Special Characters   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 


packages: installing Java classes INSTALL JAVA statement
packages: removing Java classes REMOVE JAVA statement
page size: creating databases CREATE DATABASE statement
page usage: tables sa_table_page_usage system procedure
pages: viewing settings for PCTFREE SYSATTRIBUTE system table
PARAMETERS statement: SQL syntax PARAMETERS statement [Interactive SQL]
parameters: for Interactive SQL command files PARAMETERS statement [Interactive SQL]
passthrough mode: starting PASSTHROUGH statement [SQL Remote]
passthrough mode: stopping PASSTHROUGH statement [SQL Remote]
PASSTHROUGH statement: SQL syntax PASSTHROUGH statement [SQL Remote]
passwords: changing GRANT statement
passwords: in the system tables SYSUSERPERM system table
PATINDEX function: SQL syntax PATINDEX function [String]
pattern matching: and case-sensitivity LIKE conditions
pattern matching: and collations LIKE conditions
pattern matching: LIKE conditions LIKE conditions
pattern matching: maximum pattern length LIKE conditions
pattern matching: PATINDEX function PATINDEX function [String]
pattern matching: wildcards PATINDEX function [String]
PCTFREE setting: system tables SYSATTRIBUTE system table
performance: compression statistics sa_conn_compression_info system procedure
performance: pre-allocating space ALTER DBSPACE statement
performance: recalibrating the I/O cost model ALTER DATABASE statement
performance: recalibrating the server ALTER DATABASE statement
performance: updates UPDATE statement [SQL Remote]
permissions: CONSOLIDATE GRANT CONSOLIDATE statement [SQL Remote]
permissions: granting GRANT statement
permissions: granting consolidate GRANT CONSOLIDATE statement [SQL Remote]
permissions: granting publish GRANT PUBLISH statement [SQL Remote]
permissions: granting remote GRANT REMOTE statement [SQL Remote]
permissions: granting remote DBA GRANT REMOTE DBA statement [SQL Remote]
permissions: in the system tables SYSCOLPERM system table
SYSTABLEPERM system table
permissions: revoking REVOKE statement
permissions: revoking consolidate REVOKE CONSOLIDATE statement [SQL Remote]
permissions: revoking publish REVOKE PUBLISH statement [SQL Remote]
permissions: revoking remote REVOKE REMOTE statement [SQL Remote]
permissions: revoking remote DBA REVOKE REMOTE DBA statement [SQL Remote]
permissions: SYSCOLAUTH system view SYSCOLAUTH system view
permissions: system views SYSTABAUTH system view
persistent stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
persistent stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTPS CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
PI function: SQL syntax PI function [Numeric]
PLAN function: SQL syntax PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
plans: and cursors EXPLANATION function [Miscellaneous]
GRAPHICAL_PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
plans: getting text specification EXPLAIN statement [ESQL]
plans: SQL syntax EXPLANATION function [Miscellaneous]
GRAPHICAL_PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
pooling: enabling pooling of connections SETUSER statement
port stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
port stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTPS CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
port stream parameter: MobiLink clients using TCP/IP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
positioned DELETE statement: SQL syntax DELETE (positioned) statement [ESQL] [SP]
POWER function: SQL syntax POWER function [Numeric]
precedence: SQL operator precedence Operator precedence
predicates: ANY or ALL conditions ALL or ANY conditions
predicates: comparison operators Comparison operators
predicates: EXISTS conditions EXISTS conditions
predicates: explicit selectivity estimates Explicit selectivity estimates
predicates: IS NULL conditions IS NULL conditions
predicates: IS TRUE or FALSE conditions Truth value conditions
predicates: IS UNKNOWN conditions Truth value conditions
predicates: LIKE conditions LIKE conditions
predicates: SQL BETWEEN conditions BETWEEN conditions
predicates: SQL IN conditions IN conditions
predicates: SQL subqueries in Subqueries in search conditions
predicates: SQL syntax Search conditions
predicates: three-valued logic Three-valued logic
PREPARE statement: SQL syntax PREPARE statement [ESQL]
PREPARE TO COMMIT statement: SQL syntax PREPARE TO COMMIT statement
prepared statements: dropping DROP STATEMENT statement [ESQL]
prepared statements: executing EXECUTE statement [ESQL]
preparing: for two-phase commit PREPARE TO COMMIT statement
preparing: statements PREPARE statement [ESQL]
primary keys: ALTER INDEX statement ALTER INDEX statement
primary keys: clustered ALTER INDEX statement
primary keys: generating unique values NEWID function [Miscellaneous]
primary keys: generating unique values using UUIDs NEWID function [Miscellaneous]
primary keys: in the system tables SYSCOLUMN system table
SYSTABLE system table
primary keys: integrity constraints CREATE TABLE statement
primary keys: order of columns CREATE TABLE statement
primary keys: remote tables sp_remote_exported_keys system procedure
sp_remote_imported_keys system procedure
primary keys: UUIDs and GUIDs NEWID function [Miscellaneous]
primary tables: in the system tables SYSFOREIGNKEY system table
PRINT statement: Transact-SQL syntax PRINT statement [T-SQL]
printing: messages in the message window PRINT statement [T-SQL]
procedure profiling: disabling in Interactive SQL sa_server_option system procedure
procedure profiling: enabling in Interactive SQL sa_server_option system procedure
procedure profiling: in Interactive SQL sa_server_option system procedure
procedure profiling: summary of procedures sa_procedure_profile system procedure
sa_procedure_profile_summary system procedure
procedure profiling: viewing in Interactive SQL sa_procedure_profile system procedure
sa_procedure_profile_summary system procedure
procedures PREPARE statement [ESQL]
procedures: altering ALTER PROCEDURE statement
procedures: catalog, list System and catalog stored procedures
procedures: CREATE PROCEDURE SQL statement CREATE PROCEDURE statement [T-SQL]
procedures: creating CREATE PROCEDURE statement
procedures: creating in Transact-SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement [T-SQL]
procedures: dropping DROP statement
procedures: executing in dynamic SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement [SP]
procedures: executing stored in Transact-SQL EXECUTE statement [T-SQL]
procedures: exiting RETURN statement
procedures: extended list System extended stored procedures
procedures: external function calls CREATE FUNCTION statement
procedures: invoking CALL statement
procedures: raising errors in Transact-SQL RAISERROR statement [T-SQL]
procedures: replicating ALTER PROCEDURE statement
procedures: resuming execution of RESUME statement
procedures: returning values from RETURN statement
procedures: selecting from FROM clause
procedures: system System Procedures and Functions
procedures: Transact-SQL, list Adaptive Server Enterprise system and catalog procedures
procedures: variable result sets CREATE PROCEDURE statement
DESCRIBE statement [ESQL]
proc_role Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
product name: retrieving xp_msver system procedure
properties: server PROPERTY function [System]
PROPERTY function: SQL syntax PROPERTY function [System]
PROPERTY_NAME function: SQL syntax PROPERTY_NAME function [System]
PROPERTY_NUMBER function: SQL syntax PROPERTY_NUMBER function [System]
protocols: MobiLink clients using ActiveSync CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
protocols: MobiLink clients using HTTP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
protocols: MobiLink clients using HTTPS CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
protocols: MobiLink clients using TCP/IP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
proxy procedures: creating CREATE PROCEDURE statement
proxy tables: creating CREATE EXISTING TABLE statement
CREATE TABLE statement
proxy_host stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
proxy_host stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTPS CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
proxy_port stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTP CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
proxy_port stream parameter: MobiLink clients using HTTPS CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement [MobiLink]
PUBLIC group: in the system tables SYSUSERPERM system table
publications: altering ALTER PUBLICATION statement
publications: creating CREATE PUBLICATION statement
publications: designing UPDATE statement [SQL Remote]
publications: dropping DROP PUBLICATION statement
publications: updates UPDATE statement [SQL Remote]
publications: updating UPDATE statement
publish permissions: granting GRANT PUBLISH statement [SQL Remote]
publish permissions: revoking REVOKE PUBLISH statement [SQL Remote]
publisher: address CREATE REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE statement [SQL Remote]
publisher: GRANT PUBLISH statement GRANT PUBLISH statement [SQL Remote]
publisher: remote GRANT REMOTE statement [SQL Remote]
publishers: addresses ALTER REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE statement [SQL Remote]
PURGE clause: FETCH statement FETCH statement [ESQL] [SP]
PUT statement: SQL syntax PUT statement [ESQL]
putting: rows into cursors PUT statement [ESQL]