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UDB: as MobiLink consolidated database Setting up an IBM DB2 consolidated database
UDP gateway: Notifier properties UDP gateway properties
UdpGateway.sender UDP gateway properties
ULPalmExit function: using HotSync configuration overview
ULSynchronize library function UltraLite clients
UltraLite Example scripts for UltraLite
UltraLite applications: as MobiLink clients UltraLite clients
UltraLite clients: MobiLink UltraLite clients
UltraLite Clients
UltraLite: MobiLink clients UltraLite clients
UL_DEBUG_CONDUIT environment variable: troubleshooting conduit Checking that MobiLink HotSync conduit installation is correct
UL_DEBUG_CONDUIT_LOG environment variable: troubleshooting HotSync conduit Configuring the MobiLink HotSync conduit
unique primary keys: generating using global autoincrement Maintaining unique primary keys using global autoincrement
unique primary keys: generating using key pools Maintaining unique primary keys using key pools
unique primary keys: generating using UUIDs Maintaining unique primary keys using UUIDs
unique primary keys: MobiLink installations Maintaining unique primary keys
Universal Serial Bus: HotSync support for Choosing a synchronization method
unknown_timeout stream parameter: synchronizing across firewalls Configuring MobiLink clients and servers for the Redirector
upgrading applications: using multiple MobiLink script versions Script versions
upgrading: schemas in MobiLink remote databases Schema changes in remote databases
upload cache size: MobiLink performance Performance tips
upload events: about Writing scripts to upload rows
upload stream: defined The synchronization process
upload stream: events Writing scripts to upload rows
upload stream: MobiLink transactions Transactions in the synchronization process
upload stream: processing of MobiLink How the upload stream is processed
upload-only synchronization: about Upload-only and download-only synchronization
uploading rows: MobiLink performance Performance tips
uploading rows: writing scripts Writing scripts to upload rows
upload_delete: Contact sample Synchronizing customers in the Contact sample
Synchronizing contacts in the Contact sample
upload_delete: CustDB sample Synchronizing customers in the CustDB sample
upload_fetch: conflict detection Detecting conflicts
upload_fetch: Contact sample Synchronizing products in the Contact sample
upload_insert: Contact sample Synchronizing customers in the Contact sample
Synchronizing contacts in the Contact sample
upload_insert: CustDB sample Synchronizing customers in the CustDB sample
upload_new_row_insert: Contact sample Synchronizing products in the Contact sample
upload_new_row_insert: storing user name Storing the user name
upload_old_row_insert: Contact sample Synchronizing products in the Contact sample
upload_old_row_insert: storing user name Storing the user name
upload_update: conflict detection Detecting conflicts
upload_update: Contact sample Synchronizing customers in the Contact sample
Synchronizing contacts in the Contact sample
Synchronizing products in the Contact sample
upload_update: CustDB sample Synchronizing customers in the CustDB sample
url_suffix stream parameter: synchronizing across firewalls Configuring MobiLink clients and servers for the Redirector
USB: HotSync support for Choosing a synchronization method
user authentication: .NET synchronization logic Custom user authentication
user authentication: changing MobiLink passwords Changing passwords
user authentication: choosing a mechanism in MobiLink Choosing a user authentication mechanism
user authentication: Java synchronization logic Custom user authentication
user authentication: MobiLink architecture User authentication architecture
user authentication: MobiLink custom mechanism Custom user authentication
user authentication: MobiLink passwords Providing initial passwords for users
user authentication: MobiLink security Authenticating MobiLink Users
user authentication: new MobiLink users Synchronizations from new users
user authentication: passwords Prompting end users to enter passwords
user names: MobiLink About MobiLink users
user names: MobiLink client names MobiLink users
user-defined start classes: MobiLink .NET User-defined start classes
user-defined start classes: MobiLink Java User-defined start classes
user-specific conflict resolution Storing the user name
users: about MobiLink About MobiLink users
Using a global certificate as a server certificate Using a global certificate as a server certificate
using a globally-signed certificate as an enterprise certificate Using a globally-signed certificate as an enterprise certificate
using a self-signed certificate Using a self-signed certificate
using ActiveSync synchronization: MobiLink Adaptive Server Anywhere clients Using ActiveSync synchronization
using stored procedures to add or delete synchronization scripts Adding or deleting scripts
using the signed certificates Using the signed certificates
UUIDs: MobiLink synchronization application Maintaining unique primary keys using UUIDs