Special Characters   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 


names: column names Column names in expressions
NATURAL JOIN: SQL syntax FROM clause
nesting: user-defined transactions BEGIN TRANSACTION statement
network_connect_timeout stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
network_connect_timeout stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTPS CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
network_connect_timeout stream parameter: MobiLink clients using TCP/IP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
network_leave_open stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
network_leave_open stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTPS CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
network_leave_open stream parameter: MobiLink clients using TCP/IP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
network_name stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
network_name stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTPS CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
network_name stream parameter: MobiLink clients using TCP/IP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
new line characters: in SQL strings Strings
NEWID function: SQL syntax NEWID function [Miscellaneous]
NEWID function [Miscellaneous]
newsgroups: technical support Finding out more and providing feedback
NEXT_CONNECTION function: SQL syntax NEXT_CONNECTION function [System]
NEXT_DATABASE function: SQL syntax NEXT_DATABASE function [System]
NEXT_HTTP_HEADER function: SQL syntax NEXT_HTTP_HEADER function [HTTP]
NO SCROLL cursors: declaring DECLARE CURSOR statement [ESQL] [SP]
NOT: bitwise operators Bitwise operators
NOT: logical operators description Logical operators
NOT: three-valued logic Three-valued logic
NOW function: SQL syntax NOW function [Date and time]
NULL: about NULL value
NULL: Adaptive Server Enterprise compatibility NULL value
NULL: DISTINCT clause NULL value
NULL: ISNULL function ISNULL function [Data type conversion]
NULL: NULL value NULL value
NULL: set operators NULL value
NULL: three-valued logic Three-valued logic
NULL value
NULLIF function CASE expressions
NULLIF function: about NULLIF function [Miscellaneous]
NUMBER function: SQL syntax NUMBER function [Miscellaneous]
NUMBER function: updates UPDATE statement
UPDATE statement [SQL Remote]
number of rows SYSTABLE system table
NUMERIC data type: about NUMERIC data type [Numeric]
numeric functions: alphabetical list Numeric functions