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The following sections list the core software changes in each release since Xalan-Java version 2.0.D01.

NoteFor XSLTC changes since XSLTC was incorporated into Xalan-Java, see XSLTC software changes.
Changes for Xalan-Java 2.7.0

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/03/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorImport.java ProcessorInclude.java ProcessorLRE.java ProcessorStylesheetElement.java StylesheetHandler.java XSLTElementDef.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExsltFunction.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Modified code for potential extension of classes with callbacks to the extensions.

  • Committed by bhakti@apache.org on 2004/03/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Encodings.properties
    Committer's log entry: Added a newline at the end of Encodings.properties to fix bug 27516.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/03/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions ObjectFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a bug in the findProviderClass method of ObjectFactory classes. The argument of SecurityManager.checkPackageAccess should be a string value of a package name, instead of a class name.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/03/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java FunctionTable.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch to hide static function table in FunctionTable class. We do not want to expose this table to others.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2004/03/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DOMBuilder.java
    Committer's log entry: The xmlns URI should also be used to add NS decls as attributes to a DOM. However, this was only done for attributes that started with 'xmlns:' and not for 'xmlns' (i.e. not for decls of the default NS).

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/04/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects DTMXRTreeFrag.java XRTreeFrag.java
    Committer's log entry: The problem is that about 1800 * Thread_num XRTreeFrag objects were created. It took too long for finalizer to be executed to release the references.
    A lot of the objects have the same DTMs (and one XPathContext per thread). In my fix I am suggesting a. to have new class DTMXRTreeFrag. The object of the class would be created only for different DTMs (just 5 objects). b. release the references to DTM and XPathContext from XPathContext.reset() (and remove finalize() ).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/04/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils Trie.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 28435
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/04/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates AVT.java
    Committer's log entry: Scaling Problem in org/apache/xalan/templates/AVT.evaluate. The problem is that synchronized calls StringBufferPool.get() and StringBufferPool.free(buf) are redundant if (null != m_simpleString). The bug results in severe performance degradation in multi-thread test. The fix is simple just not to the calls when (null != m_simpleString).

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2004/05/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/style/stylesheets designdoc2html.xsl
    Committer's log entry: Provide alternative text for images to address accessibility issues. All images should contain a short alternative text description that represents the function of the graphic.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2004/05/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs xml-site-style.tar.gz
    Committer's log entry: Update document2html.xsl within this tarball to provide alternative text for images to address accessibility issues. All images should contain a short alternative text description that represents the function of the graphic.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/05/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/SAX2SAX SAX2SAX.java xml-xalan/java/samples/Pipe Pipe.java xml-xalan/java/samples/DOM2DOM DOM2DOM.java xml-xalan/java/samples/UseStylesheetPI foo.xsl xml-xalan/java/samples/UseStylesheetParam foo.xsl xml-xalan/java/samples/UseXMLFilters UseXMLFilters.java xml-xalan/java/samples/Trace foo.xsl
    Committer's log entry: Clean up related to bugzilla 24304. There is no longer a space after the XML header. To keep the output of this sample the same as before properties were set on the serializer (indent="yes" and standalone="no" ). Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Sarah McNamara

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/05/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates AVT.java
    Committer's log entry: The problem is that we use an object pool (shared between different threads) to allocate FastStringBuffer objects. The problem results in a serious performance degradation on Z/OS and seems to be invisible on AIX.
    1 Differences in optimization of object pools for different JVMs and for different platforms are known(I know it now too). It is not surprising that Z/OS and AIX have different results.
    2. a. Object pools should be used only for very heavy object which live for a long time and could be reused in a lot of places.
    b. Small local objects which size cannot be changed could be allocated on the stack => creating them with new in the local scope could be a good idea.
    c. Caching middle size objects which can grow in size seems as a good idea, because such objects usually cannot be allocated on the stack. This is actually the case for FastStringBuffer objects.
    Solution: Create FastStringBuffer objects in a local scope and use caching whenever possible.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/05/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/client XSLTProcessorApplet.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Christine Li
    Fixing binary compatibility (serialization/de-serialization) of XSLTProcessorApplet.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/06/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 29234
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Morris Kwan
    This problem only showed up under XSLTC. When setting the encoding a related field was not set. Fixed this by over-riding the set method for the stream serializers.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/06/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer WriterToUTF8Buffered.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 29372
    Submitted by: J Desrochers (john@ASCnet.COM)
    Reviewed by: Brian Minchau
    A safe fix for chunking up an array for output. The length was multiplied by the chunk number (0,1,2... chunks) then divided by "chunks". John's fix uses a "long" to do the arithemetic because multiplying by the chunk number first could cause an overflow.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes ChildIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla bug 28879. Classes derived from NodeTest need to ensure that initNodeTest is called to set the filter for the kinds of nodes accepted. Without this change, ChildIterator will reject all nodes. Patch reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by aruny@apache.org on 2004/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Description: Improper Serialization of document type declaration in xml document.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2004/07/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bug 30056. Recover the performance degradation for xsl:copy and xsl:copy-of. Reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/07/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer SerializerBase.java ToTextStream.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 29706
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Christine Li
    A fix to add a temporary vs. permanent output state to the serializer (AKA result-tree-handler). In theory the XSLT processor should set the temporary or permanent output state, but we observer that when the encoding of a ToTextStream serializer is null, then such a serializer is in temporary output state.
    In temorary output state we don't do any escaping or encoding or other sorts of normalization on output. This will be done by another serializer later on, and that one will be in permanent output state.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/07/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 30142
    Submitted by: Bruno Dumon (bruno@outerthought.org)
    Reviewed by: Brian Minchau
    Thanks to Bruno for this simple one-line, fix where we forgot to put a space between the PUBLIC and SYSTEM ID's in a DOCTYPE declaration in serialized HTML output.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/07/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XString.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Yash Talwar
    Reviewed by: Brian Minchau
    Fix for bugzilla 29655.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/08/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Redirect.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: 30658
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Morris Kwan

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/08/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace TraceManager.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: 30301
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Morris Kwan

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/08/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XRTreeFragSelectWrapper.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: 30262
    Submitted by: Yash Talwar
    Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2004/08/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMException.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathException.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for printStackTrace when using JDK 1.4.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2004/08/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions ObjectFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixing a potential memory leak. The reader used to read the service provider is never closed if an IOException is thrown while reading from it. Adding a finally block so that the reader will always be closed. Patch reviewed by Christine Li.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/08/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ObjectFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Added serialVersionUID for classes which implement Serializable interface.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/08/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ObjectFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Added serialVersionUID for classes which implement Serializable interface. Was reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/08/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorAttributeSet.java ProcessorCharacters.java ProcessorDecimalFormat.java ProcessorExsltFuncResult.java ProcessorExsltFunction.java ProcessorGlobalParamDecl.java ProcessorGlobalVariableDecl.java ProcessorImport.java ProcessorInclude.java ProcessorKey.java ProcessorLRE.java ProcessorNamespaceAlias.java ProcessorOutputElem.java ProcessorPreserveSpace.java ProcessorStripSpace.java ProcessorStylesheetDoc.java ProcessorStylesheetElement.java ProcessorTemplate.java ProcessorTemplateElem.java ProcessorText.java ProcessorUnknown.java WhitespaceInfoPaths.java XSLTElementProcessor.java
    Committer's log entry: Added serialVersionUID for classes which implement Serializable interface. Patch created by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) and was reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/08/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates AVT.java AVTPart.java AVTPartSimple.java AVTPartXPath.java DecimalFormatProperties.java ElemApplyImport.java ElemApplyTemplates.java ElemAttribute.java ElemAttributeSet.java ElemCallTemplate.java ElemChoose.java ElemComment.java ElemCopy.java ElemCopyOf.java ElemElement.java ElemEmpty.java ElemExsltFuncResult.java ElemExsltFunction.java ElemExtensionCall.java ElemExtensionDecl.java ElemExtensionScript.java ElemFallback.java ElemForEach.java ElemIf.java ElemLiteralResult.java ElemMessage.java ElemNumber.java ElemOtherwise.java ElemParam.java ElemPI.java ElemSort.java ElemTemplate.java ElemTemplateElement.java ElemText.java ElemTextLiteral.java ElemUnknown.java ElemUse.java ElemValueOf.java ElemVariable.java ElemVariablePsuedo.java ElemWhen.java ElemWithParam.java FuncDocument.java FuncFormatNumb.java FuncKey.java KeyDeclaration.java NamespaceAlias.java OutputProperties.java Stylesheet.java StylesheetComposed.java StylesheetRoot.java TemplateList.java TemplateSubPatternAssociation.java WhiteSpaceInfo.java XMLNSDecl.java XUnresolvedVariable.java XUnresolvedVariableSimple.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer CountersTable.java KeyIterator.java KeyRefIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt ObjectFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Added serialVersionUID for classes which implement Serializable interface. Patch created by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) and was reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/08/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMConfigurationException.java DTMDOMException.java ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNamedNodeMap.java IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.java ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils MutableAttrListImpl.java NameSpace.java NodeVector.java ObjectFactory.java ObjectPool.java QName.java SAXSourceLocator.java SerializableLocatorImpl.java StopParseException.java StringVector.java URI.java WrappedRuntimeException.java WrongParserException.java
    Committer's log entry: Added serialVersionUID for classes which implement Serializable interface. Patch created by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) and was reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/08/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath Expression.java FoundIndex.java NodeSetDTM.java XPath.java XPathProcessorException.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes AttributeIterator.java AxesWalker.java BasicTestIterator.java ChildIterator.java ChildTestIterator.java DescendantIterator.java FilterExprIterator.java FilterExprIteratorSimple.java FilterExprWalker.java IteratorPool.java LocPathIterator.java MatchPatternIterator.java NodeSequence.java OneStepIterator.java OneStepIteratorForward.java PredicatedNodeTest.java ReverseAxesWalker.java RTFIterator.java SelfIteratorNoPredicate.java UnionChildIterator.java UnionPathIterator.java WalkingIterator.java WalkingIteratorSorted.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler ObjectFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncBoolean.java FuncCeiling.java FuncConcat.java FuncContains.java FuncCount.java FuncCurrent.java FuncDoclocation.java FuncExtElementAvailable.java FuncExtFunction.java FuncExtFunctionAvailable.java FuncFalse.java FuncFloor.java FuncGenerateId.java FuncId.java FuncLang.java FuncLast.java FuncLocalPart.java FuncNamespace.java FuncNormalizeSpace.java FuncNot.java FuncNumber.java FuncPosition.java FuncQname.java FuncRound.java FuncStartsWith.java FuncString.java FuncStringLength.java FuncSubstring.java FuncSubstringAfter.java FuncSubstringBefore.java FuncSum.java FuncSystemProperty.java Function.java Function2Args.java Function3Args.java FunctionDef1Arg.java FunctionMultiArgs.java FunctionOneArg.java FuncTranslate.java FuncTrue.java FuncUnparsedEntityURI.java ObjectFactory.java WrongNumberArgsException.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XBoolean.java XBooleanStatic.java XNodeSet.java XNodeSetForDOM.java XNull.java XNumber.java XObject.java XRTreeFrag.java XRTreeFragSelectWrapper.java XString.java XStringForChars.java XStringForFSB.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations And.java Bool.java Div.java Equals.java Gt.java Gte.java Lt.java Lte.java Minus.java Mod.java Mult.java Neg.java NotEquals.java Number.java Operation.java Or.java Plus.java Quo.java String.java UnaryOperation.java Variable.java VariableSafeAbsRef.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns ContextMatchStepPattern.java FunctionPattern.java NodeTest.java StepPattern.java UnionPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Added serialVersionUID for classes which implement Serializable interface. Patch created by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) and was reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/08/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils Trie.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    No external changes to Trie, but some additional APIs to make for a lower case only search in a Trie (possibly for future XHTML support where the element names are lower-case only).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor changes to CharInfo to map charaters to decorated entities (e.g. "<" ) rather than just entity names (e.g. "lt"), which is a minor performance improvement.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2004/08/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils XMLReaderManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a memory leak problem described in bugzilla 28082.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/09/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer SerializerTraceWriter.java ToStream.java WriterChain.java WriterToASCI.java WriterToUTF8Buffered.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Code clean up, to have an explicit interface, WriterChain, for writers that wrap other Writers or OutputStreams, e.g. WriterToUTF8Buffered.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/09/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToXMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Javadoc changes, and added a call in ToXMLStream.processingInstruction() method to effectively consider that a startDocument() call was made, if none was yet seen.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/09/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToSAXHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 27522
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    committing patch from bugzilla 27522.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2004/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed bug where JDBC execute was being called instead ofg executeQuery. executeQuery will always retrurn a result set even if the query does not return any rows where execute won't. This was causing a compatibility issue. Added in Record skip code to help with pagination.
    PR: http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1908
    Submitted by: John Gentilin

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2004/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed bug where the close document method could not locxate the SQL Document. see http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/browse/XALANJ-1925.
    Obtained from: Moraine Didier mailto://didier.moraine@winterthur.be
    Submitted by: John Gentilin

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2004/09/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Added new targets to support building the distribution packages (*-bin.tar.gz/.zip and *-src.tar.gz/.zip) without building the user guide and api docs. Reorganized some sections to make the targets more readable. Renamed the "*-nojardepends" rules to either "*-compile" or "*-build" to make them more intuitive. Reviewed by Christine Li.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/10/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler XPathParser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns NodeTest.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Yash Talwar (ytalwar@ca.ibm.com) for XALANJ-1186. The existing code in the interpretive processor was handling namespace::pre by resolving the namespace prefix "pre" in the stylesheet, and then looking for namespace nodes with that same URI in the input document. In fact, it should look for namespaces nodes in the input document that declare the prefix "pre", without regard to the associated URI. The patch was reviewed by myself (zongaro@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/10/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLSAXHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: XSL Transformation drops content inside xsl:comment tags.
    PR: XALANJ-1966
    Submitted by: Yash Talwar
    Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/10/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Variable.java
    Committer's log entry: Null Pointer Exception on sorting using a variable.
    PR: XALANJ-1942
    Submitted by: Yash Talwar
    Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/10/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorNamespaceAlias.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Null Pointer Exception when namespace-alias element says to use "#default" namespace but there is no default namespace. PR: XALANJ-1967
    Submitted by: Yash Talwar
    Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/10/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: At the suggestion of Joseph Kesselman, dropped contents of the org.apache.xml.utils.synthetic package, as they have never been used. Patch reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/10/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan extensions.xml resources.xml
    Committer's log entry: Fixed of Bug report XalanJ-1822. Added alternative BSF implementation support for extension functions in languages other than Java Patch reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/10/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils AttList.java BoolStack.java DOM2Helper.java Messages.java SerializerMessages_en.java SerializerMessages.java StringToIntTable.java SystemIDResolver.java URI.java Utils.java WrappedRuntimeException.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: XALANJ-1891
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Yash Talwar

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/10/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils Messages.java SerializerMessages.java Utils.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Made some fields final or private to make the objects immutable, especially the messages.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/10/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer AttributesImplSerializer.java CharInfo.java DOMSerializer.java ElemDesc.java EmptySerializer.java EncodingInfo.java Encodings.java ExtendedContentHandler.java ExtendedLexicalHandler.java Method.java NamespaceMappings.java ObjectFactory.java OutputPropertiesFactory.java OutputPropertyUtils.java SerializationHandler.java Serializer.java SerializerBase.java SerializerConstants.java SerializerFactory.java SerializerTrace.java SerializerTraceWriter.java ToHTMLSAXHandler.java ToHTMLStream.java ToSAXHandler.java ToStream.java ToTextSAXHandler.java ToTextStream.java ToUnknownStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java ToXMLStream.java TreeWalker.java Utils.java Version.java WriterToASCI.java ElemContext.java TransformStateSetter.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Yash Talwar
    Source code changes to the serializer to make it independent of Xalan. Mostly message and utility usage changes. However multiple classes had their visibility reduced to less than "public".

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/10/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils CharKey.java Trie.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: XALANJ-1891
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Yash Talwar
    Deleting Charkey and Trie which were only used by the serializer. These classes are migrated to the serializer package, in the case of CharKey, it is now an inner private class.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src MANIFEST.SERIALIZER
    Committer's log entry: PR: XALANJ-1891
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Sarah McNamara
    Creating MANIFEST.SERIALIZER, a template like MANIFEST.MF but for an independent serializer.jar that is not part of xalan.jar

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: PR: XALANJ-1891
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Sarah McNamara
    Changes to java/build.xml so that the serializer.jar is built and used by Xalan. The two new build targets are serializer.jar and serializer-dist.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin serializer.jar
    Committer's log entry: PR: XALANJ-1891
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Sarah McNamara, Yash Talwar
    Checking in an initial serializer.jar into java/bin, hopefully this won't change too often.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2004/10/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DefaultConnectionPool.java XConnection.java SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: This patch makes the close() function behave better but still has a problem when certain iterators are used. This code is at least safe in all instaces. It also fixes a minor bug in the default connection pool.
    Obtained from: John Gentilin
    Submitted by: John Gentilin

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/10/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: A patch to fix Bug XALANJ-1708. Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/10/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes NodeSequence.java UnionPathIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: A fix for bug XALANJ-1810. Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2004/10/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Fix the samples build. The samples.class.path needs to include the serializer.jar.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2004/10/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: One more fix to enable builds with JDK 1.4.x. Need to add the serializer classes to the xslt.boot.class.path.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/11/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes DescendantIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: String comparison should use String.equals(), instead of ==. Even == works fine for most of the cases, for a serializable object, two variable originally reference to the same string after deserialization, they no longer reference the same string, although the values are the same. Fix for bug XalanJ-1550.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/11/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java
    Committer's log entry: The latest Rhino1_5R5 checks for the script language line/column no.>=0. Fixed for bug XALANJ-1887.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/11/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/META-INF/services org.apache.xalan.extensions.bsf.BSFManager
    Committer's log entry: Added a service provider configuration file to set the Apache BSF as the default implementation for scripting language support.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/11/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin bsf.jar bsf.LICENSE.txt bsf.README.txt
    Committer's log entry: remove IBM bsf implementation from the distribution. Xalan is not going to ship any bsf implementation. If users need IBM bsf, they can download it from Attic.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/11/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Lexer.java XPathParser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/domapi XPathEvaluatorImpl.java XPathExpressionImpl.java XPathNamespaceImpl.java XPathNSResolverImpl.java XPathResultImpl.java XPathStylesheetDOM3Exception.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bug XALANJ-1985
    Submitted by: Yash Talwar
    Reviewed by: Brian Minchau
    Support for DOM 3 API, for use by an XML Parser.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/11/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-1955. The equals(Object) method contains a list of instanceof checks, and then casts the Object argument to the tested type in order to dispatch to a more specific equals method. In the case where the Object argument was an XMLString, the code was actually casting "this" to XMLString - thus testing this.equals(this), which will always be true.
    Reviewd by Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/11/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer KeyTable.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-1368.
    The method getKeyDeclaration was looping through all the xsl:key elements defined, and returning the first with the required name. However, more than one xsl:key element can specify the same name, and should be treated cumulatively. Modified the method so that it returns all elements with the required name, and the caller so that it tries to match against the patterns associated with all such elements.
    Reviewed by Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2004/11/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a memory leak problem in DTMManager (XALANJ-1999).

  • Committed by joannet@apache.org on 2004/12/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyImport.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed XALANJ-1824. Changed current template rule when named template executes an xsl:apply-imports.

  • Committed by joannet@apache.org on 2004/12/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib PipeDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed XALANJ-1662. Allow pipeDocument to throw exceptions.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/12/15
    Modified: Many files....
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bug report XALANJ-2008
    Based on Sun's Security Code Guidelines, modified the code to improve the security. Major changes includes:
    1. Added final modifier to static variables;
    2. Reduced scope and added public get methods whenever it is appropriate;
    3. Changed some static variable to instance variables;
    4. Changed some interfaces to final classes, if those interfaces are used only to define constants
    5. Removed the usage of System.exit;
    6. For various org.apache.xml.utils.res.XResourceBundle, the getObject() methods return immutable array wrappers instead of arrays
    7. Changed static methods of org.apache.xpath.compiler.FunctionTable to instance methods and the reference of a function table is passed around the processing to create an XPath object;
    8. Changed the flags of FEATURE_INCREMENTAL, FEATURE_OPTIMIZE and FEATURE_SOURCE_LOCATION to instance variables in TransformerFactorImpl. So they will not be changed during a processing once a new Templates is created;

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2004/12/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bug XALANJ-1592. Submitted by Catya Alone (catyaa@hotmail.com). Set the parent node for the arguments in extension functions.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/12/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils Messages.java
    Committer's log entry: Partial fix for bug XALANJ-2021.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/12/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils SerializerMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: Partial fix for bug XALANJ-2021 to make key/keyvalue consistent.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/12/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils SerializerMessages_ca.java SerializerMessages_cs.java SerializerMessages_de.java SerializerMessages_es.java SerializerMessages_fr.java SerializerMessages_hu.java SerializerMessages_it.java SerializerMessages_ja.java SerializerMessages_ko.java SerializerMessages_pl.java SerializerMessages_pt_BR.java SerializerMessages_ru.java SerializerMessages_sv.java SerializerMessages_tr.java SerializerMessages_zh_CN.java SerializerMessages_zh_TW.java
    Committer's log entry: Other languages, for XALANJ-2021.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/12/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils MsgKey.java
    Committer's log entry: A class containing only message keys, to be shared by all language translations (including English). This is to prevent replication of these keys during translation. Related to XALANJ-2021.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/12/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils SerializerMessages_ca.java SerializerMessages_cs.java SerializerMessages_de.java SerializerMessages_es.java SerializerMessages_fr.java SerializerMessages_hu.java SerializerMessages_it.java SerializerMessages_ja.java SerializerMessages_ko.java SerializerMessages_pl.java SerializerMessages_pt_BR.java SerializerMessages_ru.java SerializerMessages_sv.java SerializerMessages_tr.java SerializerMessages_zh_CN.java SerializerMessages_zh_TW.java
    Committer's log entry: Changes for moving the message keys, to be shared by all language translations (including English). This is to prevent replication of these keys during translation. Related to XALANJ-2021.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/12/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils Messages.java SerializerMessages.java URI.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java OutputPropertiesFactory.java SerializerBase.java SerializerFactory.java ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java ToTextStream.java ToXMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Changes for moving the message keys, to be shared by all language translations (including English). This is to prevent replication of these keys during translation. Related to XALANJ-2021.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/12/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/res XMLErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Serializer messages were copied into a message file in the org.apache.xml.serializer.utils package. The serializer messages in this file are now "dead", so they are being deleted. This is part of the cleanup with XALANJ-2021.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/12/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNamedNodeMap.java DTMNodeProxy.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for Jira bug report XALANJ-1427 on behalf of Yash Talwar (ytalwar@ca.ibm.com). Completing support for DOM Level 2 Core methods that were previously unimplemented, and fixed some bugs in the implementation. The implementation continues to be, of necessity, a read-only implementation.
    In particular, implemented the following:

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2005/01/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan faq.xml
    Committer's log entry: Added a FAQ about how to use XSLTC in applet when using JRE1.4. It is a fix for bug report XALANJ-1705. Patch reviewed and modified by Sarah McNamara

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2005/01/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltDatetime.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XALANJ-2013. Duplicate time zone string returned from EXSLT time() function.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/01/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src manifest.xalan-interpretive
    Committer's log entry: New manifest file to resolve Jira bug report XALANJ-1853.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/01/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Jira bug report XALANJ-1853 . Use the new xalan interpretive manifest file when building the standalone xalan.jar that only contains the interpretive processor.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/01/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src MANIFEST.MF MANIFEST.SERIALIZER manifest.xsltc
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Jira bug report XALANJ-1852.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/01/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerUtils.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for Jira bug report XALANJ-1640.
    As it's currently written, SerializerUtils.outputResultTreeFragment loops through the nodes in a result tree fragment, and for each one, it checks whether the node is in some namespace. If it is not, the code undeclares the default namespace by calling handler.startPrefixMapping("", ""). The problem is that if the RTF that's being copied just consists of a text node (or PIs or comments), that undeclaration of the default namespace hangs around until some subsequent child element picks it up as one of its attributes, even if that element is in some namespace - even what should be the default!
    The fix is to check whether the node that is being output is an element node prior to issuing the handler.startPrefixMapping call - that ensures the prefix mapping is not issued unless it's actually going to be used by the node that is about to be serialized.
    This patch was reviewed by Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/01/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath CachedXPathAPI.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Jira bug report XALANJ-1811.
    Updated Javadocs for constructors to make it clear that a single instance of CachecXPathAPI must not be used by multiple threads without synchronization.
    Reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/01/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Jira bug report XALANJ-1888.
    It is possible for the characters SAX event to specify a length of zero. Text nodes should not be created in such situations. Changed the charactersFlush method to guard against this case.
    Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/01/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: Two part fix for Jira bug report XALANJ-1888.
    1) It is possible for the characters SAX event to specify a length of zero. Text nodes should not be created in such situations. Changed the charactersFlush method to guard against this case.
    2) Made a defensive change to references to m_dataOrQName. If the value in this vector is to be interpreted as an index into m_data, it is stored as a negative value (via calls to addNode). However, most references to elements of m_dataOrQName were checking whether the value was non-positive, treating a value of zero as an index into m_data as well. The zeroth entry into m_data is an invalid entry.
    The fix to charactersFlush described above should ensure that zero is never stored in m_dataOrQName, but I thought it was just as well to duplicate the interpretation used in storing values in m_dataOrQName.
    Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2005/02/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemNumber.java
    Committer's log entry: Implement Errata E24, when the value attribute of xsl:number is NaN, infinite or less than 0.5. More details please refer to bug report XALANJ-1979. Patch is reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/02/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler XPathParser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Jira bug report XALANJ-1478.
    In the recursive descent parsing of an ill-formed XPath expression like "2+", when the parser reaches the end of the expression while still looking for an operand it ultimately ends up trying to see whether what remains can be parsed as a location path. However, the LocationPath method was silently parsing the end of an expression as a location path! Added an error for that situation.
    Reviewed by Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/02/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/trax ExampleContentHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Jira bug report XALANJ-2054.
    The sample ContentHandler code was printing the namespaceURI argument of startElement and of endElement twice, but never printed the localName argument. Fixed that typo.
    Reviewed by Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/02/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer AttributesImplSerializer.java EmptySerializer.java ExtendedContentHandler.java NamespaceMappings.java SerializerBase.java ToStream.java ToTextSAXHandler.java ToTextStream.java ToUnknownStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java ToXMLStream.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerUtils.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemAttribute.java ElemLiteralResult.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XALANJ-1886. Multiple problems fixed related to collecting xsl:attributes with over-ridden values and prefix/URI maps. With this fix, internally the serializer correctly identifies attributes by their expanded QName, which includes the URI rather than the prefix.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/02/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer TreeWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XALANJ-1985, reviewed by Henry Zongaro. The problem was that a serialized DOM failed to declare a prefix/URI mapping.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/02/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorLRE.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XALANJ-2037. The trace information doesn't have the right location information in this case.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/02/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer EmptySerializer.java ExtendedContentHandler.java SerializerBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing serializer.patch5.txt in JIRA issue XALANJ-1886, that puts back an old attAttribute() method that takes 5 String arguments. There is a new one that takes these 5 String arguments and a boolean to indicate if it is from an xsl:attribute or not. I'm just restoring the old method. Patch reviewed by Henry Zongaro.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/02/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer EmptySerializer.java SerializationHandler.java SerializerBase.java ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XALANJ-2033 and XALANJ-2051 so that the serializer will serialize DTD tags if desired. The patch was reviewed by Ilene Seeleman.

  • Committed by ytalwar@apache.org on 2005/02/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils URI.java
    Committer's log entry: The fix is for XALANJ-2059.
    The problem is that when href attribute has aboslute uri with jar scheme and base uri is not null, then base uri is pre-appended to uri specified in href attribute. The newer patch is according to RFC 2396. The newer patch ignores base uri and directly make use of uri specifed href attribute, provided following conditions are met.
    a)If uri specified in href attribute starts with / after the scheme and : For example, href="file:/myDIR/myXSLFile.xsl.
    b)If scheme specified for uri href attribute is not same as scheme for base uri.
    c)If base uri is not hierarchical
    Henry Zongaro has helped creating this patch.

  • Committed by ytalwar@apache.org on 2005/03/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer SerializerConstants.java ToStream.java ToXMLStream.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils MsgKey.java SerializerMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: This patch fix XALANJ-2070. This patch add XML 1.1 support in term of following:
    - Output Document can be of Version XML 1.1
    - Control Characters in Range C0 and C1 are output as NCR.
    - Namespaces in XML 1.1 can be IRIs.
    - NCNames and QNames can conform to XML 1.1 specifications.
    - NEL and LSEP characters are treated as new end of line character as per XML 1.1 specifications.
    Thanks to Brian Minchau for reviewing the patch. Brian Minchau and Henry Zongaro has also helped how XML 1.1 support should be done.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2005/03/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExtensionCall.java ElemLiteralResult.java
    Committer's log entry: Added implementation for getAttribute, getAttributeNS and getAttributes for LRE. A fix for bug report XALANJ-1526.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/03/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/design design2_0_0.xml
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-1990. Fixes broken link to apidocs for Serializer.html.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/03/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan usagepatterns.xml
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2026. Fixes typo in Debugger interface code example.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/03/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer SerializerFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils MsgKey.java SerializerMessages.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XALANJ-2074, committing patch2 in that issue, which removes two untranslated messages in SerializerFactory, and uses a new common message in SerializerMessages.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2005/03/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java
    Committer's log entry: Marked the code to be privileged, which allows users to load customized entity files in sandbox. Fixed bug report XALANJ-2068. Patch was reviewed by Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by ytalwar@apache.org on 2005/03/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: This patch fixes XALANJ-1431. The patch has been reviewed by Brian. The problem is that that when an empty attribute value is encountered, a text node is being created with empty string. Henry Zongaro has helped finding the XSLT 1.0 specs. that suggest a text node with empty string should not be created. URL http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#value-of has the following information: "The xsl:value-of element is instantiated to create a text node in the result tree. The required select attribute is an expression; this expression is evaluated and the resulting object is converted to a string as if by a call to the string function. The string specifies the string-value of the created text node. If the string is empty, no text node will be created. The created text node will be merged with any adjacent text nodes."

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/03/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan builds.xml
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Jira bug report XALANJ-2079. Updated links to nightly Gump build. Reviewed by Brian Minchau.

  • Committed by ytalwar@apache.org on 2005/03/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTAttributeDef.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemAttribute.java ElemElement.java ElemPI.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java AttributeSet.java CallTemplate.java DecimalFormatting.java Key.java Output.java ProcessingInstruction.java Template.java VariableBase.java WithParam.java xpath.lex XslAttribute.java XslElement.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Util.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer WriterToUTF8Buffered.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils QName.java XML11Char.java
    Committer's log entry: This is resolve UTF-8 Charcater support and QName character support for XML 1.1 support in XALANJ-2070. Henry Zongaro and Brian Minchau helped in fixing this part of the JIRA issue. A new class org.apache.xml.utils.XML11Char has been included to support XML 1.1 characters. Also a reference to org.apache.xml.utils.XMLChar has been replaced with a reference to org.apache.xml.utils.XML11Char in almost all the places in Xalan. org.apache.xml.serializer.WriterToUTF8Buffered has been update to support UTF-8 characters that can be represented in four bytes.

  • Committed by ytalwar@apache.org on 2005/03/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/domapi package.html
    Committer's log entry: This resolves XALANJ-2085. Sarah McNamara has reviewed this change.

  • Committed by ytalwar@apache.org on 2005/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemNumber.java
    Committer's log entry: This is a fix for XALANJ-2089. Christine Li has created this patch. Brian Minchau helped in creating this patch. Brian Minchau also reviewed this patch. org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemNumber.java has raised some performance issue as a static array to hold resources was removed earlier. However, the removal of static array is necessary to fix a potential bug multithread environment, where a given thread can request different locale than another thread. This patch resolves the performance glicth that was found in internal testing.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/04/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java
    Committer's log entry: Commiting patch for XALANJ-2095, that tabs in text nodes in XML documents are serialized to 	 but should stay as a tab character.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/04/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan usagepatterns.xml
    Committer's log entry: Patch from XALANJ-1924 applied. The one deprecated API used is replace by the current one, but multiple typos in other examples are corrected.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/04/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Encodings.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing patch for XALANJ-2077. This performance modification is estimated to shave 3% of the serialization stage of small documents. Every little bit counts.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/04/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Encodings.java
    Committer's log entry: Appling fix for XALANJ-2086, which pointed out that findCharToByteConverterMethod() always returned null. This bug was introduced some time ago during some security fixes.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/04/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for XALANJ-2109 applied (we won't \n to \r\n in an HTML attribute value on Windows OS anymore, it will be left as is during serialization).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/04/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils XMLReaderManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch in XALANJ-2105.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemLiteralResult.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNodeProxy.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTMdefaultNamespaceDeclarationNode.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils UnImplNode.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/domapi XPathNamespaceImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Variable.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: JAXP 1.3 integration. Integrate the Sun donated JAXP 1.3 implementation into the head branch.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/jaxp JAXPExtensionsProvider.java JAXPPrefixResolver.java JAXPVariableStack.java XPathExpressionImpl.java XPathFactoryImpl.java XPathImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: JAXP 1.3 integration. Commit the XPath API implementation under org.apache.xpath.jaxp.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xml-apis.jar
    Committer's log entry: New xml-apis.jar containing JAXP 1.3 APIs.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2005/05/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java FuncLoader.java FunctionTable.java Keywords.java ObjectFactory.java SecuritySupport.java SecuritySupport12.java XPathParser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunctionAvailable.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Modified FunctionTable. Although it is not recommanded, but it is doable for users to add a customized function or overwrite the default implementation of a build-in function. Fixed bug report XALANJ-2116. Patch is reviewed by Henry Zongaro.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DOMBuilder.java
    Committer's log entry: Support DOMResult.nextSibling in XalanJ Interpretive. If nextSibling is not null, then result nodes are inserted before it.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/XPathAPI ApplyXPathJAXP.java foo.xml XPathResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Add two samples to demonstrate how to use the XPath API in JAXP 1.3.
    1. ApplyXPathJAXP. Basic sample like ApplyXPath, but use JAXP 1.3 XPath API instead.
    2. XPathResolver. Demonstrate how to use NamespaceContext, XPathFunctionResolver and XPathVariableResolver.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerJavaClass.java ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage.java ExtensionNamespaceContext.java XPathFunctionImpl.java XPathFunctionResolverImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2126. This is a sample implementation of XPathFunctionResolver, with support for Java and EXSLT extension functions.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: New messages for XALANJ-2126. Messages for the sample XPathFunctionResolver implementation.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/05/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/XPathAPI ExtensionFunctionResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: For XALANJ-2126. New sample to demonstrate how to use the sample XPathFunctionResolver to evaluate XPath expression containing Java and EXSLT extension functions.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/05/31
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing patch for issue XALANJ-2121, which is that some empty attributes of some HTML elements are note serialized as empty.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/05/31
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Putting static iniitialization of HTML element/attribute information in a static method, which is invoked from a static { ...} block. No real difference, but slowly inching this code towards adding a ToXHTMLStream class that extends ToXMLStream, but uses methods in ToHTMLStream.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/05/31
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Added "nowrap" as an empty attribute for elements <div> <src> and <tr> as these are either Netscape or Internet-Explorer extensions. This is patch3 from XALANJ-2121.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/06/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer OutputPropertiesFactory.java ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patcth for JIRA XALANJ-2093. Adding a xalan:line-separator extension output attribute.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Parser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMsg.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DefaultErrorHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2134. Change the error handling behavior to be conformant with the requirement from JAXP 1.3 that the default ErrorListener will report all warnings and errors to System.err and does not throw any Exceptions.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorInclude.java ProcessorLRE.java ProcessorStylesheetElement.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExtensionCall.java StylesheetRoot.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java TransformerImpl.java TrAXFilter.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DOMHelper.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2136. Support the secure processing feature in Xalan interpretive. When this feature is set to true, the following XML processing limits are applied:
    1. extension functions and extension elements are disabled.
    2. parsers created by the XSLT processor also have the secure processing feature set to true.
    A new option -secure is added to the Process command line to enable the secure processing feature.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources entities.ent xalan-jlocal.xml xalan-jsite.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan features.xml samples.xml xpath_apis.xml
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2124. Update the online documentation to include descriptions on the new JAXP 1.3 features:
    1. Add a new "XPath API" page to provide a complete guide on how to use the XPath API in JAXP 1.3. Details on basic usage patterns, factory plugin mechanism, how to use NamespaceContext, XPathVariableResolver and XPathFunctionResolver.
    2. Document the secure processing feature in the features page.
    3. Describe three new XPath API related samples in the samples page.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/META-INF/services javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
    Committer's log entry: Service provider file for javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/XPathAPI ExtensionTest.java numlist.xml
    Committer's log entry: xml and extension java source for the ExtensionFunctionResolver sample.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src MANIFEST.MF manifest.xalan-interpretive manifest.xsltc
    Committer's log entry: Update manifest files for jaxp version and remove entry for org.w3c.dom.xpath.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml xml-xalan/java/bin xml-apis.jar xml-xalan/java/src xml-commons-external-1.2.01-src.tar.gz xml-commons-external-1.3.01-src.tar.gz
    Committer's log entry: Update the source and binary of xml-apis.jar.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNodeProxy.java
    Committer's log entry: Java docs cleanup. Remove the word "Experimental" for DOM Level 3 spec and update the URI link. Also remove the obsolete methods that are replaced by new ones.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils UnImplNode.java
    Committer's log entry: Cleanup javadocs on DOM Level 3 spec. Update the uri and remove obsolete methods. The getVersion() method in org.w3c.dom.Node is replaced by getXmlVersion().

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Add xml-apis.jar to boot classpath to fix a build problem with JDK 1.4.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltDatetime.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2076. Fix a bug in date:month-in-year.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2005/06/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xercesImpl.jar
    Committer's log entry: New xercesImpl.jar from the official Xerces-J 2.7.0 release.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2005/06/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/res XMLErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Cleanup resource files. Remove unused constants and commented out message keys. Fix for bug XALANJ-2161 Patch is reviewed by Sarah McNamara (mcnamara@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/07/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Jira issue XALANJ-1978. Reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).
    Behaviour of StreamResult.getSystemId has changed if the Result object was created using a File. The URI returned begins with "file:/" where it used to begin with "file:///". TransformerIdentityImpl had a dependency on the old behaviour.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLSAXHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch2 from XALANJ-2023.
    Submitted by Ken Weiner, reviewed, approved, applied by Brian Minchau.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Changing "<!DOCTYPE HTML" to "<!DOCTYPE html" to be more xhtml friendly. Applying the patch in XALANJ-2103 that was created by Brian Minchau and reviewed/approved by Joanne Tong.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltDatetime.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2099 provided by Morris Kwan and reviewed by me. According to the EXSLT doc the extension date:day-abbreviation() should output a three-letter English day abbreviation: one of 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu' or 'Fri'. (See http://exslt.org/date/functions/day-abbreviation/index.html)

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2143. Javadoc improvement for TransformerImpl.setOutputProperty(name,value).

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan usagepatterns.xml
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2142 - correction for the xalan namespace URI. Patch provided by Brian Minchau and reviewed by Sarah McNamara.
    Patch for XALANJ-2144 - incorrect use of the word "concurrently" when referring to the XPath module.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/licenses BCEL.LICENSE.txt LICENSE.DOM-documentation.html LICENSE.DOM-software.html LICENSE-SAX.html regexp.LICENSE.txt runtime.LICENSE.txt serializer.LICENSE.txt serializer.NOTICE.txt xalan.LICENSE.txt xalan.NOTICE.txt xercesImpl.LICENSE.txt xercesImpl.NOTICE.txt xml-apis.LICENSE.txt xml-apis.NOTICE.txt
    Committer's log entry: Creation of the xml-xalan/java/licenses directory which contains all licenses required for the Xalan Java (interpretive and compiled) runtime jars and its dependencies. Most of these files have been moved here from xml-xalan/java/bin. The serializer files are new for the Xalan Java 2.7 release (fixes XALANJ-1977). The xercesImpl.LICENSE.txt and xml-apis.LICENSE.txt now reflect ASL v2.0. This change was reviewed and approved in XALANJ-2170 by Christine Li.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/lib xercesImpl.jar xercesImpl.README.txt xml-apis.jar xml-apis.README.txt BCEL.jar BCEL.README.txt regexp.jar regexp.README.txt runtime.jar runtime.README.txt
    Committer's log entry: Creation of the xml-xalan/java/lib directory which contains all runtime library dependencies (jars) required by Xalan Java (interpretive and compiled) runtime These files have been moved here from xml-xalan/java/bin.
    This change was reviewed and approved in XALANJ-2170 by Christine Li.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/tools ant.jar ant.LICENSE.txt ant.README.txt antRun antRun.bat java_cup.jar java_cup.LICENSE.txt java_cup.README.txt JLex.jar JLex.LICENSE.txt JLex.README.txt stylebook-1.0-b3_xalan-2.jar stylebook-1.0-b3_xalan-2.LICENSE.txt stylebook-1.0-b3_xalan-2.README.txt xalan2jdoc.jar xalan2jtaglet.jar
    Committer's log entry: Creation of the xml-xalan/java/tools directory which contains all build time tools required by Xalan Java (interpretive and compiled) builds, including documentation builds. These tools are not required at runtime.
    These files have been moved here from xml-xalan/java/bin.
    This change was reviewed and approved in XALANJ-2170 by Christine Li.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java serializer.README.txt xalan.README.txt
    Committer's log entry: New readme files for the xalan.jar and serializer.jar. This change was reviewed and approved in XALANJ-2170 by Christine Li.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.bat build.sh build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Updates to the build scripts and Ant build.xml file to accomodate the restructuring of the tools and runtime libraries in xml-xalan/java/tools and xml-xalan/java/lib. Also changes to build.xml to reflect upcoming Xalan Java 2.7.0 (version number) changes.
    This change was reviewed and approved in XALANJ-2170 by Christine Li.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/AppletXMLtoHTML client.html README.html xml-xalan/java/samples/ApplyXPathDOM ApplyXPathDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Doc changes for Xalan Java 2.7.0 release. This change was reviewed and approved in XALANJ-2170 by Christine Li.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/domapi XPathEvaluatorImpl.java XPathExpressionImpl.java XPathNSResolverImpl.java XPathResultImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Version.src xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources entities.src xalan-jlocal.xml xalan-jsite.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan commandline_xsltc.xml commandline.xml downloads.xml extensions.xml extensionslib.xml faq.xml features.xml getstarted.xml index.xml overview.xml public_apis.xml resources.xml samples.xml trax.xml usagepatterns.xml whatsnew.xml xpath_apis.xml xsltc_usage.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xsltc README.xslt README.xsltc
    Committer's log entry: Doc changes for Xalan Java 2.7.0 release. This change was reviewed and approved in XALANJ-2170 by Christine Li.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.src xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Doc changes for Xalan Java 2.7.0 release. This change was reviewed and approved in XALANJ-2170 by Christine Li.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2005/07/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils XMLString.java XMLStringDefault.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XString.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-2176 reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).
    Replaced characters in Javadoc comments that were encoded in ISO-8859-1 with HTML character entity references. This avoids any problems with editors, IDEs or versions of javac that make faulty assumptions about source encodings.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2005/07/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: XALANJ-2113
    Submitted by: John Gentilin
    Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2005/07/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XString.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: XALANJ-2114
    Submitted by: John Gentilin
    Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro

  • Committed by mcnamara@ca.ibm.com on 2005/07/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncSystemProperty.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for XALANJ-936. Reviewed by Yash Talwar.

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xml-apis.jar
    Committer's log entry: Update xml-apis.jar to xml-commons-external-1.3.02 version.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2005/07/27
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql JNDIConnectionPool.java
    java/samples/extensions/sql/basic-connection dbinfo.xml dbtest.xsl DumpSQL.xsl dbtest-cinfo.xsl
    java/samples/extensions/sql/ext-connection dbtest.xsl ExternalConnection.java
    java/samples/extensions/sql/pquery dbinfo.xml
    java/samples/extensions/sql/streamable cachedNodes.xsl streamNodes.xsl pivot.xsl
    java/samples/extensions/sql GETTING_STARTED.txt runDerby.bat runXalan.sh createdb.sql runDerby.sh runXalan.bat
    Committer's log entry: PR: XALANJ-2172
    Obtained from: Eric Everman
    Submitted by: Eric Everman / John Gentilin
    Reviewed by: Yash Talwar

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/07/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xercesImpl.jar
    Committer's log entry: New xercesImpl.jar from the official Xerces-J 2.7.1 release.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/08/03
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToTextStream.java Encodings.properties ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java EncodingInfo.java ToXMLStream.java Encodings.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing patch for XALANJ-2087. This is a fix for correctly deciding if a character is in an encoding or not, so we write it as is, or as an entity.
    The old code had a concept of a maximum character in the encoding, and assumed that all characters less than that unicode value were in the encoding. New code uses the underlying Java libarary, but caches results for performance.
    Patch was reviewed/approved by Yash Talwar (see XALANJ-2087).

  • Committed by mcnamara@apache.org on 2005/08/04
    Modified: java/samples/extensions/sql/show-error invalidQuery.xsl invalidPQuery.xsl invalidConn.xsl
    Committer's log entry: Updates for the SQL samples (part of the fix for XALANJ-2172). Patch provided by John Gentilin and reviewed by Sarah McNamara.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2005/08/04
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java EncodingInfo.java
    java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils SerializerMessages.java MsgKey.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing XALANJ-2181. When the requested encoding is not supported by the JDK no warning is given,... this fix adds an error message.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2005/08/05
    Modified: java/samples/extensions/sql/ext-connection ExternalConnection.java
    java/xdocs/sources/xalan samples.xml
    java/samples/extensions/sql runDerby.bat runXalan.sh runDerby.sh runXalan.bat runExtConnection.bat runExtConnection.sh
    java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DefaultConnectionPool.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: XALANJ-2183.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.6.0

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/11/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc DOM.java Translet.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler SyntaxTreeNode.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ResultTreeType.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AdaptiveResultTreeImpl.java DOMAdapter.java DOMWSFilter.java MultiDOM.java SAXImpl.java SimpleResultTreeImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref ExpandedNameTable.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch from Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com), reviewed by myself, with a tweak or two from myself, reviewed by Morris.

    Split namesArray in translet into three arrays: namesArray, urisArray and typesArray.

    Previously, entries in the namesArray had to be examined at run-time to distinguish those that represented elements, from those that represented attributes (prefixed by an '@'), and those that represented namespace node names (prefixed by a '?'). In addition, any namespace URI for the element or attribute was similarly stored in the namesArray entry. So, "http://example.org:abc" and "http://example.org:@abc" respectively represented an element and an attribute named abc in the http://example.org namespace; "?abc" represented a namespace prefix of abc.

    With this change, the namesArray will have entries for "abc" in all three cases; the urisArray will contain entries for "http://example.org" for the element and attribute, and an empty string for the namespace prefix; and the typesArray will contain the value 1 for the element, 2 for the attribute and 13 for the namespace (which correspond to the DTM constant values for those kinds of nodes).

    In addition, these values are stored in static arrays in the translet, and references to those arrays are copied to instance fields in the translet's constructor, rather than constructing arrays and initializing all their entries in the constructor each time.

    All this serves to reduce the overhead of initializing a transformation.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/11/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer NamespaceMappings.java

    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Brian Minchau

    Just indentation and whitespace changes in the code (trying to get Apache head and the xslt2.0-compiled branches closer).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/11/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToTextStream.java

    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 24278

    Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/11/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemLiteralResult.java

    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 24423

    Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/11/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer SerializerBase.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java

    Committer's log entry: Submitted by: Brian Minchau

    Just indentation and whitespace changes in the code (trying to get Apache head and the xslt2.0-compiled branches closer).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/11/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java

    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 24958

    Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2003/12/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/TransformThread TransformThread.java foo0.xml foo0.xsl foo1.xml foo1.xsl xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan samples.xml

    Committer's log entry: Transform Thread sample. Submitted by Richard Cao.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TrAXFilter.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils XMLReaderManager.java

    Committer's log entry: Moved code for caching XMLReader objects from XSLTC's TransformerFactoryImpl to a new org.apache.xml.utils.XMLReaderManager class.

    It is now the responsibility of the DTMManagerDefault class to request one of these cached XMLReader objects, so the benefit of reusing an XMLReader is now conferred upon both XSLTC and Xalan-J Interpretive, as well as upon references to the document() function.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ObjectFactory.java

    Committer's log entry: Factored out part of ObjectFactory's createObject method into separately callable lookUpFactoryClass and lookUpFactoryClassName methods. This allows the caller to cache the Class object that provides a service at an appropriate level, and create new instances of that class at will, rather than going through the expensive service provider look-up procedure for each and every object created.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/12/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Encodings.java

    Committer's log entry: Reflection code to load sun.io.CharToByteConverter is now wrapped in a privileged action. This is needed when user code is run without the required permssions.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml xml-xalan/java/bin xml-apis.jar xml-xalan/java/src xml-commons-src.tar.gz xml-commons-external-1.2.01-src.tar.gz

    Committer's log entry: Upgrading to xml-commons-external-1.2.01 release, and moving to new naming convention for xml-commons source file.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2003/12/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Encodings.java

    Committer's log entry: Avoid RuntimeException(Throwable) as it is only available in JDK 1.4.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemVariable.java ElemWithParam.java

    Committer's log entry: Applying patch from Richard Cao (richcao@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug report 797.

    Added code that checks whether an xsl:param, xsl:variable or xsl:with-param has both a select attribute and content. Also, new test case to test for message in case of xsl:with-param, and updated messages in existing tests for xsl:param and xsl:variable.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer NodeSorter.java

    Committer's log entry: Applying patch from Richard Cao (richcao@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug report 5761. Removed code that caused keys to be ignored when they select an empty set of values.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xercesImpl.jar

    Committer's log entry: Upgrading to version 2.6.0 of Xerces-Java.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java

    Committer's log entry: Added a finally block for SAXSource/StreamSource case in order to ensure that any XMLReader is released to the XMLReader cache.

    Thanks to Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com) for catching this bug when she reviewed my changes to where caching of XMLReaders was handled, and the DTM plugability changes for XSLTC.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ObjectFactory.java

    Committer's log entry: Created a named constant for "META-INF/services" string.

  • Committed by rameshm@apache.org on 2003/12/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StopParseException.java StylesheetPIHandler.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils StopParseException.java StylesheetPIHandler.java

    Committer's log entry: Moving classes that are used between Xalan interpretive and XSLTC ( StylesheetPIHandler and StopParseException ) to xml/utils package . Making the required modifications to accomadate this change.

    Submitted by: Bhakti Mehta ( bhakti.mehta@sun.com )

    Reviewed by: Ramesh Mandava

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/12/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ObjectFactory.java

    Committer's log entry: Fixed a bug I injected recently - missing slash between 'META-INF/services' and service name.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/01/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates RedundentExprEliminator.java XSLTVisitor.java

    Committer's log entry: Made methods in this class public, as is the case in the XPathVisitor class that it extends. Having the class be public, but none of the methods public isn't helpful.

    Contributed by Warwick Burrows (wburrows@us.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/01/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates RedundentExprEliminator.java XSLTVisitor.java

    Committer's log entry: Updating the copyright dates to reflect recent modifications.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/01/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml

    Committer's log entry: Updating build copyright year.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/01/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemLiteralResult.java ElemTextLiteral.java

    Committer's log entry: PR: 26169
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Flushed serialier before emitting trace event in ElemeTextLiteral and ElemLiteralResult.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/01/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml

    Committer's log entry: Add TransformThread sample to xalansamples.jar.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2RTFDTM.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 25442. Record the initial empty sizes of the various vectors in the DTM, and use those sizes as the defaults in popRewindMark. The code originally assumed that these vectors had default sizes of zero, but that's not true in the case of m_data, which reserves entry zero.

    Reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 19464. A reworked patch, move the push statements to the beginning of try block and added a flag to make sure that there is always something to pop Reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes UnionPathIterator.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 26019. detach location path iterators happens only when allowDetach flag is true. Reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorExsltFunction.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 18351. xsl:message instruction is allowed inside func:function. It doesn't construct nodes as part of the result. Reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix bugzilla bug report 18351. Set allowDetachToRelease flag to false, which allow caching of the arguments Reviewed by Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/02/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemAttribute.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla Bug 26075.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/02/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla Bug 25416.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemTemplateElement.java

    Committer's log entry: Applying Joanne Tone's (joannet@ca.ibm.com) patch for bugzilla bug report 26030.

    Do not suppress Xalan specified extension element namespace, unless they are declared as extension element namespaces by users.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 26829. Modified build.xml to add xalanj2taglet.jar to Xalan source distribution Contributed by Sarah McNamara (mcnamara@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerExsltFunction.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExsltFunction.java ElemExsltFuncResult.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 24302. Fields in the object representing an EXSLT function element (ElemExsltFunction) were being used to store execution state information for references to that function. That caused problems with multi-threaded code that used Transformer objects created from the same Templates object - each Transformer shares the same instances of ElemExsltFunction.

    The fix was to replace the fields ElemExsltFunction.m_result and ElemExsltFunction.m_isResultSet with a new ObjectStack field in TransformerImpl named m_currentFuncResult.

    Also, changed how VariableStack was being updated in the execute method for a function reference - this change was modelled on equivalent code in ElemCallTemplate.

    Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemParam.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 24302. Changed condition under which the parent element's m_inArgsSize field is incremented - that field keeps track of the number of xsl:param children an element has. This was only happening for ElemTemplate, but it needs to happen for ElemExsltFunction, which is a subclass of ElemTemplate, as well.

    Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/02/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Sort.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecord.java NodeSortRecordFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils LocaleUtility.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla Bug 26842.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/02/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecord.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils StringComparable.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla Bug 1396.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/02/17
    Modified: Most files in the Xalan Java cvs repository (too many to list)

    Committer's log entry: New Apache 2.0 license update.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/02/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemForEach.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java

    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 26217
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro
    This is a javadoc update only. Programming instructions don't have a namespace, so make the PI with no namespace be "xalan-doc-cache-off" rather than "xalan:doc-cache-off"

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/02/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan faq.xml

    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 26217
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro
    Changed a ":" to a "-" in "xalan:doc-cache-off" in the FAQ. Programming instructions don't have a namespace, so make the PI with no namespace be "xalan-doc-cache-off" rather than "xalan:doc-cache-off".

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/02/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DOMBuilder.java

    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 15140
    Submitted by: patch submitted by Bruno Dumon (bruno@outerthought.org)
    Reviewed by: Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/02/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToXMLStream.java

    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 24304
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro
    Serialized XML no longer put a new line after the xml header unless indent="yes".

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/02/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemForEach.java

    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 16889
    Submitted by: Elson Jiang
    Reviewed by: Brian Minchau
    Fixes ElemForEach TraceListener bug.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/02/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java TransformerImpl.java

    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 23591
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro
    JAXP transformer.setOutputProperties(null); now not only doesn't get an exception, it also resets the internal state to flush out any previously accumulated properties as if the transformer had just been created.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/02/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer OutputPropertiesFactory.java ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java ToXMLStream.java

    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 25816
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau
    Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro
    Make default properties returned by serializer factory immutable.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2004/02/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Redirect.java

    Committer's log entry: Javadoc update only.
    PR: bugzilla 26742
    Submitted by: Brian Minchau

    Changed old invalid URI for xmlns:xsl to the correct one for XSLT 1.0. The old value was before the XSLT 1.0 recommendation and appeared only in a javadoc example. But it did confuse me when I tried to run the example in the javadoc.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils PrefixResolverDefault.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 24979. Fix for DOM XPath API, any element has an implicit declaration of its own prefix, which is enforced during namespace serialization.

    Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2004/02/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java

    Committer's log entry: Code cleaning and optimization for copy and copy-of. Discussed with Henry Zongaro.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml xml-xalan/java/src MANIFEST.MF manifest.xsltc

    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for Bugzilla bug report 24728 from Sarah McNamara (mcnamara@ca.ibm.com).

    Use Ant's filtering capabilities to place appropriate "created-by" information into the MANIFEST.MF file of the jar that's being built.

  • Committed by jycli@apache.org on 2004/02/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TrAXFilter.java

    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla bug report 22376. When a TrAXFilter has a parent, should set itself as the EntityResolver, DTDHandler and ErrorHandler for it's parent to keep the filter chain, instead of always use the default EntityResolver, DTDHandler and ErrorHandler

    The patch is submitted by Werner Donne (werner.donne@re.be)

  • Committed by aruny@apache.org on 2004/02/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DOMBuilder.java

    Committer's log entry: Description : Copying the patch from jaxp-1_3_0-branch to main trunk. When there is no mark up inside element content, text should be contained in single TEXT node.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemAttribute.java ElemElement.java ElemPI.java ElemTemplateElement.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler ApplyTemplates.java AttributeSet.java Copy.java DecimalFormatting.java Key.java LiteralElement.java Output.java ProcessingInstruction.java Template.java XslAttribute.java XslElement.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java ErrorMsg.java Util.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime BasisLibrary.java ErrorMessages.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils XMLChar.java

    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla bug report 24988 from Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com) reviewed by myself.

    Changes required to test whether an attribute value that is required to be a QName, NCName or whitespace-separated list of QNames actually meets that requirement.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xercesImpl.jar

    Committer's log entry: Upgrading to version 2.6.2 of Xerces-Java.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2004/02/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java

    Committer's log entry: Part of patch for bug report 24985. Ensure that m_size is set to zero in setStartNode methods of AncestorIterator and TypedAncestorIterator. The way getLast() is implemented resulted in setStartNode being called twice in some circumstances, with the nodes from the second call being included as additional (though duplicate) ancestors. Clearing m_size avoids that.

    Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.5.2

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java Version.src
    Committer's log entry: Generate values for Version information from constants in the build script. (Adapted from xml-commons build script for the resolver.) New file Version.src (in org.apache.xalan) is copied into Version.java with version constants from build script plugged in. Deprecated XSLProcessorVersion class can be removed.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Generate values for Version information from constants in the build script. (Adapted from xml-commons build script for the resolver.) New file Version.src (in org.apache.xalan) is copied into Version.java with version constants from build script plugged in. Deprecated XSLProcessorVersion class can be removed. Also, updated build clean target to delete Version.java, so it will be regenerated in the next build.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan faq.xml overview.xml whatsnew.xml xsltc_usage.xml
    Committer's log entry: Documentation patch to correct typos, contributed by Glen Mazza (glenmazza@yahoo.com).

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/06/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan faq.xml getstarted.xml history.xml index.xml samples.xml trax.xml usagepatterns.xml
    Committer's log entry: Documentation update: Replaced all occurrences of TRaX with the properly capitalized TrAX.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java
    Committer's log entry: Speed up CharInfo.isSpecial() by replacing its internal use of java.util.BitSet with a more tuned bitset. Also sped up the common case of this method for ASCII values (0-126) by saving booleans in a cached array rather than looking them up via their bits in the bitset. Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Speed up ToStream.characters(char[] , int, int) method by caching commonly calculated boolean expression for characters in the range (0-126) in an array in CharInfo. Also move a whitespace check out of the loop that processes characters and into a separate loop. Most of the time this whitspace checking loop will end early and speed up the other loop which no longer checks for whitespace with every character. Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer WriterToUTF8Buffered.java
    Committer's log entry: Performance improvement of WriterToUTF8Buffered.characters(char[],int,int); 1. Reduced the number of checks for buffer overflow from 2 to 1 most of the time by nesting the checks. 2. Used local variables for the array reference and count of characters stored in the buffer to make the loop faster. 3. Added an additional tight loop for better optimization. Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java ToTextStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Changing firePseudoAttributes() to firePseudoElement() which is for debugger tooling. Now both the whole start of the element-tag e.g. <abc attr1="val1" attr2="val2" will appear as output that might be written out, rather than just the attributes. Submitted by: Gordon Chiu Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToTextStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Change to use a local variable to hold the reference to m_writer (minor change for performance). Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java ToXMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed references to m_writer to a local writer variable in a number of places (a minor performance improvement). Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Made ToStream.characters(char[], int, int) not bail out early if the length was 0 characters, but do all processing. This forces the close of any open start tag. Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/06/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Igor Hersht for Bug 19770. getFirstAttributeIdentity should check that argument is not equal to DTM.NULL prior to calling _type2 method - that method assumes that the argument is not NULL. Added comments to that effect to _type2, _parent2, _firstch2, _nextsib2 and _exptype2.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/06/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMAxisIteratorBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for the general case of bugzilla 20685: DTMAxisIteratorBase#cloneIterator() was not setting clones to be non-restartable.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch contributed by Glen Mazza (glenmazza@yahoo.com): Fixing a typo in the command line help.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan commandline.xml samples.xml trax.xml usagepatterns.xml
    Committer's log entry: Patch contributed by Glen Mazza (glenmazza@yahoo.com) for bugzilla 20625: Fixing some documentation typos.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java ToTextStream.java ToUnknownStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from myself and Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com): Added serializer trace mechanisms to flush trace pseudo characters for start tag before attributes are added. Fixed serializer trace to generate correct pseudo characters for html attributes.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2003/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: A little code clean up, introduce the SQLQueryParser to handle variables better. Added code by Art Welsh to hande the Set/get Feature routine

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2003/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLQueryParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Added code by Art Welsh to hande the inline variable parser. SQL Statements can describe an XSL variable name along with its type inside the statement instead of using the addParameter methods.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2003/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLErrorDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Added code by Art Welsh to hande full errors, where multiple warning stattments wll be output into the error document

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2003/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Added code by Art Welsh to hande multiple result sets and Callable statements.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2003/06/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql QueryParameter.java
    Committer's log entry: Added code by Art Welsh to handle more of the SQL Types, and other attributes about the parameter. such as IsOutput and the Name for XSL Variable reference

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java ToSAXHandler.java ToTextStream.java ElemContext.java SerializerBase.java ToHTMLSAXHandler.java ToStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java ToXMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Moved a number of serializer instance variables into ElemContext, which is a stack to push/pop such values in unison. This makes the code clearer and less error prone and probably marginally (0.001%) faster. Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/06/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Fixing a build issue for JDKs that include XSLTC (specifically, the JavaCupRedirect class) but not java_cup.jar. Need to put java_cup.jar and runtime.jar on the bootclasspath.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java SimpleResultTreeImpl.java XSLTCDTMManager.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax XSLTCSource.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTM.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java DTMDocumentImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: Implement a "DTM migration" feature, which allows a DTM that is built with an old DTMManager to be migrated to a new DTMManager. This is to support DTM sharing between multiple transformations.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java EmptySerializer.java ExtendedContentHandler.java ToHTMLStream.java ToSAXHandler.java ToTextStream.java ToUnknownStream.java ToXMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Added addUniqueAttribute() method for optimization purposes. The serializer may write out this attribute straight away with little processing becuase the caller guarantees that the value has these qualities: 1) Value is unique, i.e. will not be changed by other addAttribute() calls. 2) Value is ASCII 3) Value does not contain quot (34) amp (38) lt (60) gt (62) Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Morris Kwan

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler LiteralAttribute.java LiteralElement.java Output.java Stylesheet.java Text.java XslAttribute.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util MethodGenerator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ElemDesc.java
    Committer's log entry: Performance improvement for XSLTC Implement a compiler-assisted serialization feature. Generate code to make use of the new addUniqAttribute(String name, String value, int flags) interface in SerializationHandler. The compiler does more static analysis on attributes of literal elements and passes the additional information to the serializer via a bit-encoded flag. The additional information includes whether this attribute is unique, whether its value has bad characters (something needs to be escaped), whether it is a HTML URI or empty attribute. If the attribute is unique, the serializer can write out the attribute right away, without having to accumulate it in an internal table. If it also does not contain bad characters, then escaping is not needed. All these information speeds up the serializer on writing the attributes out.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLSAXHandler.java ToHTMLStream.java ToSAXHandler.java ToTextStream.java ToUnknownStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java ToXMLStream.java SerializerBase.java ToStream.java ToTextSAXHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed code like this: String s; ... char[] array = s.toCharArray(); To this: final int length = s.length(); if (length > m_charsBuff.length) { m_charsBuff = new char[length * 2 + 1]; } char[] array = m_charsBuff; // re-use "array" but use "length" for the // number of characters in the array. This shows a 2% performance improvement for some XSLTC/HTML testcases. Of course some transformations may do betterthan this, and some worse, but all should be faster. The performance should also get marginally better for transformations that spend their time writing out attributes. It runs marginally faster because the helper character buffer, m_charsBuffer is re-used rather than a new one being created each time. Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref ExpandedNameTable.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for problem in ExpandedNameTable (bugzilla 21087).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltStrings.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem in EXSLT align function (bugzilla 19890).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils Trie.java
    Committer's log entry: Sped up the Trie.get(String) method by about a factor of 2. This was done by: 1) Not using string.charAt(i) when looping through the characters, but rather using string.getChars(0, len, array, 0) and looping over the array. 2) Special casing the lookup in get(String key) for 0,1,2 or more characters 3) Putting the objects into the Trie considering the key as case insensitive at the time of putting the objects in, rather than at the time of taking them out. 4) Not using a try/catch in the search loop to test if an index is out of bounds, but testing if the character value is less than 128. Thanks to Gordon Chiu for optimization 1) and Henry Zongaro for 3) and 4). Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/06/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath NodeSet.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from John Lambe (john.lambe@openjawtech.com) for bugzilla 20819 with some modifications. removeElement() and removeElementAt() were not removing nodes correctly.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/06/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemIf.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor change to firing of trace events from xsl:if. xsl:for-each now fires one trace event plus one for every iteration. xsl:if should fire one regardless of whether or not the expression evaluates true or false. Related to discussion on bug 11414.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/06/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncCurrent.java
    Committer's log entry: Applied Igor Hersht's (igorh@ca.ibm.com) patch for Bugzilla bug 10900. Fixed up algorithm for determining the result of the current() function to avoid NullPointerException.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/07/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src MANIFEST.MF manifest.xsltc xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan downloads.xml xml-xalan/java/bin java_cup.jar runtime.jar
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Sarah McNamara (mcnamara@ca.ibm.com) Moving java_cup.jar and runtime.jar from v0.10j to the latest version: v0.10k.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/07/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes UnionChildIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla 20909. Need to fix-up variables for PredicatedNodeTest sub-iterators in UnionChildIterator. Variables in the m_nodeTests expressions were not 'fixed up'.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/07/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: Adding missing trace events for xsl:with-param. Trace events for xsl:with-param are fired as the parameter expressions are executed.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/07/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemCallTemplate.java
    Committer's log entry: Adding missing trace events for ElemWithParam as used in xsl:call-template. Trace events for xsl:with-param are fired as the expression is executed.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/07/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer NamespaceMappings.java ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java ToTextStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Patches for bugzilla 20841 and 21039. PR: 20841, 21039 Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/07/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch from David Bertoni (bertoni@us.ibm.com) for bug 20920. The code for xsl:element was copying all accessible namespace declarations to the result, but that's something that should only happen for literal result elements.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/07/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 21423 PR: 21423 Bug caused by an optimization where the element name was not remembered if the HTML tag was empty and the endElement() call was coming right away. But XSLTC injected startNamespaceAfterElement() in the middle, and it needed the element name, So startElement() records the element name in the ElemContext even though the context is soon going away. Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/07/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Reduce the indentation level of end-element tags by 1 level. PR: bugzilla 21449 Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/07/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java WriterToUTF8.java WriterToUTF8Buffered.java
    Committer's log entry: WriterToUTF8Buffered is now faster because it uses a character array rather than a series of string.charAt(i) calls. Other changes were also made to this class. Performance gains are when writing to an output stream that has UTF-8 encoding. WriterToUTF8 (not buffered) is deleted. On analysis, its slow feature was that it didn't buffer and so it suffered many calls to the underlying OutputStream. The more work that was done to this class to speed it up, the more it looked like WriterToUTF8Buffered. PR: bugzilla 21452 Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/07/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 17630 (method keys for extension functions are not unique).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/07/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer WriterToUTF8Buffered.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to WriterToUTF8Buffered to ALWAYS buffer regardless of the size of the input char array or String. This is achieved by logically cutting the input into chunks, each of which will not blow the internal byte buffer, and calling itself recursively. PR: bugzilla 21491 Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2003/07/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLQueryParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed NPE bug with inline variables

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/07/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 21697: processAttributes always called writeAttrString with m_writer, regardless of which writer was passed to it. Now always using the passed writer.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/07/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java KEYS
    Committer's log entry: Adding my public key.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/07/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates FuncFormatNumb.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch from Igor Hersht (igorh@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug 6155. Prior to looking up an unnamed decimal format, the FuncFormatNumb.execute method was calling the stylesheet's getDecimalFormatCount method to save the cost of the look-up, in the event the result was zero. The problem is that that method only returns the number of decimal-formats prior to composition of multiple stylesheets into a single stylesheet, so it was incorrectly returning zero always. Now, the FuncFormatNumb.execute always performs the look-up.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/07/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes DescendantIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 21713: need to check m_allowDetach before detach()ing an iterator of type DescendantIterator. (Thanks to Morris Kwan for reviewing this patch.)

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/07/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src xml-commons-src.tar.gz xml-xalan/java/bin xml-apis.jar
    Committer's log entry: Updating with latest code from the tck-jaxp_1_2_0 branch of xml-commons which contains the SAX 2.0.1 code.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/08/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Made a couple of improvements to startElement and endElement to cache m_elemContext in a local variable. Also, replaced calls to ElemDesc.is with a single call to ElemDesc.getFlags, and used inline code to check flag settings. Reviewed by Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/08/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ElemDesc.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a getFlags() method to allow all flags on an ElemDesc object to be retrieved at once, rather than forcing multiple calls to ElemDesc.is(int). Also, marked class final. Reviewed by Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/08/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xml-apis.jar xml-xalan/java/src xml-commons-src.tar.gz
    Committer's log entry: Backing out SAX 2.0.1 xml-apis to the level used in XalanJ 2.5.1.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2003/08/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla Bug 21893

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/08/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 19591 Submitted by: Gordon Chiu Reviewed by: Brian Minchau Fixes a few methods in the ToStream serializer so that it outputs the DOCTYPE sooner and in the correct location. Thanks to Bruno Dumon for the nice test case and thanks to Gordon Chiu for the fix. - Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/08/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Utils.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 21309 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Utils.classForName(String classname) still throws a ClassNotFoundException rather than return null, but it doesn't cache the classname/null combination anymore if the classname is not loaded.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/08/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java ToTextStream.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 18907 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Patch has just been applied to main branch of CVS. Now ToStream.writeUTF16Surrogate(char c, char ch[], int i, int end) return nothing rather than the "i+1" that it had always returned, which was a bit confusing. This routine always processed 2 input characters and always returned "i+1" so why bother? There was no error in returning "i+1" because the situation in which this routine was called were always in a loop: for (int i=start; i < end; i++) { ... } so "i" was always incremented before going on to the next iteration. Any i++; after calling writeUTF16Surrogate() now means that 2 input characters have been processed, so there is no bug here (never was). The code is just clearer now. A bug has been fixed in ToStream.accumDefaultEscape() which used to mis-count how many input characters that it processed.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/08/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Encodings.properties
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 21300 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro The review was done via a discussion. Not too many requests are made to add encoding information to this property file. Doing one now and then is OK. A comment was added to the property file showing where to go to get information on ISO encodings. At this point a decision was made to NOT update the information en-mass, but wait for individual requests.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/08/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java Encodings.java OutputPropertiesFactory.java SerializerFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncSystemProperty.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandler.java ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler FunctionAvailableCall.java FunctionCall.java Parser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NodeSortRecord.java NodeSortRecordFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.java TemplatesImpl.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DefaultConnectionPool.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java Process.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ObjectType.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime TransletLoader.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMManager.java FactoryFinder.java SecuritySupport.java SecuritySupport12.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref CoroutineParser.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ObjectPool.java ObjectFactory.java SecuritySupport.java SecuritySupport12.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler FuncLoader.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ObjectPool.java ObjectFactory.java SecuritySupport.java SecuritySupport12.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying Igor Malinin's (igor@widespace.ee) patch for more convenient (centralized) classloading. See bugzilla #16675.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/08/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan overview.xml trax.xml
    Committer's log entry: A few minor doc updates.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/08/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a typepo in ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java. It should check for null instead of nonnull.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/08/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTElementProcessor.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla 12441. In forward-compatible mode, an unknown attribute should be ignored. Currently Xalan throws an exception. Reviewed by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/08/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed static method which was reading XSLTInfo.properties file and setting a system property for each property in the file. That code was not appropriate in a secure environment, and wasn't actually needed. Three of the properties were being set in support of the XSLT system-property function, but the implementation of that function didn't actually access the values from the system properties; the fourth was org.xml.sax.driver, which should be provided by the user's application or by the parser in a META-INF/services/org.xml.sax.driver file. Reviewed with Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/08/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: Removed property for org.xml.sax.driver. This is something that should be set by either the user's application code or by a META-INF/service/org.xml.sax.driver supplied with an XML parser. Xalan shouldn't be responsible for setting it. Reviewed with Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/08/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncSystemProperty.java SecuritySupport.java SecuritySupport12.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed the way XSLTInfo.properties file was being read to use SecuritySupport class instead. Added copies of SecuritySupport classes to this package as well. Reviewed with Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/08/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SecuritySupport.java SecuritySupport12.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed comments that referred to JAXP. Updated imports to avoid using wildcards, which is a practice Xalan-J has largely eschewed.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates FuncDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for bug 19297 from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com). The document() function must treat the second argument as a node-set; it should not permit an argument of any other type.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerJavaClass.java ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExtensionCall.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace ExtensionEvent.java TraceListenerEx3.java TraceManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Implemented extensions trace mechanism for Java extension calls. (http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xalan-dev&m=105715909512185&w=2) Added new interfaces to allow a trace listener to receive information about extension functions and elements that are called or executed. Placed hooks in subclasses of ExtensionHandler prior to and after invoking the resolved extension method. Adding missing trace event for ElemExtensionCall.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/08/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Sarah McNamara (mcnamara@ca.ibm.com). Removing JavaCupRedirect from the jar files. This class is only needed at build time, and causes build problems when placed on the bootclasspath (when bootclasspathing xalan.jar under JDK 1.4). See also (http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xalan-cvs&m=105637851030164&w=2)

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/09/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerExsltFunction.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Applied patch for bug 15090 from Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com). Added code to handle the case in which a referenced function is not found by reporting an error. Previously, a NullPointerException was the result.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2003/09/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla Bug 22777

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/09/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 21478 Submitted by: Christine Li Reviewed by: Brian Minchau Added message key ER_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED that maps to message (in English) "Function not supported!" so that an error message comes out rather than a crash.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2003/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla Bug 22808

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/09/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java ErrorMsg.java xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan commandline_xsltc.xml faq.xml xsltc_usage.xml
    Committer's log entry: Updated documentation to describe behaviour of XSLTC when the translet name specified by the user contains characters that are not permitted as part of a Java class name. Reviewed by Sarah McNamara (mcnamara@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/09/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer SerializerSwitcher.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Apply the patch from Richard Cao (richcao@ca.ibm.com) for bug 13082.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/09/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace PrintTraceListener.java
    Committer's log entry: Updating PrintTraceListener to print information about the recently added ExtensionEvents.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/09/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/Trace Trace.java
    Committer's log entry: Update Trace sample to allow tracing of extension calls, as well as optionally read the name of the stylesheet from the command line arguments.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/09/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan samples.xml usagepatterns.xml
    Committer's log entry: Documenting the addition of the ExtensionEvent trace event, as well as the Trace sample changes.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/09/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorUnknown.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExtensionCall.java ElemFallback.java ElemUnknown.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: Bugzilla 23089 Submitted by: Joanne Tong Reviewed by: Brian Minchau A slight rework of Joanne's patch made by Brian and now commited to CVS. Also just previosly commited was a testcase, extend06 created by Joanne (thank!).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/09/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch from Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug report 16311. After completing the relevant operations in applyTemplateToNode, the method was popping various pieces of the context off of stacks. However, in the case of the default template rule for text nodes, it was trying to pop variables off the stack, even though no variables had been pushed onto the stack.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/09/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler XPathParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch from Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug report 23200. The XPath syntax for a number is "Digits ('.' Digits?)? | '.' Digits". The XPath parser accepted anything accepted by the Java double literal syntax, including values using "E" exponential notation. The fix was to guard against any value using exponential notation.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/09/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources entities.ent xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan downloads.xml faq.xml history.xml index.xml resources.xml
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 23418 Submitted by: Sarah McNamara Reviewed by: Brian Minchau Updates to java/xdocs so that new webpages point to Apache Mirrors for distribution.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 22623 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro Tabs in HTML attribute values are now output as charater references.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExtensionCall.java ElemLiteralResult.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer EmptySerializer.java SerializationHandler.java ToHTMLSAXHandler.java ToSAXHandler.java ToStream.java ToTextStream.java ToUnknownStream.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 21471 Submitted by: Joanne Tong Reviewed by: Brian Minchau Stop some SAXExceptions from being quietly caught by the serializer.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/10/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Encodings.java SecuritySupport.java SecuritySupport12.java
    Committer's log entry: Propagated SecuritySupport and SecuritySupport12 classes to serializer package. Code in Encoding that uses Class.getResource should instead use SecuritySupport.getResourceAsStream. Reviewed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 22422 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Naeim Semsarilar (person reporting the problem) Get a system and public ID from the properties used to create a serializer and used them to call appropriate methods on the ToXMLSAXHandler.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTAttributeDef.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java Stylesheet.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler AttributeValueTemplate.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils Hashtree2Node.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 22342. Rename variables with name "enum". In JDK 1.5, enum is a keyword.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/10/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExpressionVisitor.java
    Committer's log entry: Apply the patch for bugzilla 14149 from Joanne Tong (joannet@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 23113 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Brian Minchau The reset() in ToStream did not reset a few fields to the original values that were obtained via " new ToStream() ". The applied patch fixes that.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 890 Submitted by: Richard Cao Reviewed by: Brian Minchau Make sure a non standard property has a key with only one '{' and only one '}' and that the '{' is first thing in the key.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/10/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug report 22880. When input comes from DOMSource, a TreeWalker object walks the DOM input and fires events to the ContentHandler for the result object, unless the DOM consists of only an Attribute node. In the case of an Attribute, the TreeWalker is not utilized, and just the character data is copied to the result. As part of the traversal of the DOM, the TreeWalker always fires startDocument and endDocument events. The code in the transform(Source,Result) method was redundantly firing those same events if the Node specified by the DOMSource was not a Document node. Instead, that should be left to the TreeWalker. The startDocument and endDocument events should only be fired in the transform method itself to complete the entirely local processing of Attribute nodes.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2003/10/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla Bug 7408. Submitrd by Richard Cao.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2003/10/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorDecimalFormat.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates DecimalFormatProperties.java KeyDeclaration.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla Bug 5972. Submitrd by Richard Cao.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2003/10/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTAttributeDef.java XSLTSchema.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla Bug 788. Submitted by Richard Cao.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java KEYS
    Committer's log entry: Added the public key of "Brian James Minchau" to the xml-xalan/java/KEYS file.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 16512 Submitted by: Richard Cao Reviewed by: Brian Minchau This bug has existed since the earth cooled (Mid 2000). Clearly 3 of 4 lines were commented out // if (x) // diagnositcsWriter.print(...)/ // else diagnosticsWriter.print(...); And it was printing a message that we were done, not in the spirit of quiet success. Richard Cao's patch is applied, the fourth line is now commented out as well.

  • Committed by igorh@apache.org on 2003/10/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates TemplateList.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Bugzilla Bug 789. Submitted by Richard Cao.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/10/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Richard Cao (richcao@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug 15700. Added additional check to prevent unrecognised elements from the XSLT namespace (or even recognized elements, other than xsl:stylesheet and xsl:transform) from appearing as the outermost element in a stylesheet.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xalan2jdoc.jar xalan2jtaglet.jar xml-xalan/java build.xml xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates AVT.java AVTPart.java Constants.java ElemApplyImport.java ElemApplyTemplates.java ElemAttribute.java ElemAttributeSet.java ElemCallTemplate.java ElemComment.java ElemCopy.java ElemCopyOf.java ElemElement.java ElemExtensionCall.java ElemExtensionScript.java ElemFallback.java ElemForEach.java ElemIf.java ElemLiteralResult.java ElemParam.java ElemSort.java ElemTemplateElement.java ElemText.java ElemWhen.java ElemWithParam.java FuncDocument.java KeyDeclaration.java StylesheetRoot.java AVTPartSimple.java AVTPartXPath.java DecimalFormatProperties.java ElemChoose.java ElemEmpty.java ElemExsltFunction.java ElemExtensionDecl.java ElemMessage.java ElemNumber.java ElemOtherwise.java ElemPI.java ElemTemplate.java ElemTextLiteral.java ElemUnknown.java ElemUse.java ElemValueOf.java ElemVariable.java FuncFormatNumb.java FuncKey.java TemplateList.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref CoroutineManager.java DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDocumentImpl.java DTMNamedNodeMap.java DTMNodeProxy.java DTMTreeWalker.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes AttributeIterator.java ChildIterator.java ChildTestIterator.java LocPathIterator.java OneStepIteratorForward.java WalkingIterator.java ContextNodeList.java DescendantIterator.java IteratorPool.java OneStepIterator.java RTFIterator.java SelfIteratorNoPredicate.java SubContextList.java UnionPathIterator.java WalkerFactory.java WalkingIteratorSorted.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLMessages.java XSLTErrorResources_en.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ClonerToResultTree.java Counter.java CountersTable.java DecimalToRoman.java KeyIterator.java KeyRefIterator.java KeyTable.java MsgMgr.java NodeSorter.java NodeSortKey.java NumeratorFormatter.java ResultNameSpace.java TransformerImpl.java TreeWalker2Result.java XSLInfiniteLoopException.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes AttributeIterator.java ChildIterator.java ChildTestIterator.java LocPathIterator.java OneStepIteratorForward.java WalkingIterator.java ContextNodeList.java DescendantIterator.java IteratorPool.java OneStepIterator.java RTFIterator.java SelfIteratorNoPredicate.java SubContextList.java UnionPathIterator.java WalkerFactory.java WalkingIteratorSorted.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltCommon.java ExsltDatetime.java ExsltDynamic.java ExsltMath.java ExsltSets.java ExsltStrings.java Extensions.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath Arg.java Expression.java FoundIndex.java NodeSet.java NodeSetDTM.java SourceTree.java VariableStack.java XPath.java XPathContext.java XPathException.java XPathFactory.java XPathProcessorException.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace EndSelectionEvent.java GenerateEvent.java PrintTraceListener.java SelectionEvent.java TraceListener.java TraceListenerEx.java TraceListenerEx2.java TraceListenerEx3.java TracerEvent.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncBoolean.java FuncCeiling.java FuncConcat.java FuncContains.java FuncCount.java FuncCurrent.java FuncDoclocation.java FuncExtElementAvailable.java FuncExtFunction.java FuncExtFunctionAvailable.java FuncFalse.java FuncFloor.java FuncGenerateId.java FuncId.java FuncLang.java FuncLast.java FuncLocalPart.java FuncNamespace.java FuncNormalizeSpace.java FuncNot.java FuncNumber.java FuncPosition.java FuncQname.java FuncRound.java FuncStartsWith.java FuncString.java FuncStringLength.java FuncSubstring.java FuncSubstringAfter.java FuncSubstringBefore.java FuncSum.java FuncSystemProperty.java Function.java Function2Args.java Function3Args.java FunctionDef1Arg.java FunctionMultiArgs.java FunctionOneArg.java FuncTranslate.java FuncTrue.java FuncUnparsedEntityURI.java WrongNumberArgsException.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources_ca.java XPATHErrorResources_cs.java XPATHErrorResources_de.java XPATHErrorResources_en.java XPATHErrorResources_fr.java XPATHErrorResources_hu.java XPATHErrorResources_it.java XPATHErrorResources_ja.java XPATHErrorResources_ko.java XPATHErrorResources_pl.java XPATHErrorResources_pt_BR.java XPATHErrorResources_sk.java XPATHErrorResources_sv.java XPATHErrorResources_zh_TW.java XPATHMessages.java XPATHErrorResources_es.java XPATHErrorResources_ru.java XPATHErrorResources_tr.java XPATHErrorResources_zh_CN.java XPATHErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils AttList.java BoolStack.java CharKey.java Constants.java DefaultErrorHandler.java DOM2Helper.java DOMBuilder.java DOMHelper.java ElemDesc.java Hashtree2Node.java IntStack.java IntVector.java ListingErrorHandler.java MutableAttrListImpl.java NameSpace.java NodeVector.java NSInfo.java ObjectPool.java ObjectStack.java ObjectVector.java PrefixResolver.java PrefixResolverDefault.java QName.java RawCharacterHandler.java StringBufferPool.java StringToIntTable.java StringToStringTable.java StringToStringTableVector.java StringVector.java SuballocatedByteVector.java SuballocatedIntVector.java SystemIDResolver.java TreeWalker.java Trie.java UnImplNode.java WrongParserException.java XMLCharacterRecognizer.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources_ca.java XPATHErrorResources_cs.java XPATHErrorResources_de.java XPATHErrorResources_en.java XPATHErrorResources_fr.java XPATHErrorResources_hu.java XPATHErrorResources_it.java XPATHErrorResources_ja.java XPATHErrorResources_ko.java XPATHErrorResources_pl.java XPATHErrorResources_pt_BR.java XPATHErrorResources_sk.java XPATHErrorResources_sv.java XPATHErrorResources_zh_TW.java XPATHMessages.java XPATHErrorResources_es.java XPATHErrorResources_ru.java XPATHErrorResources_tr.java XPATHErrorResources_zh_CN.java XPATHErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns FunctionPattern.java NodeTest.java StepPattern.java UnionPattern.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/res XMLErrorResources_en.java XMLMessages.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils/res XResourceBundle.java XResourceBundleBase.java XResources_cy.java XResources_de.java XResources_el.java XResources_en.java XResources_es.java XResources_fr.java XResources_he.java XResources_hy.java XResources_it.java XResources_ja_JP_A.java XResources_ja_JP_HA.java XResources_ja_JP_HI.java XResources_ja_JP_I.java XResources_ka.java XResources_ko.java XResources_sv.java XResources_zh_CN.java XResources_zh_TW.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/domapi XPathEvaluatorImpl.java XPathExpressionImpl.java XPathNamespaceImpl.java XPathNSResolverImpl.java XPathResultImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandler.java ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java ExtensionHandlerJava.java ExtensionHandlerJavaClass.java ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage.java ExtensionsTable.java XSLProcessorContext.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerUtils.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils/synthetic/reflection Constructor.java EntryPoint.java Field.java Member.java Method.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XBoolean.java XBooleanStatic.java XMLStringFactoryImpl.java XNodeSet.java XNull.java XNumber.java XObject.java XRTreeFrag.java XString.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorDecimalFormat.java ProcessorExsltFuncResult.java ProcessorExsltFunction.java ProcessorLRE.java ProcessorStylesheetDoc.java ProcessorUnknown.java StopParseException.java StylesheetHandler.java XSLProcessorVersion.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java FuncLoader.java Keywords.java OpCodes.java OpMapVector.java XPathParser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Variable.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/client XSLTProcessorApplet.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTM.java DTMDOMException.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils/synthetic Class.java JavaUtils.java SynthesisException.java TestDriver.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 20572 (javadoc generation failing under JDK 1.4) Submitted by: Richard Cao Reviewed by: Brian Minchau Did a further review and tested javadoc generation under JDK 1.4.1 and under 1.2.2

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/10/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/client XSLTProcessorApplet.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) for Bugzilla bug report 19823. Added code to use a Hashtable to keep track of parameters set for an applet. The old implementation allowed just one parameter to be specified for the transformation.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 20572 Submitted by: Richard Cao Reviewed by: Brian Minchau Richard added extra -breakiterator option when building javadoc for SDK 1.4 or higher to get rid of warning messaes when doing the build. This is a compatibility option.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToSAXHandler.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 23812 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro Fixes incorrect handling of CDATA by a ToXMLSAXHandler. The CDATA was defined by calls to the LexicalHandler methods: startCDATA() endCDATA() Henry would rather have a new flushPending() method which does not flush a generated endCDATA() call, but I copied the contents of flushPending() to the top of ToXMLSAXHandler.character(char[] chars, int off, int len) anyways. I didn't want to put a new flushPending() method on a SerializationHandler interface. I'm not completely happy with either choice so I left it as-was - bjm

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToSAXHandler.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 7205 Submitted by: Richard Cao Reviewed by: Brian Minchau/Henry Zongaro Do NOT have ToXMLSAXHandler always mirror namespaces given via startPrefixMapping("prefix1", "uri1") as attribute values of the form xmlns:prefix1="uri1"

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExpressionVisitor.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib PipeDocument.java ExsltCommon.java ExsltDatetime.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ConnectionPool.java ConnectionPoolManager.java DefaultConnectionPool.java DTMDocument.java ObjectArray.java PooledConnection.java QueryParameter.java XConnection.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExsltFuncResult.java ElemTemplateElement.java FuncDocument.java OutputProperties.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer AttributesImplSerializer.java EmptySerializer.java NamespaceMappings.java ToHTMLSAXHandler.java ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java ToTextSAXHandler.java ToUnknownStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java ToXMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 23983 Submitted by: Brian Minchau javadoc cleanup

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes AttributeIterator.java ChildIterator.java ChildTestIterator.java DescendantIterator.java LocPathIterator.java NodeSequence.java OneStepIterator.java OneStepIteratorForward.java SelfIteratorNoPredicate.java UnionPathIterator.java WalkingIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer package.html TransformerIdentityImpl.java TransformerImpl.java XalanProperties.java XalanTransformState.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java DTMNodeIterator.java DTMNodeProxy.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bugzilla 23983 Submitted by: Brian Minchau javadoc cleanup

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer SerializerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to make SerializerFactory return a serializer even if the only property specified is method="xml" PR: bugzilla 22025 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: John Meyer (bug originator)

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/23
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Encodings.properties ToTextStream.java java/src/org/apache/xml/res XMLErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: patch to emit emit error message for method="text" when output character not valid in the output encoding. PR: bug 795 Submitted by: Richard Cao Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/23
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemLiteralResult.java ElemUse.java
    Committer's log entry: Error message for testcase attribseterr07 PR: bug 782 Submitted by: Richard Cao Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/23
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java ToHTMLStream.java ToXMLStream.java ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: PR: bug 24025 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/23
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils QName.java java/src/org/apache/xml/res XMLErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Shouldn't be able to call a template with no prefix: PR: bug 3415 Submitted by: Richard Cao Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/10/23
    Modified: ava/src/org/apache/xalan/lib PipeDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: PipeDocument was not calling out.close() when done with the FileOutputStream "out". PR: bug 24013 Submitted by: Pierre Chardin (bug reporter) Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.5.1

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/04/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying Sarah McNamara's (mcnamara@ca.ibm.com) patches to update version numbers in XalanJ.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/04/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan commandline_xsltc.xml commandline.xml history.xml index.xml readme.xml resources.xml samples.xml whatsnew.xml xsltc_history.xml xsltc_usage.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources entities.ent xalan-jlocal.xml xalan-jsite.xml xml-xalan/java commits.xml build.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/style/stylesheets done.xsl xml-xalan/java/xdocs xml-site-style.tar.gz
    Committer's log entry: Sarah McNamara's (mcnamara@ca.ibm.co) documentation patch.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/04/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Added comments before a couple of messages to assist translators, and fixed a typo in the class name mentioned in a message.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/04/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMAxisIteratorBase.java EmptyIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patches from Igor Hersht (igorh@ca.ibm.com) for bug 15200 and bug 18585. Pulled EmptyIterator class out of SAXImpl to allow for more widespread use.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/04/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan faq.xml
    Committer's log entry: New FAQ from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) for using Xalan in Tomcat with JDK 1.4.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2003/04/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for array out of bounds exception in findNamespaceContext, where the index was allowed to go to -1. This is a blind fix, and someone who knows the code better should take a look to see what they think.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2003/04/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemCallTemplate.java
    Committer's log entry: Made it a static error in compose(...) if a reference is made to a non-existent template. Note this might cause some existing stylesheets to not work, since the error would never have been flagged if the code was not run. Note the old code was marked for %REVIEW%, so I don't think this was ever resolved. I think it's clear that this should be a static error.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/04/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Change in comments only. Deleted old commented out (and incorrect) double-checked locking code.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/04/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Duplicate trace was event being issued. One from ElemElement and then from its parent class: ElemUse.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/04/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Dropping properties files that contain English messages. xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res/XSLTErrorResources.properties has been replaced by xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res/XSLTErrorResources.java.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/04/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Dropping properties files that contain English messages. xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res/XPATHErrorResources.properties has been replaced by xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res/XPATHErrorResources.java.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/04/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltStrings.java Extensions.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed incorrect double-check locking code with an inner class with a static field. Synchronization is covered by the class loader. Loading happens when first referenced. A cool, efficient, safe way to lazy load a static field. PR: bugzilla 19029 Obtained from: Henry Zongaro Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Cleared two helper fields, m_elementURI and m_elementLocalName in endElement() Both of these fields are out of scope after the element is ended so it is correct to null them out at endElement() PR: bugzilla 19388 Obtained from: bruno@outerthought.org (Bruno Dumon) and Brian Minchau Submitted by: bruno@outerthought.org (Bruno Dumon) Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: endDTD() for ToHTMLStream now does nothing. It used to incorrectly write out some closing characters, but that was already hanled in startDocumentIntermal() PR: 19587 Submitted by: bruno@outerthought.org (Bruno Dumon) Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Performance fix for double buffering. Don't use WriterToUTF8Buffered if the writer class is "BufferedServletOutputStream". PR: bugzilla 19474 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Ilene Seelemann

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer SerializerBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for flushing occuring in trace code even when tracing is not being done. PR: bugzilla 19471 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Ilene Seelemann

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/05/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan usagepatterns.xml
    Committer's log entry: Serializer properties files have moved to the new org.apache.xml.serializer package. Corrected part of documentation that didn't yet reflect that.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer SerializerBase.java ToHTMLSAXHandler.java ToHTMLStream.java ToSAXHandler.java ToStream.java ToTextSAXHandler.java ToTextStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java ToXMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Guarded the fireXXX(); calls to trace events with if (m_tracer != null), strictly for performance reasons. This should run faster than making the call and then checking.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan faq.xml
    Committer's log entry: Title of FAQ for Xerces version read, "Which version of Xerces-J 2.4.0 should I use?" answering it's own question. Fixed that to make for a more suspenseful read.

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/05/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorTemplateElem.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemAttributeSet.java ElemElement.java ElemLiteralResult.java ElemTemplateElement.java ElemUse.java
    Committer's log entry: Some Trace-related fixes: Two trace events were being fired for ElemCopy, and for templates elements derived from ElemUse the trace end event was being fired before child templates were executed. Also saved locator information for the end tag of stylesheet elements.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer SerializerBase.java ToHTMLStream.java ToStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: See bugzilla # 19900 for a laundry list of small performance enhancements. PR: bugzilla 19900 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer Encodings.java OutputPropertiesFactory.java SerializerFactory.java Utils.java
    Committer's log entry: Performance enhancement. Cache the loading of classes via Class.forName(classname) in the serializer. The same class is otherwise loaded over and over with each request to a server, e.g. in a servlet. PR: bugzilla # 19960 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Morris Kwan

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/05/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExsltFuncResult.java
    Committer's log entry: Adding missing trace events for the func:result element.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: The HTML serializer should do nothing with the methods on the DeclHandler interface, so they are now defined with empty bodies. Also the comment() method does nothing when in a DTD. PR: bugzilla 19640 Submitted by: Bruno Dumon (bruno@outerthought.org) Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/05/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan faq.xml
    Committer's log entry: Added a new FAQ to describe a situation some users have encountered of late using XSLTC with JDK 1.4. Contributed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) with some editorial input from myself.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/05/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionNamespacesManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a compatibility problem when using the old "http://xml.apache.org/xslt" namespace with extension functions in org.apache.xalan.xslt.Extensions.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/05/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan builds.xml downloads.xml resources.xml xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Sarah McNamara (mcnamara@ca.ibm.com) which improves documentation about packaging and adds support for building and testing an alternate binary distribution which provides xalan-interpretive and xsltc in separate jars.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: One line fix to get a lexical handler, was casting the wrong reference. PR: bugzilla 20237 Submitted by: Bernard D'Have (bdhaveos@wanadoo.be) Reviewed by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/05/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/extensions/sql/basic-connection dbinfo.xml dbtest.xsl
    Committer's log entry: Update to the SQL extension sample from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/05/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying Christine Li's (jycli@ca.ibm.com) fix for bug 19522. When a SerializationHandler object is created for Xalan-J Interpretive, it needs to be informed which Transformer object is associated with the serialization.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer AttributesImplSerializer.java
    Committer's log entry: AttributesImplSerializer now uses the older (faster) org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl up until about 12 attributes and switches over to using a Hashtable for faster lookup of attributes, avoiding an order N*N performance problem for large number of attributes, but faster for lower number of attributes. PR: bugzilla 20273 Submitted by: Brian Minchau Reviewed by: Henry Zongaro

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/05/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExsltFunction.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com) for bugzilla #18926. Variables weren't being cleared from stack between calls to func:function.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/05/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources_ca.java XSLTErrorResources_cs.java XSLTErrorResources_de.java XSLTErrorResources_es.java XSLTErrorResources_fr.java XSLTErrorResources_hu.java XSLTErrorResources_it.java XSLTErrorResources_ja.java XSLTErrorResources_ko.java XSLTErrorResources_pl.java XSLTErrorResources_pt_BR.java XSLTErrorResources_ru.java XSLTErrorResources_sk.java XSLTErrorResources_tr.java XSLTErrorResources_zh_CN.java XSLTErrorResources_zh_TW.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages_ca.java ErrorMessages_cs.java ErrorMessages_de.java ErrorMessages_es.java ErrorMessages_fr.java ErrorMessages_hu.java ErrorMessages_it.java ErrorMessages_ja.java ErrorMessages_ko.java ErrorMessages_pl.java ErrorMessages_pt_BR.java ErrorMessages_ru.java ErrorMessages_sk.java ErrorMessages_tr.java ErrorMessages_zh_CN.java ErrorMessages_zh_TW.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime ErrorMessages_ca.java ErrorMessages_cs.java ErrorMessages_de.java ErrorMessages_es.java ErrorMessages_fr.java ErrorMessages_hu.java ErrorMessages_it.java ErrorMessages_ja.java ErrorMessages_ko.java ErrorMessages_pl.java ErrorMessages_pt_BR.java ErrorMessages_ru.java ErrorMessages_sk.java ErrorMessages_tr.java ErrorMessages_zh_CN.java ErrorMessages_zh_TW.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/res XMLErrorResources_ca.java XMLErrorResources_cs.java XMLErrorResources_de.java XMLErrorResources_es.java XMLErrorResources_fr.java XMLErrorResources_hu.java XMLErrorResources_it.java XMLErrorResources_ja.java XMLErrorResources_ko.java XMLErrorResources_pl.java XMLErrorResources_pt_BR.java XMLErrorResources_ru.java XMLErrorResources_sk.java XMLErrorResources_tr.java XMLErrorResources_zh_CN.java XMLErrorResources_zh_TW.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources_ca.java XPATHErrorResources_cs.java XPATHErrorResources_de.java XPATHErrorResources_es.java XPATHErrorResources_fr.java XPATHErrorResources_hu.java XPATHErrorResources_it.java XPATHErrorResources_ja.java XPATHErrorResources_ko.java XPATHErrorResources_pl.java XPATHErrorResources_pt_BR.java XPATHErrorResources_ru.java XPATHErrorResources_sk.java XPATHErrorResources_tr.java XPATHErrorResources_zh_CN.java XPATHErrorResources_zh_TW.java
    Committer's log entry: Checked in localized messages for Xalan and XSLTC contributed by IBM. New Locale support includes ca, cs, hu, pl, pt_BR, ru, sk and tr. The old messages are also updated with translations for newly added English messages.

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils BoolStack.java
    Committer's log entry: Added a clear() method to clear a BoolStack, so that such a stack can be re-used without the need to create a new one (for performance). Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer NamespaceMappings.java SerializerBase.java ToHTMLStream.java ToSAXHandler.java ToStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java ToXMLStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Support for reset() for the stream serializers and for ToXMLSAXHandler. These serializers can now be reset and re-used rather than creating a new one. A reset() takes about 1/2 the time of creating a new one. Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by minchau@apache.org on 2003/05/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToHTMLSAXHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Support for a ToHTMLSAXHandler serializer to be reset() and re-used. Submitted by: Brian Minchau

  • Committed by grchiu@apache.org on 2003/05/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan faq.xml
    Committer's log entry: Contributed by Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com). Modified FAQ entry regarding bootclasspath; the class path separator is not colon for all systems.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.5.0

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/02/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Small improvement to SAXImpl.copyElement(). Move the getStringValue() method from SAXImpl to SAX2DTM2. Remove the SAXImpl.stringValueAux() method.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/02/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src xml-commons-src.tar.gz xml-xalan/java/bin xml-apis.jar
    Committer's log entry: Update to latest version of xml-apis.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/02/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Improvement to DescendantIterator. If _startNode is the root node, do not need to do the isDescendant() check.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/02/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Set the nextsib element of an attribute or namespace node to -1. This makes the logic in the iterators simpler and easier to maintain.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/02/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DTMDocument.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AttributeList.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMStringPool.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java SAX2DTM2.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SuballocatedIntVector.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Improvement for RTF. These changes improve the performance for stylesheets which create and throw away many small RTFs. Make the sizes of all internal storage units used by SAXImpl configurable. These include SuballocatedIntVector, DTMStringPool, IntStack and FastStringBuffer. The chain size of DTMStringPool and the number of blocks in SuballocatedIntVector can now be passed in the constructor. These sizes are set to smaller values in the RTF case. The default RTF size is changed to 32. There is also a change in the XSLTC AttributeList class to use on-demand memory allocation for the internal vectors. The vectors are only allocated when there is an attribute.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/02/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Small improvement to DescendantIterator and TypedDescendantIterator.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/02/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/extensions/sql/streamable cachedNodes.xsl pivot.xsl xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan samples.xml xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledApplet menu.html README.applet xml-xalan/java/samples/extensions/sql/basic-connection dbinfo.xml dbtest.xsl
    Committer's log entry: More sample and documentation updates from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/02/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TrAXFilter.java
    Committer's log entry: Add a getTransformer() interface to TrAXFilter. This is a user requested feature. This interface can be used by the UseXMLFilters samples to set the output properties correctly.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/02/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Do not create the previous sibling array for XSLTC. This array is not used in XSLTC's SAXImpl. Creating it is a waste of time. We add a boolean flag to the constructors of DTMDefaultBase and its subclasses to indicate whether the previous sibling array should be created.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/02/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Correct an error. The DTMDefaultBase.getPreviousSibling() interface returns a node handle instead of a node identity.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/02/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledEJB bottom_frame.html index.html README.ejb top_frame.html xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledServlet CompileServlet.java README.servlet
    Committer's log entry: Patches for samples from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TrAXFilter.java
    Committer's log entry: Propagate the change from head branch to XSLTC_DTM. Add a new getTransformer() interface to TrAXFilter.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TrAXFilter.java
    Committer's log entry: Add a new getTransformer() interface to TrAXFilter.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Transform.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Constants.java NameBase.java Stylesheet.java xpath.cup XSLTC.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMImpl.java DocumentCache.java LoadDocument.java SAXImpl.java XSLTCDTMManager.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java XSLTCSource.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Implement a feature for on-demand building of the ID index table. Before this change, the SAX2DTM2 class always builds an ID index hashtable by comparing the name of every attribute with "id". Now we maintain a flag _hasIdCall in AbstractTranslet to indicate whether the translet has id function calls. The value of this flag is compiled into the translet from the Stylesheet class. The Stylesheet class also has an _hasIdCall flag, which is set by the XPath parser. When a SAXImpl object is created, the _hasIdCall flag is passed in from the Translet. Now the id index table is only built when the stylesheet makes use of the id function. Also fix a bug in the NameBase class for using an incorrect class name (org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMAxisIterator should be org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMAxisIterator).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom AnyNodeCounter.java DOMAdapter.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Improvement for xsl:number. Introduce an optimized version of getExpandedTypeID() in SAX2DTM2.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMWSFilter.java NodeSortRecord.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Improvement for xsl:strip-space by caching the DTM that is used last time. Better Collator handling in NodeSortRecord.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Save the values of attribute, namespace, comment and PI nodes in a plain Vector instead of in DTMStringPool. Saving a String in DTMStringPool involves a hash calculation. These values are unlikely to be equal. Saving them in a plain Vector has a lower cost than saving them in DTMStringPool. Only prefixed QNames are saved in DTMStringPool after this change. Need to make changes in a few interfaces to accommadate this change.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Small improvement in FastStringBuffer.sendSAXCharacters() when the whole piece of text is in one chunk.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Small improvement in SAX2DTM2.getStringValueX() and dispatchCharacterEvents() by saving one local variable.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom CollatorFactoryBase.java SAXImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Save the offset and length of a Text node in a bitwise encoded value (10 bits for length and 21 bits for offset) if they are within certain limits. Before this change, we need 3 SuballocatedIntVector calls to get the offset and length information. Now we only need one SuballocatedIntVector call, one bit AND & one SHIFT. Bit AND and SHIFT are faster than accessing a SuballocatedIntVector.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a bug for testcase axes129. DTMDefaultBase.getFirstNamespaceNode() should return NULL when the given node is not an element. axes129 passed in both Xalan and XSLTC_DTM after this change.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2003/03/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java
    Committer's log entry: Oops! Old bug, just noticed -- we forgot to override RootTraverser's typed first().

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom NthIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMAxisIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMAxisIteratorBase.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Improvement for step[n]. Introduce a new interface getNodeByPosition(int position) in DTMAxisIterator, which is used by the NthIterator. The default implementation is in DTMAxisIteratorBase. The subclasses can override this interface to provide a faster customized implementation.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom SAXImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Introduce a copyAttribute() method in SAXImpl to speed up attribute copying.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC_DTM performance work Improvement in DTM building. Make the code more efficient in a few expensive interfaces.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/03/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom DOMAdapter.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix a bug in XSLTC_DTM. Change the name of the optimized getExpandedTypeID method to getgetExpandedTypeID2. The old one can be used during DTM building, while the new one is only used in document traversal.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/03/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates FuncDocument.java FuncDocument.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates FuncDocument.java FuncDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing Christine Li's (jycli@ca.ibm.com) patch for bugzilla #18210.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java SAX2DTM2.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm. Add new file SAX2DTM2.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTM.java DTMAxisIterator.java DTMManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xml.dtm.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMAxisIteratorBase.java DTMAxisIterNodeList.java DTMChildIterNodeList.java DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java DTMDocumentImpl.java DTMManagerDefault.java DTMNamedNodeMap.java DTMNodeList.java DTMNodeListBase.java DTMNodeProxy.java DTMStringPool.java ExpandedNameTable.java ExtendedType.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref. Add new files: DTMAxisIterNodeList.java DTMChildIterNodeList.java DTMNodeListBase.java ExtendedType.java

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/res XMLErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xml.res. Add new messages for common serializer.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer AttributesImplSerializer.java CharInfo.java DOMSerializer.java ElemDesc.java EmptySerializer.java EncodingInfo.java Encodings.java Encodings.properties ExtendedContentHandler.java ExtendedLexicalHandler.java HTMLEntities.res Method.java NamespaceMappings.java output_html.properties output_text.properties output_unknown.properties output_xml.properties OutputPropertiesFactory.java OutputPropertyUtils.java package.html SerializationHandler.java Serializer.java SerializerBase.java SerializerConstants.java SerializerFactory.java SerializerTrace.java SerializerTraceWriter.java ToHTMLSAXHandler.java ToHTMLStream.java ToSAXHandler.java ToStream.java ToTextSAXHandler.java ToTextStream.java ToUnknownStream.java ToXMLSAXHandler.java ToXMLStream.java TransformStateSetter.java WriterToASCI.java WriterToUTF8.java WriterToUTF8Buffered.java XMLEntities.res XSLOutputAttributes.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Add new serializer classes under package org.apache.xml.serializer. Log from Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com): In the past Xalan-J interpretive (Xalan) and XSLTC both implemented their own serialization stages. Much of the code provides the same functionality. In order to improve the maintainability of the code, and to eliminate any functional differences, these two serializers are now merged in the org.apache.xml.serializer package. The best performing features of both have been used. The class hierarchy of serializers used by XSLTC is re-used for this reason. At the highest level the serializer classes split based on whether the output of the serializer is a "Stream" or whether it is a "SAX" handler. After that both major branches split based on the output type (e.g. XML, HTML or TEXT). The external user interface of the old Xalan serializer has been kept. Other classes and interfaces have been absorbed into the serializer package to keep it independent of both Xalan and XSLTC. The primary interface, SerializationHandler, accepts SAX and SAX-like calls, but it also absorbs other interfaces from the old Xalan serializer.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DOMHelper.java FastStringBuffer.java IntStack.java SuballocatedIntVector.java XMLStringDefault.java XMLStringFactoryDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xml.utils.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions XSLProcessorContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.extensions.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltDatetime.java PipeDocument.java Redirect.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DTMDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.lib. 1. Change the return types of some date-time extension functions for support in XSLTC. 2. Changes for the new serializer.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorOutputElem.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.processor.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize CharInfo.java DOMSerializer.java ElemDesc.java EncodingInfo.java Encodings.java Encodings.properties HTMLEntities.res Method.java package.html Serializer.java serializer.properties SerializerFactory.java SerializerToHTML.java SerializerToText.java SerializerToXML.java SerializerUtils.java WriterToASCI.java WriterToUTF8.java WriterToUTF8Buffered.java XMLEntities.res
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Remove old serializer classes under org.apache.xalan.serialize. The new serializer files are now in org.apache.xml.serializer. Add new file SerializerUtils.java.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java ElemAttribute.java ElemCopy.java ElemCopyOf.java ElemElement.java ElemExtensionCall.java ElemForEach.java ElemLiteralResult.java ElemTemplateElement.java ElemTextLiteral.java ElemValueOf.java output_html.properties output_text.properties output_xml.properties OutputProperties.java StylesheetRoot.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.templates. Replace ResultTreeHandler with SerializationHandler.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace GenerateEvent.java PrintTraceListener.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.trace.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ClonerToResultTree.java QueuedEvents.java ResultTreeHandler.java SerializerSwitcher.java TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerIdentityImpl.java TransformerImpl.java TransformSnapshot.java TransformSnapshotImpl.java TransformState.java TreeWalker2Result.java XalanTransformState.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Changes in org.apache.xalan.transformer for the new serializer.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml xsltc_todo.xml
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Update build.xml and xsltc_todo.xml. Now the default build target is a big xalan.jar which includes both Xalan-J Interpretive and XSLTC.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src MANIFEST.MF
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Update MANIFEST.MF to include information about xsltc and its support jars.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/04/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xercesImpl.jar
    Committer's log entry: Updating to Xerces-J 2.4.0.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src MANIFEST.MF
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Update spec version for XSLTC in MANIFEST.MF

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledApplet menu.html README.applet TransformApplet.java xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledBrazil README.brazil TransformHandler.java xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledEJB README.ejb TransformBean.java xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledJAXP Compile.java README.cjaxp Transform.java xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledServlet README.servlet TransformServlet.java xml-xalan/java/samples/DOM2DOM DOM2DOM.java xml-xalan/java/samples/Pipe Pipe.java xml-xalan/java/samples/SAX2SAX SAX2SAX.java xml-xalan/java/samples/translets JAXPTransletMultipleTransformations.java JAXPTransletOneTransformation.java todo.xsl xml-xalan/java/samples/UseXMLFilters UseXMLFilters.java
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Update in the samples 1. Changes from Henry Zongaro (zongaro@ca.ibm.com) in the XSLTC samples. Use TrAX API instead of native API. 2. Changes from Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com) to use the new serializer classes.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledApplet singleTransform.html xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledEJB bottom_frame.html index.html top_frame.html xml-xalan/java/samples/translets todo.xml todotoo.xml
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Add new sample files.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources entities.ent xalan-jlocal.xml xalan-jsite.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan commandline_xsltc.xml commandline.xml dtm.xml history.xml readme.xml samples.xml usagepatterns.xml xsltc_history.xml xsltc_usage.xml
    Committer's log entry: Merging XSLTC_DTM and common serializer to the head Update in java/xdocs.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes FilterExprWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Commit patch for bug 12797 from Arun Yadav (arun.yadav@sun.com).

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/04/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Added a new "fulldist" target. It builds a distribution that includes Xalan-J components that depend upon non-standard components that aren't part of the Xalan-J repository. In particular, xsltcbrazil.jar is built under the "fulldist" target, but not under the ordinary "dist" target.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer ToStream.java
    Committer's log entry: Replace Vector.add() by Vector.addElement() because the first method is not in JDK 1.1.8.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/04/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Instead of setting a default baseURI in newTemplates, append a dummy string to the default used in the TreeWalker constructors. This solves the problem of violating the SourceLocator.getSystemId API which should return null if if no systemId was set, while allowing relative URI's to be resolved when the source is a DOM and no systemID has been set. Relative URI's are already resolved correctly for other source types.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/04/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledApplet TransformApplet.java README.applet
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com). Reworked applet code so that the init method creates a thread to which it delegates all the work of creating Transformers and performing transformations. Xalan needs all of its classes to be loaded with respect to the same class loader. The thread that's created will have the context class loader, if any, that is in effect when the applet's init method is called, but calls to other methods on the applet might not have the same context class loader. Using a thread avoids any problems that might arise from such a situation.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/04/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer CharInfo.java HTMLEntities.properties output_html.properties output_xml.properties XMLEntities.properties xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan usagepatterns.xml
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com). Changed CharInfo so that it allows descriptions of entities to be specified as a properties file in addition to a Xalan-specific resource file format. The code previously always assumed a Xalan-specific resource file format, for both user-supplied descriptions of entities, and for those supplied with Xalan-J. The security restrictions of applets are such that an applet that relies on a copy of Xalan-J in the Java run-time would find that Xalan-J would be unable to read the default entities file that is packaged with the JRE on the applet's behalf - it can only do so with a properties, via ResourceBundle.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltDatetime.java
    Committer's log entry: Commit an implementation of the date-time:format-date() extension function (bugzilla 18713) contributed by Helg Bredow (helg.bredow@kalido.com).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2003/04/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan commandline_xsltc.xml
    Committer's log entry: Docs update Document the new "use-classpath" attribute which is supported in the XSLTC TrAX API.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/04/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledServlet README.servlet TransformServlet.java xml-xalan/java/samples/CompiledBrazil README.brazil
    Committer's log entry: Sample updates from Christine Li (jycli@ca.ibm.com).

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2003/04/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize DOMSerializer.java Serializer.java SerializerFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer DOMSerializer.java SerializationHandler.java SerializerBase.java ToHTMLStream.java ToUnknownStream.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com) for backward compatibility of new serializers. Also a fix related to a failure in the DOM2DOM sample.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/04/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/serializer HTMLEntities.res XMLEntities.res
    Committer's log entry: Dropped descriptions of entities in the form of resource files in favour of those in the form of properties file. The resource files are still supported, but Xalan-J's serializer only requires one.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2003/04/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Dropped descriptions of entities in the form of resource files in favour of those in the form of properties file. The resource files are still supported, but Xalan-J's serializer only requires one.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.4.1

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DefaultConnectionPool.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed Class loader Problem. Default Connection now uses context Classloader

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed problem where a query that returned zero rows would incorrectly return a JDBC Exception. Note: This only occurs in streaming mode.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNodeProxy.java
    Committer's log entry: Add a convenient interface getStringValue() which returns the string value of a node. It is used by the extension code to get a node value without hacking into the DTM.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates Constants.java
    Committer's log entry: Add strings for new extension namespaces. This includes new EXSLT namespaces (dynamic and strings), namespaces for redirect, PipeDocument and SQL extensions and new namespace for the Java extension. For backward compatibility, the old Java namespace is still kept.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionNamespacesManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Register new extension namespaces, including two new EXSLT namespaces (dynamic and strings), namespaces for redirect, PipeDocument and SQL extensions and the new/old namespaces for Java extension.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java
    Committer's log entry: Reorganize the extension functions for new EXSLT extensions and XSLTC integration. The implementation of some extension functions (intersection, difference, distinct, evaluate and tokenize) are moved to the corresponding EXSLT extension classes. We also put a note to say that using these extension functions in the Xalan namespace is deprecated. The signature of some extension functions are changed to facilitate the XSLTC integration.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltMath.java
    Committer's log entry: The EXSLT math extension was rewritten for XSLTC integration. The signatures of the existing functions (max, min, highest and lowest) are changed. We use NodeList instead of NodeSet and NodeIterator in arguments and return types, because it is the only node list type recognized by XSLTC. We also got rid of the ExpressionContext arguments in these functions. We implemented the toNumber() and toString() interfaces as a replacement. I also implemented all of the remaining math functions in the EXSLT spec, e.g. constant, sin, random.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltSets.java
    Committer's log entry: The signatures of the sets extension functions are changed for XSLTC integration. NodeList is used instead of NodeSet and NodeIterator in arguments and return types. The implementation of intersection, difference and distinct was moved from Extensions.java to this file.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Redirect.java
    Committer's log entry: Add comments for the new namespace (http://xml.apache.org/xalan/redirect).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib PipeDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Add comments for the new namespace (http://xml.apache.org/xalan/PipeDocument).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Add comments for the new namespace (http://xml.apache.org/xalan/sql).

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltDynamic.java
    Committer's log entry: Add the ExsltDynamic class which implements the EXSLT dynamic extension functions (max, min, sum, map, evaluate and closure). The implementation of evaluate is taken from Extensions.java. The Javadoc is copied from the relevant EXSLT page.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltStrings.java
    Committer's log entry: Implement the EXSLT strings extension functions (align, concat, padding, split and tokenize). The implementation of tokenize is taken from Extensions.java. The Javadoc is copied from the relevant EXSLT page. Three functions (decode-uri, encode-uri and replace) are missing due to ambiguous spec.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes SelfIteratorNoPredicate.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 11809 and 10643. Fix the nextNode() interface so that it returns DTM.NULL if the m_foundLast flag is true.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExtensionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 11073. Fix an extension namespace problem.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 11743 and 12298. Fix argument handling in extension functions. Arguments now have non-null parents and they will be visited by the XPathVisitor.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java KEYS
    Committer's log entry: I had to get a new key after a hard drive crash. This time, I backed it up!

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Copy the LICENSE and README files to the bin directory for the source distribution. These files are needed by the xsltc.jar target.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Throw an IllegalArgumentException in the setErrorListener() interface if the error listener is null.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions MethodResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 9731. Convert an empty NodeList to a null Node.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 12379. Transformer.setOutputProperties() should throw IllegalArgumentException if the property is invalid.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTAttributeDef.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 12127. Throw a TransformerException if a prefix cannot be resolved to a URI insteading of throwing a NullPointerException.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTAttributeDef.java
    Committer's log entry: Correct a problem in the previous patch.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltDatetime.java
    Committer's log entry: Javadoc correction.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java
    Committer's log entry: Make the tokenize extension function different from the one in the EXSLT strings extension. Reuse the Document object to reduce memory consumption.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltStrings.java
    Committer's log entry: Make the tokenize function conformed with the EXSLT spec. Reuse the Document object to reduce memory usage.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes RTFIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XRTreeFrag.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 11341. Let RTFIterator extend NodeSetDTM so that it is the kind of DTMIterator expected by DTMNodeList. This also fixes the problem in testcase JavaBugzilla3722.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorExsltFunction.java XSLTSchema.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 12077. Fixed problem with func:function in included stylesheet. Add exsltFunction to the templateElements list so that we can detect the error where func:function is embedded in another (e.g. xsl:variable) element.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xml-apis.jar xml-xalan/java/src xml-commons-src.tar.gz
    Committer's log entry: New version of xml-apis.jar taken from xml-commons with tag: factoryfinder-build. It contains the JAXP FactoryFinder patch and some SAX file updates.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.properties xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC support - phase 1 Add the -XSLTC option to enable transforming using XSLTC The following existing options do not work in XSLTC mode: -TT -TG -TS -TTC -QC -L -INCREMENTAL -NOOPTIMIZE -RL If any of these options is used with -XSLTC, a message is printed and the option is ignored. All other existing options (e.g. -flavor, -text, etc.) can be used with -XSLTC. In phase 2, we are going to migrate the XSLTC specific options in the XSLTC command lines (Compile and Transform) to the Process command line. One of the new features would be generating translet class files from the xsl.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltDynamic.java ExsltMath.java ExsltStrings.java
    Committer's log entry: Extension work. A few Javadoc correction. Fix problems in math:max and math:min.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XRTreeFragSelectWrapper.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 6181. Change the execute() interface to return the result of executing the select expression.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xercesImpl.jar
    Committer's log entry: Updating to latest xercesImpl.jar, which contains org.w3c.dom.xpath interfaces.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/domapi XPathEvaluatorImpl.java XPathExpressionImpl.java XPathNSResolverImpl.java XPathResultImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Prototype implementation of DOM L3 XPath Specification.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing Gordon Chiu's (grchiu@ca.ibm.com) patch for bugzilla #6927.

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 2002/09/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan xsltc_constraints.xml xsltc_usage.xml
    Committer's log entry: compile -n option changed so inlining is now the default

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltBase.java ExsltDynamic.java ExsltMath.java ExsltSets.java ExsltStrings.java
    Committer's log entry: Extension cleanup. Add an ExsltBase class as the super class for other EXSLT implementation classes, so that the toString() and toNumber() interfaces can be easily reused by all the subclasses without duplicating code.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath DOMHelper.java
    Committer's log entry: The isNodeTheSame(node1, node2) interface should return true if node1==node2.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemAttribute.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #10384. There's still a problem with attribseterr08 which is covered in bugzilla #3969.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/dom3/xpath XPathEvaluator.java XPathException.java XPathExpression.java XPathNamespace.java XPathNSResolver.java XPathResult.java
    Committer's log entry: Since Xerces has decided not to build the org.w3c.dom.xpath interfaces into XercesImpl I have created a temporary home for these interfaces, until the specification becomes a recommendation.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/domapi XPathEvaluatorImpl.java XPathExpressionImpl.java XPathNSResolverImpl.java XPathResultImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Updating import statements to use the interfaces in the temporary org.apache.xalan.dom3.xpath package.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Added some new error message strings.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #4344. The testcases, copyerr04-07 were already working correctly in that when an attempt was made to add an attribute after child elements, or before an element was produced, the attribute was ignored. However, Dave M. said that a warning was also needed. So, I have added a warning message for these cases. Also, similar behaviour was being seen for testcases attribset19,35,36 and attribseterr08. This was being handled in ElemAttribute.execute, but I've commented out the code there since it will get caught in ResultTreeHandler.execute in the same place the copyerr tests get handled. The negative testcases, copyerr04-07, attribset08 should be moved to the positive bucket (possibly with a few tweaks) since they all run to completion.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemAttribute.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #4344.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/09/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Gordon Chiu's (grchui@ca.ibm.com) patch for bugzilla #8473. Thanks also to Brian Minchau (minchau@ca.ibm.com) for the analysis of this bug.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FunctionMultiArgs.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 7161. Add a public accessor to return the argument array.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExpressionContext.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 10414. Provide a getErrorListener() interface in the ExpressionContext.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/AppletXMLtoHTML client.html
    Committer's log entry: For bugzilla 13059. Fix typo width"0" to width="0".

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Messages for new options in the Process command line.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/09/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLTC support in the Process command line - phase 2 Migrate the options from the XSLTC command line (Compile and Transform) to the Process command line. The following new options are added: -XO [translet_name] (specify translate class name) -XD destination_directory (specify destination directory) -XJ jar_name (put translet into jar file) -XP package_prefix (specify package name prefix) -XN (enable template inlining) -XX (additional debug messages) -XT (use translet to transform if possible) The new options can only be used with the -XSLTC option. The options are passed to XSLTC via the standard TRAX API - TransformerFactory.setAttribute(). Process does not directly communicate with XSLTC. The usage instructions are also re-organized. The options are divided into three categories (command options, Options for Xalan and Options for XSLTC). A pager is used when displaying the usage instructions so that you can see them page by page.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/10/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.properties xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util ErrorMessages.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime ErrorMessages.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Added and fixed up some additional translation guidelines.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java
    Committer's log entry: Use Vector.elementAt() instead of Vector.get(). The latter is not available in JDK 1.1.8. Add two argument accessor methods for Bugzilla 8939.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates Constants.java ElemTemplateElement.java output_html.properties output_text.properties output_xml.properties OutputProperties.java
    Committer's log entry: Use one namespace for all extensions (Bugzilla 9959) Use the new namespace uri "http://xml.apache.org/xalan" instead of "http://xml.apache.org/xslt" for xsl:output extension attributes.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorLRE.java XSLTElementDef.java XSLTSchema.java
    Committer's log entry: Use one namespace for all extensions (Bugzilla 9959) Use the new namespace uri "http://xml.apache.org/xalan" for the component and script extension elements. We maintain backward compatibility so that using the old uri "http://xml.apache.org/xslt" still works.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor Javadoc update to use the new namespace uri.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/03
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/samples/extensions 1-redir.xsl 2-basicJscript.xsl 3-java-namespace.xsl 4-numlistJava.xsl 5-numlistJscript.xsl 6-sqllib-instantdb.xsl
    Committer's log entry: Update the extension samples to use the new namespace.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltMath.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor fix for math:max().

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 13106. Visit the XPath expressions created for match patterns.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes DescendantIterator.java UnionPathIterator.java WalkerFactory.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java Lexer.java OpMap.java XPathParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #5046. The token queue and operations map can now grow to accomodate really large XPath expressions. Starting sizes of the data structures remain set at the size in the current code. I created new classes org.apache.xml.utils.ObjectVector (based on org.apache.xml.utils.IntVector) and org.apache.xpath.compiler.OpMapVector to store the token queue and operations map. This patch is essentially a stop gap until the new parser (xslt20 branch) is integrated.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ObjectVector.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler OpMapVector.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #5046.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler OpMap.java
    Committer's log entry: Cleaning up import statements.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils IntStack.java IntVector.java ObjectStack.java ObjectVector.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java ElemForEach.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer StackGuard.java TransformerImpl.java TransformSnapshotImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Commiting Gordon Chiu's (grchiu@ca.ibm.com) patch for bugzilla#8175. IntStack's and ObjectStack's are now used in place of fixed length arrays, so that users should not run into limitations based on array sizes. The initial size of the arrays has been set to current array sizes, so the user's experience should not change much, except in the cases where they were running into the size limitation. No performance analysis has been done to determine an optimal initial size for the stacks.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing Igor Hersht's (igorh@ca.ibm.com) patch for bugzilla #10176. Also, removing testcase position102 from the excludes list for the smoketest since it now runs.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #13305. Moved initalization code into a static initializer. TransformerFactory.newInstance() can now be called safely from multiple threads.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xercesImpl.jar
    Committer's log entry: Updating to XercesJ 2.2.0.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref ExpandedNameTable.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing Pavel Ausianik's (Pavel_Ausianik@epam.com) patch for bugzilla #12687. Reduce memory allocation on initialization of ExpandedNameTable. m_locNamesPool and m_namespaceNames and code that uses them has been commented out. Some initialization now done in static initializer.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing Gordon Chiu's (grchiu@ca.ibm.com) modified patch of Pavel Ausianik's (Pavel_Ausianik@epam.com) patch for bugzilla #12486. Method XPathContext.reset() was creating many new instances of java objects, causing unnecessary memory allocations, instead of reusing previously created objects. m_locNamesPool and m_namespaceNames and code that uses them has been commented out. Some initialization now done in static initializer.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/20
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize Encodings.java Encodings.properties
    Committer's log entry: Committing Gordon Chiu's (grchiu@ca.ibm.com) patch for bugzilla #13754.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/dom3/xpath COPYRIGHT.html
    Committer's log entry: Copying the copyright statement for the DOM L3 XPath API interfaces into the temporary package (org.apache.xalan.dom3.xpath) which contains the interfaces until they become a recommendation.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorExsltFunction.java
    Committer's log entry: For bugzilla 13711 Fix the conditions for validating the child elements of func:function.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer KeyTable.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes NodeSequence.java
    Committer's log entry: Committing urban.spielmann@swisslife.ch (Urban Spielmann)'s patch for bugzilla #11661. After the Redundant Expression Elimination merge, the key cache had not yet been replaced. This patch puts back the key cache, which gives xsl:key much better performance.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExtensionCall.java
    Committer's log entry: For bugzilla 7357 Fix problems in exception handling for extension elements.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/23
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #13863. Moved setting the namespaceContext from the TransformerImpl constructor to the transform method.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPath.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Move a hardcoded string into the properties file.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerJavaClass.java ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage.java
    Committer's log entry: For bugzilla 13944. Check for InvocationTargetException in Method.invoke().

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 13303. Fix Memory leak in XPathContext.popRTFContext().

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Backing out patch for bugzilla #13863. It causes a bunch of failures in the trax.sax flavour.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan extensions.xml extensionslib.xml samples.xml
    Committer's log entry: Update the extensions documentation. Use the new namespaces in documents and examples. Update EXSLT development status. Modify setup instructions for SQL samples.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs xml-site-style.tar.gz xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan faq.xml resources.xml
    Committer's log entry: For Bugzilla 14022 Commit Gordon Chiu's update to the FAQ.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/dom3/xpath COPYRIGHT.html XPathEvaluator.java XPathException.java XPathExpression.java XPathNamespace.java XPathNSResolver.java XPathResult.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/domapi XPathEvaluatorImpl.java XPathExpressionImpl.java XPathNSResolverImpl.java XPathResultImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed the temporary org.apache.xalan.dom3.xpath package. Updated the org.w3c.dom.xpath interfaces. Changed dependencies to org.w3c.dom.xpath interfaces in the implementation classes in org.apache.xalan.xpath.domapi.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Build org.w3c.xpath.dom interfaces into xalan.jar.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch from Gordon Chiu. Replace stack.clear() calls with stack.removeAllElements() to be compatible with JDK1.1.8.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 2002/10/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Support compiling under JDK 1.2 - 1.4. Also check for compatability with target JDK 1.1.x.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/10/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/domapi XPathNamespaceImpl.java XPathResultImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Somewhat rough implementation of XPathNamespace.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 2002/10/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin ant.jar
    Committer's log entry: Upgrade to Ant 1.5.1.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/10/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltBase.java ExsltStrings.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DefaultConnectionPool.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix JDK 1.1.8 compatibility problems. Replace methods calls that are only in Java2 by JDK 1.1 equivalents. For DefaultConnectionPool.java, use reflection mechanism to invoke Thread.getContextClassLoader() instead of hard-coded invocation.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.4.0

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToText.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 8358 -- bad method signature. I've created a new method with the correct signature. The old one may or may not be entirely superfluous, but I don't want to muck with it right now.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources entities.ent xalan-jsite.xml
    Committer's log entry: Updated Xalan version to 2.3.2 and Xerces to 2.0.1.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan xsltc_usage.xml
    Committer's log entry: Added classpath information pertaining to xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources entities.ent
    Committer's log entry: Added pointer to xml-apis.jar MANIFEST for version information.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan history.xml readme.xml xsltc_history.xml
    Committer's log entry: Updates for next version (release notes to history)

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan extensionslib.xml
    Committer's log entry: Added info on Xalan implementation of EXSLT common, math, and set extensions, and ongoing work on the function and result elements and datetime extensions.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan index.xml
    Committer's log entry: Added support for EXSLT extensions.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla entries 6833 7023 7123 7410 Basic summary of logic error: It is possible for multiple RTF DTMs to be pushed onto the stack between the start of a template and return from it. I hadn't anticipated that, so my pop logic was inadequate. I'm still not 110% sure I understand the case where this situation arises... I have a general intuition that it makes sense, but also a suspicion that there might be a way to avoid creating one of these DTMs. We should review that someday. Meanwhile, this fixes a whole batch of related bugs.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref ExpandedNameTable.java
    Committer's log entry: Performance improvement. Instead of looping through the ExtendedType objects, use a hashtable and go directly to the correct object.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/05/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize Encodings.java Encodings.properties
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 6356: Add support for "windows-1251" and use a properties file to store all the supported encodings. Patch from Sergey Ushakov.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/05/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref ExpandedNameTable.java
    Committer's log entry: Add basic DOM nodetypes to our hashtable of extended type IDs

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/05/12
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLMessages.java XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils/res XResourceBundle.java XResourceBundleBase.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResourceBundle.java XPATHErrorResources_en.java XPATHErrorResources.java XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Use PropertyResourceBundle instead of ListResourceBundle, and put error messages into property files, for easier localization.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/05/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes WalkerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: In mightBeProximate, there was a bug that assumed a variable would not be be a numeric result. It is now fixed to assume a number may be a number, which may cause a small performance penalty. In the future, it should be possible to chase this down a bit more to rule out more variables as non-numbers.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/05/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPath.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 7157. Updated Javadoc comment to note that the XPath.installFunction() method currently does not use the name parameter.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/05/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncLast.java FuncPosition.java Function.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla6284: New function added to position() and last() that will help us determine whether we are executing a top-level expression and therefore, not inside a predicate

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/05/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLMessages.java XSLTErrorResources.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemTemplateElement.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Add a null constructor for resource files and fix XSLMessages to use the correct error resource file

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/05/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/META-INF/services org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMManager xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Add meta file for DTMManager factory and make sure it is read as UTF-8

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XNodeSetForDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: m_last was not being set correctly. See comments.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemVariable.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 7118: Variable set via RTF may have local variables within it; need to push a new context.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemTemplateElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Missing safety net, mostly needed during stylesheet construction. We really should change TransformerImpl to set parent _before_ starting to setPropertiesFromAttributes, so the error conditions which might cause this test to be needed don't arise. Among other things, that would produce more useful diagnostic messages.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/05/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 8894: DescendantForRoot traversers needed to implement their own version of first(int, int) so that their context would be from the root.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/05/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes NodeSequence.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for NullPointerException in SQL extension stuff. Just check for a NULL iterator...

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 8324. This should have been checked into the main branch.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemTemplateElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Dumb of me -- fixed one edge case and created another, because I forgot about subclassing Sigh. This version protects against both.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for new tests Variable71 and Variable72. When we went to the shared RTF DTMs, we forgot to update PreceedingIterator to reflect the fact that the root of a DTM tree may no longer have 0 as its internal Node Identifier. This change corrects that situation, and does so without imposing a lot of computational overhead since we need to scan the ancestors anyway. There appear to be similar hazards in some of the Traversers, still to be dealt with. Coming up with testcases which will provoke those bugs (and confirm that we've fixed them) is likely to be harder than writing the fix itself...

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 2002/05/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan xsltc_constraints.xml
    Committer's log entry: section on problems was way out of date. Also incorporated material from JAXP 1.2 release notes

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 2002/05/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan xsltc_usage.xml
    Committer's log entry: updated command option usuage. Some options have been added.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan xsltc_usage.xml
    Committer's log entry: Updated first three sections.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemVariable.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 7118 REVERT -- This fix was provoking bug 9195, which is more severe.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Obvious mistake, apparently in a corner our regression tests missed.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/05/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2RTFDTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Root node is not always 0 in an RTFDTM

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/05/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLMessages.java XSLTErrorResources.properties xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncPosition.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed hard coded string for timing diagnostics.

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 2002/05/31
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java
    Committer's log entry: Prevent an external DTD from being inlined when using the built-in identity transform.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorFuncResult.java ProcessorFunction.java ProcessorOutputElem.java ProcessorResultDocument.java XSLTSchema.java
    Committer's log entry: XSLT 2.0: stylesheet function, result-document, and principal-result-document.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/06/04
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xercesImpl.jar
    Committer's log entry: Xalan3 branch: Check in temporary version of Xerces. This predates the most recent changes to Xerces, and supports the older "light weight" PSVI APIs. Current Xerces has replaced those with a heavier version, but in the process lost the derivedFrom() method which we need; when they restore that functionality, we'll cut over.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/05
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltDatetime.java
    Committer's log entry: Core EXSLT dates-and-times functions.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/06/06
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemVariable.java XUnresolvedVariable.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bug 7118. In XUnresolvedVariable, treat the RTF variable much more like a template that has to count it's variables at compose-time, and link and unlink when the lazy variable is resolved.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/06/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DefaultConnectionPool.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLMessages.java XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates RedundentExprEliminator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ListingErrorHandler.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils/synthetic JavaUtils.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncConcat.java Function.java Function2Args.java Function3Args.java FunctionOneArg.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Integrated some removal of hard-coded error messages.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/06/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Add resets for m_contextNodeLists, etc. It might be possible that these are redundent with the same thing being done somewhere else, but given http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=6021 I suspect that this really does need to be done here. It would explain any problems that might have been reported after an exception has been thrown, and the Transformer is being reused.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/06/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java ElemTemplate.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer StackGuard.java TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils URI.java
    Committer's log entry: Add back a certain amount of StackGuard functionality. Instead of checking counts where both the node and the xsl:template are the same... (we would really need also to check that parameters are the same), just check for recursion of templates. We can make it fancier over time to also check for same params, but checking of the current node may be harder. I was only able to set the recursion limit to about 475 before I would get stack overflow errors anyway. I also did some stuff where the error messages should be more consistent by making sure some of the arrays are reset in XPathContex, which may address some of the inconsistency problems that Christina reported. may address part of the problem that Christina was having.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/06/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.properties xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer StackGuard.java
    Committer's log entry: Moved hard coded strings for StackGuard error message to properties file.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Fix bug for optionV.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExpressionContext.java ExpressionVisitor.java ExtensionHandlerExsltFunction.java ExtensionNamespacesManager.java ExtensionNamespaceSupport.java ExtensionsTable.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorExsltFuncResult.java ProcessorExsltFunction.java StylesheetHandler.java XSLTSchema.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates Constants.java ElemExsltFuncResult.java ElemExsltFunction.java ElemExtensionCall.java ElemExtensionDecl.java StylesheetRoot.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath ExtensionsProvider.java XPathContext.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtElementAvailable.java FuncExtFunction.java FuncExtFunctionAvailable.java
    Committer's log entry: Updates to Xalan extensions: (1) EXLST function and (2) architectural modifications. This is a merge of the ExtensionEnhancements branch into Main. 1. EXSLT function We are well underway in our progress towards providing support for EXSLT extension functionss and elements. The EXSLT function and result elements (see http://www.exslt.org/func/func.html) require some fairly substantial additions. XSLTSchema includes new XSLTElementDefs for a top-level exslt:function element, which, along with other items, may contain an exslt:result element. These definitions specify a new element class and processor for both of these elements, and a new extension handler. I have tested the implementation with the 6 test cases that EXSLT provides (including recursive calls), and it passes these tests. Note: These additions/updates also provide the infrastructure for the XSLT 2.0 stylesheet function. 2. Architectural changes During styesheet composition, Stylesheet Root assembles a vector of ExtensionNamespaceSupport objects. This object contains the information required during a transform to instantiate the required ExtensionHandler. If the stylesheet includes no extensions, this vector is null. I.e., it does not include handlers for the default extension namespaces (of which there are currently 7, and which the Xalan currently loads for each transformation). The presence of an extension is detected as follows: Compilation of an expression that contains a FuncExtFunction. StylesheetHandler.createXPath() uses an XPathVisitor to locate any FuncExtFunctions embedded in the expression. Final composition of a component element -- ElemExtensionDecl.compose(). Final composition of an extension component for which no component exsits -- ElemExtensionCall.compose(). Final composition of an exslt:function element -- ElemFunction.compose(). During StylesheetRoot.recompose(), any extension namespaces that are not predefined and for which no component or function element exists, are defined as java class (if a java class is found) or java package. In the current implementation, this last stab is made during the transformation, repeatedly if the element or function cannot be processed and is called more than once. At the beginning of each transformation -- transformNode() -- if any extensions exist, TransformerImpl instantiates an ExtensionsTable with a hashtable containing an ExtensionHandler for each of the ExtensionNamespaceSupport objects defined during stylesheet assembly. XPathContext no longer creates or has any direct knowledge of the ExtensionsTable. The ExtensionsTable does not contain handlers for predefined namespaces that are not being used. TransformerImpl implements the org.apache.xpath.ExtensionsProvider interface. The relevant XPath functions (FuncExtFunction, FuncExtElememntAvailable, and FuncExtFunctionAvailable) call this interface, via XPathContext.getOwnerObject(). The implementation contains 3 methods that call through to the ExtensionsTable, which passes the call on to the appropriate ExtensionHandler..

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize Encodings.java
    Committer's log entry: Use ContextClassLoader - Use full Encoding file package name - Merge new patch from Sergey Ushakov

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates FuncDocument.java FuncFormatNumb.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncConcat.java FuncExtFunction.java FuncSubstring.java Function.java Function2Args.java Function3Args.java FunctionDef1Arg.java FunctionMultiArgs.java FunctionOneArg.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Patch submitted by Henry_Zongaro@us.ibm.com: To summarize what I did, the Function class and its subclasses have two methods that check the number of arguments: setArg and checkNumberArgs. The former checks whether too many arguments are specified, and the latter checks for too few (or too many, redundantly). In the case where there are optional arguments (as in substring), the class for the function (FuncSubstring, in this case) derives from a class that has a fixed number of arguments (Func3Arguments, in this case). If too few arguments are specified, the FuncSubstring.checkNumberArgs method reports that the function only allows 2 or 3 arguments; if too many arguments are specified, the Function3Arguments.setArg method reports that the function only allows 3 arguments. To fix the problem, I added reportWrongNumberArgs() methods to the Function class and to its subclasses, as appropriate, and I added code to call that from checkNumberArgs and setArg - that way, the correct number of arguments is always reported in the error messages. Alternatively, I could have changed the setArg method in all the classes that have optional arguments to report correctly the number of arguments, but I didn't like the idea of having it redundantly perform the same check that the setArg method of its base class was going to perform just to get a better message out. A third possibility would be to have setArg call the checkNumberArgs method when it detects too many arguments are specified; that would guarantee that setArg would report the same message, and avoid introducing a new method, as long as checkNumberArgs always checks for both too few and for too many arguments. A fourth possibility would be to report two different errors: the minimum number of arguments required in checkNumberArgs and the maximum permitted in setArg. I also noticed that the message produced for FuncSubstring when too few arguments are specified actually indicates that 0 or 1 arguments are required, so I fixed the XPATHErrorResources.properties file. I don't see the NPE that Dave Marston mentions in Bugzilla, so I assume that's been fixed.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/06/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemNumber.java ElemTemplateElement.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils PrefixResolver.java PrefixResolverDefault.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Lexer.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch submitted by Ilene_Seelemann@us.ibm.com for Bug 6798: Added a method (handlesNullPrefixes) to the PrefixResolver interface so that the resolver can indicate whether it supports null prefixes. Then, in the tokenizer, if the prefix is null, and the resolver supports that, it continues processing as if the prefix had a value. In Lexer.java, methods that have changed are: tokenize, mapNSTokens. In ElemNumber#getCountMatchPattern, pass MyPrefixResolver instance to default psuedo match patterns.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan history.xml readme.xml xsltc_constraints.xml xsltc_history.xml
    Committer's log entry: Moved 2.3.2 core and xsltc updates into the history files.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xercesImpl.jar
    Committer's log entry: xercesImpl.jar from Xerces-J-bin.2.0.1.zip (for upcoming Xalan-J 2.4.D1)

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src MANIFEST.MF
    Committer's log entry: Update xerces.jar to be xercesImpl.jar; this should have been done quite a while ago. Note the Class-Path: entry needs review in general at some point.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan builds.xml
    Committer's log entry: Brief documentation about developer standards and official build processes

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources xalan-jlocal.xml
    Committer's log entry: Add builds.xml; perhaps should also be added to xalan-jsite.xml as well

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 2002/06/11
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemNumber.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Lexer.java
    Committer's log entry: From Ilene Seelemann: Added the following in blue to line 395 of Lexer.java if ((-1 != posOfNSSep) || ((m_namespaceContext != null) && (m_namespaceContext.handlesNullPrefixes()))) I'm also including ElemNumber.java which really doesn't need to explicitly state that it implements PrefixResolver. Without these updates everything does run fine.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan readme.xml xsltc_constraints.xml
    Committer's log entry: updates for developer's release.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources entities.ent xalan-jsite.xml xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan history.xml index.xml readme.xml resources.xml xml-xalan/java KEYS
    Committer's log entry: Patches for developer's release from Sarah McNamara.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: Updated version # for developer's release.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Committer's log entry: Update .jar file sizes for 2.4.D1 release

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan resources.xml
    Committer's log entry: Remove extraneous slash char on path Submitted by: mcnamara@ca.ibm.com

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix Bugzilla #9137; don't toLowerCase() the filename (not really needed anymore); remove line for xalan.jar for 2_4_D1 because .jar build size is not determinate

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/13
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan extensionslib.xml
    Committer's log entry: Add pointers to info on new EXSLT extensions.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionNamespacesManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed Vector.get(int) to Vector.elementAt(int) to maintain compability with Java 1.1.8.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/17
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltDatetime.java
    Committer's log entry: Modified leap-year functions to use arithmetic logic rather than relying on a Calendar method that doesn't exist in Java 1.1.8.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes RTFIterator.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XRTreeFrag.java
    Committer's log entry: Added RTFIterator (extends OneStepIteratorForward); created fromRTFFragment so EXSLT object-type function can identify an RTF with certainty.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 2002/06/18
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltCommon.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed duplicate implementation of several EXSLT "Set" functions.

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 2002/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin jtidy.LICENSE.txt jtidy.README.txt Tidy.jar
    Committer's log entry: adding Jtidy for use with test harness to parse html

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils Hashtree2Node.java
    Committer's log entry: Simplistic static utility to convert a Hashtable of items (either Hashtables or anything else cast to (String)) into an Element tree

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java
    Committer's log entry: Update checkEnvironment to attempt to call org.apache.env.Which first by using reflection; Which provides better output data than EnvironmentCheck. If reflection doesn't work, then we fallback to EnvironmentCheck as before.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan faq.xml
    Committer's log entry: Add doc about calling checkEnvironment as a stylesheet extension

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 2002/06/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java
    Committer's log entry: bug fix for bugzilla 9572, fix by Pavani.Mukthipudi@sun.com

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 2002/06/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml
    Committer's log entry: Update docs.class.path to include XSLTC-dependent jars Submitted by: Henri Gomez hgomez@slib.fr

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/06/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Add error resources pulled out from code

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/06/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Add error resources pulled out from code

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/06/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java OpMap.java
    Committer's log entry: Pull out hard coded messages

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/06/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler XPathParser.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 5016: Patch from Henry Zongaro... Fix XPATHParser.java to prevent matching empty RelativeLocationPath and Step expressions, prevent a LocationPath from preceding a Predicate in a FilterExpr, check for valid NameTest in NodeTest()

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/06/28
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Fix typo.

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 2002/06/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan xsltc_constraints.xml
    Committer's log entry: fix typo in SmartTransormerFactoryImpl pointed out by Tobias McNulty

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/07/01
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemNumber.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug6268. Patch from Ilene Seelemann. Fix Grouping separator. If no grouping separator is specified but a gouping size is, number is not formatted. If grouping separator is "", warning is issued and number is not formatted. If grouping separator is more than one character, warning is issued and number is not formatted.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/07/08
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java XSLTAttributeDef.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DefaultErrorHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: resource error messages

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/07/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTAttributeDef.java XSLTElementProcessor.java XSLTSchema.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates AVT.java Constants.java ElemAttribute.java ElemElement.java ElemNumber.java ElemPI.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils QName.java StringToIntTable.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java XPATHErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 5013: Validation of QName attribute values. The patch will also fix the missing validation described in bugs 792 and 793

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/07/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils XMLChar.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 5013: Validation of QName attribute values. The patch will also fix the missing validation described in bugs 792 and 793

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 2002/07/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java
    Committer's log entry: bugzilla 9575: Fix AncestorIterator counting root node twice. Patch from Henry Zongaro.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/07/10
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DOMBuilder.java
    Committer's log entry: <Blush> This was still trying to switch between setAttribute() and setAttributeNS(). Correct usage of DOM Level 2 would be to always use setAttributeNS(), and simply set a null URI when the node is not namespaced. (Basically, the L1 versions of createElement, createAttribute, setAttribute and setAttributeNode should be considered deprecated with the sole exception of manipulating a DOM intended to be viewed *only* as Level 1.) I could swear we fixed this a VERY long time ago... Good catch, thanks for calling it to our attention. </Blush>

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/07/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Morris Kwan's patch for bugzilla#10306 The problem is that the namespace declaration is not added to the attributes if there are other leading attributes. There is a check for whether the namespace has already been added. That check is commented out because multiple namespace declarations can exist in one element.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/07/22
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates RedundentExprEliminator.java
    Committer's log entry: Applied patch from Morris Kwan for bugzilla #9753. The bug addresses the problem that there is a build error with Xalan under JDK 1.4, because one of the classes uses assert() as method name. And assert is a keyword in JDK 1.4. The patch just changes the word "assert" to "assertion".

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/07/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTSchema.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java XSLTErrorResources.properties xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemPI.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils QName.java
    Committer's log entry: Remaining updates for Bugzilla#5013. Some attributes that should have been handled as errors were getting handled as warnings.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/07/24
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java ElemForEach.java
    Committer's log entry: Check that recursionLimit is not negative before calling checkForInfinateLoop.

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 2002/07/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan xsltc_constraints.xml
    Committer's log entry: fix typo, java for Java in doc on xsltc and external java functions

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/07/25
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize Encodings.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for bug#10839. Try/catch block needed around System.getProperty call.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/07/26
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTAttributeDef.java XSLTSchema.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying Paul Brown's patch for bug#6972. xsl:output cdata-section-elements attribute was not handled correctly.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/07/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes SingletonIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: file SingletonIterator.java was initially added on branch XSLTC_DTM.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/07/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltCommon.java ExsltMath.java ExsltSets.java Extensions.java
    Committer's log entry: Committed patch for bugzilla#10323 (incorrect Javadoc in the extension code.) Submitted by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/07/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerJavaClass.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.properties
    Committer's log entry: Committed patch for bugzilla#10914 ( Need better error message for redirect select errors) Submitted by Morris Kwan (mkwan@ca.ibm.com)

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/07/29
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #9146 NullPointerException when attempting to build a stylesheet from a DOM Element instead of a Document node.

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/07/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patches for Morris Kwan for bug 10519. Changed condition in absoluteURI method to handle the case where the URI is the root of a file system - e.g., / or c:\

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/07/30
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorInclude.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patches for Morris Kwan for bug 10519. In parse method, if SystemId of the returned DOMSource object is null, systemID is resolved using href.

  • Committed by amiro@apache.org on 2002/08/02
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan xsltc_constraints.xml
    Committer's log entry: changed verbage to agree with new support of constructors and nonstatic external java functions

  • Committed by zongaro@apache.org on 2002/08/07
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XRTreeFrag.java
    Committer's log entry: Applying patch for Bug 9683 for Morris Kwan. If XRTreeFrag is constructed without respect to an XPathContext, the object() method should defer to the parent class's object() method to convert the fragment to the appropriate representation.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/08/09
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemValueOf.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla #6071. Specifically, this patch allows line numbers to be reported when errors are discovered at runtime in a value-of attribute. (See idkeyerr10.)

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/08/14
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src MANIFEST.MF
    Committer's log entry: For Bug#6547. Remove reference to old jar files.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/08/15
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates FuncKey.java xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer KeyTable.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bug: "The key() function throws an exception when called in the context of a local variable." reported on xalan-dev. Modified FuncKey.execute to use getDocumentRoot instead of getDocument.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/08/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes BasicTestIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: For Bug#11123. Fix infinite loop in union expression.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/08/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerJavaClass.java
    Committer's log entry: For bug#7776. Fix argument passing problem for Java extension.

  • Committed by mkwan@apache.org on 2002/08/16
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace PrintTraceListener.java
    Committer's log entry: See bug#10945. Test if a node is a DTMNodeProxy before casting.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/08/19
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for bugzilla#11834. Replaced calls to DTM.getDocument with get DTM.getDocumentRoot.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 2002/08/21
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ClonerToResultTree.java
    Committer's log entry: James Riordan's bug -- Attributes on elements returned from extensions were not being processed successfully. Turns out our copying logic had a minor sequencing error. I don't see anything similar listed in Bugzilla.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/bin xml-apis.jar
    Committer's log entry: Replacing xml-apis.jar with the version from the RIVERCOURT1 branch of xml-commons. The xml-commons-1.0.b2 version does not pass the TCK 1.1 or the TCK 1.2.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan builds.xml
    Committer's log entry: Small updates to the build documentation.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: Updating version numbers to 2.4.0 for new release.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java build.xml xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources entities.ent xalan-jsite.xml
    Committer's log entry: Updating version numbers to 2.4.0 for new release.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java commits.xml
    Committer's log entry: New commits.xml for upcoming Xalan 2.4.0 release.

  • Committed by ilene@apache.org on 2002/08/27
    Modified: xml-xalan/java/xdocs/sources/xalan history.xml xsltc_history.xml
    Committer's log entry: New history.xml, xsltc_history.xml for upcoming Xalan 2.4.0 release.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.3.1

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Make synchronized to address potential reentrancy issue in XRTreeFrag.finalize(), as discussed in the Javadoc. This may solve several outstanding bug reports regarding reuse of Transformers and cache suppression in for-each.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Well, _that_ was dumb... Forgot one "don't dereference if null" test.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/27/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XRTreeFrag.java
    Committer's log entry: Just comment

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/27/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java
    Committer's log entry: We weren't handling the case where no default-value handling was specified. This didn't generally bother us because XSLT never produces an element declaration as output... but it did affect TransformerIdentityImpl when the source document had an internal subset. See xalan-j-users archives, under subject "Differences between explicit and implicit parsing for docs with DTDs?"

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/04/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemVariable.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Variable64-66 and a number of variable-related Bugzilla reports: Global variables may have their resolution deferred. This was causing their content to be placed on the normal variable stack, where it could be popped off (arggh) and later overwritten (double arggh). This change gives them an independent storage space which is not subject to those risks. While I was at it, I've also made the VariableStack class a trifle more self-documenting by giving some of the fields more meaningful names.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/04/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils IntStack.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 6854: Return the stack exception, as documented.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/12/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 6156 reopened: Same symptom, different disease -- rather than a late finalizer, we simply forgot to reset one field between invocations.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/19/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref TestDTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Replace old version, which was specific to particular implentations of DTM, with one which is specific only to DTMManagerDefault and which can be generalized more easily to conduct other tests.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/19/2002
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref TestDTMNodes.java
    Committer's log entry: No longer in service. This supported the old version of TestDTM. New version has a node-dumper as an internal subroutine. (If we're going to do a display method for other debugging purposes, it should be both applicable to all DTMs and -- probably -- built into the DTM system.)

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/20/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref TestDTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Add Apache header, remove import of discarded TestDTMNode. At some point, we should consider moving this class to the tests directory.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/21/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java
    Committer's log entry: Properly catch exception from CharInfo constructor, and try again.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/21/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Put extra check for getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base) for absolute file paths with no protocol... I think one of the last check-in's wiped this out. So now, if the path is the form of "x:/x" or "/x" then "file:///" is added to it. I don't see how this can screw anything up... but I'm sure it will.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/21/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Merge from redundent expression elemination branch.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/21/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DTMDocument.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorKey.java ProcessorPreserveSpace.java ProcessorStripSpace.java StylesheetHandler.java XSLTAttributeDef.java XSLTElementProcessor.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates AVT.java AVTPart.java AVTPartSimple.java AVTPartXPath.java ElemApplyTemplates.java ElemAttribute.java ElemCallTemplate.java ElemChoose.java ElemCopyOf.java ElemElement.java ElemExtensionCall.java ElemForEach.java ElemIf.java ElemLiteralResult.java ElemNumber.java ElemTemplateElement.java ElemValueOf.java ElemVariable.java ElemWhen.java ElemWithParam.java FuncDocument.java FuncKey.java Stylesheet.java WhiteSpaceInfo.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace TraceManager.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer KeyIterator.java KeyManager.java KeyRefIterator.java KeyTable.java NodeSorter.java ResultTreeHandler.java TransformerHandlerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils NodeVector.java java/src/org/apache/xpath Expression.java VariableStack.java XPath.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes AttributeIterator.java AxesWalker.java ChildIterator.java ChildTestIterator.java DescendantIterator.java FilterExprWalker.java IteratorPool.java LocPathIterator.java MatchPatternIterator.java OneStepIterator.java OneStepIteratorForward.java PredicatedNodeTest.java ReverseAxesWalker.java SelfIteratorNoPredicate.java UnionPathIterator.java WalkerFactory.java WalkingIterator.java WalkingIteratorSorted.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncBoolean.java FuncCount.java FuncExtFunction.java Function.java Function2Args.java Function3Args.java FunctionMultiArgs.java FunctionOneArg.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XBoolean.java XNodeSet.java XNodeSetForDOM.java XNumber.java XObject.java XRTreeFrag.java XRTreeFragSelectWrapper.java XString.java XStringForFSB.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Bool.java Equals.java Operation.java UnaryOperation.java Variable.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns FunctionPattern.java NodeTest.java StepPattern.java UnionPattern.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor WhitespaceInfoPaths.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates AbsPathChecker.java ElemVariablePsuedo.java RedundentExprEliminator.java VarNameCollector.java XSLTVisitable.java XSLTVisitor.java XUnresolvedVariableSimple.java java/src/org/apache/xpath ExpressionNode.java ExpressionOwner.java XPathVisitable.java XPathVisitor.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes BasicTestIterator.java FilterExprIterator.java FilterExprIteratorSimple.java HasPositionalPredChecker.java NodeSequence.java PathComponent.java UnionChildIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations VariableSafeAbsRef.java
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer KeyWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Redundent Expression Elimination branch merge. Major architectural changes 1) Rip out cacheing in all iterators, and move the caching into XNodeSet (actually NodeSequence where the caching is done derives from XObject and XNodeSet derives from NodeSequence).Lots of other changes went into this, including rewriting of some of the xsl:key stuff. 2) Implementation of a Visitor mechanism for the stylesheet and xpath components.Each component for an XPath event is passed an ExpressionOwner, which just has a getExpression and setExpression method, which allows us to create a list of these, and then be able to do rewrites.This should be a generally useful mechanism for all sorts of stuff, and should be considered a public API. 3) Implementation of deepEquality methods for all XPath components, which allows us to see if two components are equal. 4) Implementation of RedundentExprEliminator, which is a derivative from the new XSLTVisitor class, which runs over the stylesheet collecting xpaths within the same scope, and absolute xpaths that are not context dependent.These are then each reduced by walking the list and checking for deep equality (though global paths are always reduced).Reduction takes place by creating variables that have a special namespace and a non-legal local name.Both full and partial path reduction done. Not done yet: Add back in the xsl:key caching that I ripped out (not a big deal).Could be skipped, with some risk. Not done yet: Implement isLast function.With the new stuff, the last() function will be slower, so, since most cases are just checking to see if an item is the last, I want to rewrite foo[last()] patterns to foo[xalan:isLast()].Could be skipped, with some risk. Davanum performance test result: 4x increase in performance. Datapower performance suite results: very slight decrease in overall performance.:-( Smoke test results: All clear when run with Xerces 1.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 03/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath DOMHelper.java
    Committer's log entry: The Node identity test in isNodeAfter() (ie., node1 == node2) does not work in some cases, so I added a routine to use DTMNodeProxy equals() if that test fails. This was required to support the new EXSLT leading() and trailing() extension functions.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 03/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionsTable.java MethodResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: 1. Registered the EXSLT 'common', 'sets', and 'math' namespaces ExtensionsTable. 2. To handle extension functions (e.g., some EXSLT functions) that include a dash in their name, added a routine in MethodResolver that maps abc_xyz to abcXyz.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 03/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib package.html
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltCommon.java ExsltMath.java ExsltSets.java
    Committer's log entry: Preliminary set of EXSLT extension implementations.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 03/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib ExsltCommon.java ExsltMath.java ExsltSets.java Extensions.java
    Committer's log entry: Added Apache license.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/23/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyImport.java ElemApplyTemplates.java ElemAttribute.java ElemCallTemplate.java ElemChoose.java ElemComment.java ElemCopy.java ElemCopyOf.java ElemFallback.java ElemForEach.java ElemIf.java ElemMessage.java ElemNumber.java ElemPI.java ElemParam.java ElemTemplate.java ElemTextLiteral.java ElemUse.java ElemValueOf.java ElemVariable.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace TraceListenerEx.java TraceManager.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace TraceListenerEx2.java
    Committer's log entry: Implemented TraceListenerEx2, which extends TraceListenerEx to add the traceEnd event. Modified all existing templates that call fireTraceEvent to also call fireTraceEndEvent at the appropriate time. Note that there was a bad incompatibility between xsl:for-each and xsl:if, which was called whether the test was successful or not. With the current logic of xsl:for-each, if the node-set is empty trace will not be called at all. So I've changed xsl:if to match the xsl:for-each behavior.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/24/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: Set the DEVELOPMENT number to 1, in prep for a developer's release.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/24/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemForEach.java
    Committer's log entry: Make sure the current element is nulled out if debug mode so that TransformerImpl#getElementCallstack works correctly.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/24/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Added fire trace events, which seemed to be missing.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/24/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Added getElementCallstack() and getTemplateCallstack() methods, for support of xsl debuggers.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/24/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed the release number to 4, since new functionality has been added.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/27/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix Frank Weiss bug, which has to do with the currentFrameBottom not being restored properly when inside a with-param. Fix Cristina bug where the traceEnd event was being passed the wrong template. Fix problem with RTF pruning where push/popRTFContext wasn't being called for xsl:apply-templates.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/27/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace TraceListenerEx2.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix JavaDoc comment.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/27/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace PrintTraceListener.java
    Committer's log entry: Handle TraceListenerEx2, even though we don't do anything with the extra methods.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/27/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem with the SAXSourceLocator not getting the line number info.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/27/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SAXSourceLocator.java
    Committer's log entry: Add a constructor that takes a SourceLocator.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/28/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemTemplateElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Added getOwnerXSLTemplate method, a convenience function. Implemented getLocalName().

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/28/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java ProcessorTemplateElem.java
    Committer's log entry: Addressing http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=6752. Make the processor more robust against multiple failures during compilation.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/28/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XNull.java
    Committer's log entry: Change derivation to XNodeSet.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathProcessorException.java XPathException.java
    Committer's log entry: Pass in the parent ExpressionNode, so that more context information can be set. For the moment, I've added methods that are dependent on the XSLT module, to set the source stylesheet node. I'll deal with this more when I deal with the proper breakup and packaging of the XPath package, in a few days.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XObject.java
    Committer's log entry: Pass this as ExpressionNode to the XPathException object on error, which helps us to establish context information for the exception object.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XRTreeFrag.java
    Committer's log entry: Add constructor that lets us set the owning ExpressionNode.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: For getCurrentElement, add some protection for access when there is no current element.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemVariable.java ElemWithParam.java
    Committer's log entry: Pass the template to the XRTreeFrag constructor, so we can establish better context.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathException.java
    Committer's log entry: Set the "StylesheetNode" to the ElemTemplateElement instead of the DOM backpointer.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 04/02/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Wrap runtime exception in TransformerException, so we'll get line number info when NPE and the like.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 04/02/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XRTreeFrag.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=7622. 1) Transform#1 creates an XRTreeFrag. This has a reference to a DTM, that in turn is registered with a DTMManager. The DTM will need to be deleted from the DTMManager when the XRTreeFrag is deleted. The XRTreeFrag also contains a reference to the XPathContext. 2) Transform#1 completes. The XPathContext is reset... namely the a bunch of structures are reset or rebuilt, including DTMManagerDefault#m_dtms. BUT, the XRTreeFrags are still hanging around, waiting to unregister themselves. 3) Transform#2 starts humming along. It builds a XRTreeFrag and installs that RTF DTM into DTMManagerDefault#m_dtms[2]. 4) The finalizer thread wakes and decides to delete some of those old XRTreeFrags from Transform#1. 5) The XRTreeFrag#finalize() method references through the XPathContext, and deletes what it thinks is it's DTM from DTMManagerDefault#m_dtms[2] (via getDTMIdentity(dtm)). 6) Transform#2 tries to reference DTMManagerDefault#m_dtms[2], finds it is null, and chaos results. ...so, before calling xctxt.release, etc., check to make sure the DTM is actually entered in the current DTMManager.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 04/04/2002
    Added: java/src/org/w3c/dom/xpath COPYRIGHT.html XPathEvaluator.java XPathException.java XPathExpression.java XPathNSResolver.java XPathNamespace.java XPathResult.java
    Committer's log entry: Add Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 XPath Specification. (Temp until it's added to xml-commons.)

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 04/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: On entry, set the document base URI in the DTM. Fixes bug reported by Christine.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/09/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix inconsistancy in handling returned DTM IDs. (There's room for debate about whether the current value -- expressed as the NodeHandle for Node 0 in that DTM -- is the best possible representation, but this is what we're currently using...)

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/09/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java
    Committer's log entry: Clean-up of dumpDTM method, some code clarity changes.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/09/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Yeowch. Didn't mean to check in the XNI experiment. Disabled, probably belongs on a branch. (And probably needs to be rewritten fairly intensively, since the current hook is something of a kluge!)

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/09/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: (nitpicking)

  • Committed by pauldick@apache.org on 04/10/2002
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref TestDTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Moved into Test directory

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/10/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Cleaner disabling of experimental code. Sorry 'bout that.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/10/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java ExpandedNameTable.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Change extended types to be an integer and use a structure with a localname, a namespace and a nodetype to represent the node extended type. We no longer need to do the shifting left and right that we did for the previous extended types.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/10/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Variable.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns NodeTest.java
    Committer's log entry: Change extended types to be an integer and use a structure with a localname, a namespace and a nodetype to represent the node extended type. We no longer need to do the shifting left and right that we did for the previous extended types.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/10/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java ElemForEach.java TemplateList.java VarNameCollector.java
    Committer's log entry: Change extended types to be an integer and use a structure with a localname, a namespace and a nodetype to represent the node extended type. We no longer need to do the shifting left and right that we did for the previous extended types.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/12/2002
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm XSequence.java
    Committer's log entry: Creating a new branch, Xalan3, for experimentation with XPath2 support. Currently the changes are limited to org.apache.xml.dtm -- enabling datatype support by tying into Xerces' low-level XNI layer, which includes experimental support for post-schema-validation Infoset (PSVI) information. Eventually we'll be patching other portions of Xalan to actually retrieve and use this data. The code I'm now checking in is NOT in final form. Known issues: 1) The logic in DTMManager which enables this behavior is something of a kluge -- it only kicks in if you parse incrementally from a StreamSource. The getDTM() method really wants to be rationalized somewhat, which will make adding XNI easier. 2) The storage for datatype information currently adds another column to the DTM table. We really want to switch to associating the datatype with the Expanded Type table, and using some form of sparse array to record local overrides. 3) The XNI code won't compile without Xerces2. We need to think about whether we want to accept that as a dependency, or use reflection to bind at run time rather than compile time. Note that typed values are currently computed on demand, with the DTM storing only the sting values. An argument could be made for precomputing some or all of this information and instead generating strings on demand (see the XPath2 Data Model spec for discussion of that alternative). But that's a considerably larger change, and would affect non-type-based users of XSLT as well since it would present values in their normalized form rather than as entered; I'd rather not go that route until we have a string-based alternative fully functional.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/12/2002
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/xni2dtm DTM_XSequence.java XNI2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Creating a new branch, Xalan3, for experimentation with XPath2 support. Currently the changes are limited to org.apache.xml.dtm -- enabling datatype support by tying into Xerces' low-level XNI layer, which includes experimental support for post-schema-validation Infoset (PSVI) information. Eventually we'll be patching other portions of Xalan to actually retrieve and use this data. The code I'm now checking in is NOT in final form. Known issues: 1) The logic in DTMManager which enables this behavior is something of a kluge -- it only kicks in if you parse incrementally from a StreamSource. The getDTM() method really wants to be rationalized somewhat, which will make adding XNI easier. 2) The storage for datatype information currently adds another column to the DTM table. We really want to switch to associating the datatype with the Expanded Type table, and using some form of sparse array to record local overrides. 3) The XNI code won't compile without Xerces2. We need to think about whether we want to accept that as a dependency, or use reflection to bind at run time rather than compile time. Note that typed values are currently computed on demand, with the DTM storing only the sting values. An argument could be made for precomputing some or all of this information and instead generating strings on demand (see the XPath2 Data Model spec for discussion of that alternative). But that's a considerably larger change, and would affect non-type-based users of XSLT as well since it would present values in their normalized form rather than as entered; I'd rather not go that route until we have a string-based alternative fully functional.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/12/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm Tag: Xalan3 DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref Tag: Xalan3 DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDocumentImpl.java DTMManagerDefault.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm Tag: Xalan3 SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Creating a new branch, Xalan3, for experimentation with XPath2 support. Currently the changes are limited to org.apache.xml.dtm -- enabling datatype support by tying into Xerces' low-level XNI layer, which includes experimental support for post-schema-validation Infoset (PSVI) information. Eventually we'll be patching other portions of Xalan to actually retrieve and use this data. The code I'm now checking in is NOT in final form. Known issues: 1) The logic in DTMManager which enables this behavior is something of a kluge -- it only kicks in if you parse incrementally from a StreamSource. The getDTM() method really wants to be rationalized somewhat, which will make adding XNI easier. 2) The storage for datatype information currently adds another column to the DTM table. We really want to switch to associating the datatype with the Expanded Type table, and using some form of sparse array to record local overrides. 3) The XNI code won't compile without Xerces2. We need to think about whether we want to accept that as a dependency, or use reflection to bind at run time rather than compile time. Note that typed values are currently computed on demand, with the DTM storing only the sting values. An argument could be made for precomputing some or all of this information and instead generating strings on demand (see the XPath2 Data Model spec for discussion of that alternative). But that's a considerably larger change, and would affect non-type-based users of XSLT as well since it would present values in their normalized form rather than as entered; I'd rather not go that route until we have a string-based alternative fully functional.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/12/2002
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm XSequence.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/xni2dtm DTM_XSequence.java XNI2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: These should only be on the Xalan3 branch, not the main branch. I _hope_ I can split this successfully...

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/12/2002
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm Tag: Xalan3 XSequence.java
    Committer's log entry: These should only be on the Xalan3 branch, not the main branch. I _hope_ I can split this successfully...

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/12/2002
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/xni2dtm Tag: Xalan3 DTM_XSequence.java XNI2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: These should only be on the Xalan3 branch, not the main branch. I _hope_ I can split this successfully...

  • Committed by santiagopg@apache.org on 04/15/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc Tag: jaxp-ri-1_2_0-fcs-branch DOM.java
    Committer's log entry: New implementation of xsl:element

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler XPathParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Improve recovery if user's error handler insists on trying to continue past a fatal error in the XPath syntax. Ideally, this mechanism should be cleaned up and applied across the entire XPath grammar. But for now, I'm addressing the one specific complaint in a way that can be expanded later, and doing so in a way that minimizes costs. (In fact, one can argue that since this is a rare event, we shouldn't be minimizing the cost quite so much, and should be throwing new exception objects rather than reusing a preconstructed one.)

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler XPathParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Decided I _was_ overoptimizing. Saving memory in tne non-error case trumps saving it in the error case.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates Tag: XSLTC_DTM ElemApplyTemplates.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc Tag: XSLTC_DTM DOM.java DOMCache.java NodeIterator.java Translet.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/cmdline Tag: XSLTC_DTM Transform.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler Tag: XSLTC_DTM AbsolutePathPattern.java AncestorPattern.java Constants.java CopyOf.java DocumentCall.java ForEach.java IdKeyPattern.java Import.java Key.java KeyCall.java LastCall.java Mode.java NameBase.java NodeTest.java ParentLocationPath.java Parser.java ProcessingInstructionPattern.java Step.java StepPattern.java Stylesheet.java SyntaxTreeNode.java UnionPathExpr.java XSLTC.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/compiler/util Tag: XSLTC_DTM MethodGenerator.java NodeSetType.java ResultTreeType.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom Tag: XSLTC_DTM AbsoluteIterator.java AnyNodeCounter.java Axis.java BitArray.java CurrentNodeListFilter.java CurrentNodeListIterator.java DOMAdapter.java DOMImpl.java DTDMonitor.java DocumentCache.java DupFilterIterator.java FilterIterator.java FilteredStepIterator.java KeyIndex.java LoadDocument.java MatchingIterator.java MultiDOM.java MultipleNodeCounter.java NodeCounter.java NthIterator.java ReverseIterator.java SingleNodeCounter.java SingletonIterator.java SortingIterator.java StepIterator.java UnionIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/runtime Tag: XSLTC_DTM AbstractTranslet.java BasisLibrary.java Constants.java DefaultRun.java SAXAdapter.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/trax Tag: XSLTC_DTM TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java XSLTCSource.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm Tag: XSLTC_DTM DTM.java DTMAxisIterator.java DTMManager.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref Tag: XSLTC_DTM DTMAxisIteratorBase.java DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java DTMNamedNodeMap.java DTMNodeList.java DTMNodeProxy.java ExpandedNameTable.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm Tag: XSLTC_DTM DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm Tag: XSLTC_DTM SAX2DTM.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom Tag: XSLTC_DTM SAXImpl.java XSLTCDTMManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Checking in a branch of xalan where XSLTC is using the DTM interface. This branch is very unstable, please do not use yet!!!

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm Tag: XSLTC_DTM DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Make getNumberOfNodes() public

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/18/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref Tag: Xalan3 DTMManagerDefault.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java
    Committer's log entry: XNI support now always used if available, with SAX as fallback. Issues: DTMDefaultManager is still a bit more aware of Xerces2 than I want it to be. And the kluge of creating an Incremental Xerces source and then running it non-incrementally, while producing straightforward code, is a slightly ugly mixed metaphor.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/18/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref Tag: Xalan3 DTMManagerDefault.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/xni2dtm Tag: Xalan3 XNI2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor polishing, disabling debugging dump. We currently pass most of Smoketest with the new XNI code enabled. Some suspicious stuff in the API tests; my attempts to disentangle the XNI and SAX support may not have been 100% succesful.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/18/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc/dom Tag: XSLTC_DTM SAXImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref Tag: XSLTC_DTM DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Tag: XSLTC_DTM XPathParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Misc fixes

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/22/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 4546 -- thanks to Wolfram Eisert for tracking this down and proposing the patch.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref Tag: Xalan3 DTMManagerDefault.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java
    Committer's log entry: Easy enable/disable of XNI support for testing purposes, and some error-reporting cleanup. We still fail a few API tests in XNI mode, mostly related to error handling.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/29/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm Tag: Xalan3 DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref Tag: Xalan3 DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java ExpandedNameTable.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm Tag: Xalan3 DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm Tag: Xalan3 SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Merge ExtendedType changes from main branch

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 05/02/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref Tag: Xalan3 ExpandedNameTable.java
    Committer's log entry: Oops. Typo.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 05/02/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref Tag: Xalan3 ExpandedNameTable.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/xni2dtm Tag: Xalan3 XNI2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Make sure current version checked in before I start experimenting with alternatives.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 05/02/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/xni2dtm Tag: Xalan3 XNI2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: It helps if we actually remember to store the schema info...

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 05/03/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref Tag: Xalan3 ExpandedNameTable.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/xni2dtm Tag: Xalan3 XNI2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Xalan3 PSVI changes: Lighter-weight storage for PSVI datatype. Schema type first seen is now stored as part of the ExpandedName. In many cases all instances of the same node have the same type and this should suffice. In some cases tthe actual type may be locally overridden (schema derived types), and XNI2DTM will record an exception into a simple "sparse vector". Storage improved. DTM construction speed improved. Schema type retrieval speed adversely impacted but -- one hopes -- not significantly. Of course right now Xerces' schema-validator burns so many cycles that our own efficiency or lack thereof is completely moot... but we assume they'll be improving that over time.

  • Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler XPathParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Remove the duplicated ;; ( which broke the JDK1.4 compilation which in turn broke all the gump deps ).

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 05/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes PredicatedNodeTest.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 7159 -- Just an access-permission change, for improved toolability.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 05/09/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToText.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 8358 -- bad method signature. I've created a new method with the correct signature. The old one may or may not be entirely superfluous, but I don't want to muck with it right now.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.3 and 2.3.1

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 01/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed second connection problem

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 01/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Update for new DTM Model

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 01/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DTMDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Update for new DTM Model

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 01/17/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java DTMDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed Debug

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 01/18/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: Whups. There's a possible reentrancy problem when data is being serialized from an FSB, thru Sax, back into a new chunk of the same FSB; if the append causes a rechunking, the serialize loop may break. TEMPORARY PATCH; permanant fix to follow. See comments.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 01/18/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SuballocatedIntVector.java
    Committer's log entry: <blush>Wrong side of the fencepost...</blush>

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 01/23/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemTemplate.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMManager.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMManagerDefault.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2RTFDTM.java
    Committer's log entry: These changes allow us to store multiple Result Tree Fragment (RTF) document trees (used when an XSLT variable contains a constructed set of nodes) into a single DTM object rather than using a new DTM for each RTF. They also permit "tail-pruning" this shared DTM to reuse that space as the variables go out of scope. The result is a slight performance improvement, and a much more significant improvement in storage efficiency. Stylesheets which use RTFs heavily should now run in much less memory; in one testcase, our "working set" heap size (storage actually in use, not counting objects released but not yet GC'd) dropped from 12-15MB down to 3-6MB, and heap churn (how quickly storage was being allocated and discarded) also reduced substantially. The code changes needed to support this new scheme are surprisingly small. And I believe it may be possible to reduce them further, if we're willing to merge the SAX2RTFDTM subclass back into its SAX2DTM superclass. I believe that could be done with very little adverse impact on other uses of SAX2DTM... but I felt it was safer to defer that decision for now.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 01/25/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 5982 and 6022. The variable stack was not being cleared accross transforms so that when the transformer is reused, we were using nodesets from the previous transform which were using a different DTM. Note that we want keep any variables that have been set externally by the user (using Transformer.setParameter()).

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 01/28/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: bug 4762: Fixed the duplicate error message in XPATH.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 01/28/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4054: Retain previously set output properties when adding new ones.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 01/28/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 5872. We were using a constructor of TranformerException without the locator information. Changed to code to use a locator if info is available.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 01/30/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib NodeInfo.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed "system id" to "public identifier" in javadoc comments for publicId() methods.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 01/30/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 2617, part 1: Construct the data structures and access them correctly. Ignore too-late-to-be-safe requests to enable this feature. This doesn't resolve how to rewrite higher-level code so it makes the request early enough to be useful.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 01/30/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates StylesheetComposed.java StylesheetRoot.java TemplateList.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 4987: Changed Apply-imports logic to only apply imports to stylesheets that are direct imports. The logic for includes has not changed, we will apply-imports to any stylesheet that is imported as a result of an inclusion. Note: had to change the order when includes and imports are recomposed!

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 01/31/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib NodeInfo.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java SAX2RTFDTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DefaultErrorHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 2617: Recreated missing code, changed controls to ensure that this mode gets set early enough to be useful and can't be broken by being turned on and off during execution. NOTE: Current implementation relies on a global static flag in TransformerFactoryImpl. We need to rearchitect our APIs slightly so configuration hints of this kind can be passed down from top-level objects to the back-end code more elegantly. Revisit in future releases.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 01/31/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 5505: Need to resolve params before we do anything else, so move code that does that above the code that sets up the different node stacks.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 6182. Darned fence posts; always either too many or not enough... <grin/>

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/01/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 6156: Change variable stack reset to just get a new object. Also make sure that the stack of result tree fragments is also cleaned ot during a reset.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/04/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XBoolean.java XNodeSet.java XNumber.java XObject.java XRTreeFrag.java XString.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Equals.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 5851: Make sure that the equal operation is evaluated by order of precedence of the operands, as defined by XSLT.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/04/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 5346: Prevent mantissa overflow when converting string to double. There is still a possible edge-case, since I detect overflow on decimal digit bounds rather than on bit bounds; I'm not sure what the IEEE spec calls for.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/04/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 5346: My first-cut messed up fractional values. This one is somewhat better. There's an open issue w/r/t numbers with many digits after the decimal point, regarding limits on how large a power of 10 can be contained in a long. In that one case I'm falling back on successive divisions (though as few as possible), and some loss of precision may result. Need to find a better algorithm...

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/04/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 5346: Oops. Forgot to take out a debugging printout.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 5346: Responding to the re-open; more direct and reliable edge-case test. This does lose a few low bits on many-digit values, so it is not the best long-term solution.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 5346: One more (last, I hope) edge case.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 5346: Gaaah. This regressions was just plain foolish flailing. "Less haste, more speed."

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/05/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize CharInfo.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 5857: Reusing objects that reuse objects has threading concerns. Three possible solutions: Don't reuse, synchronize reuse, or rewrite to avoid using the objects in the first place. See comments in code.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java IncrementalSAXSource.java IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 4244: Incremental wasn't setting up correctly for the DTDHandler stream. It never occurred to me that XSLT would ever have a use for unparsed entities...

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 02/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: Whoops! Never updated release number to 2.3 in these version files!

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 02/06/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: updated version number to 2.3

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/07/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath SourceTreeManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 6304: Remove print stacktrace

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/08/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions XSLProcessorContext.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DTMDocument.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemForEach.java FuncDocument.java FuncKey.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer KeyIterator.java TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java DTMDocumentImpl.java DTMNodeProxy.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2RTFDTM.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes IteratorPool.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 6314: Additional support changes for multiple RTFs per DTM. Many files affected, but the basic change is that dtm.getDocument() with no arguments is meaningless when there are multiple docs in a single DTM object; instead, folks should use the new getRootNode() method or getOwnerDocument(), both of which take a node as input and thus more clearly identify which document we're referring to.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 02/12/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 6328, whitespace normalization. Late fix, but it was a genuine regresion. This code could still do with a rationalization pass; I think it can be made slightly a touch faster.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 02/14/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Committer's log entry: Update various .jar sizes for recent builds and 2.3.0

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2

Following a series of Developer releases, Xalan-Java 2.2 represents a stable, production-quality release with the DTM (Document Table Model). Xalan-Java uses the DTM to represent the XML source document to be transformed. Please send your feedback to the Xalan Development Mailing List.

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 11/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: updated version number to 2.2.D14

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 11/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: updated version number to 2.2.D14

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 5242: Special-case initializing iteration from Document node -- one-liner wasn't safe.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 12/04/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc ProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: new class to version xsltc software

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Additional debugging printouts, added while analysing Bugzilla 5272 but generally useful. No functional change, and should be optimized away when DEBUG is set false.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed the "magic" default which causes us to switch into incremental processing mode whenever we were writing to Standard Output (ie, -OUT had not been specified). If you want incremental processing, please use the (relatively new) -INCREMENTAL switch to explicitly request it. (The automatic switchover was causing some confusion when testing against Xerces2. )

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Efficiency improvement to the new DTM "overflow addressing" scheme. In some tests, this one alteration shaved about 30% off the runtime.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath CachedXPathAPI.java XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Changes requested by the xml-security group: 1) Provide something a constructor that allows sharing the XPathContext object between CachedXPathAPI objects 2) Add getXPathContext(). I'm just a bit nervious about this method, but they assure us they need it and the field isn't private. We may need to discus this one further. 3) Make the XPathContext's m_dtmManager member protected rather than private, so their subclass can get to it. We may want to work with them to understand why they're accessing this directly and whether there's a better solution.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla5272 patch suggested by Sandy Gao. This startup sequence for incremental SAX parsing under Xerces2 really is excessively complicated and excessively fragile as a result. Not to mention being underdocumented. We really need to push the Xerces folks to provide a simple incremental SAX API, similar to that in the Xerces1incremental prototype.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Part 1 of 2: Reducing initial space requirements of a DTM. This may involve a slight performance hit, but should help stylesheets which generate a lot of Result Tree Fragment. Part 2 of this change will be checked in after I resolve a bug in whitespace normalization. Note that a better long-term answer will be to reduce the number of DTMs tied up as RTFs, by doing a better job of discarding or reusing them when we're done with them. There are some issues regarding exactly what their lifetimes will be when assigned to variables, especially when one variable is used to build another, which we need to address before we can make that change.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Part 2a of 2: Reducing initial space requirements of a DTM. This may involve a slight performance hit in some circumstances due to smaller and more complex subdivision of FastStringBuffers,, but should help stylesheets which generate a lot of Result Tree Fragments. Note that a better long-term answer will be to reduce the number of DTMs tied up as RTFs

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: Part 2b of 2: Reducing initial space requirements of a DTM. This may involve a slight performance hit in some circumstances due to smaller and more complex subdivision of FastStringBuffers,, but should help stylesheets which generate a lot of Result Tree Fragments. (Leveraging FSB's features more strongly exposed a bug in whitespace normalization, which I've fixed.) Note that a better long-term answer will be to reduce the number of DTMs tied up as RTFs

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils AttList.java
    Committer's log entry: Two goofs: Forgetting to use the namespace-aware DOM call, and forgetting to check for a returned null before dereferencing. How long has _that_ been lurking in the undergrowth?!

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SuballocatedIntVector.java
    Committer's log entry: Finally following up on an old hunch, I switched from /% addressing to shift-and-mask. Big improvement!

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Performance improvements; Some changes to better leverage the DOM's existing code, others to avoid some call-and-return overhead. Combined with other recent changes, we've now got a significant speedup over D14 on some tests. We may want to drop the scheduled December 17th 2.2 release and instead bring 2.2 out on 1/14 (which is when we'd planned 2.3) with performance gains and Xerces2 support.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java DOM2DTMdefaultNamespaceDeclarationNode.java
    Committer's log entry: A few more subtle performance tweaks, and an actual bug.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 12/20/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ListingErrorHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Alternate ErrorHandler/ErrorListener implementation that allows configuration and prints errors out similarly to javac

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 12/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils AttList.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 5496; previously unimplemented functions.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 01/03/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DOMBuilder.java
    Committer's log entry: [Bug 5528] DOMBuilder mixed DOM Level 1 and 2

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 01/11/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: updated release number to 2.2.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 01/11/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: updated release number to 2.2.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 01/13/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix Bugzilla#5701: incorrect resolution of certain kinds of absolute file: URIs Note: This definitely seems to be more correct in terms of resolving URIs vis-a-vis RFC 2396 than it used to be. The only user case which might now fail where it used to work is a user that supplies an incorrect 'file:subdir/blah' that they intended to be a relative URI (technically it is an absolute URI no matter which way you look at it); this might lead to a change in behavior in this particular case, although the behavior before was incorrect. The major risk factor could be if there are other parts of Xalan code that rely on the previously incorrect behavior, but I can't find any, and the whole test suite runs and passes normally.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 01/14/2002
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix Bugzilla#4678 and Bugzilla#5533: call setSystemId on StreamResult in Process command line class; ignored if using System.out This should enable the redirect extension to properly put it's redirected output in a location relative to the output if possible; previously it always put redirected output relative to the input since it never had the systemId of where the output should be

NoteThis release includes no updates of the compatibility source code (now deprecated).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D14

Xalan-Java 2.2.D14 is intended to be the final release in the current series of Developer releases incorporating the DTM. We believe Xalan with the DTM has reached a level of stability that warrants a standard "User" release. Accordingly, we plan to release Xalan-Java 2.2 soon.

Xalan-Java 2.2.D14 also includes a new CachedXPathAPI class that provides an enhanced alternative to the XPath convenience methods in XPathAPI.

Beginning with 2.2.D12, xalan.jar contains just the Xalan-Java implementation. The source files for the SAX level 2, DOM 2, and JAXP 1.1 interfaces are pulled from the xml-commons repository (xml-commons/java/external/src), and are built as xml-apis.jar. These interfaces are shared by a number of tools, so placing them in their own jar simplifies coordination and reduces the risk of duplication. To run Xalan-Java, you must add xml-apis.jar to your classpath. See Setting up the system class path.

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Reorder slightly and add test to not synthesize xmlns:xsl declaration if one was already present on the DOM's root element.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java
    Committer's log entry: D13 internal version number update

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: D13 internal version number update

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNodeList.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla4842, secondary complaint (glitch in getChildren)... <blush/>

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNodeProxy.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla4842: Expand the proxy layer to support more of the DOM API.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Namespace decls are themselves not namespace-aware, in the Namespaces 1.0 REC. Use the qname.Grumble.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: "Tupograflica eror". Sorry 'bout that!

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Sigh. The XML Namespaces spec it itself imperfectly namespace-aware. While there's a plan to fix that, it's safer for now if we test the QName when looking for explicit instances of xmlns:xml in the source document.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DTMDocument.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMManager.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java DTMManagerDefault.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Another fairly large change in the DTM architexture (sic).... We've changed DTM's internal behavior so it can now assign more than one "DTM ID" to a single document, cascading from one ID to the next. This means that the size of a single DTM is no longer limited by the bits available in the low part of the DTM Node Handle. This means we can support larger documents. That has allowed us to reduce the number of bits reserved for that portion of the node addresing scheme... which in turn has increased the number of bits available for use in the DTM ID. This means we can now have many more documents active at once. The trade-off is that huge documents will require more than one DTM ID and thus cut into the number of documents, But since we now have 16 bits of DTM ID space, I don't think we're really likely to run into both limits at once. And the changes are essentially limited to the DTM layer; the rest of Xalan should be unaffected. In the process of making this change, I've also encapsulated the conversions between DTM API node handles and DTMDefaultBase's internal node indices. That should be safer all 'round. NOTE: One side effect of this change is that the strings generated by the key() function have changed again. I've updated the IDKEY testcases to reflect this. Smoketest is currently passing everything except axes109 and the API's TraceListenerTest . But I believe those failures are due to a glitch in my test directory since they also happen when I run the D13 code there, whereas D13 runs fine in the directory where I built it. I'm going to assume that "same result is no new bug" for now.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java
    Committer's log entry: Found the glitch causing the axes108 bug -- exptype/type.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Added option to set the recursion limit (which we're having trouble with right now; the code that supported it seems to be disabled...) and selfdoc for this and a few other newer options.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 11/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Catch exceptions from the output content handler in flush(), and throw a SAXParseException with line numbers filled in. If we don't do this, and the exception is a RuntimeException, good line numbers of where the exception occured in the stylesheet won't get reported. I tried just catching RuntimeException, but for whatever reason it didn't seem to catch. Fix for Christina's DOMException error problem.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTMdefaultNamespaceDeclarationNode.java
    Committer's log entry: Moved default namespace declaration node object out of its "inner class" status, since I think I want to perform an instanceof test on it.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMManagerDefault.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathAPI.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xpath CachedXPathAPI.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4336 -- fix for presenting symptom (since the implicit xml: declaration pseudo-DOM node is resynthesized in each DTM, find the _corresponding_ node), and a first draft of CachedXPathAPI which should be a fix for the larger symptom (XPathAPI creates a new DTM every time, which is potentially very ugly for applications that want to run XPaths repeatedly on a single document). Also caught and fixed another node-handle/node-identity confusion. The fact that DTM.get...() allowed us to be sloppy about that distinction in the past means there may still be a few others lurking in the code. Ye gods, I _wish_ Java had typedef!

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNodeProxy.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor tweaks

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 11/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Redirect.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch to enable optional 'append' attribute on redirect:open and redirect:write elements to append to file; note that behavior may not be what you expect when using xml output, since the xml decl will currently be output *each* time you newly write to the file Submitted by: jpvdm@iafrica.com

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNodeProxy.java
    Committer's log entry: Implement getDocumentElement. If the DTM doesn't represent a wellformed Document, this call is undefined and throws an exception... which isn't DOMlike but that's a non-DOMlike situation.

NoteThis release includes no updates of the compatibility source code (now deprecated).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D12 and 2.2.D13

Xalan-Java 2.2.D13 is intended to be the final release in the current series of Developer releases incorporating the DTM. We believe Xalan with the DTM has reached a level of stability that warrants a standard "User" release. Accordingly, we plan to release Xalan-Java 2.2 soon.

Beginning with this release, xalan.jar contains just the Xalan-Java implementation. The source files for the SAX level 2, DOM 2, and JAXP 1.1 interfaces are pulled from the xml-commons repository (xml-commons/java/external/src), and are built as xml-apis.jar. These interfaces are shared by a number of tools, so placing them in their own jar simplifies coordination and reduces the risk of duplication. To run Xalan-Java, you must add xml-apis.jar to your classpath. See Setting up the system class path.

Beginning with this release, we are shipping two distribution files; a binary distribution file, which includes everything needed to run Xalan-Java and build applications, and a source distribution. For more information, see Downloading what you need.

This release also includes ValidateXMLInput, a sample that illustrates how you can verify that the XML input you are transforming adheres to its document type. It is in the samples/validate subdirectory along with a Validate utility that you can use to validate XML files without performing a transformation.

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla3995: Removed "final" keywords. That doesn't by itself provide the requested enhancement, but it makes prototyping one a bit easier.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 3384. See comments in the toDouble method; I suspect this may be wasted micro-optimization.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Is " 12 34 . 56 78 " really considered acceptable? Or should whitespace within the value be treated as NAN?

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated build number to 2.2.D12.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: Updated build number to 2.2.D12.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemLiteralResult.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla1133, LRE21: xsl:extension-element-prefixes should be considered an exclusion

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemLiteralResult.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 3464. Exposes errors in conformance tests namespace93 and 94.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 10/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize CharInfo.java HTMLEntities.res XMLEntities.res
    Committer's log entry: Fix Bugzilla#4000, force reading of *Entites.res to be in UTF-8; added comments PR: Bugzilla#4000

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Avoid overgenerality of isDigits Combine most character tests into a single switch for performance Reject values with embedded (as opposed to leading/trailing) whitespace. Note that this is "more correct:" than the old solution of calling Java's toDouble, since (I think) XSLT doesn't officially accept leading + or scientific notation. If folks want to accept those notations, an extension function specifically for that purpose seems the simplest/safest/most-portable solution.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Gaaah. Typo.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 10/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java
    Committer's log entry: Added new org.apache.xalan.Version class for better versioning info; Deprecated org.apache.xalan.processor.XSLProcessorVersion; Updated EnvironmentCheck with this info

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java
    Committer's log entry: Be careful with parentheses when using ?: operator.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref CoroutineSAXParser.java CoroutineSAXParser_Xerces.java
    Committer's log entry: CoroutineParser API was replaced by IncrementalSAXSource; dropping obsolete code.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref CoroutineSAXFilterTest.java
    Committer's log entry: CoroutineParser API was replaced by IncrementalSAXSource; dropping obsolete code.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java
    Committer's log entry: Whups; sloppy: Actually, problem was that the latter two arguments to ?: must agree in datatype. Dropped in a quick-and-dirty int-to-string hint.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Preliminary Xerces-2 support. Doesn't leverage Xerces-2 incremental features yet, but should at least compile and run under the new parser without breaking support for the old one. Still working on improving this.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemApplyTemplates.java ElemCallTemplate.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4218: Make sure that the stack frame gets restored to the frame that was previously set. Just calling unlink() may restore to the wrong frame, and get us out of synch.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/xml/sax/helpers ParserAdapter.java
    Committer's log entry: Java 1.1.8 back-compatability requires not using Java 1.2 collection calls. (Still waiting for community consensus before abandoning 1.1)

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 10/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4218: Make sure that the stack frame gets restored to the frame that was previously set. Just calling unlink() may restore to the wrong frame, and get us out of synch.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java
    Committer's log entry: In Xerces2, SAXParser no longer seems to inherit from XMLReader; explicit casts needed to work around that.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 10/23/2001
    Removed: java/src/javax/xml/parsers SAXParserFactory.java SAXParser.java ParserConfigurationException.java package.html FactoryFinder.java FactoryConfigurationError.java DocumentBuilderFactory.java DocumentBuilder.java
    Committer's log entry: Remove javax.xml.parsers package from xalan sources since we no longer ship with these files

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize CharInfo.java
    Committer's log entry: Microsoft VJ++ workaround. Should never arise in any reasonably standards-compliant Java environment, but VJ++ isn't...

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize CharInfo.java
    Committer's log entry: Additional "big scary" docs for Microsoft VJ++ workaround.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 10/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler XPathParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Added fix for bug reported by Myriam for match="//x/a" patterns. On the second "/" on "//", the parser wasn't swallowing the token, which caused the "x" pattern to be ancestor instead of parent. If you don't have this fix, it will cause 'a' to be matched when it has any ancestor that is 'x'. This fix should be localized to only match patterns. The reason this probably wasn't reported before, is because "//" at the head of a match pattern is pretty useless, "x/a" being equivelent.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 10/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToHTML.java
    Committer's log entry: By longstanding request, don't URL-escape spaces. This is consistent with the specification, and the opinion of the right thing to do by several people on the XSL working group, including Mike Kay, and by the LotusXSLTeam.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTElementDef.java
    Committer's log entry: Improved safety net: When running with Xerces2, the "uri" field may be null. (Also reordered tests to encourage optimization of code.)

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Add command-line switches for the options introduced at same time as DTM, to make testing those features easier.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 11/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetPIHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4575: Add the EOL character to the list of token delimiters.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java
    Committer's log entry: Leverage Xerces-2 incremental parsing feature, when possible, Making this compile _and_ run under both the old and new versions of the parser involves a lot of reflection... especially since Xerces-2 no longer provides a way to directly request incremental delivery of SAX events; we now have to assemble that concept ourselves, using XNI components. Note that if you pass an existing Xerces-2 SAXParser into the IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces wrapper, there is currently no way for us to access its incremental controls. In that case, we are forced to fall back on the _Filter solution and coroutines.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 11/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForFSB.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4396: Defaulting to the super hashCode(). This causes us to create a string, but at this point this only seems to get called in key processing. Maybe we can live with it?

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 11/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Committer's log entry: Use appropriate context class loader as done in JAXP's FactoryFinder; Added various new jars; added checkAntVersion()

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 11/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize HTMLEntities.res
    Committer's log entry: Commented out mainly greek entities that Netscape seems not to handle.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 11/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize Encodings.java SerializerToHTML.java SerializerToText.java SerializerToXML.java
    Committer's log entry: Progress on Bugzilla Bug 1639 : Xalan escaping characters for ISO encodings other than ISO-8859-1. The problem is that you can't tell from the Java Writers if they can encode a character, and you can't tell which character they are going to encode to. So... Do a one-time-only reflection to see if a sun.io.CharToByteConverter for the specific encoding is available. I'm hoping this will work for most or all platforms... but only some extensive testing will tell for sure. If the CharToByteConverter is not available, it falls back to the old behavior. If it is available, use the canConvert method to see if the UTF-16 character can be encoded. If it can be, just send it to the writer, otherwise escape it. This doesn't need to be done for < 128, so I'm suspecting the performance hit won't be too bad. The alternative is to create lookups for all the encodings that tell which blocks of characters can't be encoded. Too much work for me this weekend, though it remains a possibility. I want to try the use of CharToByteConverter.canConvert first. One problem I've encountered is that CharToByteConverter.canConvert returns true for (utf-16 code points) 127-159. And so they go unescaped. How bad of a problem is this? This seems like a bug in the Java CharToByteConverter for ISO-8859-7. It remains to be seen if this problem exists with other encodings, or if this is the best approach.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 11/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java
    Committer's log entry: Check for control characters for canConvert, and return false if it is a control character, so that it will be escaped.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 11/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Don't set the ErrorHandler if it is already set.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 11/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor fix to JavaDoc for setRecursionLimit.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Operation.java UnaryOperation.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4679: Accessors for left and right operands

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 11/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToHTML.java
    Committer's log entry: Do not escape the percent '%' character anymore.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 11/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes LocPathIterator.java OneStepIterator.java PredicatedNodeTest.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4638: When we are in a subcontext we need to clip off the predicate when evaluating. If not, we end up with the wrong nodeset. This also relates to test position68.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ClonerToResultTree.java ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4607; allow explicitly cloning namespace nodes rather than throwing exception.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 11/07/2001
    Removed: java/src/META-INF/services javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
    Committer's log entry: Remove services/javax.xml.parsers.* references; we assume parsers have their own

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 11/07/2001
    Removed: java/src/javax/xml/transform ErrorListener.java FactoryFinder.java OutputKeys.java Result.java Source.java SourceLocator.java Templates.java Transformer.java TransformerConfigurationException.java TransformerException.java TransformerFactory.java TransformerFactoryConfigurationError.java URIResolver.java overview.html package.html java/src/javax/xml/transform/dom DOMLocator.java DOMResult.java DOMSource.java package.html java/src/javax/xml/transform/sax SAXResult.java SAXSource.java SAXTransformerFactory.java TemplatesHandler.java TransformerHandler.java package.html java/src/javax/xml/transform/stream StreamResult.java StreamSource.java package.html java/src/org/w3c/dom Attr.java CDATASection.java CharacterData.java Comment.java DOMException.java DOMImplementation.java Document.java DocumentFragment.java DocumentType.java Element.java Entity.java EntityReference.java NamedNodeMap.java Node.java NodeList.java Notation.java ProcessingInstruction.java Text.java package.html java/src/org/w3c/dom/ranges DocumentRange.java Range.java RangeException.java package.html java/src/org/w3c/dom/traversal DocumentTraversal.java NodeFilter.java NodeIterator.java TreeWalker.java package.html java/src/org/xml/sax AttributeList.java Attributes.java ContentHandler.java DTDHandler.java DocumentHandler.java EntityResolver.java ErrorHandler.java HandlerBase.java InputSource.java Locator.java Parser.java SAXException.java SAXNotRecognizedException.java SAXNotSupportedException.java SAXParseException.java XMLFilter.java XMLReader.java package.html java/src/org/xml/sax/ext DeclHandler.java LexicalHandler.java package.html java/src/org/xml/sax/helpers AttributeListImpl.java AttributesImpl.java DefaultHandler.java LocatorImpl.java NamespaceSupport.java ParserAdapter.java ParserFactory.java XMLFilterImpl.java XMLReaderAdapter.java XMLReaderFactory.java package.html
    Committer's log entry: Use a condensed copy of xml-commons sources instead of individual sources; remove xalan-specific copies of commons files

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 11/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemNumber.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils/res XResources_cy.java XResources_el.java XResources_ja_JP_A.java XResources_ja_JP_HA.java XResources_ja_JP_HI.java XResources_ja_JP_I.java XResources_zh_CN.java XResources_zh_TW.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4601: Change ElemNumber to use a long integer for the value of the number. This will allow us to format bigger numbers. As far as japanese multipliers, we decided to document as a xalan limitation the fact that the last 2 japanese multipliers will not be supported. If anyone has a strong and valid user case for this, we will reconsider. For now, we could not justify the expense of moving to BigInteger to support these multipliers.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4735: We should at least report an error when we overflow DTM addressing...

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 11/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorInclude.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4355: Make sure that when finding out if a stylesheet imports itself, we use the resolved href.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 11/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath NodeSetDTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4158: Make sure we get the current, not the node pointed to by m_next, which has been already incremented.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4344: discard attrs which don't have an element to belong to

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 4344: more efficient.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Reorder slightly and add test to not synthesize xmlns:xsl declaration if one was already present on the DOM's root element.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan Version.java
    Committer's log entry: D13 internal version number update

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 11/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: D13 internal version number update

NoteThis release includes no updates of the compatibility source code (now deprecated).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D11

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 09/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed the code which precalculated node levels (depth in tree). This has been IFed out for some time, but was retained in case we wanted to go back to it. Since it seems we're happy with this choice, zapping it entirely saves a few more cycles. It's simple enough to recreate if we change our minds later.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 09/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor cleanup and updates in preparation for extension function; note SAX portion isn't complete yet

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 09/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Committer's log entry: Update EnvironmentCheck service with SAX checking; better method organization; Add checkEnvironment to xalan: built-in Extensions class

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Lexer.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 2140: Catch index out of bounds exception

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 2130: Check for null data to avoid NPE

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 3421: Issue an error if namespace attribute is used with an empty string in xsl:element

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Backing out this change. Some conformance tests need to be updated first

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 3421: Issue an error if namespace attribute is used with an empty string in xsl:element

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemTemplateElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 3442: when building the prefix table for an element, just override prefixes defined in parent element with uris that have been redefined by the element instead of keeping both uris in the table.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 09/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix Bugzilla 3491: updated error message text; also updated Javadoc to reflect @throws; note that the Javadoc is still somewhat contradictory about returning a null on error (it appears to throw exceptions instead) PR:3491 Submitted by:Julian.Birch@ranplc.co.uk

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 09/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/javax/xml/transform TransformerFactory.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix Bugzilla 3423: documentation updates for proper class, property names (one of two checkins) PR:3423 Submitted by:gthb@dimon.is

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 09/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPath.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix Bugzilla 2637: documentation updates for constructor functionality PR:2637 Submitted by:gthb@dimon.is

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemUse.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 2548: Combine attribute sets with the same name but process them in order of precedence.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes UnionPathIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug 3533: Check for null m_iterators before trying to use it.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer KeyRefIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 3618: Check cache before anything else when getting the next node in the iterator.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 09/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletException.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed the TransletException class so that it inherits from SAXException and not from Exception. This should make it possible for us to avoid testing for both SAXExceptions and TransletExceptions. Exception handling is one of the things that JVM takes its time with, and we should try to avoid using them when we can, and use as few of them as possible otherwise. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 2332: Implement getAttribute() method to return the values for incremental and optimize

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNodeProxy.java
    Committer's log entry: Enable Attr.getOwnerElement()

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemLiteralResult.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 1803: Handle version attribute on a litteral element.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: release 2.2.D11

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 09/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: release 2.2.D11

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTSchema.java
    Committer's log entry: Mark xsl:template as containing ordered elements. Fix for no error when xsl:param not first child of xsl:template

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemLiteralResult.java ElemTemplateElement.java Stylesheet.java
    Committer's log entry: Bugzilla 3800: Make sure that when looking for excluded prefixes, we check the URI associated with the prefix, not the prefix in the excluded list.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 09/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath NodeSetDTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Do not reorder or strip duplicate nodes when converting a DOM nodelist into a DTM nodelist

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.java
    Committer's log entry: Catch for unwrappered StopException (apparently not all parsers generate a SAXException wrapper).

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 10/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Creating the implied Namespace Node for xml:

NoteThis release includes no updates of the compatibility source code (now deprecated).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D10
NoteThe SQL Extension library has been updated to work with DTM.

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 08/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bugzilla bug 3056 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3056). SAX2DTM now keeps track if it is receiving events inside a DTD and ignores comment events when inside the DTD.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: Update version for 2.2.D9 build

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 08/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ConnectionPool.java DefaultConnectionPool.java SQLDocument.java XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed bug in connect method where User and Password were not correctly being passed to the JDBC Driver. Requires chnage in ConnectionPool Interface Submitted by: John Gentilin

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/15o2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Use defined constant DTMManager.IDENT_DTM_NODE_BITS for shifting DTM nodes, not hard coded value.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem with resolving a relative URI from a processing instruction

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Make sure base is not null before checking for its contents.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates FuncDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix document function so that if only one argument is passed and it is a nodetest, the base to be used to resolve relative URIs is the base of the each node in the nodeset.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTSchema.java
    Committer's log entry: Allow multiple iterations of xsl:with-param within an xsl:call-template or xsl:apply-template

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Added getCurrentNodeList() for getting the current node list as defined by http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#dt-current-node-list. This looks up the stack of the SubContextLists to find the top-level LocPathIterator. I'm fairly unhappy with this fix, and hope to restructure the context list stuff a bit to avoid the casts in the getCurrentNodeList(), and to fix getCurrentNode() so that it properly defines the current node as defined by the XSLT spec. As a matter of fact, I would like to break up XPathContext into an XSLTContext. Part of the http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3031 fix.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncCurrent.java
    Committer's log entry: Call new XPathContext#getCurrentNodeList. Fixes http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3031.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer KeyRefIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes ChildIterator.java ChildTestIterator.java DescendantIterator.java MatchPatternIterator.java SelfIteratorNoPredicate.java UnionPathIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for problem reported by Mike Starr <mike.starr@air2web.com>, where the transformation hangs for "foo[2] | bang" patters, i.e. unions with positional predicates. The fix is to have the iterators#nextNode() set m_lastFetched to DTM.NULL when m_foundLast is found to be true on function entry (after the cache check). This allows getCurrentNode() to fullfill it's contract of returning null if the last fetch was null. The bug occured after an optimization for positional predicates to have them not continue searching once the positional node was found, by setting m_foundLast to true.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 08/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed debug flag Submitted by:John Gentilin

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 08/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed Streaming Mode Submitted by: John Gentilin

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 08/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDocumentImpl.java DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: added document registration and release events to the DTM interface Submitted by: John Gentilin

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 08/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bug 3112 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3112). Fix tokenize to work with DTM by obtaining a new DocumentBuilder and not using the document from the context node.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 08/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Variable.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bug 3265 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3265). Using an expression in the evaluate extension function that contains a top-level variable was cause an NPE.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XStringForChars.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed two bugs, one in getChars and one in charAt where the m_start offset wasn't being used correctly. This manifested itself in some stuff I was doing with the startsWith function, but likely caused many other bugs with other functionality.

  • Committed by morten@apache.org on 08/27/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc StripFilter.java
    Committer's log entry: Forgot to add this file in my last putback. PR: n/a Obtained from: n/a Submitted by: morten@xml.apache.org Reviewed by: morten@xml.apache.org

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java
    Committer's log entry: added dumpNode method, convenience for debugging. We might want to move this function up to DTMDefaultBase, or perhaps to the DTM API itself.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToText.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3131 by overriding writeNormalizedChars and writeUTF16Surrogate to not do any XML escaping.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java
    Committer's log entry: The index was being stored as opposed to the node handle when we were replacing namespace nodes. Store the actual node handle.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Lexer.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 2684 StringIndexOutOfBounds Exception. Check if we are at the end of the pattern string.

NoteThis release includes no updates of the compatibility source code (now deprecated).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D9

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: 2.2.D8

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: 2.2.D8

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer NodeSortKey.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted fix for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2851.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Just added some stuff to diagnose bugs for flavor th.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes WalkerFactory.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns ContextMatchStepPattern.java StepPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: These are changes submitted (offline) by Mukund Raghavachari/Watson/IBM@IBMUS. This fixes a bug with match="chapter//footnote[1]" patterns. The main change here is minor to remove the automatic attachment of parent::* to simple step patterns. He has re-implemented executePredicates to be more efficient. Given a pattern such as row[6], it does not iterate over the entire axis until it reaches the node to see if it is the sixth node. Rather, starting from the current node, it works backwards (preceding siblings) until it either runs out of nodes or finds more than six nodes that match the predicate [I can explain it better if desired]. This optimization improves performance slightly overall. It helps decoy and patterns most (by about 10%). The other optimization that I implemented was the following. For a pattern foo[][3][][4] ..., where more than one predicate is a number (position check), in checking the predicate [4], the fact that the current node has passed foo[][3] implies that it is the only node that is the third node among its siblings that passes foo[]. Therefore, any subsequent position checks can be true if and only if the position is [1]. This optimization is not used by the xsltmark benchmarks and so does not offer any performance benefits.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes DescendantIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1336

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Lexer.java
    Committer's log entry: Resize the m_patternMap if m_patternMapSize exceeds the bounds.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage.java ExtensionsTable.java MethodResolver.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ConnectionPoolManager.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorLRE.java ProcessorTemplateElem.java StylesheetHandler.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java XSLTAttributeDef.java XSLTElementProcessor.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize CharInfo.java WriterToUTF8Buffered.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExtensionCall.java ElemExtensionDecl.java ElemMessage.java FuncDocument.java FuncFormatNumb.java OutputProperties.java StylesheetRoot.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TrAXFilter.java TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerIdentityImpl.java TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMException.java DTMManager.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref ChunkedIntArray.java CoroutineManager.java CoroutineSAXParser.java CoroutineSAXParser_Xerces.java DTMBuilder.java DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java DTMDefaultBaseTraversers.java DTMManagerDefault.java IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils ObjectPool.java QName.java URI.java java/src/org/apache/xpath NodeSet.java NodeSetDTM.java VariableStack.java XPath.java XPathContext.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes WalkerFactory.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncSubstring.java FunctionDef1Arg.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XRTreeFragSelectWrapper.java XStringForChars.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Variable.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/res XPATHErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Getting all (almost all) error message strings into the resource bundle

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMBuilder.java
    Committer's log entry: Accidentally added. Now deleting.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath Expression.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes AxesWalker.java LocPathIterator.java PredicatedNodeTest.java ReverseAxesWalker.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XNumber.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Variable.java
    Committer's log entry: If a proximity predicate is a stable number (variable or number literal) then, once the node is found, don't keep searching! (since only one node is possible).

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java
    Committer's log entry: In getNextNamespaceNode and getFirstNamespaceNode, was sometimes returning a node without the DTM identity bits. Fix for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2878.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler OpMap.java
    Committer's log entry: Throw real error instead of runtime error in getFirstPredicateOpPos for better error reporting.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes PredicatedNodeTest.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler OpMap.java
    Committer's log entry: Bit of a hack to make /descendant-or-self::north with getFirstPredicateOpPos where getFirstPredicateOpPos was always throwing an error if there was not a predicate (!! Should have been discovered before now?!?!). If -2 return -2 (instead of throwing an error), and handle this case in PredicatedNodeTest#initPredicateInfo.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ObjectArray.java SQLDocument.java SQLErrorDocument.java XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Added the original pquery and streaming mode functionality Submitted by: John Gentilin

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/30/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql DTMDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Added DTM Document, a common impl between SQLDocument and SQLErrorDocument Submitted by: John Gentilin

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/30/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes DescendantIterator.java WalkerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix addresses http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=XalanJ2, and a whole class of related problems.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XNodeSet.java XObject.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns StepPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Detach expressions in match patterns. Also, defined numWithSideEffects and boolWithSideEffects (for lack of better names) that will increment the iterator, and call these for predicates. The combination of these results in about an 18% performance improvement for decoy.xsl. Credits to Mukund Raghavachari/Watson/IBM@IBMUS.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 07/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemExtensionDecl.java
    Committer's log entry: Add support for external scripts (ie, the src attribute on a script element)

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes ChildTestIterator.java OneStepIteratorForward.java
    Committer's log entry: In XPathContext#createDTMIterator(int node), call OneStepIteratorForward(Axis.SELF) instead of DescendantIterator. This addresses one of the bugs in http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2925 (i.e. <xsl:copy-of select="xalan:nodeset($stylesheets)"/>... The DescendantIterator was enumerating all of the nodes in the RTF rather than just the one.)

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/31/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ConnectionPool.java ConnectionPoolManager.java DTMDocument.java DefaultConnectionPool.java ObjectArray.java PooledConnection.java SQLDocument.java SQLErrorDocument.java XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Added Error Managment and javadocs Submitted by: John Gentilin

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns StepPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed some major problems with position() and last() in secondary predicates for match patterns. Credit goes to Mukund Raghavachari/Watson/IBM@IBMUS for flagging these.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 08/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Update after building Unit Test's Submitted by: John Gentilin

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTAttributeDef.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for Bugzilla 2930. Fix from Alexander Rudnev. Handle namespaced elements.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/01/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMAxisIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMAxisIteratorBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes OneStepIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Addresses http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2945 Bug was caused by (redundent) cloneWithReset being called from the UnionPathIterator, and the iterator in OneStepIterator not being reset. (Need to review: check other iterators for this.) Call reset on the iterator in OneStepIterator#reset. Reset the position value in the ancestor iterator reset. Define DTMAxisIterator#cloneIterator to not reset the iterator position, and fix the implementations of this to not call clone.reset().

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xpath NodeSetDTM.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XBoolean.java XNodeSet.java XNumber.java XObject.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XNodeSetForDOM.java
    Committer's log entry: Address http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2925 Create new XObject, XNodeSetForDOM, which is constructed from a Node, NodeList, or NodeIterator, and acts the same as XNodeSet, except it returns the original object for object(), nodeset(), and nodelist(). Add XObject#create(Object val, XPathContext xctxt), which is called from TransformerImpl#setParameter(s), and FuncExtFunction#execute (for the return values of the extension). XBoolean and XNumber now also have Boolean and Number constructors, in which case the original object will also be returned from the object() method. This should make the conversion from java object to XObject consistent between function returns and setParameter. These changes should also fix a bug where NodeLists weren't being converted.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils NamespaceSupport2.java
    Committer's log entry: Replacement for org.xml.sax.helpers.NamespaceSupport; extends that API so it can be easily swapped in. Current changes; Minor code reorg. I'm sorry, but I find classes easier to read if fields are defined before methods reference them rather than at end, especially when inner classes are present. Punt stack vector in favor of doubly-linked list. (It was already singly-linked in parallel with the vector!) The whole dirty-tables concept was broken, because Context's ctor always called copyTables and thus always marked tables dirty. It also wasted some time setting itself only to be reset by setParent. I've fixed both by parameterizing the ctor and making copyTables specific to prep-for-new-declaration. (Could be moved back into the declaration method, for that matter.) I'm dubious about the caches in processName. As far as I can tell, Xalan per se never actually uses that method... The use of Hashtables is questionable. Hashtable is known to be inefficient and oversynchronized in older JVMs, and the fact that this is a bidirectional mapping suggests that an approach similar to our own String Pool -- lighter-weight, more targeted, hashing without reduplicating the two column tables -- would be a win. Since these are typically short sets, even simple linear search is worth considering!

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemTemplateElement.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java TransformSnapshotImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Cutover to NamespaceSupport2, q.v.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils NamespaceSupport2.java
    Committer's log entry: Continuing code review.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils NamespaceSupport2.java
    Committer's log entry: More efficient prefixes-for-specific-URI. This may wind up being redone yet again if/when the underlying storage representation changes.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 08/03/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib PipeDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: PipeDocument extension element (the pipeDocument method).

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xpath NodeSet.java NodeSetDTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug fixed regarding the current() function in the root template (related to bug#1269). Bug was reported by David Marston offline. The test for this is conf/copy/copy29. In TransformerImpl#applyTemplateToNode, create a NodeSetDTM and pass it to m_xcontext.pushContextNodeList(cnl);. In NodeSetDTM fix getCurrentNode so that it doesn't use m_next-1 (which simply appears to be completely wrong). Do the same for NodeSet... though I don't think this will be called anywhere in Xalan.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMAxisIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMAxisIteratorBase.java DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java
    Committer's log entry: Provide method for DTMAxisIterator to get the current root node of the iteration.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XObject.java
    Committer's log entry: In response to regression posted on xalan-dev by John Gentilin <johnglinux@eyecatching.com> on 08/03/2001 06:49 PM. When the XNodeSet taks a DTMIterator, it will call val.getDTMManager();, which will call LocPathIterator#getDTMManager, which will call m_execContext..getDTMManager(), which means that setRoot has to be called on the iterator before it is added to XNodeSet. Thus, call setRoot on the OneStepIterator in create(Object, XPathContext) before it is added to the XNodeSet. The regression was related to fix for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2925.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes OneStepIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: For the OneStepIterator(DTMAxisIterator iterator) constructor, initialize the node tests to DTMFilter.SHOW_ALL (duh).

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XObject.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XObjectFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Move create methods from XObject to XObjectFactory, in response to cyclic build problems encountered with javac 1.1.8.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils NamespaceSupport2.java
    Committer's log entry: Moved anonomous class to PrefixEnumerator, in response to problems encountered with 1.1.8 build. Joe may want to fix this in another way, as I'm sure the anon class is probably a bit cheaper?

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java
    Committer's log entry: Address http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2972, where it was throwing a NPE instead of reporting that the variable was being accessed before it was bound (i.e. the variable was being accessed inside an RTF for that same variable).

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Remove m_hasStarted variable and associated assertion.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java
    Committer's log entry: Addresses bug http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3001. In the cloneIterator function of PrecedingIterator, the cloned array was being sized for _maxAncestors, which defaults to 8. But if the _stack was resized, it will copy more into the new stack than is allocated. The solution is to allocate the new clone._stack array to _stack.length.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils NamespaceSupport2.java
    Committer's log entry: Don't create caches unless used (which I don't think they are, in Xalan).

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBaseIterators.java
    Committer's log entry: Made _maxAncestors not static, as this is not compatible with 1.1.8 (reported by Gary Peskin).

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils NamespaceSupport2.java
    Committer's log entry: Playing a hunch, I moved the Context objects out of NamespaceSupport2. They're now a second class in the same file rather than being an inner class. That reduces the size of the Context2 object, and its initialization time, by removing the need for it to carry a reference to the NamespaceSupport2 object that created it. Performance seems significantly improved... even (surprisingly!) on the getDeclaredPrefixes operation. Memory usage also seems better, as expected. NamespaceSupport2 is still acounting for about 5% of the time spent in the ResultTreeHandler, according to my latest trace. Apparently we are calling getDeclaredPrefixes an obscenely large number of times, and the Vector.elements call is adding up. We may want to look at where this is being called from and whether we can reduce the number of invocations.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Performance improvement; avoid scanning the same list twice.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerHandlerImpl.java TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DefaultErrorHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Variable.java
    Committer's log entry: This checkin hopefully fixes many problems with bad diagnostics lately, but at the expense of a slight change in behavior. The rule now is, the DefaultErrorHandler never outputs location info for error and fatalError... this has to be done by the catcher of the exception. Convenience methods for this are in DefaultErrorHandler#printLocation. This method will unwrap the exception as close to the originating source as possible.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions XSLProcessorContext.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMAxisIteratorBase.java java/src/org/apache/xpath NodeSetDTM.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes AttributeIterator.java AxesWalker.java ChildIterator.java ChildTestIterator.java DescendantIterator.java FilterExprWalker.java LocPathIterator.java OneStepIterator.java OneStepIteratorForward.java ReverseAxesWalker.java UnionPathIterator.java WalkingIteratorSorted.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XObjectFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Changes to allow some dynamic determination in WalkerIteratorSorted to see if the nodes really need to be sorted. Added isDocOrdered() and getAxis() to both DTMIterator and AxesWalker, and implemented appropriate overloads in derived or implementing classes. In FilterExprWalker return the contained DTMIterator's getAxis(). In WalkerIteratorSorted, implement canBeWalkedInNaturalDocOrder() function that is called from setRoot(...). If this function returns true, than don't sort the nodes in setRoot, and in all other respects treat this as if it is a simple WalkingIterator.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 1251. Make sure exceptions are thrown when we're on the main thread.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes AxesWalker.java WalkerFactory.java WalkingIteratorSorted.java
    Committer's log entry: Eliminate do/while check for duplicates in AxesWalker#nextNode() by using WalkingIteratorSorted for cases where both the preceding[-sibling] and following[-sibling] axes are being walked, and for "@*/foo" patterns ("@attr/foo" patterns still use WalkingIterator).

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 08/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates FuncFormatNumb.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bugzilla bug 3036 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3036). When no xsl:decimal-format element is supplied in the composed stylesheet, the defaults specified in the Recommendation section 12.3 should be used for the attribute values, not locale-specific defaults.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 08/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugzilla 3060 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3060). Prefixes and namespaceURIs are kept in the same Vector, m_prefixMappings. The entries are stored as pairs of vector elements. The even elements contain the prefix and the odd elements contain the URI. In two routines, getPrefix and endElement, the appropriate prefix or URI was being located in the Vector using an indexOf. However, in this case where the prefix and the URI were the same, the routine was looking for the URI but finding the prefix instead of the URI. It tried tried to back up one to get the prefix and underflowed the Vector size.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Implement ErrorHandler in ResultTreeHandler so that fatal errors can get passed in to the SAXHandler. Also change the code in TransformerImpl to call fatalError in case of an error instead of endDocument. (overlaps with URI handling fix...)

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix code to handle absolute paths from unix systems. This fix is part of an ongoing process and is just meant to fix a few pending bugs. More changes are expected in this area.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: Change version for xalan2.2.D9 build

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 08/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemElement.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils DefaultErrorHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: ResultTreeHandler was pushing a new namespace context but failing to note that result in more pushes than pops. Cleaned up the execute() method of ElemElement to make it more understandable (to me) and added a few comments. The DefaultErrorHandler was not flushing Writers that it created. Since the Writers are never closed (and cannot be as there is no close method), error messages were failing to appear.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTMManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Increasing the number of bits used to identify DTM nodes, at the expense of decreasing the number of DTMs that a DTMManager can track simultaneously. Some other code has been updated to track this change (and to better track posible future changes), as have the IDKEY testcases.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDocumentImpl.java DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Increasing the number of bits used to identify DTM nodes, at the expense of decreasing the number of DTMs that a DTMManager can track simultaneously. Some other code has been updated to track this change (and to better track posible future changes), as have the IDKEY testcases.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 08/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncGenerateId.java
    Committer's log entry: Increasing the number of bits used to identify DTM nodes, at the expense of decreasing the number of DTMs that a DTMManager can track simultaneously. Some other code has been updated to track this change (and to better track posible future changes), as have the IDKEY testcases.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 08/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath NodeSetDTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Try to support getRoot. Fixes problem with TransformStateTest.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 08/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes WalkerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem with duplicate nodes produced from a walking iterator

NoteThis release includes no updates of the compatibility source code (now deprecated).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D8

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Code Update Submitted by:John Gentilin

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed DTM.NULL compile error

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TreeWalker2Result.java
    Committer's log entry: Redundant test removed, possibly redundant code flagged for %REVIEW%

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 07/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerHandlerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDefaultBase.java DTMDocumentImpl.java DTMManagerDefault.java IncrementalSAXSource.java IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SuballocatedIntVector.java
    Committer's log entry: IncrementalSAXSource replaces CoroutineSAXParser -- simpler API, hence less risk of programming errors introducing timing windows. I hope. A few performance-related tweaks are also included in this check-in. Only very minor gains are expected.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ObjectArray.java SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Project Update

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 07/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Oops.Should have been checked in as part of the IncrementalSAXSource cutover. Sorry!

  • Committed by costin@apache.org on 07/23/2001
    Modified: java build.xml java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils/synthetic JavaUtils.java
    Committer's log entry: 3 small fixes to the build process ( to make it work with jdk1.4 and crimson) - exclude IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces if xerces is not detected - comment-out the "main" in IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.java ( it is a test, but has deps on xerces ) - don't try to load the compiler in syntetic/JavaUtils. This is a mess, it was debated on tomcat-dev and ant-dev, as you may know some people decided to remove the internal compiler class ( sun.tools.javac.Main ), and that brakes jasper, ant and now xalan. It seems right now the only portable way to run the compiler is via command line call in a separate process ( jikes can easily make up for the overhead of creating a new process and doesn't leave garbage ). Question: is synthetic used ? Seems like a very usefull package, but if xalan is not using it it might be better to move it to xml-commons or jakarta-commons or some other place.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Don't set m_level anymore, as it looks like Joe commented out it's initialization. m_level is no longer called by Xalan, and the implementation can calculate it when it is called.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 07/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed bug 2758 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2758). The flag indicating that a call to startDocument() in the resultContentHandler was necessary was not being reset for multiple transforms.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 07/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bug 2727 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2727). Attributes which contain a namespace prefix are indicated by placing a negative number in the appropriate entry in the m_dataOrQName array. The absolute value of this number is an entry in m_data. However, in this example, there were no text nodes before the first namespaced attribute so the entry in m_data had an array index of 0. This resulted in an entry of zero, not a negative number, in m_dataOrQName. This situation got several routines which tested for < 0 confused. I looked at several ways of fixing this but decided to just always allocate m_data.elementAt(0) entry to a dummy entry. The other solutions involved runtime checking which could slow down this piece of code and I felt that wasting one entry was worth it to not slow down the run time.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 07/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize WriterToUTF8Buffered.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bugzilla bug 2639 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2639) where buffer was overflowing because the expansion of the Unicode characters into multiple UTF8 characters was not being properly taken into account. Many thanks to Gunnlaugur Thor Briem for his "multiply by three" trick.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer NodeSorter.java
    Committer's log entry: Commented out NumberFormat m_formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();. Mukund reported: a minor improvement for alphabetize.xsl is to comment out the line //NumberFormat m_formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); in NodeSorter.java. The variable m_formatter does not seem to be used anywhere, and the performance difference is: Before: alphabetize 10 90 5108 196 156 34.58 OK After : alphabetize 10 70 4316 196 156 40.93 OK

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: 2.2.D8

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: 2.2.D8

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer NodeSortKey.java
    Committer's log entry: Submitted fix for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2851.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Just added some stuff to diagnose bugs for flavor th.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes WalkerFactory.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns ContextMatchStepPattern.java StepPattern.java
    Committer's log entry: These are changes submitted (offline) by Mukund Raghavachari/Watson/IBM@IBMUS. This fixes a bug with match="chapter//footnote[1]" patterns. The main change here is minor to remove the automatic attachment of parent::* to simple step patterns. He has re-implemented executePredicates to be more efficient. Given a pattern such as row[6], it does not iterate over the entire axis until it reaches the node to see if it is the sixth node. Rather, starting from the current node, it works backwards (preceding siblings) until it either runs out of nodes or finds more than six nodes that match the predicate [I can explain it better if desired]. This optimization improves performance slightly overall. It helps decoy and patterns most (by about 10%). The other optimization that I implemented was the following. For a pattern foo[][3][][4] ..., where more than one predicate is a number (position check), in checking the predicate [4], the fact that the current node has passed foo[][3] implies that it is the only node that is the third node among its siblings that passes foo[]. Therefore, any subsequent position checks can be true if and only if the position is [1]. This optimization is not used by the xsltmark benchmarks and so does not offer any performance benefits.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes DescendantIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1336

NoteThis release includes no updates of the compatibility source code (now deprecated).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D7

Core (Non-XSLTC) source code updates:

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMManagerDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Since the real root of our tree may be a DocumentFragment, we need to use getParent to find the root, instead of getOwnerDocument. Otherwise DOM2DTM#getHandleOfNode will be very unhappy. Result of report via private mail by Carsten Ziegeler of breakage in Cocoon.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToHTML.java SerializerToXML.java
    Committer's log entry: Made m_maxCharacter, accumDefaultEscape, accumDefaultEntity, and m_isRawStack protected by request from Johannes Farrenkopf and Frank Nestel.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncNormalizeSpace.java
    Committer's log entry: In executeCharsToContentHandler check first for DTM.NULL before trying to get the DTM.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bug reported by "Carsten Ziegeler" <cziegeler@sundn.de>. Test for this is whitespace23.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 07/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SuballocatedIntVector.java
    Committer's log entry: Drop some bounds tests for cases which shouldn't arise in the first place, since this is an inner-loop method.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 07/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SuballocatedByteVector.java SuballocatedIntVector.java
    Committer's log entry: Synch SuballocatedByteVector with changed SuballocatedIntVector

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref CoroutineSAXParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Revert back to throwing a shutdownException if (arg == null) in co_yield. I see this occur if the parser is Crimson with output\output01, and it causes a hang if the shutdownException is not thrown.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java
    Committer's log entry: Make accumDefaultEntity and accumDefaultEscape non-final.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes ChildTestIterator.java OneStepIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for John G. for the SQL extension: handle return types of DTM and DTMAxisIterator.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: In executeChildTemplates, somehow there was a popMode without a corresponding pushMode. The pushMode was added. Addresses bug posted by Stephane Bailliez <sbailliez@imediation.com> on the xalan-dev list on 07/09/2001 07:28 AM.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 07/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExpressionContext.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates StylesheetRoot.java java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla 2355 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2355>. To make the functionality clearer, I've changed the method name from getVariable to getVariableOrParam since the routine will pick up either one. Also fixed a bug where top level variables and parameters were not getting marked as such.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 07/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla 2523 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2523>. evaluate extension function was not refactored with DTM. Also need to add function to XPathContext.XPathExpressionContext to allow an extension to obtain the associated XPathContext.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 07/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes DescendantIterator.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem with descendant-or-self and from root pattern. When from root, descedant or self was not recognized.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 07/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Quick patch to handle case where someone wants to build a DTM from an Element rather than from a Document. The Attr handling might want to move down into addNode. This opens several cans of worms -- what if the next user wants the root of their DTM to be an EntityReference node, which has no DTM node equivalent -- but we'll eat those when we get to them.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 07/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java
    Committer's log entry: Modify distinct() extension so that it no longer relies on DOMHelper which is deprecated but uses ExpressionContext.toString().

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace PrintTraceListener.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMDocumentImpl.java ExpandedNameTable.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib NodeInfo.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer XalanProperties.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref NodeLocator.java
    Committer's log entry: Application of patch submitted by Ovidiu Predescu <ovidiu@cup.hp.com> for file, line, column number information for XML source document. [A made one change: m_sourceSystemId, m_sourceLine, and m_sourceColumn are not created with the member variable initializer, since they are initialized in setProperty.] The following patch is a rework of a previous patch I've submitted on May 24 against the Stree model, current at that time. This time the patch is against the DTM model, and makes use of DTM features to optimize the lookup time and storage requirements. I hope this time the patch gets incorporated in the CVS repository, before any major rework happens again ;-). As with the previous patch, there is no overhead in space or time if source information is not needed. From a user perspective, this feature can be turned on by passing the -L flag to Xalan when invoking it from the command line. Programmatically you can also enable it by invoking the setProperty method on the TransformerImpl: TransformerImpl impl = ((TransformerImpl) transformer); impl.setProperty(org.apache.xalan.transformer.XalanProperties.SOURCE_LOCATION, Boolean.TRUE); A Transformer "property" is different from a "feature": while a feature is specific to all the transformer instances and usually refers to an implementation aspect, a property is a runtime capability that is set per Transformer instance. Currently the only property added by this patch is the source location in the XML source document. The patch adds two methods to the DTM interface: public void setProperty(String property, Object value); public SourceLocator getSourceLocatorFor(int node); The second method is used to obtain the source location given a node handle. There are two ways you can make use of the source location. The first one is from within a stylesheet, where you can have something like this: <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:nodeinfo="xalan://org.apache.xalan.lib.NodeInfo" version="1.0"> <xsl:template match="*"> //node <xsl:value-of select="name()"/> //file <xsl:value-of select="nodeinfo:systemId()"/> //line <xsl:value-of select="nodeinfo:lineNumber()"/> //column <xsl:value-of select="nodeinfo:columnNumber()"/> <xsl:apply-templates/> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> If no arguments are passed to the systemId(), lineNumber() or columnNumber() functions, the corresponding information of the current context node is returned. A node can be passed as argument to the above functions, in which case the corresponding information about that node is returned. If a node set containing multiple nodes is passed as argument, only the information of the first node in the set is returned. The second way of obtaining the source location is programmatically. Given a Node instance, one can obtain the owner DTM and the node handle (an integer) that represents the node. Unfortunately I didn't see any way of hiding this: if you find one please let me know and I'll fix it. The following example is extracted from PrintTraceListener and illustrates the API: Node sourceNode = ev.m_sourceNode; int nodeHandler = ((DTMNodeProxy)sourceNode).getDTMNodeNumber(); SourceLocator locator = ((DTMNodeProxy)sourceNode).getDTM() .getSourceLocatorFor(nodeHandler); m_pw.println("Selected source node '" + sourceNode.getNodeName() + "', at " + locator);

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 07/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bug 2175 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2175> by adding the current time to the method key to ensure method key uniqueness. Multiple Compilers were getting the same hashCode, particularly in Visual Age for Java, due to aggressive garbage collection. Added the current time in mills to distinguish between the different functions being compiled.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 07/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemVariable.java StylesheetRoot.java java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/operations Variable.java
    Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla 2355 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2355>. Added code to populate m_index for global variables and parameters. If the backward search for templates reaches the top level, use the list of composed top-level variables and parameters from StylesheetRoot.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNodeProxy.java
    Committer's log entry: Now implements DocumentFragment.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 07/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: Updated version to 2.2.0.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 07/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated version to 2.2.0.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMNodeProxy.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed very ugly bug, left-over from DTM1, in getValue, where +1 was being added per the old attribute structure of DTM1.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ConnectionPool.java DefaultConnectionPool.java PooledConnection.java QueryParameter.java XConnection.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ConnectionPoolManager.java ObjectArray.java SQLDocument.java SQLErrorDocument.java
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql Column.java ColumnAttribute.java ColumnData.java ColumnHeader.java ExtensionError.java Row.java RowSet.java SQLExtensionError.java StreamableNode.java XConnectionPoolManager.java XStatement.java
    Committer's log entry: First round of changes to port DOM mode to DTM Mode Submitted by: John Gentilin mailto://johng@apache.org

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Check if locator property is set before trying to use locator fields

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/trace PrintTraceListener.java
    Committer's log entry: Don't print locator message if locator is null

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: In startDocument, run m_contentHandler.startDocument before you start the thread.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Call wait for initial events before the the transform is started.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref CoroutineSAXParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Allow co_yield to be called after the parse has finished.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java SQLErrorDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Added setProperty and getSourceLocatorFor empty methods.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 07/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem reported by Carsten Ziegeler <cziegeler@sundn.de>. Using ApplyXPath (or doing a transformation) with DOM input was resulting in an NPE due to declareNamespaceInContext() being called before setting m_exptype which is needed by declareNamespaceInContext().

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerHandlerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Add pauseForTransformThreadStartup. Call this in startDocument just after starting the transform thread. This should get rid of any variability with racing threads.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions XSLProcessorContext.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem reported by jason heddings <Jason.Heddings@Sun.COM>. "In v2.0.1, I was able to pass a Node to this function and have the node be copied to the result tree (as expected). In the source code for XSLProcessorContext, it appears that the only objects that can be sent to the result tree are XObjects. Everything else is converted to a String. So for instance, I can no longer create a ProcessingInstruction and pass it to the result tree via this method since the PI is simply converted to a String."

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToHTML.java
    Committer's log entry: Application of patch submitted by Benjamin Riefenstahl <Benjamin.Riefenstahl@ision.net> Motivation: We are using Xalan to generate HTML pages. We have the requirement to integrate code for ad banners. The ad server provider has written the code to use with compatibility to NetScape 4 in mind. The code uses the NetScape proprietory <LAYER> element and <IFRAME> elements for other browsers. The SRC attributes of these elements contain URLs with several URL parameters separated by '&', as is the common convention. Problem: The code is integrated in our XSL stylesheets. In the stylesheet the '&' has to be written as the entity '&amp;'. That's ok. The problem is that in the output the '&' is also written as '&amp;' which is not ok, because NetScape doesn't understand that. OTOH the same URL is written with '&' when used in an <A> element. Solution: This goes down to a different handling of attribute values in the class SerializeToHTML, depending on whether the attribute in question is known to contain a URI or not. Xalan knows this for <A> but not for <LAYER> and <IFRAME>. When I compare the list in SerializeToHTML.java with the HTML specs, I find a couple of other missing URI attributes in SerializeToHTML.java. When I add the missing pieces, the generation works fine. Patch: Here is the patch (diff -c) for xalan-j_2_2_D6. I also have one for xalan-j_2_0_1 which is the version I actually tested this with. Please let me know if this is insufficient or the patch is wrong or if there is something else I can do to fix this problem.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: On code review of previous checkin from Gary P., we determined there was a problem with the point at which type was declared a DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE. So that part was moved back up (actuall a bit higher than where it was before), and the call to declareNamespaceInContext was moved a bit further down.

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Project Update Submitted by: John Gentilin mailto://johng@apache.org

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Project Update Submitted by: John gentilin mailto://johng@apache.org

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixup from previous check-in, defined new functions. Submitted by: John Gentilin mailto://johng@apache.org

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Project Update

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: reduced Attribute's for testing

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 07/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm SAX2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor hack to catch an attribute value being null.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 07/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemNumber.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer Counter.java CountersTable.java KeyRefIterator.java java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java java/src/org/apache/xpath NodeSetDTM.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes LocPathIterator.java UnionPathIterator.java WalkingIteratorSorted.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XNodeSet.java XRTreeFrag.java
    Committer's log entry: Add new parameter to NodeSetDTM constructor. We need to have a DTMManager on hand. Change code to use the new constructors.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 07/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm DOM2DTM.java
    Committer's log entry: OOps! Back out this last change. Old code on my machine!!!

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 07/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql SQLDocument.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed a few bugs, almost there Submitted by: John Gentilin mailto://johng@apache.org

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 07/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref CoroutineManager.java CoroutineSAXParser.java CoroutineSAXParser_Xerces.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref IncrementalSAXSource.java IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.java IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces.java
    Committer's log entry: Starting to phase out Coroutine*Parser* in favor of IncrementalSAXSource*. The latter simplifies the code, and should help us avoid some of the confusion that can arise in using the older tools. Most importantly, it greatly simplifies the calling sequences, by discarding the "which file do you want to parse" and "do you want to parse any more files" transactions. These now operate _only_ as filters, and only as single -use (though in fact the Xerces-specific version is reusable, and we may reintroduce that feature in the generic filtering version at a later date). Note too that we have swept the CoroutineManager completely under the covers of the filter's API. There's no particular reason to expose that implementation detal to the outside world. Still to be done: Rework the rest of Xalan to use the new code.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 07/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref CoroutineParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Starting to phase out Coroutine*Parser* in favor of IncrementalSAXSource*. See comment in previous check-in; I just missed this one....

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 07/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMStringPool.java
    Committer's log entry: doc.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 07/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: 2.2.D7

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 07/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: 2.2.D7

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 07/18/2001
    Removed: java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref DTMBuilder.java
    Committer's log entry: Obsolete

NoteThis release includes no updates of the compatibility source code (now deprecated).

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D6

Important: Xerces has added a number of DOM level-3 methods to its DOM interfaces. The DOM level-3 proposal is currently a working draft (it is not yet a W3C recommendation), and Xalan does not support these new methods. To run Xalan in the JDK 1.1.8 platform, you must put xalan.jar (with its DOM level-2 interfaces) in front of xerces.jar on the system class path. If you want to rebuild Xalan (on JDK 1.1.8 or higher), you must put Xalan in front of xerces.jar the system class path.

This beta release includes the following non-XSLTC code changes:

  • Costin Manolache has slightly modified the CoRoutine stuff so that a you can compile and run everything but the CoRoutineXercesParser without having Xerces on the classpath.

  • Joseph Kesselman added chunked int array stuff to address our scaling problems that Mukund & co. uncovered. This was a fairly mechanical, but still substantial, change. No bugs have yet been discovered that relate to this. This is probably the most controversial change.

  • The Process class now outputs incrementally if the output is standard out. This is mostly for testing purposes, but it makes general sense.

  • Bug was fixed with setting the incremental flag in TransformerFactoryImpl. Clearly the change was made but never tested. Simply a missing 'else'.

  • Fix for Bugzilla Bug 2275, Xalan did not fire the right templates. This was substantial and somewhat risky. Xalan had several problems related to the last() function. Fixes cover four axes files.

  • Change PrintTraceListener to output the file, as well as the line numbers. This is really a feature change, but simple, and aids diagnosing problems with multi-part stylesheets.

  • XPath fix: the XPath API wasn't working correctly due to a problem with with NodeSet/NodeIterator adapters. This fix ended up interacting quite a bit with the #2275 fix.

  • Fix for the Norm Walsh bug posted 06/20/2001: iterators weren't always being cloned correctly from the variable value stack. This fix is not without some risk, though we haven't seen any problems since Scott Boag made it.

  • David Bertoni added missing html element properties to SerializerToHTML.java.

  • Shance Curcuru modified TransformerFactoryImpl.setAttribute() to accept a String ("true" or "false") as well as a Boolean object to set the value of a Boolean attribute.

  • TransformerHandlerImpl was threading when incrementality is turned off. Scott Boag has fixed this bug.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.2.D2

This release includes the following changes:

The primary focus of the 2.2 Developer releases is incorporation of all our work over the past several months on the Document Table Model (DTM).

As a result of the changes in *internal* api, you may encounter problems with extensions. We have done some bug fixing in support for extensions since 2.2.D1. John Gentilin is working on fixing the SQL library extension,which currently is broken. Please report any problems you find (see bugs).

The DTM and related work provides faster performance and less accumulation of garbage... though it is an ongoing battle. Brief summary:

  • The DTM identifies nodes with 32-bit integer handles. The DTM has many features, including direct character dispatch to SAX2, native DTM iterators and "traversers", multiple document management, etc.

  • Joe Kesselman's CoRoutine parsers, which are in a threaded SAX flavor and in a Xerces parseMore() flavor (no threads). These do away with the "race" conditions that occured in the original code, and should make Xalan much more robust.

  • *Much* more robust XPath itteration. The "waiting" iterators of old are no more, and good riddance. There is stil lots more we want to do with this mechanism. (There is something here called MatchIterators, but it's not being used yet for various reasons. We will be taking advantage of these down the line.)

  • A fair amount of XObject creation reduction. You can now get boolean, number, nodeset, and string values directly from an Expression, instead of going through an XObject.

  • XMLString, which allows us to work with string objects that don't wrap Java's String object. These objects get their character data from an array or Fast String Buffer.

  • Serializers now only do internal buffering if they know they are writing to a FileStream.

  • The variable stack mechanism has been redisigned, so that it is no longer so interpretive, and we believe it is much more robust.

  • Some small amount of stylesheet rewriting (but not yet redundent expression elimination), in particular to reduce full RTF creation and interpretation.

Xalan-Java implements two DTM performance features that you can control with the TransformerFactory setAttribute() method. See DTM performance settings

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.1.0

This release includes a number of bug fixes to Xalan-Java and TrAX. We have also enhanced the ApplyXSLT servlet. It can now be set up to use a compiled Templates object to respond to multiple client transformation requests involving the same stylesheet.

Core source code updates:

  • Committed by costin@apache.org on 03/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xpath Expression.java XPath.java XPathContext.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java XPathParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Renamed "assert()" to "assertion()". Assert can be a keyword, and brake the compilation.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer KeyWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Throw an error message if the key name in a key function was not defined

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: Reworked "chunk growth" algorithm again. Growing mode not yet adequately tested, but fixed-size mode (which is what Xalan is currently using) is simpler code and shows improved performance.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 03/20/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Committer's log entry: Utility class to check your JVM environment for common problems

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 03/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Committer's log entry: Added more .jar sizes to jarVersions listing

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: We've reworked the algorithm again. The fixed-chunk-size mode (initial and max. chunk sizes equal) runs essentially unchanged, though with a few cycles less overhead. The variable-chunk-size mode now uses a recursive-encapsulation scheme, where the first chunk may itself be a FastStringBuffer whose total length equals one chunk; every so often we push the existing data down one level and restart with a larger chunk size. The new scheme has been stress-tested and is apparently working. At this writing, however, Xalan uses only the fixed-size mode (initial size equals max size), and no effort has been made to find the optimial values for the tuning parameters. It does appear likely that the best values will vary with usage patterns, but we hope to find a good compromise. I'll probably be putting this aside for a while to work on other things. If someone wants to experiment with varying the block sizes and how frequently they grow, and suggest good performance/memory tradeoff points, go for it!

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor tweak to the javadoc.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: reset() versus setLength(0).

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemForEach.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bug# 1116, getMatchedTemplate throws ClassCastException. Don't push template unless it is a xsl:template.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/26/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java
    Committer's log entry: Patches submitted by Patrick Moore <patrickm@rioport.com> on 03/15/2001 01:25 PM: This proposed change does a number of things: 1. Problem: HTML output method does not uses XML output properties as default. In both org/apache/xalan/templates/output_html.properties and in the java doc for org/apache/xalan/templates/OutputProperties#getDefaultMethodProperties(Strin g) It specifically states that all OutputProperties use the output_xml.properties as a base. In the code this is not true for html. This is now changed to match the comments 2. Problem: unclear IOException. If there was a problem loading the XML properties file. The wrapped exception now will say which file was trying to be loaded. If the file did not exist I was getting a very strange "Stream closed" IOException message. 3. Problem: the streams were not closed after reading the property file. Fixed. 4. Problem: the double-check locking mechanism does not work in Java (see bug #919) <http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-02-2001/jw-0209-toolbox.html> 5. QUESTION: now if there is a default properties (i.e. output_xml.properties has been loaded) but the expected properties file does not exist a error message will be printed to System.err and the processing will continuing using just the default properties (output_xml.properties) I felt that this is the best behavior. (comment by sboag: I think it's better to throw a runtime exception in this case. but we can discuss this over time. For now the patch was modified to do the runtime exception).

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTSchema.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree SourceTreeHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemForEach.java ElemLiteralResult.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer QueuedSAXEvent.java ResultTreeHandler.java TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils BoolStack.java java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: This check-in contains a couple things that overlapped on my system, so I'm checking them in together. 1) Unfinished (in progress) implementation of TransformSnapshot mechanism, which will hopefully allow a result ContentHandler to take a snapshot at a given point, and the restart execution from that point at some later time. For tooling support. 2) Check to make sure SourceTreeHandler isn't being entered twice, which is related to the cocoon bug from a couple of weeks ago. This will just help diagnose such a problem in the future. 3) Removed the error stack trace print from postExceptionFromThread. 4) Report exception in SourceTreeHandler#endDocument after the join, if we can determine that the posted exception won't be caught elsewhere. 5) removed some catches that simply rethrew the exception (thanks to Patrick Moore <patrickm@rioport.com>). See my note on 3/27/2001 to Patrick for more info on the last two.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/27/2001
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformSnapshot.java TransformSnapshotImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Unfinished (in progress) implementation of TransformSnapshot mechanism, which will hopefully allow a result ContentHandler to take a snapshot at a given point, and the restart execution from that point at some later time. For tooling support.on the last two.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorStylesheetElement.java ProcessorTemplateElem.java StylesheetHandler.java XSLTElementDef.java XSLTElementProcessor.java XSLTSchema.java
    Committer's log entry: Try to catch element order and required element errors during stylesheet object creation. This new code adds an order and a required field to XSLElementDef objects where it is applicable.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bugzilla bug 1170. If we're trying an xsl:apply-imports at the top level (ie there are no imported stylesheets), we need to indicate that there is no matching template and prevent and infinite recursion by using the built-in template.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/02/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions MethodResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Code cleanup submitted by Art Welch <art_w@EASTPOINT.COM>.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Add locator support to TreeWalker

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 04/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer QueuedStartElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Small fix made for getCurrentNode.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 04/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Commented out extra call to getData()... this could be a big performance improvement for some stylesheets.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformSnapshotImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Additional support for tooling. Allow tools to take a snapshot of context and restart execution at that point.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTElementProcessor.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformSnapshotImpl.java TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Misc stuff left out from previous check in

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncCurrent.java
    Committer's log entry: Don't assume that the object returned by getSubContextList() is a PredicatedNodeTest object.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorInclude.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Create new TreeWalker constructor that takes a systemId parameter. Change TreeWalker to change fields in the locator and not set it for each node.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 04/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPath.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix Bugzilla bug: PR: 1106 Submitted by: elharo@metalab.unc.edu

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 04/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql QueryParameter.java SQLExtensionError.java XConnection.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor Javadoc updates (add @author name, remove declared but unthrown @throws)

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 04/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql Column.java ColumnAttribute.java ColumnData.java ColumnHeader.java Row.java RowSet.java StreamableNode.java XConnection.java XStatement.java
    Committer's log entry: Support for Streamable Mode- John Gentilin

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/objects XObject.java
    Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla bug 1015 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1015>. Fix prevents null pointer exceptions when null non-XSLT arguments are passed to an extension function.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions MethodResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla bug 1015 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1015>. Fix prevents null pointer exceptions when null non-XSLT arguments are passed to an extension function.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix copy/paste error. Want to use TransformerFactoryImpl's class loader.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 04/24/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformSnapshotImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Keep a copy of current contextNodeList is there is one

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 04/25/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt EnvironmentCheck.java
    Committer's log entry: Added checkDirForJars() which checks java.ext.dirs as well now

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 04/26/2001
    Added: java/src/javax/xml/transform package.html java/src/javax/xml/transform/dom package.html java/src/javax/xml/transform/sax package.html java/src/javax/xml/transform/stream package.html
    Committer's log entry: Add package.html for each package in javax.xml.transform.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Resolve bug 1496 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1496> where xsl:param statements were not being reset properly if the TransformerImpl was reused.

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 04/27/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree DocImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for #1561

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 04/29/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java
    Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla bug 1373 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1373>. Added code to support return of Integer or Long by an external function. Code was contributed by Patrick Moore <patmoore@ieee.org>.

  • Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/03/2001
    Modified: java/src/javax/xml/transform/stream StreamResult.java StreamSource.java
    Committer's log entry: Small fix to avoid file:////path that may fail on some JDK.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 05/04/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql package.html
    Committer's log entry: Preliminary updates for John G's work.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 05/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Check for a null contextNodeList before returning its clone

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 05/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree StreeDOMBuilder.java
    Committer's log entry: Set the element's level correctly, before we process attributes.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Resolve bugzilla 1648 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1648). TransformerIdentityImpl was improperly using an old LexicalHandler when invoked for a second transform. This bug only affects identity transforms with StreamResults. Many thanks to John Keyes <johnkeyes@yahoo.com> for reporting this bug.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 05/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: Updated version number to 2.1.0

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 05/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: Updated version number to 2.1.0

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncExtFunction.java
    Committer's log entry: Change submitted by Patrick Moore <patmoore@ieee.org> as part of bugzilla 1373 (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1373). Return value from extension function is now generalized so that all derivatives of Number are now properly handled.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 05/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLTSchema.java
    Committer's log entry: Set the correct order of xsl:include elements

  • Committed by johng@apache.org on 05/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql Column.java ColumnAttribute.java ColumnData.java ColumnHeader.java ConnectionPool.java DefaultConnectionPool.java ExtensionError.java PooledConnection.java QueryParameter.java Row.java RowSet.java SQLExtensionError.java StreamableNode.java XConnection.java XConnectionPoolManager.java XStatement.java package.html
    Committer's log entry: Updates Javadocs Submitted by:John Gentilin mailto://johnglinux@eyecatching.com

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Correct typo introduced in revision 1.30 causing problems with transforms on Unix platforms.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemChoose.java
    Committer's log entry: Correct bugzilla bug 1748 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1748>. When evaluating xsl:when, the xsl:choose element was used to resolve namespace prefixes instead of the xsl:when element itself. This caused namespace prefixes defined on the xsl:when to be ignored.

  • Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/javax/xml/parsers DocumentBuilderFactory.java SAXParserFactory.java java/src/javax/xml/transform TransformerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: Use the context class loader if available. The implementation is based on ExtensionHandler, and it's needed in order to work in certain environments ( like tomcat ).

  • Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions ExtensionHandler.java ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java
    Committer's log entry: Make getClassForName a public method. There are few other places in xalan where Class.forName is used, and this can create problems in some cases where the Thread.getContextClassLoader should be used. getClassForName uses introspection to call getContextClassLoader ( so it works in JDK1.1 ). In ExtensionHandlerGeneral, use the thread loader to find BSF ( it may be possible that xalan is installed in CLASSPATH, but BSF is in a webapp ).

  • Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor CompilingStylesheetHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: 2 more instances where Class.forName was used. Use the method in ExtensionHandler for consistency ( we could move it in org.apache.xml.utils, but for now it's easier to just use it as it is )

  • Committed by costin@apache.org on 05/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree SourceTreeHandler.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: This is the "thread pooling hook". It slightly changes the API used to create and wait for the transform thread. Instead of using threadCreate() and Thread.start() that creates a new thread and thread.join() that waits for a thread to end, we now use a ThreadControler class that has the equivalent methods: - run( Runnable ) - executes a task in a thread. The default implementation is identical with what we had, using new Thread() and start() - waitTread() - waits for a task to end. The default impl. is identical with the previous code, using thread.join(). Someone wanting to use a thread pool for xalan will have to extend the ThreadControler and override the 2 methods, then call setThreadController. Xalan itself doesn't implement a thread pool right now ( for mosts uses it's not even needed - if you just do few transforms for example ), instead a server that runs xalan could plug it's own thread pool.

  • Committed by Gary L Peskin <garyp@firstech.com> on 05/15/2001
    Committer's log entry: > Use the context class loader if available. > > The implementation is based on ExtensionHandler, and it's needed in order > to work in certain environments ( like tomcat ). > >

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 05/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ExtensionError.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed "conflict" in javadoc comments.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 05/16/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql package.html
    Committer's log entry: Editing pass.

  • Committed by tmiller@apache.org on 05/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xsltc TransletOutputHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: bug # 1406 fixed, omit xml header implemented

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 05/17/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Update Javadoc and remove commented out reference to properties file PR:Bugzilla1627

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Resolve bug 1330 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1330>. setContentHandler failed to also reset m_lexicalHandler if the ContentHandler was also a LexicalHandler. This caused the old LexicalHandler to be used which was pointing to a previous result tree.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/18/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Resolve bug 1762 <http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1762>. TransformerFactoryImpl's URIResolver was not propagated to created Transformers. Modified code to propagate.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 05/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Catch SecurityException whenever accessing System.getProperty("user.dir"); minor javadoc update

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 05/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemCopy.java ElemValueOf.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TreeWalker2Result.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncLast.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bugs reported by the Eclipse folks for TransformState, where some operations (xsl:value-of, xsl-copy) were not pushing the current node on the current node stack. Addresses http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1524.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 05/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java
    Committer's log entry: Catch SecurityException as needed PR: Bugzilla1258

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix to the following bug reported by dims@yahoo.com: loadPropertiesFile method in org\apache\xalan\templates\OutputProperties.java does not fall back to the Thread Context Class Loader to load properties files like output_xml.properties etc. This is causing problems in ServletExec_3_1+C2.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java
    Committer's log entry: Correct implementation of ContextClassLoader to support case where properties file is to be loaded by a different ClassLoader than the OutputProperties class. Thanks to Davanum Srinivas <dims@yahoo.com> for this code and for reporting this bug. loadPropertiesFile should eventually be moved into a thread-specific class.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 05/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize CharInfo.java java/src/org/apache/xpath/functions FuncSystemProperty.java
    Committer's log entry: Modify getResourceAsStream calls to use the contextClassLoader, if available. This is a temporary fix until we can centralize this function.

NoteThis release includes no updates of the compatibility source code.

Changes for Xalan-Java 2.0.1

This release includes a number of bug fixes to the Xalan-Java and TrAX core and Xalan-Java 1 compability API. We have also

  • Entered all known Xalan-Java 2 bugs in the Apache Bugzilla database

  • Added support for using custom URIResolver, EntityResolver, and ContentHandler implementations with the command-line utility

  • Upgraded from Ant 1.2 to Ant 1.3 for our builds (the new ant.jar is in the bin directory).

Core source code updates:

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes ChildWalkerMultiStep.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bug reported by "Chris P. McCabe" <chris_mccabe@choicehotels.com> 02/06/2001 06:55 PM. Defensive fix for if the last used walker is null, then don't check to see if it is a fast walker! Without this, a null pointer exception is very possible.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixes for exceptions being thrown that weren't being passed through the error listener.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes FollowingWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bug reported by Dave Haffner <dave.haffner@xmls.com> 02/06/2001 04:03 AM In parentNode(), don't screen out nextAncestor, since the parent is never actually returned. This sets things up correctly for firstChild and nextSibling.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes PrecedingWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bug reported by Dave Haffner <dave.haffner@xmls.com> 02/06/2001 04:03 AM In nextSibling(), don't return null if isAncestorOfRootContext, instead do next.getFirstChild().

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath SourceTreeManager.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bug reported by anders.domeij@uc.se 02/07/2001 09:35 AM removed extra bogus TransformerException decl in resolveURI

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree SourceTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix bug reported by Jason Harrop <jharrop@bigpond.net.au> 02/07/2001 08:12 PM Don't process comment or whitespace events if inside a startDTD/endDTD event.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/10/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/axes WalkerFactory.java
    Committer's log entry: In indirect response to bug posted by "Thee Boon Hoo" <theebh@newstakes.com> 02/07/2001 09:37 PM "//table[1]" patterns would give one node when they should have given 2, when applied to Boon Hoo's source. "//table[1]" is equivelent to "/descendant-or-self::node()/table[1]", and so must return the first table child of each table-inst element. An optimization was optimizing this to "/descendant-or-self::table, which is fine as long as indexing isn't used. Since we can not tell until runtime if indexing is being used, we have to turn of this optimization for all predicated "//foo[xx]" patterns.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetPIHandler.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch for Dmitri IIyin to use the specified URIResolver.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemNumber.java
    Committer's log entry: Number Expression should be evaluated then rounded up.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Create a document fragment for the output node, for -flavor d2d.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler Compiler.java
    Committer's log entry: Better error message when quo is used.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemCallTemplate.java ElemChoose.java ElemCopy.java ElemFallback.java ElemIf.java ElemLiteralResult.java ElemTemplate.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Remove extra method/call to TransformerImpl.executeChildTemplates()

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns NodeTest.java
    Committer's log entry: Return an empty string instead of null from getLocalName() when the nodetest does not have a name. Encountered with the SQL extension, in response to bug reported by "Michael Kay" <mhkay@iclway.co.uk>, 02/08/2001 08:57 AM.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ColumnData.java
    Committer's log entry: In getData() return an empty string instead of null if there is no data to be obtained. In response to bug reported by "Michael Kay" <mhkay@iclway.co.uk>, 02/08/2001 08:57 AM.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 02/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/extensions MethodResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Correct ConversionInfo array for Node-Set and RTF. Remove DocumentFragment from RTF and replace with NodeList. Remove duplicate Boolean from both. Fix Boolean conversion to make java.lang.Boolean higher than string.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/19/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ColumnHeader.java RowSet.java XStatement.java
    Committer's log entry: Use null nodetest to mean the same as "node()". This fixes a bug reported by "Voytenko, Dimitry" <DVoytenko@SECTORBASE.COM> where <xsl:copy-of select="sql:query(...)"/> crashes with NullPointerException, i.e. there are cases where we really don't want to set the NodeTest.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/compiler XPathParser.java
    Committer's log entry: Check for null token before checking if it is a letter

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/20/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix made for bug reported by "Glencross, Christian" <Christian.Glencross@gs.com> on 02/16/2001 10:18 AM. Xerces 1.2.3 SAX parser calls handler.setDocumentLocator() before handler.startDocument(). TransformerIdentityImpl.m_resultContentHandler isn't initialised until TransformerIdentityImpl.startDocument() is called. Added lazy construction of result handler in setDocumentLocator, in addition to startDocument.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 02/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Extensions.java
    Committer's log entry: Correct implementation of string value of a node.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 02/21/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql Column.java ColumnAttribute.java ColumnData.java ColumnHeader.java Row.java RowSet.java StreamableNode.java XConnection.java XStatement.java package.html
    Committer's log entry: Added experimental usage metatag to all classes in this package, and an explanatory note to package.html.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree ElementImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Bug fix attributed to Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>, on 02/20/2001 09:50 AM. if the attribute 'name' doesn't occur in the AttList, the result of getIndex(name) is -1, but getChildAttribute() would incorrectly return the first attribute. Fix returns null if index < 0.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Implement DeclHandler for identity transforms

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 02/22/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for bug originally reported by Daryl Beattie <DarylB@screamingmedia.com> on 02/14/2001 04:16 PM. A hang was occuring inside the use of a Result Tree Fragment. When the result tree fragement was being created, the Redirect extension was being called, which called createResultContentHandler which set the ContentHandler in the Transformer, but not in the ResultTreeHandler. Then, Redirect called Transformer#executeChildTemplates( ElemTemplateElement elem, Node sourceNode, QName mode, ContentHandler handler) which saves the reference to the original content handler in the transformer, and then sets the new one by calling setContentHandler, which sets the ContentHandler in the ResultTreeHandler as well as the Transformer. When it tried to restore the old ContentHandler, it restored the value in the ResultTreeHandler to a Serializer, instead of the correct ContentHandler. When transformToRTF then called endDocument on it's resultTreeFragment, the event was sent to the Serializer instead of the SourceTreeHandler, and thus the isComplete flag was not set, and thus the hang. (whew!) The fix is in executeChildTemplates save the value of the resultTreeHandler's contentHandler as well as Transformer's content handler, and restore them both. A more architectual fix could be made, but not without high risk, so I think this is the best and safest way to fix it.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 02/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTInfo.properties
    Committer's log entry: Changed version to 2.0.1

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 02/23/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor XSLProcessorVersion.java
    Committer's log entry: Changed version to 2.0.1

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 02/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Update text of error messages Submitted by: Andreas Zehnpfund

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 02/28/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Update printArgOptions() with better text and to better reflect actual options that are currently supported; catch missing -IN argument

  • Committed by jkesselm@apache.org on 03/05/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/client XSLTProcessorApplet.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor StylesheetHandler.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree DocImpl.java StreeDOMBuilder.java TextImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates OutputProperties.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java java/src/trax trax.properties
    Committer's log entry: New approach to FastStringBuffer, and changes needed to support it. We still need to do some serious work on both the initial values of the tuning parameters and the heuristics driving the "chunk growth" algorithms. Currently set for fixed-sized chunks of 8Kch in main tree, .5Kch in RTF.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemElement.java ElemForEach.java ElemLiteralResult.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ClonerToResultTree.java QueuedSAXEvent.java QueuedStartDocument.java QueuedStartElement.java ResultTreeHandler.java TransformerImpl.java TreeWalker2Result.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=741. 1) ResultTreeHandler now implements the TransformState interface. 2) Queued state such as the current node and the current template is stored as part of QueuedStartElement. Storage will only occur if the ContentHandler implements TransformClient. 3) When state is requested (for instance TransformState#getCurrentElement()), if the queued element is null or not pending (for instance, in a characters event), it will get the state from the transformer, otherwise it will get the state from the queued element. Other fixes were attempted for this problem, including trying to get rid of queueing altogether, and flushing a bit earlier before the state was pushed on the various stacks, but both of these had show-stopping issues (see discussions on xalan-dev). Note that for the moment the ContextNodeList is node cloned as it needs to be in order for TransformState#getContextNodeList.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 03/06/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemParam.java java/src/org/apache/xpath Arg.java VariableStack.java
    Committer's log entry: The field Arg.isParamVar was attempting to serve two functions: to indicate variable Frame entries which are not currently activated and to indicate Frames containing parameters passed with xsl:with-param. When processing was finished for a node in a node-set, the isParamVar flag was turned on to indicate the Frame slot was available. Unfortunately, this also indicated that the item was passed as a parameter which it wasn't. This fix changes isParamVar into to fields, isAvailable which indicates that the slot is available and isFromWithParam indicating the Frame slot came from an xsl:with-param or a top-level parameter passed in via the tranformerImpl.setParameter() API. I have tested this change against the conformance suite and had no regression. I've also submitted a test case which fails on the existing codebase but works okay after this fix. It is possible that I've missed something with regard to the API setParameter calls but we can fix those if problems are reported.

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 03/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils FastStringBuffer.java
    Committer's log entry: Correct operation when length of content to be appended is zero.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/07/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix closing out doctype declaration

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/08/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Change SystemIdResolver to default to user.dir if the base URI is null

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 03/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java
    Committer's log entry: Parameters set with setParameter were available to stylesheet as variable references ($myParam) even though there was no xsl:param element to receive it.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/09/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerIdentityImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Check if there is a DeclHandler before calling it.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils WrappedRuntimeException.java
    Committer's log entry: Patch attributed to Patrick Moore <patrickm@rioport.com> on 03/09/2001. Adds another constructor to pass in the error message.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemAttribute.java ElemElement.java
    Committer's log entry: Checkin addresses http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=923. elemAttribute now derives from elemElement so the basic name resolution code can be shared. Breaks attribset24 test, but I think the newer behavior is better. New virtual methods overloaded by elemAttribute are constructNode, resolvePrefix, and validateNodeName. Also, in the elemAttribute#execute method, checks are made to make sure an element is pending.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils SystemIDResolver.java
    Committer's log entry: Added getAbsoluteURI(String url), and merge with Myriam's changes. Part of fix for problem found when investigating http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=906.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Call getAbsoluteURI(String url) for the source URL. Fix for problem found when investigating http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=906. This tries to force us always having an absolute URL in the processing stack as the base URL, which should be OK, I hope.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Call getAbsoluteURI(String url) for the source URL. Fix for problem found when investigating http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=906. This tries to force us always having an absolute URL in the processing stack as the base URL, which should be OK, I hope.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer QueuedEvents.java QueuedStartElement.java ResultTreeHandler.java
    Committer's log entry: The user for http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=741 reported problems on testing, so these changes are a re-fix. He tested and everything seems OK now. There actually may be a slight performance improvement involved here.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToHTML.java
    Committer's log entry: Applied patches from dmitri.ilyin@memiq.com (Dmitri Ilyin) from http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=705.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath XPathAPI.java
    Committer's log entry: Applied patch submitted by nboyd@atg.com (Norris Boyd) at http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=702.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize Encodings.java
    Committer's log entry: Applied patch submitted by havardw@underdusken.no (H嶡rd Wigtil). Also added "XXX-X" variants for all "XXX_X" java encoding names. I'm not totally confident that this is the right thing to do, but I can't see that it will hurt, except to make the table a bit larger. I would prefer to be safe and make sure we handle the encoding. See my comments in http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=718.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates ElemTemplateElement.java StylesheetRoot.java
    Committer's log entry: Minor changes to better bottleneck throwing of Runtime exceptions during processing.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor TransformerFactoryImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Catch all exceptions thrown when processing stylesheet, and send them to the error listener. There's probably some danger of having the same error sent to the error listener multiple times, but better too many reports, than none, I guess. This addresses http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=906.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql XConnection.java XStatement.java
    Added: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ConnectionPool.java DefaultConnectionPool.java ExtensionError.java PooledConnection.java QueryParameter.java SQLExtensionError.java XConnectionPoolManager.java
    Committer's log entry: These are John Gentilin <johnglinux@eyecatching.com> patches for connection pooling and parameterized queries. These should be considered to be unstable right now, as we are still working on some things.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/11/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorInclude.java TransformerFactoryImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/serialize SerializerToXML.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/stree StreeDOMHelper.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer ResultTreeHandler.java TransformerIdentityImpl.java TreeWalker2Result.java java/src/org/apache/xml/utils AttList.java TreeWalker.java java/src/org/apache/xpath DOM2Helper.java XPathContext.java
    Committer's log entry: The DOM2Helper#isNodeAfter(Node node1, Node node2) method has been fixed so that it no longer does the try/catch thing if one of the nodes doesn't implement DOMOrder, but instead does an instanceof test. In StreeDOMHelper, it overloads this method and *does* do the try/catch business, since almost always both nodes will implement DOMOrder in this case, and this will be faster than an instanceof test. Also, in various classes, I did some stuff to try and make sure that a DOM2Helper wasn't being created and used when a StreeDOMHelper is needed. This addresses http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=800 and should give a good performance fix for foreign DOM processing.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath/patterns NodeTest.java
    Committer's log entry: Xerces at some point decided to use "" instead of null for null namespaces. There has been a discussion between Gary Peskin in Joe Kessleman on xalan-dev about this, but I hadn't been fully keeping up the the thread that well, and missed it's relation to this problem. I include some of the discussion at the end of this note. I made Xalan be able to compare a "" namespace to null for now, until we get this resolved. The gist of the discussion on xalan-dev regarding this is: >>1. Declare the Xerces-J support of schemas to have a bug and ask that >>Xerces be corrected to always use a null namespace URI to indicate that >>there is no default namespace. Even if the Xerces people change this >>behavior, is this correct? > > Yes. If your description of the problem is accurate (you should probably > submit a more detailed case so it can be reproduced in the lab), this is a > parser/DOM-builder bug.

  • Committed by costin@apache.org on 03/12/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ExtensionError.java
    Committer's log entry: Removed ( commented out ) dump() method and the imports in ExtensionError. So far the method doesn't seem to be used ( no warning in the compile ). The problem is that this method is breaking the build with crimson ( since it uses xerces-specific classes ). It is possible to implement it on top of the serialization classes that are part of xalan - if someone needs the method I'll try to port it.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils TreeWalker.java
    Committer's log entry: Added back in the TreeWalker(ContentHandler contentHandler) constructor, because I'm worried I'll break more dependent code.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Implement new arguments for the command line interface: URIResolver, EntityResolver and ContentHandler

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/templates FuncFormatNumb.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix error message to say that 2 or 3 arguments are required.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 03/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/processor ProcessorLRE.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/res XSLTErrorResources.java
    Committer's log entry: Better error message for missing or incorrect XSLT namespace declaration in a stylesheet

  • Committed by garyp@apache.org on 03/13/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib Redirect.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/transformer TransformerImpl.java java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Remember the Result that was used to trigger the transform. Access that result from the Redirect extension to make file references in Redirect relative to the original result URI. If this is not available, references are relative to the source URI.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xpath VariableStack.java
    Committer's log entry: Added protection for null pointer exception that I discovered when running some Cocoon tests. Since I've never seen this before, I assume this is related to the changes that Gary made, but am unsure as it's 4:00 in the morning and I'm too tired to look into it deeply.

  • Committed by curcuru@apache.org on 03/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: Remove check for missing -IN arg; there are a number of use cases for calling Process.main without an XML document

  • Committed by costin@apache.org on 03/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/xslt Process.java
    Committer's log entry: A (last ? ) place where XMLReaderFactory was used without trying jaxp first. I used the same code that is used in all other places in xalan. With this change, the parser defined in XSLTInfo.properties will be used only if jaxp is not available.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 03/14/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xml/utils StringVector.java
    Committer's log entry: Added missing @serial Javadoc tags.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/15/2001
    Modified: java/src/org/apache/xalan/lib/sql ConnectionPool.java DefaultConnectionPool.java ExtensionError.java SQLExtensionError.java XConnection.java XConnectionPoolManager.java XStatement.java
    Committer's log entry: Update from John Gentilin <johnglinux@eyecatching.com> to fix connection cleanup.

Compatibility source code updates:

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/02/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTInputSource.java XSLTResultTarget.java
    Committer's log entry: Implement some more methods for compatibility

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 02/02/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTInputSource.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed javadoc for api that was just added back.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 02/02/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTResultTarget.java
    Committer's log entry: Fixed javadoc for api that was just added back.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/02/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTEngineImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem with calling the processor with a liaison

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/02/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTEngineImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem where source file was being parsed more than once and if using an input stream, we would get a read error

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/12/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTEngineImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Set system id in stylesheet handler

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/14/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTInputSource.java
    Committer's log entry: Call local setSystemId.

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/15/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTEngineImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Fix problem with processing an input source created from a reader with no systemId Fix problem with reading an input source file twice if it has a PI

  • Committed by mmidy@apache.org on 02/22/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt StylesheetRoot.java
    Committer's log entry: Add getOutputMethod API.

  • Committed by dleslie@apache.org on 03/07/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xpath/xml XMLParserLiaisonDefault.java
    Committer's log entry: Put in Apache copyright.

  • Committed by sboag@apache.org on 03/13/2001
    Modified: java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xpath/xml TreeWalker.java java/compat_src/org/apache/xalan/xslt XSLTEngineImpl.java
    Committer's log entry: Made changes for change to API for XalanJ2 TreeWalker, which now requires that the DOM helper be created by the caller.

Changes for Xalan-Java version 2.0.0

Release 2.0 includes several bug fixes to the Xalan-Java and TrAX core and to the Xalan-Java 1 compatibility API. We also updated bsf.jar to the Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) release candidate 2.2, which fixes a bug running JPython extensions.

Core bug fixes:

  • A threading problem showed up when using multiple processors. We fixed it by using a separate XPathContext object to do whitespace node matches (xsl:strip-space).

  • Fixed a bug running Norm Walsh's DocBook stylesheets by not setting the variable stack position if the FilterExprWalker is not owned by a top-level NodeIterator.

  • Fixed a problem with null namespace being passed from xsl:element. This bug also surfaced while processing DocBook stylesheets.

  • In the interest of stability, we now treat "unknown error in XPath" as a fatal error.

  • Added support in stylesheet processing instructions for "text/xml" and "application/xml+xslt" mime types.

  • Fixed tokenizing of stylesheet processing instructions to allow parameters to be passed to server in href attributes.

  • Fixed a bug passing Transformer creation error messages to ErrorListener when an ErrorListener has been set on TransformerFactory.

  • When using an Exception to instantiate a FactoryConfigurationError (extends Error), we now propagate the Exception message to super().

  • Added defensive code to ElemTemplateElement for handling a null URI.

  • When using an Exception to instantiate a TransformerException (extends Exception), we now propagate the Exception message to super() rather than a generic message.

  • Fixed a bug (the generation of an unwanted entity reference) performing the identity transformation (see Serializing output) with an XML document containing a DOCTYPE declaration.

  • Message manager modified so that the SourceLocator must always be passed in, which will make a major difference in getting line number information.

  • xsl:element's handling of namespace attribute and prefix in name attribute changed so that it no longer manufactures prefixes... it always tries its best to match the prefix entered.

  • Bug fixed with namespace contexts in the stylesheet processor. The bug could cause <a xmlns:a="x"><b> to produce <a xmlns:a="x"><b xmlns:a="x">.

  • Modified processing of xsl:message to enhance it as a debugging aid. Line numbers are now output with each message. If the terminate attribute is true (the default is false) the message is sent to the console, and an exception is thrown with the message "Stylesheet directed termination".

  • In TransformerException, check that the cause != null when checking for a contained exception.

  • Fixed a problem validating non-namespaced attributes and a problem allowing non-namespaced attributes to be children of the stylesheet element.

  • Fixed checking of number of arguments in document() function.

  • Fixed problem with mutation of templates at run time. Templates resolution now takes place during the compose() method.

  • Fixed some minor threading issues in org.apache.xalan.stree (Child, Parent, ElementImpl, SourceTreeHandler).

  • Synchronized TrAX API functions subject to mutation to prevent mutation during a transformation.

  • Fixed bug reported by Jano Elovirta: substring() was returning an error if the start index is larger than the string.

  • Set StringKey.toString() to return the underlying String (m_str), thus avoiding a potential symmetry problem with the equals() method reported by Ito Kazumitsu.

  • In response to note from Ito Kazumitsu, changed Java encoding name "EUCJIS" in FormatterToXML to "EUC_JP".

  • When Xalan creates a FileOutputStream, it now closes the stream before exiting.

  • Fixed handling of an exception that can be thrown while building a DOM.

  • Fixed a problem reported by Dimitry Voytenko serializing compiled stylesheets.

  • For support of applets, modified TransformerFactory System.getProperty() calls to catch SecurityExceptions.

  • Fixed a bug reported by Krishna Mohan Meduri setting output properties.

  • Fixed error recovery when xsl:element encounters a bad name or unresolvable prefix.

  • Added AbstractMethodError handling to existing NoSuchMethodError handling as a fallback to the XMLReaderFactory for XML parsers that do not implement the JAXP parsers interface for creating an XMLReader

  • Fixed bug with cloned iterators reported by Tim Sean.

  • Fixed null pointer exception that could occur with getValue("xxx").

  • Fixed bug reported by Tim Sean handling the xml:space attribute.

Bug fixes in the Xalan-Java 1 compatibility API:

  • Fixed ProblemListener (for processing error messages) to derive from Xalan-Java 2 ErrorHandler.

  • Fixed evaluation of stylesheet string parameters to conform to Xalan-Java 1 behavior (expressions for Xalan-Java 1 vs. String objects for Xalan-Java 2).

  • Added XPathSupport and XPathSupportDefault, and fixed the derivation of XObject sub-types (XString, etc.).

  • Fixed bug with XSLTProcessor process(xmlIn, null, out) method so that it uses the StylesheetRoot (if one exists) that has been created with the processStylesheet() method.

Changes for Xalan-Java version 2.0.D07

Xalan-Java 2.0.D07 incorporates a Xalan-Java 1 compatibility jar, some performance enhancements, and a number of bug fixes for bugs found in version 2.0.D06.

  • Fixed handling of disable-output-escaping="no". Previously, once it was turned on, it could not be turned off.

  • Fixed a bug with whitespace handling where Xalan was incorrectly checking for whitespace stripping before collation of multiple whitespace events into a single text node.

  • Whitespace stripping wasn't working with input DOMs before. This is now fixed.

  • Fixed many exception handling problems and problems with error reporting.

  • Fixed a bug resetting parameters in Transformer clearParameters().

  • Fixed a bug where CDATA sections were not matching the text() node test.

  • Made better memory allocation problem with result tree fragments.

  • Made result tree fragment parsing of numbers consistent with strings.

  • Exceptions thrown from extensions should now be properly reported via the error listener.

  • Fixed hard-coded stack dump set off by m_reportInPostExceptionFromThread variable.

  • Fixed intermittent threading problem with text nodes being dropped.

  • Fixed problem with variable evaluation inside of union expressions.

Changes for Xalan-Java version 2.0.D06

We have fixed the bugs reported in Xalan-Java 2.0.D05. Along with several other enhancements, we have also fixed a number of bugs found by testing and our users:

  • Fixed some threading problems and improved support for handling Exceptions thrown in a secondary thread.

    Note: To support incremental output, Xalan-Java performs the transformation in a second thread while building the source tree in the main thread.

  • Fixed problems encountered in piping (utilizing transformation output as input for another transformation).

  • Fixed problems handling attributes and adding attributes to result tree.

  • Added defensive checking for null entities, null namespaces, and empty strings passed in for URIs and local names.

  • We now conform to the SAX convention of representing null namespaces with empty strings.

  • Fixed a bug encountered evaluating a variable in a predicate expression applied to child nodes.

  • Changed names of serializers from FormatterToXxx to SerializerToXxx. See Package org.apache.xalan.serialize.

  • Improved debugging support in a number of areas.

Changes for Xalan-Java version 2.0.D05

All of the bugs reported in Xalan-Java 2.0.D01 have been fixed. The remainder of this section discusses two changes that we believe are of particular importance:


The Transformation API for XML (TrAX) that Xalan-Java 2 implements has undergone substantial revisions since the release of Xalan-Java 2.0.D01. TrAX has joined the Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP) as part of the Sun® Java Specification Request 63. Accordingly, the TrAX package names have changed. The conceptual organization has also changed somewhat: The primary transformation interfaces are defined in javax.xml.transform, with concrete classes for managing stream input/output, SAX parsers and ContentHandler, and DOM parsers and DOM trees in javax.xml.transform.stream, javax.xml.transform.sax, and javax.xml.transform.dom. For more information, see TrAX (Transformation API for XML), and review Usage Patterns.

Output properties

The handling of xsl:output properties has changed: org.apache.xalan.serialize.OutputFormat and apache.xalan.templates.OutputFormatExtended were removed and replaced with org.apache.xalan.templates.OutputProperties. The SerializerFactory getSerializer() method now takes Properties rather than a String indicating the output method. You can replace getSerializer("xml"), for example, with getSerializer(OutputProperties.getDefaultMethodProperties("xml")).

HTML, XML, and text xsl:output properties are specified in property files in org.apache.xalan.templates: output_html.properties, output_xml.properties, and output_text.properties.

You can start using the output properties defined in these files in your stylesheets. For example, you can turn URL escaping off in HTML output with
and you can control indenting with

NoteThe colon after the "http" protocol must be escaped.

Character-to-entity mapping is specified in org.apache.xalan.serialize: HTMLEntities.res and XMLEntities.res. You can override entity ref mapping from a stylesheet. For example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
         xmlns:xalan="http://xml.apache.org/xslt" version="1.0">

  <xsl:output xalan:entities="myentities.ent"/>

  <xsl:template match="/">


=== myentities.ent ===

quot 34
amp 38
lt 60
gt 62
lala 125

The output is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

See also Setting output properties in your stylesheets.

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