Special Characters   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 


FALSE conditions: IS FALSE conditions Truth value conditions
FALSE conditions: three-valued logic Three-valued logic
February 29: about Leap years
feedback: documentation Finding out more and providing feedback
feedback: providing Finding out more and providing feedback
FETCH statement: SQL syntax FETCH statement [ESQL] [SP]
fetching: rows from cursors FETCH statement [ESQL] [SP]
FILE message type: about ALTER REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE statement [SQL Remote]
file size: creating events for CREATE EVENT statement
files: allocating space for database ALTER DBSPACE statement
files: creating database CREATE DBSPACE statement
files: creating write CREATE WRITEFILE statement
files: decrypting CREATE DECRYPTED FILE statement
files: encrypting CREATE ENCRYPTED FILE statement
files: exporting data from tables into OUTPUT statement [Interactive SQL]
files: importing data into tables from INPUT statement [Interactive SQL]
files: reading SQL statements from READ statement [Interactive SQL]
files: xp_read_file system procedure xp_read_file system procedure
files: xp_write_file system procedure xp_write_file system procedure
FIRST clause: SELECT statement SELECT statement
FLOAT data type: about FLOAT data type [Numeric]
FLOOR function: SQL syntax FLOOR function [Numeric]
FOR clause: SELECT statement SELECT statement
FOR statement: SQL syntax FOR statement
FOR XML clause: SELECT statement SELECT statement
foreign keys: ALTER INDEX statement ALTER INDEX statement
foreign keys: clustered ALTER INDEX statement
foreign keys: in the system tables SYSFKCOL system table
SYSFOREIGNKEY system table
foreign keys: integrity constraints CREATE TABLE statement
foreign keys: remote tables sp_remote_exported_keys system procedure
sp_remote_imported_keys system procedure
foreign keys: role names CREATE TABLE statement
foreign keys: system views SYSFOREIGNKEYS system view
foreign keys: unnamed CREATE TABLE statement
foreign tables: in the system tables SYSFOREIGNKEY system table
forest: defined XMLFOREST function [String]
FORMAT option: LOAD TABLE statement LOAD TABLE statement
FORWARD TO statement: SQL syntax FORWARD TO statement
fragmentation: tables REORGANIZE TABLE statement
frequency: of sending messages GRANT CONSOLIDATE statement [SQL Remote]
GRANT REMOTE statement [SQL Remote]
FROM clause: SELECT statement SELECT statement
FROM clause: selecting from stored procedures FROM clause
FROM clause: SQL syntax FROM clause
FTP message type: about ALTER REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE statement [SQL Remote]
functions, aggregate: about Aggregate functions
functions, aggregate: AVG AVG function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: COUNT COUNT function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: GROUPING GROUPING function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: LIST LIST function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: MAX MAX function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: MIN MIN function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: STDDEV STDDEV function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: STDDEV_POP STDDEV_POP function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: STDDEV_SAMP STDEV_SAMP function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: SUM SUM function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: VARIANCE VARIANCE function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: VAR_POP VAR_POP function [Aggregate]
functions, aggregate: VAR_SAMP VAR_SAMP function [Aggregate]
functions, data type conversion: about Data type conversion functions
functions, data type conversion: CAST CAST function [Data type conversion]
functions, data type conversion: CONVERT CONVERT function [Data type conversion]
functions, data type conversion: HEXTOINT HEXTOINT function [Data type conversion]
functions, data type conversion: INTTOHEX INTTOHEX function [Data type conversion]
functions, data type conversion: ISDATE ISDATE function [Data type conversion]
functions, data type conversion: ISNULL ISNULL function [Data type conversion]
functions, date and time: about Date and time functions
functions, date and time: DATE DATE function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: DATEADD DATEADD function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: DATEDIFF DATEDIFF function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: DATEFORMAT DATEFORMAT function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: DATENAME DATENAME function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: DATEPART DATEPART function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: DATETIME DATETIME function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: DAY DAY function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: DAYNAME DAYNAME function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: DAYS DAYS function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: DOW DOW function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: GETDATE GETDATE function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: HOUR HOUR function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: HOURS HOURS function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: MINUTE MINUTE function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: MINUTES MINUTES function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: MONTH MONTH function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: MONTHNAME MONTHNAME function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: MONTHS MONTHS function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: NOW NOW function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: QUARTER QUARTER function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: SECOND SECOND function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: SECONDS SECONDS function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: TODAY TODAY function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: WEEKS WEEKS function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: YEARS YEARS function [Date and time]
functions, date and time: YMD YMD function [Date and time]
functions, HTTP: about HTTP functions
functions, HTTP: HTTP_HEADER HTTP_HEADER function [HTTP]
functions, Java and SQL user-defined: about Java and SQL user-defined functions
functions, miscellaneous: about Miscellaneous functions
functions, miscellaneous: ARGN ARGN function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: COALESCE COALESCE function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: ERRORMSG ERRORMSG function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: ESTIMATE ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: ESTIMATE_SOURCE ESTIMATE_SOURCE function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: EXPERIENCE_ESTIMATE EXPERIENCE_ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: EXPLANATION EXPLANATION function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: GET_IDENTITY GET_IDENTITY function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: GRAPHICAL_PLAN GRAPHICAL_PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: GRAPHICAL_ULPLAN GRAPHICAL_ULPLAN function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: GREATER GREATER function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: IDENTITY IDENTITY function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: IFNULL IFNULL function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: INDEX_ESTIMATE INDEX_ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: ISNUMERIC ISNUMERIC function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: LESSER LESSER function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: LONG_ULPLAN LONG_ULPLAN function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: NEWID NEWID function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: NULLIF NULLIF function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: NUMBER NUMBER function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: PLAN PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: REWRITE REWRITE function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: SHORT_ULPLAN SHORT_ULPLAN function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: SQLDIALECT SQLDIALECT function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: TRACEBACK TRACEBACK function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: TRANSACTSQL TRANSACTSQL function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: VAREXISTS VAREXISTS function [Miscellaneous]
functions, miscellaneous: WATCOMSQL WATCOMSQL function [Miscellaneous]
functions, numeric: about Numeric functions
functions, numeric: ABS ABS function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: ACOS ACOS function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: ASIN ASIN function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: ATAN ATAN function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: ATAN2 ATN2 function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: ATN2 ATN2 function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: CEILING CEILING function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: CONNECTION_PROPERTY CONNECTION_PROPERTY function [System]
functions, numeric: COS COS function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: COT COT function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: DEGREES DEGREES function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: EXP EXP function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: FLOOR FLOOR function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: LOG LOG function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: LOG10 LOG10 function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: MOD MOD function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: PI PI function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: POWER POWER function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: RADIANS RADIANS function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: RAND RAND function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: REMAINDER REMAINDER function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: ROUND ROUND function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: SIGN SIGN function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: SIN SIN function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: SQRT SQRT function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: TAN TAN function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: TRUNCATE TRUNCATE function [Numeric]
functions, numeric: TRUNCNUM TRUNCNUM function [Numeric]
functions, string: about String functions
functions, string: ASCII ASCII function [String]
functions, string: BYTE_LENGTH BYTE_LENGTH function [String]
functions, string: BYTE_SUBSTR BYTE_SUBSTR function [String]
functions, string: CHAR CHAR function [String]
functions, string: CHARINDEX CHARINDEX function [String]
functions, string: CHAR_LENGTH CHAR_LENGTH function [String]
functions, string: COMPARE COMPARE function [String]
functions, string: CSCONVERT CSCONVERT function [STRING]
functions, string: DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE function [String]
functions, string: INSERTSTR INSERTSTR function [String]
functions, string: LCASE LCASE function [String]
functions, string: LEFT LEFT function [String]
functions, string: LENGTH LENGTH function [String]
functions, string: LOCATE LOCATE function [String]
functions, string: LOWER LOWER function [String]
functions, string: LTRIM LTRIM function [String]
functions, string: OPENXML OPENXML function [String]
functions, string: PATINDEX PATINDEX function [String]
functions, string: REPEAT REPEAT function [String]
functions, string: REPLACE REPLACE function [String]
functions, string: REPLICATE REPLICATE function [String]
functions, string: RIGHT RIGHT function [String]
functions, string: RTRIM RTRIM function [String]
functions, string: SIMILAR SIMILAR function [String]
functions, string: SORTKEY SORTKEY function [String]
functions, string: SOUNDEX SOUNDEX function [String]
functions, string: SPACE SPACE function [String]
functions, string: STR STR function [String]
functions, string: STRING STRING function [String]
functions, string: STRTOUUID STRTOUUID function [STRING]
functions, string: STUFF STUFF function [String]
functions, string: SUBSTRING SUBSTRING function [String]
functions, string: TRIM TRIM function [String]
functions, string: UCASE UCASE function [String]
functions, string: UPPER UPPER function [String]
functions, string: UUIDTOSTR UUIDTOSTR function [STRING]
functions, string: XMLAGG XMLAGG function [String]
functions, string: XMLCONCAT XMLCONCAT function [String]
functions, string: XMLELEMENT XMLELEMENT function [String]
functions, string: XMLFOREST XMLFOREST function [String]
functions, string: XMLGEN XMLGEN function [String]
functions, system: about System functions
functions, system: DATALENGTH DATALENGTH function [System]
functions, system: DB_EXTENDED_PROPERTY DB_EXTENDED_PROPERTY function [System]
functions, system: DB_ID DB_ID function [System]
functions, system: DB_NAME DB_NAME function [System]
functions, system: DB_PROPERTY DB_PROPERTY function [System]
functions, system: EVENT_CONDITION EVENT_CONDITION function [System]
functions, system: EVENT_CONDITION_NAME EVENT_CONDITION_NAME function [System]
functions, system: EVENT_PARAMETER EVENT_PARAMETER function [System]
functions, system: NEXT_CONNECTION NEXT_CONNECTION function [System]
functions, system: NEXT_DATABASE NEXT_DATABASE function [System]
functions, system: PROPERTY PROPERTY function [System]
functions, system: PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION function [System]
functions, system: PROPERTY_NAME PROPERTY_NAME function [System]
functions, system: PROPERTY_NUMBER PROPERTY_NUMBER function [System]
functions, text and image: about Text and image functions
functions, text and image: TEXTPTR TEXTPTR function [Text and image]
functions: ABS function SQL syntax ABS function [Numeric]
functions: ACOS function SQL syntax ACOS function [Numeric]
functions: aggregate Aggregate functions
functions: altering ALTER FUNCTION statement
functions: ARGN function SQL syntax ARGN function [Miscellaneous]
functions: ASCII function SQL syntax ASCII function [String]
functions: ASIN function SQL syntax ASIN function [Numeric]
functions: ATAN function SQL syntax ATAN function [Numeric]
functions: ATAN2 function SQL syntax ATN2 function [Numeric]
functions: ATN2 function SQL syntax ATN2 function [Numeric]
functions: AVG function SQL syntax AVG function [Aggregate]
functions: BYTE_LENGTH function SQL syntax BYTE_LENGTH function [String]
functions: BYTE_SUBSTR function SQL syntax BYTE_SUBSTR function [String]
functions: CAST function SQL syntax CAST function [Data type conversion]
functions: CEILING function SQL syntax CEILING function [Numeric]
functions: CHAR function SQL syntax CHAR function [String]
functions: CHARINDEX function SQL syntax CHARINDEX function [String]
functions: CHAR_LENGTH function SQL syntax CHAR_LENGTH function [String]
functions: COALESCE function SQL syntax COALESCE function [Miscellaneous]
functions: col_length Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: col_name Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: COMPARE function SQL syntax COMPARE function [String]
functions: CONNECTION_PROPERTY function SQL syntax CONNECTION_PROPERTY function [System]
functions: CONVERT function SQL syntax CONVERT function [Data type conversion]
functions: COS function SQL syntax COS function [Numeric]
functions: COT function SQL syntax COT function [Numeric]
functions: COUNT function SQL syntax COUNT function [Aggregate]
functions: creating CREATE FUNCTION statement
functions: CSCONVERT function SQL syntax CSCONVERT function [STRING]
functions: curunreservedpgs Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: data type conversion SQL Data type conversion functions
functions: datalength Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: DATALENGTH function SQL syntax DATALENGTH function [System]
functions: data_pgs Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: date and time Date and time functions
functions: DATE function SQL syntax DATE function [Date and time]
functions: DATEADD function SQL syntax DATEADD function [Date and time]
functions: DATEDIFF function SQL syntax DATEDIFF function [Date and time]
functions: DATEFORMAT function SQL syntax DATEFORMAT function [Date and time]
functions: DATENAME function SQL syntax DATENAME function [Date and time]
functions: DATEPART function SQL syntax DATEPART function [Date and time]
functions: DATETIME function SQL syntax DATETIME function [Date and time]
functions: DAY function SQL syntax DAY function [Date and time]
functions: DAYNAME function SQL syntax DAYNAME function [Date and time]
functions: DAYS function SQL syntax DAYS function [Date and time]
functions: DB_EXTENDED_PROPERTY function SQL syntax DB_EXTENDED_PROPERTY function [System]
functions: db_id Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: DB_ID function SQL syntax DB_ID function [System]
functions: db_name Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: DB_NAME function SQL syntax DB_NAME function [System]
functions: DB_PROPERTY function SQL syntax DB_PROPERTY function [System]
functions: DEGREES function SQL syntax DEGREES function [Numeric]
functions: DIFFERENCE function SQL syntax DIFFERENCE function [String]
functions: DOW function SQL syntax DOW function [Date and time]
functions: dropping DROP statement
functions: ERRORMSG function SQL syntax ERRORMSG function [Miscellaneous]
functions: ESTIMATE function SQL syntax ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]
functions: ESTIMATE_SOURCE function SQL syntax ESTIMATE_SOURCE function [Miscellaneous]
functions: EVENT_CONDITION function SQL syntax EVENT_CONDITION function [System]
functions: EVENT_CONDITION_NAME function SQL syntax EVENT_CONDITION_NAME function [System]
functions: EVENT_PARAMETER function SQL syntax EVENT_PARAMETER function [System]
functions: exiting from user-defined RETURN statement
functions: EXP function SQL syntax EXP function [Numeric]
functions: EXPERIENCE_ESTIMATE function SQL syntax EXPERIENCE_ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]
functions: EXPLANATION function SQL syntax EXPLANATION function [Miscellaneous]
functions: EXPRTYPE function SQL syntax EXPRTYPE function [Miscellaneous]
functions: FLOOR function SQL syntax FLOOR function [Numeric]
functions: GETDATE function SQL syntax GETDATE function [Date and time]
functions: GET_IDENTITY function SQL syntax GET_IDENTITY function [Miscellaneous]
functions: GRAPHICAL_PLAN function SQL syntax GRAPHICAL_PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
functions: GRAPHICAL_ULPLAN function SQL syntax GRAPHICAL_ULPLAN function [Miscellaneous]
functions: GREATER function SQL syntax GREATER function [Miscellaneous]
functions: GROUPING function SQL syntax GROUPING function [Aggregate]
functions: HEXTOINT function SQL syntax HEXTOINT function [Data type conversion]
functions: host_id Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: host_name Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: HOUR function SQL syntax HOUR function [Date and time]
functions: HOURS function SQL syntax HOURS function [Date and time]
functions: HTTP HTTP functions
functions: HTTP_HEADER function SQL syntax HTTP_HEADER function [HTTP]
functions: HTTP_VARIABLE function SQL syntax HTTP_VARIABLE function [HTTP]
functions: IDENTITY function SQL syntax IDENTITY function [Miscellaneous]
functions: IFNULL function SQL syntax IFNULL function [Miscellaneous]
functions: image SQL Text and image functions
functions: indexes on CREATE INDEX statement
functions: index_col Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: INDEX_ESTIMATE function SQL syntax INDEX_ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]
functions: INSERTSTR function SQL syntax INSERTSTR function [String]
functions: INTTOHEX function SQL syntax INTTOHEX function [Data type conversion]
functions: ISDATE function SQL syntax ISDATE function [Data type conversion]
functions: ISNULL function SQL syntax ISNULL function [Data type conversion]
functions: ISNUMERIC function SQL syntax ISNUMERIC function [Miscellaneous]
functions: Java Java and SQL user-defined functions
functions: LCASE function SQL syntax LCASE function [String]
functions: lct_admin Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: LEFT function SQL syntax LEFT function [String]
functions: LENGTH function SQL syntax LENGTH function [String]
functions: LESSER function SQL syntax LESSER function [Miscellaneous]
functions: LIST function SQL syntax LIST function [Aggregate]
functions: LOCATE function SQL syntax LOCATE function [String]
functions: LOG function SQL syntax LOG function [Numeric]
functions: LOG10 function SQL syntax LOG10 function [Numeric]
functions: LONG_ULPLAN function SQL syntax LONG_ULPLAN function [Miscellaneous]
functions: LOWER function SQL syntax LOWER function [String]
functions: LTRIM function SQL syntax LTRIM function [String]
functions: MAX function SQL syntax MAX function [Aggregate]
functions: MIN function SQL syntax MIN function [Aggregate]
functions: MINUTE function SQL syntax MINUTE function [Date and time]
functions: MINUTES function SQL syntax MINUTES function [Date and time]
functions: miscellaneous Miscellaneous functions
functions: MOD function SQL syntax MOD function [Numeric]
functions: MONTH function SQL syntax MONTH function [Date and time]
functions: MONTHNAME function SQL syntax MONTHNAME function [Date and time]
functions: MONTHS function SQL syntax MONTHS function [Date and time]
functions: NEWID function SQL syntax NEWID function [Miscellaneous]
functions: NEXT_CONNECTION function SQL syntax NEXT_CONNECTION function [System]
functions: NEXT_DATABASE function SQL syntax NEXT_DATABASE function [System]
functions: NEXT_HTTP_HEADER function SQL syntax NEXT_HTTP_HEADER function [HTTP]
functions: NEXT_HTTP_VARIABLE function SQL syntax NEXT_HTTP_VARIABLE function [HTTP]
functions: NOW function SQL syntax NOW function [Date and time]
functions: NULLIF function SQL syntax NULLIF function [Miscellaneous]
functions: NUMBER function SQL syntax NUMBER function [Miscellaneous]
functions: numeric Numeric functions
functions: object_id Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: object_name Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: OPENXML function SQL syntax OPENXML function [String]
functions: PATINDEX function SQL syntax PATINDEX function [String]
functions: PI function SQL syntax PI function [Numeric]
functions: PLAN function SQL syntax PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
functions: POWER function SQL syntax POWER function [Numeric]
functions: proc_role Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: PROPERTY function SQL syntax PROPERTY function [System]
functions: PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION function SQL syntax PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION function [System]
functions: PROPERTY_NAME function SQL syntax PROPERTY_NAME function [System]
functions: PROPERTY_NUMBER function SQL syntax PROPERTY_NUMBER function [System]
functions: QUARTER function SQL syntax QUARTER function [Date and time]
functions: RADIANS function SQL syntax RADIANS function [Numeric]
functions: RAND function SQL syntax RAND function [Numeric]
functions: REMAINDER function SQL syntax REMAINDER function [Numeric]
functions: REPEAT function SQL syntax REPEAT function [String]
functions: REPLACE function SQL syntax REPLACE function [String]
functions: REPLICATE function SQL syntax REPLICATE function [String]
functions: reserved_pgs Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: returning values from user-defined RETURN statement
functions: REWRITE function SQL syntax REWRITE function [Miscellaneous]
functions: RIGHT function SQL syntax RIGHT function [String]
functions: ROUND function SQL syntax ROUND function [Numeric]
functions: rowcnt Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: RTRIM function SQL syntax RTRIM function [String]
functions: SECOND function SQL syntax SECOND function [Date and time]
functions: SECONDS function SQL syntax SECONDS function [Date and time]
functions: SHORT_ULPLAN function SQL syntax SHORT_ULPLAN function [Miscellaneous]
functions: show_role Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: SIGN function SQL syntax SIGN function [Numeric]
functions: SIMILAR function SQL syntax SIMILAR function [String]
functions: SIN function SQL syntax SIN function [Numeric]
functions: SORTKEY function SQL syntax SORTKEY function [String]
functions: SOUNDEX function SQL syntax SOUNDEX function [String]
functions: SPACE function SQL syntax SPACE function [String]
functions: SQLDIALECT function SQL syntax SQLDIALECT function [Miscellaneous]
functions: SQRT function SQL syntax SQRT function [Numeric]
functions: STDDEV function SQL syntax STDDEV function [Aggregate]
functions: STDDEV_POP function SQL syntax STDDEV_POP function [Aggregate]
functions: STDDEV_SAMP function SQL syntax STDEV_SAMP function [Aggregate]
functions: STR function SQL syntax STR function [String]
functions: string String functions
functions: STRING function SQL syntax STRING function [String]
functions: STRTOUUID function SQL syntax STRTOUUID function [STRING]
functions: STUFF function SQL syntax STUFF function [String]
functions: SUBSTR function SQL syntax SUBSTRING function [String]
functions: SUBSTRING function SQL syntax SUBSTRING function [String]
functions: SUM function SQL syntax SUM function [Aggregate]
functions: suser_id Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: suser_name Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: system System functions
System functions
functions: TAN function SQL syntax TAN function [Numeric]
functions: text SQL Text and image functions
functions: TEXTPTR function SQL syntax TEXTPTR function [Text and image]
functions: TODAY function SQL syntax TODAY function [Date and time]
functions: TRACEBACK function SQL syntax TRACEBACK function [Miscellaneous]
functions: Transact-SQL System functions
functions: TRANSACTSQL function SQL syntax TRANSACTSQL function [Miscellaneous]
functions: TRIM function SQL syntax TRIM function [String]
functions: TRUNCATE function SQL syntax TRUNCATE function [Numeric]
functions: TRUNCNUM function SQL syntax TRUNCNUM function [Numeric]
functions: tsequal Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: types of function Function types
functions: UCASE function SQL syntax UCASE function [String]
functions: UPPER function SQL syntax UPPER function [String]
functions: used_pgs Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: user-defined Java and SQL user-defined functions
functions: user_id Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: user_name Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: UUIDTOSTR function SQL syntax UUIDTOSTR function [STRING]
functions: valid_name Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: valid_user Adaptive Server Enterprise function System functions
functions: VAREXISTS function SQL syntax VAREXISTS function [Miscellaneous]
functions: VARIANCE function SQL syntax VARIANCE function [Aggregate]
functions: VAR_POP function SQL syntax VAR_POP function [Aggregate]
functions: VAR_SAMP function SQL syntax VAR_SAMP function [Aggregate]
functions: WATCOMSQL function SQL syntax WATCOMSQL function [Miscellaneous]
functions: WEEKS function SQL syntax WEEKS function [Date and time]
functions: XMLAGG function SQL syntax XMLAGG function [String]
functions: XMLCONCAT function SQL syntax XMLCONCAT function [String]
functions: XMLELEMENT function SQL syntax XMLELEMENT function [String]
functions: XMLFOREST function SQL syntax XMLFOREST function [String]
functions: XMLGEN function SQL syntax XMLGEN function [String]
functions: YEARS function SQL syntax YEARS function [Date and time]
functions: YMD function SQL syntax YMD function [Date and time]