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background: running database servers Running the server outside the current session
BACKGROUND_PRIORITY option: description BACKGROUND_PRIORITY option [database]
BACKGROUND_PRIORITY option: obtaining value Connection-level properties
BACKGROUND_PRIORITY option: setting Database options
backup and data recovery Backup and Data Recovery
backup database wizard: using Backing up a database directly to tape
backup directory: backup [dbbackup] utility Backup utility options
backup plans: about Designing a backup and recovery plan
backup [dbbackup] utility: about The Backup utility
backup [dbbackup] utility: exit codes The Backup utility
backup [dbbackup] utility: options Backup utility options
backup [dbbackup] utility: syntax Backing up a database using the dbbackup command-line utility
backups: about Introduction to backup and recovery
backups: backup [dbbackup] utility The Backup utility
backups: concepts Understanding backups
backups: database only Backup utility options
backups: databases not involved in replication A backup scheme for databases not involved in replication
backups: dbltm and A backup scheme for databases involved in replication
backups: dbmlsync and A backup scheme for databases involved in replication
backups: dbremote and A backup scheme for databases involved in replication
backups: designing procedures Designing backup procedures
backups: external Ways of making backups
backups: for remote databases Backup methods for remote databases in replication installations
backups: full Making a full backup
backups: internal Ways of making backups
backups: internals of Backup and recovery internals
Backup internals
backups: live Making a live backup
Backup utility options
backups: MobiLink and A backup scheme for databases involved in replication
backups: MobiLink consolidated databases A backup scheme for databases not involved in replication
backups: offline Ways of making backups
backups: online Ways of making backups
backups: options Backup utility options
backups: planning Scheduling backups
backups: rename and start new transaction log Backup utility options
backups: replication Transaction log and backup management
Using the DELETE_OLD_LOGS option
backups: Replication Agent and A backup scheme for databases involved in replication
backups: restrictions during Restrictions during backup and recovery
backups: scheduling Scheduling backups
backups: SQL Remote and A backup scheme for databases involved in replication
backups: SQL statement Ways of making backups
backups: strategies Scheduling backups
backups: Sybase Central Ways of making backups
backups: types of Ways of making backups
backups: unfinished Determining which connection has an outstanding transaction
backups: validating Ensuring your database is valid
batch files: starting servers The Spawn utility
batch mode: for LTM Replicating transactions in batches
batch_ltl_cmds parameter: LTM configuration file The LTM configuration file
batch_ltl_mem parameter: LTM configuration file The LTM configuration file
batch_ltl_sz parameter: LTM configuration file The LTM configuration file
BELL option: description BELL option [ISQL]
BELL option: Interactive SQL settings Interactive SQL options
bindery: NetWare Using the SPX protocol
blank padding: initialization [dbinit] utility Initialization utility options
BlankPadding property: description Database-level properties
blanks: ANSI behavior ANSI_BLANKS option [compatibility]
BlobArenas property: description Database-level properties
BLOB_THRESHOLD option: description BLOB_THRESHOLD option [replication]
BLOB_THRESHOLD option: replication option Replication options
BlockedOn property: description Connection-level properties
BLOCKING option: description BLOCKING option [database]
BLOCKING option: obtaining value Connection-level properties
BLOCKING option: setting Database options
BLOCKING_TIMEOUT option: description BLOCKING_TIMEOUT option [database]
BLOCKING_TIMEOUT option: setting Database options
Broadcast [BCAST] communication parameter: description Broadcast communication parameter [BCAST]
BroadcastListener [BLISTENER] communication parameter: description BroadcastListener communication parameter [BLISTENER]
buffer size: ODBC configuration Network tab
buffering: replication commands Replicating transactions in batches
BufferMisses property: description Server-level properties
BuildChange property: description Server-level properties
BuildClient property: description Server-level properties
BuildReproducible property: description Server-level properties
bulk loading: option Running in special modes
bulk operations: -b server option -b server option
BytesReceived property: description Connection-level properties
Server-level properties
BytesReceivedUncomp property: description Connection-level properties
Server-level properties
BytesSent property: description Connection-level properties
Server-level properties
BytesSentUncomp property: description Connection-level properties
Server-level properties