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sample application: MobiLink CustDB application The CustDB Sample Application
sample application: MobiLink database schema Setting up the CustDB consolidated database
sample database: MobiLink CustDB application The CustDB Sample Application
sample database: MobiLink database schema Setting up the CustDB consolidated database
sample domain configuration file: about Loading assemblies
sample.crt Invoking transport-layer security
samples: .NET synchronization logic .NET synchronization example
samples: Contact MobiLink sample Introduction
samples: Contact MobiLink sample Contact table Synchronizing contacts in the Contact sample
samples: Contact MobiLink sample Customer table Synchronizing customers in the Contact sample
samples: Contact MobiLink sample errors Monitoring statistics and errors in the Contact sample
samples: Contact MobiLink sample Product table Synchronizing products in the Contact sample
samples: Contact MobiLink sample SalesRep table Synchronizing sales representatives in the Contact sample
samples: Contact MobiLink sample statistics Monitoring statistics and errors in the Contact sample
samples: Contact MobiLink sample tables Tables in the Contact databases
samples: Contact MobiLink sample users Users in the Contact sample
samples: CustDB MobiLink sample tables Tables in the CustDB databases
samples: CustDB MobiLink sample ULCustomer table Synchronizing customers in the CustDB sample
samples: CustDB MobiLink sample ULOrder table Synchronizing orders in the CustDB sample
samples: CustDB MobiLink sample ULProduct table Synchronizing products in the CustDB sample
samples: CustDB MobiLink sample users Users in the CustDB sample
samples: Java synchronization logic Java synchronization example
scheduling: MobiLink Adaptive Server Anywhere clients Scheduling synchronization
scheduling: MobiLink server-initiated synchronization The Listener utility
schema changes: remote MobiLink databases Schema changes in remote databases
schema: custdb sample database Introduction
schemas: relating consolidated tables to MobiLink remote tables How remote tables relate to consolidated tables
script parameters: about Script parameters
script types Script types
script versions: adding Adding a script version
script versions: configuring at remote databases Configuring MobiLink user properties
script versions: in MobiLink synchronization Script versions
scripts and the synchronization process Scripts and the synchronization process
scripts: about MobiLink MobiLink events
scripts: adding to the consolidated database Adding and deleting scripts in your consolidated database
scripts: automating MobiLink synchronization Generating scripts automatically
scripts: common parameters Script parameters
scripts: connection scripts Connection scripts
scripts: MobiLink synchronization The MobiLink synchronization server
scripts: supported DBMS scripting strategies DBMS-dependent scripts
scripts: table scripts Table scripts
scripts: versions Script versions
scripts: writing scripts to download rows Writing scripts to download rows
scripts: writing scripts to upload rows Writing scripts to upload rows
secure socket layers: obtaining certificates Obtaining server-authentication certificates
secure socket layers: with MobiLink synchronization About transport-layer security
security: changing MobiLink passwords Changing passwords
security: MobiLink About transport-layer security
security: MobiLink client architecture Client architecture
security: MobiLink custom user authentication Custom user authentication
security: MobiLink synchronization Initiating synchronization
security: MobiLink user authentication Authenticating MobiLink Users
Choosing a user authentication mechanism
security: new MobiLink users Synchronizations from new users
security: user authentication passwords Prompting end users to enter passwords
self-signed certificates Self-signed certificates
self-signed certificates: making Making a new self-signed certificate
self-signed certificates: using Using a self-signed certificate
sequences: primary key uniqueness in MobiLink synchronization Supported DBMS scripting strategies
server authentication: MobiLink Server authentication
server-initiated synchronization: about Server-Initiated Synchronization
server-initiated synchronization: automatic connection recovery Notifier properties
server-initiated synchronization: configuring and starting the Listener Set up the Listener
server-initiated synchronization: Listener SDK Listener Software Development Kit
server-initiated synchronization: sample walkthrough Walkthrough of server-initiated synchronization
server-initiated synchronization: supported platforms Supported platforms
server-initiated synchronization: unguaranteed delivery Deployment considerations
ServerContext: MobiLink .NET API ServerContext interface
ServerContext: MobiLink Java API ServerContext interface
ServerException: MobiLink .NET API ServerException class
ServerException: MobiLink Java API ServerException class
servers: about MobiLink synchronization The MobiLink synchronization server
service dependencies: MobiLink Running more than one service at a time
services: configuring Adding, modifying, and removing services
services: dependencies Running more than one service at a time
services: removing Adding, modifying, and removing services
services: running MobiLink Running MobiLink Outside the Current Session
services: running multiple Running more than one service at a time
services: Windows Running the Windows MobiLink server as a service
servlet Redirector: Apache Tomcat Configuring the servlet Redirector for Apache Tomcat servers
servlet Redirector: configuring Configuring the servlet Redirector
servlets: installing Configuring the servlet Redirector
session-wide variables: IBM DB2 in MobiLink synchronization Supported DBMS scripting strategies
session-wide variables: Oracle packages Supported DBMS scripting strategies
setup: MobiLink .NET synchronization logic Setting up .NET synchronization logic
setup: MobiLink Java synchronization logic Setting up Java synchronization logic
shared assemblies: implementing in MobiLink Loading assemblies
ShutdownCallback: MobiLink .NET API ShutdownCallback delegate
ShutdownListener: MobiLink Java API ShutdownListener interface
simple synchronization script A simple synchronization script
SLEEP directive: Redirector Configuring Redirector properties (all versions)
SMTP gateway: Notifier properties SMTP gateway properties
snapshot synchronization: about Snapshot synchronization
snapshot synchronization: Contact sample Synchronizing sales representatives in the Contact sample
snapshot synchronization: example Snapshot synchronization
sp_hook_dbxtract_begin procedure: unique primary keys Setting unique database identification numbers when extracting databases
sp_hook_dbxtract_begin procedure: using Setting unique database identification numbers when extracting databases
SQL Anywhere Studio: documentation SQL Anywhere Studio documentation
SQL Server: as MobiLink consolidated database Setting up a Microsoft SQL Server consolidated database
SQL synchronization logic: alternatives Options for writing synchronization logic
SQL synchronization logic: MobiLink Introduction to synchronization scripts
SqlHook.beginPoll Notifier properties
SqlHook.endPoll Notifier properties
SQLType: MobiLink .NET API SQLType enumeration
start classes: .NET synchronization logic User-defined start classes
start classes: Java synchronization logic User-defined start classes
starting: MobiLink synchronization from UltraLite applications UltraLite clients
starting: MobiLink synchronization server Running the MobiLink synchronization server
statement-based scripts: uploading rows Writing scripts to upload rows
statement-based uploads: conflict detection Detecting conflicts
StaticCursorLongColBuffLen: Adaptive Server Enterprise Supported DBMS scripting strategies
statistical properties: MobiLink MobiLink statistical properties
STOP SYNCHRONIZATION DELETE statement: Adaptive Server Anywhere clients Temporarily stopping synchronization of deletes
stop: MobiLink synchronization server Stopping the MobiLink synchronization server
stopping: MobiLink synchronization server Running the MobiLink synchronization server
Stopping the MobiLink synchronization server
stopping: upload of deletes using MobiLink Temporarily stopping synchronization of deletes
stored procedures: calling in MobiLink synchronization using ODBC syntax Supported DBMS scripting strategies
stored procedures: MobiLink stored procedure source code Direct inserts of scripts
stored procedures: using to add or delete synchronization scripts Adding or deleting scripts
stored procedures: using to download data Downloading a result set from a stored procedure call
storing user name during conflict resolution Storing the user name
stream_parms synchronization parameter: HotSync conduit Configuring the MobiLink HotSync conduit
stream_parms synchronization parameter: HotSync synchronization Understanding HotSync synchronization
subscribing MobiLink synchronization users Subscribing MobiLink synchronization users
subscriptions: MobiLink synchronization Subscribing MobiLink synchronization users
support: newsgroups Finding out more and providing feedback
supported DBMS scripting strategies DBMS-dependent scripts
syncasa.sql: about Setting up a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere consolidated database
syncase.sql: about Setting up a Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise consolidated database
syncase125.sql: about Setting up a Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise consolidated database
syncdb2.sql: about Setting up an IBM DB2 consolidated database
synchronization basics Synchronization Basics
synchronization clients: Adaptive Server Anywhere or UltraLite for MobiLink MobiLink clients
synchronization conduit: HotSync Configuring HTTP or HTTPS synchronization for the Palm Computing platform
synchronization definitions: differences from version 7 Adaptive Server Anywhere version 7 MobiLink clients
synchronization definitions: rewriting version 7 Adaptive Server Anywhere version 7 MobiLink clients
synchronization definitions: writing Adaptive Server Anywhere version 7 MobiLink clients
synchronization errors: handling MobiLink Writing scripts to handle errors
synchronization event hook sequence Synchronization event hook sequence
synchronization logic: MobiLink Introduction to synchronization scripts
synchronization logic: options for writing Options for writing synchronization logic
synchronization scripts: .NET Writing Synchronization Scripts in .NET
synchronization scripts: .NET methods Methods
synchronization scripts: about Introduction to synchronization scripts
synchronization scripts: adding and deleting Adding and deleting scripts in your consolidated database
synchronization scripts: adding or deleting with stored procedures Adding or deleting scripts
synchronization scripts: adding with Sybase Central Adding or deleting scripts
synchronization scripts: automatic generation Generating scripts automatically
synchronization scripts: common parameters Script parameters
synchronization scripts: connection scripts Connection scripts
synchronization scripts: DBMS dependencies DBMS-dependent scripts
synchronization scripts: download_cursor Writing download_cursor scripts
synchronization scripts: example A simple synchronization script
synchronization scripts: example generation Generating example scripts
synchronization scripts: examples Example scripts for UltraLite
synchronization scripts: execution during Scripts and the synchronization process
synchronization scripts: handle_error event Writing scripts to handle errors
synchronization scripts: implementing for .NET Setting up .NET synchronization logic
synchronization scripts: implementing for Java Setting up Java synchronization logic
synchronization scripts: Java Writing Synchronization Scripts in Java
synchronization scripts: Java methods Methods
synchronization scripts: report_error Reporting errors
synchronization scripts: supported DBMS scripting strategies DBMS-dependent scripts
synchronization scripts: table scripts Table scripts
synchronization scripts: testing Testing script syntax
synchronization scripts: types Script types
synchronization scripts: versions in MobiLink Script versions
synchronization scripts: writing Writing Synchronization Scripts
Writing Synchronization Scripts
synchronization scripts: writing scripts to download rows Writing scripts to download rows
synchronization scripts: writing scripts to upload rows Writing scripts to upload rows
synchronization server: about MobiLink The MobiLink synchronization server
synchronization subscriptions: altering Altering MobiLink subscriptions
synchronization subscriptions: dropping Dropping MobiLink subscriptions
synchronization subscriptions: MobiLink Subscribing MobiLink synchronization users
synchronization subscriptions: options Priority order for extended options and connection parameters
synchronization techniques: custdb sample application The CustDB Sample Application
synchronization techniques: data entry Data entry
synchronization techniques: deleting rows Handling deletes
synchronization techniques: failed downloads Handling failed downloads
synchronization techniques: MobiLink tutorial The Contact Sample Application
synchronization techniques: partitioning Partitioning rows among remote databases
synchronization techniques: primary key pools Maintaining unique primary keys using key pools
synchronization techniques: snapshot-based synchronization Snapshot synchronization
synchronization techniques: stored procedures to download Downloading a result set from a stored procedure call
synchronization techniques: timestamp-based synchronization Timestamp-based synchronization
synchronization techniques: uploading rows Writing scripts to upload rows
synchronization upload stream: MobiLink processing How the upload stream is processed
synchronization user names: MobiLink About MobiLink users
synchronization users: about Authenticating MobiLink Users
synchronization users: adding to a remote database Adding MobiLink users to a remote database
synchronization users: configuring properties at a remote database Configuring MobiLink user properties
synchronization users: creating Creating MobiLink users
synchronization users: creating in remote databases Creating MobiLink users
synchronization users: dropping from a remote database Dropping MobiLink users
synchronization users: multiple Multiple MobiLink synchronization users
synchronization users: sharing a name Sharing MobiLink user names
synchronization: about MobiLink Synchronization Basics
Transport-Layer Security
synchronization: ActiveSync for MobiLink Adaptive Server Anywhere clients Using ActiveSync synchronization
synchronization: architecture of the MobiLink system Parts of the synchronization system
synchronization: changing passwords Changing passwords
synchronization: conflict resolution Handling conflicts
synchronization: custom user authentication Custom user authentication
synchronization: deleting rows Writing download_delete_cursor scripts
synchronization: downloading rows Writing scripts to download rows
synchronization: HotSync Palm Computing Platform HotSync configuration overview
synchronization: initiating Initiating synchronization
synchronization: many-to-many relationships Partitioning with overlaps
synchronization: MobiLink performance How the upload stream is processed
synchronization: MobiLink process overview The synchronization process
synchronization: MobiLink scripts The MobiLink synchronization server
synchronization: MobiLink synchronization server authentication Invoking transport-layer security
synchronization: MobiLink transactions Transactions in the synchronization process
synchronization: MobiLink tutorial Tutorial: Synchronizing Adaptive Server Anywhere Databases
Tutorial: Writing SQL Scripts Using Sybase Central
Tutorial: Using MobiLink with an Oracle 8i Consolidated Database
synchronization: ODBC data sources for MobiLink Setting up a consolidated database
synchronization: options for writing synchronization logic Options for writing synchronization logic
synchronization: Palm Computing Platform Configuring TCP/IP, HTTP, or HTTPS synchronization
synchronization: performance tips MobiLink Performance
synchronization: process Scripts and the synchronization process
synchronization: running the MobiLink synchronization server Running MobiLink Outside the Current Session
synchronization: scheduling MobiLink Adaptive Server Anywhere clients Scheduling synchronization
synchronization: server-initiated Server-Initiated Synchronization
synchronization: snapshot Snapshot synchronization
synchronization: techniques Synchronization Techniques
synchronization: timestamps in MobiLink Transactions in the synchronization process
synchronization: transport-layer security with MobiLink About transport-layer security
synchronization: writing MobiLink scripts in .NET Writing Synchronization Scripts in .NET
synchronization: writing MobiLink scripts in Java Writing Synchronization Scripts in Java
synchronization: writing scripts Writing Synchronization Scripts
SynchronizationException: MobiLink .NET API SynchronizationException class
SynchronizationException: MobiLink Java API SynchronizationException class
synchronizing: databases with MobiLink Transport-Layer Security
syncmss.sql: about Setting up a Microsoft SQL Server consolidated database
syncora.sql: about Setting up an Oracle consolidated database
syncora.sql: using MobiLink system tables
system tables: creating in MobiLink consolidated database Setting up a consolidated database