intermediate DOM used to contain the input document (the stylesheet) for the compiler. The compiler now uses SAX2 to import the stylesheet, and all references to DOM interfaces have been removed. This means that most classes representing XSL elements have been changed, but most classes representing XPath functions, expressions and patterns are unchanged. PR: After suggestion from Scott Boag Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler UnsupportedElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Adding a class for handling unsupported stylesheet elements Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor fix to make sure that attributes are processed in the correct order. PR: n/a Obtained from: n.a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor change in output indentation/line feeds. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xmp.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LocationPathPattern.java Parser.java Template.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed the code that resolves conflicts between templates with identical patterns. The order of the templates is not taken into account - after import precedence and priority has been checked. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultSAXOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Reverted changes to SAX output handler. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java Template.java xpath.cup
    Committer's log entry: unified Parser error reporting to use Mortens reportError routine

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler BinOpExpr.java FunctionCall.java Otherwise.java Param.java RelationalExpr.java Stylesheet.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Variable.java When.java XSLTC.java XslElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated a few classes that were still calling Parser.addError(), Parser.addWarning() and Parser.addFatalError() to use the new common error handler Prarser.reportError(int category, ErrorMsg message). Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultRun.java
    Committer's log entry: Added two lines of code to explicitly set the feature "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces" of the SAXParser to "true". The default is "true" but xerces seems to set it to "false", and this caused some problems for our Stylesheet and XML doc parsers (which are both using SAX2). Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java Parser.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime DefaultRun.java
    Committer's log entry: A few more changes to make sure the parsers used are namespace aware. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java SyntaxTreeNode.java XslAttribute.java XslElement.java
    Committer's log entry: The change from using DOM to using SAX in the stylesheet input caused some of the elements in the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to be out of order. I added a few lines of code to the xsl:element/attribute handling code to fix this. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeSet.java Choose.java Constants.java If.java LiteralElement.java Stylesheet.java UseAttributeSets.java When.java XSLTC.java XslAttribute.java
    Committer's log entry: This putback contains three fixes: o) fix for complex <xsl:attribute-set> inheritance structures o) fix for xsl:element-available() function used in <xsl:when> or <xsl:if> to test support for various extension elements o) fix for preserving namespace prefixes for <xsl:attribute> output. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java UseAttributeSets.java ValueOf.java XslAttribute.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util AttributeSetMethodGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to allow iterator access within attribute sets. This is necessary for attribute sets that contain attributes whose values are generated by XSL functions such as position() and last(). Obtained from: test mk013 Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Added output character escaping for non-breaking space characters. I cannot believe we've waited this long before doing this. Madness! Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java Parser.java
    Committer's log entry: support for java.io.InputStream StreamSources

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransletTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: support for java.io.InputStream StreamSources

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LogicalExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bug 1511. Predicates on the format ((a or b) and c) are not handled correctly. I added a small piece of code to direct the true-list of the OR expression to the beginning of the AND test. PR: Bugzilla 1511 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java TextOutput.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix attribute node-set comparisons. There was a bug in one of the compare() methods of the BasisLibrary class which prevented attribute values from being compared. The method compared node IDs instead of node values. Pretty stupid bug, but now it is solved anyway. PR: Bugzilla 1409 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Mode.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to make sure that the implicit "text()" pattern is run when templates containing "text()" in their pattern fail. XSLTC would not previously invoke the built-in pattern for "text()" if a stylesheet contained a template such as <xsl:template pattern="foo/bar/text()" .../> PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XslElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Modified test for legal element names in <xsl:element>. The element name is treated as an attribute value. Whitespaces are not allowed in plain text element names, but should be allowed inside "{...}" attribute values. PR: Bugzilla 1489 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for the preceding:: iterator PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor re-adjustment to last fix for preceding:: iterator PR: 1407 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ForEach.java XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to prevent compiler warnings to be output more than once. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeSet.java
    Committer's log entry: Final fix (for now) for attribute sets. In cases where multiple <xsl:attribute-set.../> elements make up one attribute set (ie. they share the same name) attributes that occured last in the stylesheet will take precedence. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added support for java.io.InputStream StreamSources

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LogicalExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for code handling logical expressions and combinations of logical expressions. Mindblowing stuff, but it now seems to work as it should. Added another few lines of code to properly direct the program flow in compiled predicates with various combinations of "and" and "or" expressions. PR: Bugzilla 1511 Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SingletonIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for singleton iterators encapsulating variable references. PR: Bugzilla 1412 Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Added one-line fix to prevent null-pointer error. Simple code cleanup. PR: n/a Obtained from: suggestion by Guoliang Cao <cao@ispsoft.com> Submitted by: cao@ispsoft.com Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LogicalExpr.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to prevent compile-time null-pointer exceptions for certain logical expressions. Some nexted AND-expressions would cause this error because their true-list would not be backpatched. This would result in an instruction list with one or more branch instructions with no target, such as a GOTO(null) or an IFEQ(null) instruction. PR: none, bug found in test run and fixed immediately Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 06/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AbsoluteLocationPath.java ApplyImports.java ApplyTemplates.java CastExpr.java CopyOf.java DocumentCall.java EqualityExpr.java Expression.java FilterExpr.java FilterParentPath.java ForEach.java FunctionCall.java IdKeyPattern.java Key.java KeyCall.java NameBase.java ParentLocationPath.java Parser.java Predicate.java RelationalExpr.java Step.java UnionPathExpr.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NodeSetType.java NodeType.java ReferenceType.java ResultTreeType.java Type.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom UnionIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: OK, I'm going to make a wild guess and assume that sboag's recent commit of /NodeSet/NodeSetDTM/ got a little out of control and shouldn't have gone down into org.apache.xalan.xsltc - undone to fix compile error

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/18/2001
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NodeSetType.java
    Committer's log entry: Removing NodeSetType (renamed to NodeSetDTMType). PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Type.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NodeSetDTMType.java
    Committer's log entry:

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Type.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NodeSetType.java
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util NodeSetDTMType.java
    Committer's log entry:

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ContainsCall.java FunctionCall.java If.java LogicalExpr.java Param.java QName.java StartsWithCall.java SymbolTable.java SyntaxTreeNode.java Template.java Variable.java xpath.cup java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for function calls used as clauses in logical expressions. Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by Tom.Amiro@Sun.COM on 06/19/2001
    Committer's log entry: > Fix for function calls used as clauses in logical expressions. > Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org > Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org > >

  • Committed by Morten.Jorgensen@sun.com on 06/19/2001
    Committer's log entry: > > Fix for function calls used as clauses in logical expressions. > > Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org > > Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org > > > >

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added check to see if stylesheet is already an URL

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransletTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: added check to see if stylesheet is already an URL

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/25/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TrAXFilter.java
    Committer's log entry: proto

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: removed debug statements

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/26/2001
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TrAXFilter.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransletTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: in process of moving these to new subdir

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/26/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TrAXFilter.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java TransletTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: moved from runtime subdir to its own trax subdir

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: fixed bug with deriving translet name from stylesheet name that included paths, e.g. /tmp/foo.xsl

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java
    Committer's log entry: This update allows variables that contain references to result-tree fragments to be used inside position filters. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java
    Committer's log entry: added url handling in doTransform

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: added a new sys property called 'transletPool' to allow user to set the destination directory for generated translets

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransletTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: added a new sys property called 'transletPool' to allow user to set the destination directory for generated translets

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 06/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler XSLTC.java
    Committer's log entry: made private method setDestDirectory() public to support the new transletPool system property.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Predicate.java Step.java Stylesheet.java VariableRef.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MethodGenerator.java NodeSortRecordGenerator.java ResultTreeType.java TestGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Various bugfixes in the way auxiliary classes access variables/fields in the main translet class. Fixes a few VAR tests and customer tests. Pmorten@xml.apache.org:

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Choose.java ElementAvailableCall.java FunctionAvailableCall.java Parser.java When.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for element-available() and function-available() calls. Ties these calls to tables in the XSL parser and the symbol-table (the actual implementation) instead of using redundant and not-up-to-date tables in the classes that implement the X-avaiable() calls. I also cleaned up the Choose call so that it now properly handles all types of function calls in the xsl:when elements' test clause.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 06/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ForEach.java Param.java Variable.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MethodGenerator.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a fix for local variables inside nested xsl:for-each elements. Local variables are usually not initialized to any default value (such as with general Java classes), because code compiled for <xsl:variable> elements always assign values to variable slots before they are accessed. But the code structure generated by nested <xsl:for-each> elements is too much for the JVMs verifier to get around, so we have to initialize all local variables inside such loops to zero, false, null, whatever. This takes care some of our runtime-errors caused by apparent corrupt code. (The JVMs verifier thinks that it is corrupt, but it isn't really.) PR: none Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

XSLTC Changes for Xalan-Java 2.1.0

The Sun XSLTC team (david.hofert@east.sun.com, tom.amiro@east.sun.com, todd.miller@east.sun.com, morten.jorgensen@Ireland.sun.com) has checked XSLTC into the Xalan source tree, and we have begun the process of merging XSLTC into Xalan. XSLTC provides a compiler for compiling stylesheets into translets, and a streamlined runtime environment for using translets to transform XML input. In the near term, XSLTC will appear in a separate JAR file (xsltc.jar) with its own API and command-line utilities. You can already use the same JAXP interfaces to perform transformations with the Xalan transformer and with translets. Over time, we plan to merge the two codebases. See XSLTC Design Documents.

Since this is the first release of XSLTC on Apache (xml.apache.org), changes are relative to Preview 5 of XSLTC posted on www.sun.com/xml/developers.

  • Simplified stylesheets are now implemented.
  • Base package name has changed from com.sun.xslt to org.apache.xalan.xsltc
  • You no longer have to get the BCEL.jar file; it is included in the distribution.
  • The Project X parser components and APIs have all been replaced with JAXP equivalents. Consequently, you may deploy XSLTC with JAXP-conformant parsers, such as Xerces or Crimson.
  • Previously undocumented feature: -x. You can use the -x option on the java command line when you compile translets or run them to get more detailed information on errors.
  • Addition of -s to DefaultRun - a new -s option has been added to the DefaultRun class for use with test auotmation. When you use the option, it prevents System.exit() from being called when and exception is encountered.

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