End Users Guide

Version 9.0

March 2003


Copyright 2003  Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved. 

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Globetrotter, Macrovision, FLEXbill, Flexible License Manager, FLEXlm, FLEXlock, and GTlicensing are registered trademarks or trademarks of Macrovision Corporation. All other brand and product names mentioned herein are the trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners.

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Printed in the USA.

March 2003

Table of


Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview

1.1 Introduction to FLEXlm

1.2 How to Use This Manual

1.2.1 License Administrator

1.2.2 End User

1.3 FLEXlm Components

1.3.1 Served Licenses

1.3.2 Unserved Licenses

1.3.3 Component Overview

1.3.4 FLEXlm Components Shipped by Your Vendor

1.4 The License Request Process

1.5 Configuring FLEXlm

1.6 Getting Started Checklist

1.6.1 Installing Licensed Software

1.6.2 Notes for End Users

Chapter 2 License File Basics

2.1 Specifying Location of the License File

2.1.1 Setting the Path with an Environment Variable

2.2 License File Format Overview

2.3 Types of License Files

2.3.1 Floating (Concurrent) Licenses

2.3.2 Node-Locked Licenses

2.3.3 Mixed Node-Locked and Floating Licenses

Chapter 3 Managing Licenses from Multiple Vendors

3.1 Overview of Multiple License Management Strategies

3.2 Multiple Machines

3.3 One Machine with Multiple License Servers

3.4 One Machine with One License Server and Multiple License Files

3.5 Managing Multiple License Files

3.6 Additional Considerations

3.6.1 Combining license files

3.6.2 Version Component Compatibility

Chapter 4 Selecting Server Machines

4.1 Resources Used by the Server

4.1.1 Sockets

4.1.2 CPU Time

4.1.3 Disk Space

4.1.4 Memory

4.1.5 Network Bandwidth

4.2 Remote Mounted Disks

4.3 Redundant License Servers

4.3.1 Redundancy via License-File List

4.3.2 Three-Server Redundancy

4.3.3 Comparing Three-Server to License-File List

4.4 Counted vs. Uncounted Licenses

Chapter 5 The Options File

5.1 Creating an Options File

5.2 Options File Syntax






5.2.6 GROUP





5.2.11 LINGER

5.2.12 MAX


5.2.14 NOLOG


5.2.16 RESERVE

5.2.17 TIMEOUT


5.3 How the Vendor Daemon Uses the Options File

5.4 Rules of Precedence in Options Files

5.5 Options File Examples

5.5.1 Simple Options File Example

5.5.2 Limiting Access for Multiple Users

5.5.3 EXCLUDE Example

5.5.4 INCLUDE Example

Chapter 6 The License Manager Daemon

6.1 lmgrd Command-Line Syntax

6.2 Starting the License Manager Daemon on UNIX Platforms

6.2.1 Manually

6.2.2 Automatically

6.3 Starting the License Manager Daemon on Windows

6.3.1 Manually from the Command Line

6.3.2 Configuring the License Manager as a Windows Service

6.3.3 Manually from LMTOOLS

6.3.4 Automatically at System Start Up

Chapter 7 License Administration Tools

7.1 Running Administration Tools

7.2 Universal lmutil Arguments

7.3 lmborrow

7.4 lmdiag

7.5 lmdown

7.6 lmhostid

7.7 lminstall

7.8 lmnewlog

7.9 lmpath

7.10 lmremove

7.11 lmreread

7.12 lmstat

7.13 lmswitch

7.14 lmswitchr

7.15 lmver

7.16 License Administration Tools—LMTOOLS for Windows

7.16.1 Configuration Using License File

7.16.2 Configuration Using Services

Chapter 8 Mobile Licensing

8.1 Node-Locked to a Laptop Computer

8.2 Node-locked to a FLEXid (Windows Only)

8.3 Node-Locked to a FLEXid with FLOAT_OK (Windows Only)

8.3.1 Initiating FLEXid with FLOAT_OK

8.3.2 Returning a FLEXid with FLOAT_OK License

8.3.3 FLEXid with FLOAT_OK Example

8.4 License Borrowing with BORROW

8.4.1 Initiating License Borrowing

8.4.2 Borrowing a License

8.4.3 Support for License Borrowing

8.5 Node-locked to a User Name

8.6 Fulfilled from a Prepaid License Pool

Appendix A Hostids for FLEXlm-Supported Machines

A.1 Hostid Formats

A.2 Expected FLEXlm Hostids

A.3 Special FLEXlm Hostids

Appendix B License File Format

B.1 License File Syntax

B.1.1 Sample License File

B.1.2 SERVER Lines

B.1.3 VENDOR Lines



B.1.6 PACKAGE Lines

B.1.7 UPGRADE Lines

B.2 Decimal Format

B.3 License File Order

Appendix C Troubleshooting Guide

C.1 General Debugging Hints


C.2.1 Level 1 Content

C.2.2 Level 2 Content

C.2.3 Level 3 Content (FLEXlm v6.0+ only)

C.3 FLEXlm Troubleshooting List

C.3.1 Problem Description Format

C.3.2 Hostid Problems

C.3.3 Connection Problems

C.3.4 Other FLEXlm-Licensed Application Problems

C.3.5 Other Server Problems

Appendix D FLEXlm Environment Variables

D.1 How to Set Environment Variables

D.1.1 Registry

D.1.2 Precedence

D.2 Environment Variables

Appendix E Frequently Asked Questions

E.1 License File Questions

E.1.1 I’ve received FLEXlm license files from two different companies. Do I have to combine them?

E.1.2 When is it recommended to combine license files?

E.2 FLEXlm Versions

E.2.1 I have products from several companies at various FLEXlm version levels. Do I have to worry about how these versions work together?

E.2.2 I’ve received a new copy of a product from a vendor, and it uses a new version of FLEXlm. Is my old license file still valid?

E.2.3 I’ve received a new license file, and the format is different from the old one I had from the same vendor? Why? Are they compatible?

E.3 Using FLEXlm

E.3.1 Does FLEXlm work across the Internet?

E.3.2 Does FLEXlm work with Internet firewalls?

E.3.3 If my FLEXlm-licensed application dies, does the server free the license?

E.3.4 What happens when the license server dies?

E.3.5 How do you tell if a TCP/IP port is already in use?

E.3.6 Does FLEXlm require root permissions?

E.3.7 Is it OK to run lmgrd as “root” (UNIX only)?

E.3.8 Does FLEXlm licensing impose a heavy load on the network?

E.3.9 Does FLEXlm work with NFS?

E.3.10 Does FLEXlm work with ATM, ISDN, Token-Ring, etc.

E.3.11 Does FLEXlm work with subnets, fully qualified names, multiple domains, etc.?

E.3.12 Does FLEXlm work with NIS and DNS?

E.3.13 We are using FLEXlm over a wide-area network. What can we do to improve performance?

E.4 Windows Questions

E.4.1 What Windows Platforms are supported?

E.4.2 Will the Server run on Windows 95?

Appendix F FLEXlm Error Codes

F.1 Error Message Format

F.1.1 Format 1 (short):

F.1.2 Format 2 (long—version 6.0+):

F.2 Error Code Descriptions

Appendix G The Report Log File

G.1 Managing Report Log Output

G.2 Enabling Report Log Output for a Vendor Daemon

G.3 Redirecting Report Log Output for a Vendor Daemon

Appendix H The Debug Log File

H.1 Managing Debug Log Output

H.1.1 Capturing Debug Log Output for a License Server

H.1.2 Capturing Debug Log Output for a Particular Vendor Daemon

H.1.3 Redirecting Debug Log Output for a Running Vendor Daemon

H.1.4 Limiting Debug Log Output for a Vendor Daemon

H.2 Debug Log Messages

H.2.1 Informational Messages

H.2.2 Configuration Problem Messages

H.2.3 Daemon Software Error Messages

Appendix I FLEXlm Versions

I.1 Version Compatibility and Components

I.2 How to Tell the License File Version

I.3 Version Summary




FLEXlm End Users Guide
March 2003