data access plans: getting text specification | EXPLAIN statement [ESQL] |
data type conversion functions | Data type conversion functions |
data type conversion: about | Data type conversions |
data type conversion: comparison operators | Conversion when using comparison operators |
data types in system tables | SYSEXTERNLOGINS system table |
data types: about | SQL Data Types |
data types: binary | Binary data types |
data types: bit | BIT data type |
data types: character | Character data types |
data types: compatibility | Transact-SQL compatibility of string-to-date/time conversions |
data types: converting for comparison operators | Conversion when using comparison operators |
data types: creating | CREATE DOMAIN statement |
data types: date | Date and time data types |
data types: dropping user-defined | DROP statement |
data types: in the system tables | SYSDOMAIN system table SYSUSERTYPE system table |
data types: money | Money data types |
data types: numeric | Numeric data types |
data types: retrieving | EXPRTYPE function [Miscellaneous] |
data types: roundoff errors | Numeric data types |
data types: SQL conversion functions | Data type conversion functions |
data types: time | Date and time data types |
data types: UNIQUEIDENTIFIER | UNIQUEIDENTIFIER data type [Binary] |
data types: user-defined | SYSUSERTYPE system table |
data types: user-defined domains | Domains |
data: exporting from tables into files | OUTPUT statement [Interactive SQL] |
data: importing into tables from files | INPUT statement [Interactive SQL] |
data: selecting rows | SELECT statement |
database extraction: starting subscriptions during | REMOTE RESET statement [SQL Remote] |
database files: dropping | DROP DATABASE statement |
database files: storing indexes in | CREATE INDEX statement |
database objects: comments | COMMENT statement |
database objects: identifying | Identifiers |
database options: DATE_ORDER and unambiguous dates | Using unambiguous dates and times |
database options: initial settings | sp_login_environment system procedure sp_tsql_environment system procedure |
database options: QUOTED_IDENTIFIER and T-SQL compatibility | The quoted_identifier option |
database options: setting in Transact-SQL | SET statement [T-SQL] |
database options: Transact-SQL compatibility | sp_tsql_environment system procedure |
database schema: about | System Tables |
database servers: options | sa_server_option system procedure |
database servers: starting | START ENGINE statement [Interactive SQL] |
database servers: stopping | STOP ENGINE statement |
databases: backing up | BACKUP statement |
databases: checkpointing | CHECKPOINT statement |
databases: connecting to | CONNECT statement [ESQL] [Interactive SQL] |
databases: creating | CREATE DATABASE statement |
databases: creating compressed | CREATE COMPRESSED DATABASE statement |
databases: creating files | CREATE DBSPACE statement |
databases: dropping files | DROP DATABASE statement |
databases: files | SYSFILE system table |
databases: Java-enabling | ALTER DATABASE statement |
databases: loading bulk data into | LOAD TABLE statement |
databases: migrating | sa_migrate system procedure |
databases: restoring from archives | RESTORE DATABASE statement |
databases: schema | System Tables |
databases: starting | START DATABASE statement |
databases: stopping | STOP DATABASE statement |
databases: structure | System Tables |
databases: system procedures | System Procedures and Functions |
databases: system tables | System Tables |
databases: unloading data | UNLOAD statement |
databases: unloading tables | UNLOAD TABLE statement |
databases: upgrading | ALTER DATABASE statement |
databases: validating | sa_validate system procedure |
datalength Adaptive Server Enterprise function | System functions |
DATALENGTH function: SQL syntax | DATALENGTH function [System] |
data_pgs Adaptive Server Enterprise function | System functions |
DATE data type: about | DATE data type [Date and Time] |
DATE function: SQL syntax | DATE function [Date and time] |
date functions: alphabetical list | Date and time functions |
date parts: about | Date parts |
date to string conversions | Date to string conversions |
DATEADD function: SQL syntax | DATEADD function [Date and time] |
DATEDIFF function: SQL syntax | DATEDIFF function [Date and time] |
DATEFIRST option: Adaptive Server Enterprise compatibility | SET statement [T-SQL] |
DATEFORMAT function: SQL syntax | DATEFORMAT function [Date and time] |
DATENAME function: SQL syntax | DATENAME function [Date and time] |
DATEPART function: SQL syntax | DATEPART function [Date and time] |
dates | Sending dates and times to the database |
dates: ambiguous string conversions | Ambiguous string to date conversions Date to string conversions |
dates: comparing | Comparing dates and times in the database |
dates: conversion functions | Date and time functions |
dates: conversion problems | Date to string conversions |
dates: converting from strings | Transact-SQL compatibility of string-to-date/time conversions |
dates: inserting | DATE data type [Date and Time] |
dates: interpretation | DATE data type [Date and Time] |
dates: interpreting strings as dates | Using unambiguous dates and times |
dates: queries | Retrieving dates and times from the database |
dates: retrieving | DATE data type [Date and Time] |
dates: sending to the database | Sending dates and times to the database |
dates: unambiguous specification of | Using unambiguous dates and times |
dates: year 2000 | Year 2000 compliance |
DATETIME data type: about | DATETIME data type [Date and Time] |
DATETIME function: SQL syntax | DATETIME function [Date and time] |
datetime: conversion functions | Date and time functions |
DATE_ORDER option: ODBC | Using unambiguous dates and times |
DATE_ORDER option: using | Using unambiguous dates and times |
DAY function: SQL syntax | DAY function [Date and time] |
DAYNAME function: SQL syntax | DAYNAME function [Date and time] |
DAYS function: SQL syntax | DAYS function [Date and time] |
DBA authority: granting permissions | GRANT statement |
DBA authority: in the system tables | SYSUSERPERM system table |
DBFreePercent event condition: about | EVENT_CONDITION function [System] |
DBFreeSpace event condition: about | EVENT_CONDITION function [System] |
DBSize event condition: about | EVENT_CONDITION function [System] |
DBSPACE: SYSFILE system table | SYSFILE system table |
dbspaces: altering | ALTER DBSPACE statement |
dbspaces: creating | CREATE DBSPACE statement |
dbspaces: determining available space for | sa_disk_free_space system procedure |
dbspaces: dropping | DROP statement |
DB_EXTENDED_PROPERTY function: SQL syntax | DB_EXTENDED_PROPERTY function [System] |
DB_ID : Adaptive Server Enterprise function | System functions |
DB_ID function: SQL syntax | DB_ID function [System] |
DB_NAME function: SQL syntax | DB_NAME function [System] |
DB_NAME: Adaptive Server Enterprise function | System functions |
DB_PROPERTY function: SQL syntax | DB_PROPERTY function [System] |
DEALLOCATE statement: SQL syntax | DEALLOCATE statement |
deallocating: cursors | DEALLOCATE statement |
deallocating: descriptor areas | DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement [ESQL] |
DECIMAL data type: about | DECIMAL data type [Numeric] |
DECLARE CURSOR statement: SQL syntax | DECLARE CURSOR statement [ESQL] [SP] |
DECLARE CURSOR statement: Transact-SQL syntax | DECLARE CURSOR statement [T-SQL] |
DECLARE statement: compound statements | BEGIN statement |
DECLARE statement: SQL syntax | BEGIN statement DECLARE statement |
DECLARE statement: Transact-SQL compatibility | BEGIN statement |
declaring: cursors | DECLARE CURSOR statement [ESQL] [SP] |
declaring: cursors in Transact-SQL | DECLARE CURSOR statement [T-SQL] |
declaring: host variables in embedded SQL | Declaration section [ESQL] |
declaring: variables SQL | DECLARE statement |
decrypting: files | CREATE DECRYPTED FILE statement |
default values: CURRENT DATABASE | CURRENT DATABASE special value |
default values: CURRENT DATE | CURRENT DATE special value |
default values: CURRENT PUBLISHER | CURRENT PUBLISHER special value |
default values: CURRENT TIME | CURRENT TIME special value |
default values: CURRENT TIMESTAMP | CURRENT TIMESTAMP special value |
default values: CURRENT USER | CURRENT USER special value |
default values: CURRENT UTC TIMESTAMP | CURRENT UTC TIMESTAMP special value |
default values: LAST USER | LAST USER special value |
default values: SQLCODE | SQLCODE special value |
default values: SQLSTATE | SQLSTATE special value |
default values: TIMESTAMP | TIMESTAMP special value |
default values: USER | USER special value |
default values: UTC TIMESTAMP | UTC TIMESTAMP special value |
DEFAULTS option: LOAD TABLE statement | LOAD TABLE statement |
defaults: autoincrement | CREATE TABLE statement |
definitions: altering tables | ALTER TABLE statement |
defragmenting: REORGANIZE TABLE | REORGANIZE TABLE statement |
DEGREES function: SQL syntax | DEGREES function [Numeric] |
DELETE (positioned) statement: SQL syntax | DELETE (positioned) statement [ESQL] [SP] |
DELETE statement: SQL syntax | DELETE statement |
DELETING condition: triggers | Trigger operation conditions |
deleting: all rows from a table | TRUNCATE TABLE statement |
deleting: database files | DROP DATABASE statement |
deleting: DBSPACEs | DROP statement |
deleting: domains | DROP statement |
deleting: events | DROP statement |
deleting: functions | DROP statement |
deleting: granting permissions | GRANT statement REVOKE statement |
deleting: indexes | DROP statement |
deleting: Java classes | REMOVE JAVA statement |
deleting: optimizer statistics | DROP STATISTICS statement |
deleting: prepared statements | DROP STATEMENT statement [ESQL] |
deleting: procedures | DROP statement |
deleting: rows | DELETE statement |
deleting: rows from cursors | DELETE (positioned) statement [ESQL] [SP] |
deleting: SQL variables | DROP VARIABLE statement |
deleting: tables | DROP statement |
deleting: triggers | DROP statement |
deleting: views | DROP statement |
DELIMITED BY option: LOAD TABLE statement | LOAD TABLE statement |
delimited strings: compatibility with Adaptive Server Enterprise | Compatibility of expressions |
delimiting SQL strings | Identifiers |
denying: granting permissions | GRANT statement REVOKE statement |
derived tables: FROM clause | FROM clause |
derived tables: lateral | FROM clause |
DESCRIBE statement: long column names | DESCRIBE statement [ESQL] |
DESCRIBE statement: SQL syntax | DESCRIBE statement [ESQL] |
describing: cursor behavior | CREATE PROCEDURE statement |
describing: cursors | DESCRIBE statement [ESQL] |
descriptor areas: allocating memory for | ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement [ESQL] |
descriptor areas: deallocating | DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement [ESQL] |
descriptor areas: EXECUTE SQL statement | EXECUTE statement [ESQL] |
descriptor areas: getting information from | GET DESCRIPTOR statement [ESQL] |
descriptor areas: setting | SET DESCRIPTOR statement [ESQL] |
descriptor areas: UPDATE (positioned) statement | UPDATE (positioned) statement [ESQL] [SP] |
descriptor: DESCRIBE statement | DESCRIBE statement [ESQL] |
descriptor: FETCH SQL statement | FETCH statement [ESQL] [SP] |
descriptor: preparing statements | PREPARE statement [ESQL] |
DIFFERENCE function: SQL syntax | DIFFERENCE function [String] |
DISCONNECT statement: SQL syntax | DISCONNECT statement [ESQL] [Interactive SQL] |
disconnecting: creating events for | CREATE EVENT statement |
disk space: creating events for | CREATE EVENT statement |
disk space: creating events for out of | CREATE EVENT statement |
disk transfer time model: calibrating | ALTER DATABASE statement |
disk transfer time model: restoring the default | ALTER DATABASE statement |
displaying: messages | MESSAGE statement |
displaying: messages in the message window | PRINT statement [T-SQL] |
DISTINCT clause: NULL | NULL value |
DISTINCT keyword | SELECT statement |
documentation: conventions | SQL Anywhere Studio documentation |
documentation: conventions for SQL syntax | Using the SQL statement reference |
documentation: SQL Anywhere Studio | SQL Anywhere Studio documentation |
domains: about | Domains |
domains: creating | CREATE DOMAIN statement |
domains: dropping | DROP statement |
domains: Transact-SQL | Domains |
DOUBLE data type: about | DOUBLE data type [Numeric] |
double quotes: database objects | Identifiers |
double quotes: SQL identifiers | Identifiers |
DOW function: SQL syntax | DOW function [Date and time] |
DROP CONNECTION statement: SQL syntax | DROP CONNECTION statement |
DROP DATABASE statement: SQL syntax | DROP DATABASE statement |
DROP DATATYPE statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP DBSPACE statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP DOMAIN statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP EVENT statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP EXTERNLOGIN statement: SQL syntax | DROP EXTERNLOGIN statement |
DROP FUNCTION statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP INDEX statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP MESSAGE statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP PROCEDURE statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP PUBLICATION statement: SQL syntax | DROP PUBLICATION statement |
DROP REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE statement: SQL syntax | DROP REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE statement [SQL Remote] |
DROP SERVER statement: SQL syntax | DROP SERVER statement |
DROP SERVICE statement: SQL syntax | DROP SERVICE statement |
DROP STATEMENT statement: SQL syntax | DROP STATEMENT statement [ESQL] |
DROP statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP STATISTICS statement: SQL syntax | DROP STATISTICS statement |
DROP SUBSCRIPTION statement: SQL syntax | DROP SUBSCRIPTION statement [SQL Remote] |
DROP TABLE statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP TRIGGER statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
DROP VARIABLE statement: SQL syntax | DROP VARIABLE statement |
DROP VIEW statement: SQL syntax | DROP statement |
dropping: connections | DROP CONNECTION statement |
dropping: connections in Interactive SQL | DISCONNECT statement [ESQL] [Interactive SQL] |
dropping: database files | DROP DATABASE statement |
dropping: DBSPACEs | DROP statement |
dropping: domains | DROP statement |
dropping: events | DROP statement |
dropping: functions | DROP statement |
dropping: indexes | DROP statement |
dropping: logins for remote servers | DROP EXTERNLOGIN statement |
dropping: optimizer statistics | DROP STATISTICS statement |
dropping: prepared statements | DROP STATEMENT statement [ESQL] |
dropping: procedures | DROP statement |
dropping: publications | DROP PUBLICATION statement |
dropping: remote message types | DROP REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE statement [SQL Remote] |
dropping: remote servers | DROP SERVER statement |
dropping: SQL variables | DROP VARIABLE statement |
dropping: subscriptions | DROP SUBSCRIPTION statement [SQL Remote] |
dropping: tables | DROP statement |
dropping: triggers | DROP statement |
dropping: users | REVOKE statement |
dropping: views | DROP statement |
dropping: web services | DROP SERVICE statement |
DUMMY system table: about | DUMMY system table |
DYNAMIC SCROLL cursors: declaring | DECLARE CURSOR statement [ESQL] [SP] |
dynamic SQL: executing procedures in | EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement [SP] |