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packages: installing Installing a JAR
packages: Java A Java glossary
packages: Java in the database Use of import statements
packages: jConnect The jConnect driver files
packages: supported Supported Java packages
packages: unsupported Unsupported Java packages and classes
ParameterName property: .NET provider API ParameterName property
Parameters property: .NET provider API Parameters property
parameters: CreateParameter method CreateParameter method
partially supported classes: Partially supported packages and classes
partially supported classes: Partially supported packages and classes
partially supported classes: Partially supported packages and classes
partially supported classes: Partially supported packages and classes
partially supported classes: Partially supported packages and classes
partially supported classes: java.lang.ClassLoader Partially supported packages and classes
partially supported classes: java.lang.Compiler Partially supported packages and classes
partially supported classes: java.lang.Runtime (exec/load/loadlibrary) Partially supported packages and classes
partially supported classes: java.lang.Thread Supported Java packages
partially supported classes: Partially supported packages and classes
partially supported classes: Partially supported packages and classes
performance: cursors Cursor sensitivity and performance
Prefetching rows
performance: JDBC Using prepared statements for more efficient access
performance: JDBC drivers Choosing a JDBC driver
performance: prepared statements Preparing statements
Executing prepared statements
perl DBI interface: Adaptive Server Anywhere interface Code samples and other programming interfaces
perl interface: download Code samples and other programming interfaces
permissions: JDBC Miscellaneous JDBC notes
persistence: Java in the database classes Scope and persistence
personal server: deploying Deploying personal servers
PHP module: download Code samples and other programming interfaces
PHP: Adaptive Server Anywhere interface Code samples and other programming interfaces
place holders: dynamic SQL Dynamic SQL statements
platforms: cursors Availability of cursors
platforms: Java in the database support On what platforms is Java in the database supported?
POOLING option: .NET provider Connection pooling
positioned delete operation Modifying rows through a cursor
positioned update operation Modifying rows through a cursor
positioned updates: about Cursor positioning
Precision property: .NET provider API Precision property
PREFETCH option: cursors Prefetching rows
prefetch: cursor performance Cursor sensitivity and performance
prefetch: cursors Prefetching rows
prefetch: fetching multiple rows Fetching multiple rows
Prepare method: .NET provider API Prepare method
PREPARE statement Dynamic SQL statements
PREPARE TRANSACTION statement: and Open Client Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
prepared statements: ADO.NET overview How to use prepared statements
prepared statements: bind parameters How to use prepared statements
prepared statements: cursors Steps in using cursors
prepared statements: dropping How to use prepared statements
prepared statements: JDBC Using prepared statements for more efficient access
prepared statements: ODBC Executing prepared statements
prepared statements: Open Client Using prepared statements
prepared statements: using Preparing statements
PreparedStatement interface: about Using prepared statements for more efficient access
prepareStatement method: JDBC How to use prepared statements
preparing: to commit The vocabulary of distributed transactions
preprocessor: about Introduction
preprocessor: running Running the SQL preprocessor
primary keys: obtaining values for Obtaining primary key values
println method: Java in the database Printing to the command line
private: Java access A Java glossary
procedure not found error: Java methods Passing arguments to Java methods
procedures: embedded SQL Using stored procedures
procedures: ODBC Calling stored procedures
procedures: result sets Stored procedures with result sets
program structure: embedded SQL Structure of embedded SQL programs
properties: AcceptChangesDuringFill property AcceptChangesDuringFill property
properties: AsaDbType property AsaDbType property
properties: Command property Command property
Command property
properties: CommandText property CommandText property
properties: CommandTimeout property CommandTimeout property
properties: CommandType property CommandType property
properties: Connection property Connection property
Connection property
properties: ConnectionString property ConnectionString property
properties: ConnectionTimeout property ConnectionTimeout property
properties: ContinueUpdateOnError property ContinueUpdateOnError property
properties: Count property Count property
Count property
properties: DataAdapter property DataAdapter property
properties: Database property Database property
properties: DataSource property DataSource property
properties: DbType property DbType property
properties: db_get_property function db_get_property function
properties: DeleteCommand property DeleteCommand property
properties: Depth property Depth property
properties: DesignTimeVisible property DesignTimeVisible property
properties: Direction property Direction property
properties: Errors property Errors property
Errors property
Errors property
Errors property
properties: FieldCount property FieldCount property
properties: InsertCommand property InsertCommand property
properties: IsClosed property IsClosed property
properties: IsNullable property IsNullable property
properties: IsolationLevel property IsolationLevel property
properties: Item property Item property
properties: Message property Message property
Message property
Message property
properties: MissingMappingAction property MissingMappingAction property
properties: MissingSchemaAction property MissingSchemaAction property
properties: NativeError property NativeError property
properties: Offset property Offset property
properties: ParameterName property ParameterName property
properties: Parameters property Parameters property
properties: Precision property Precision property
properties: QuotePrefix property QuotePrefix property
properties: QuoteSuffix property QuoteSuffix property
properties: RecordsAffected property RecordsAffected property
RecordsAffected property
properties: Row property Row property
Row property
properties: Scale property Scale property
properties: SelectCommand property SelectCommand property
properties: ServerVersion property ServerVersion property
properties: Size property Size property
properties: Source property Source property
Source property
Source property
properties: SourceColumn property SourceColumn property
properties: SourceVersion property SourceVersion property
properties: SqlState property SqlState property
properties: State property State property
properties: StatementType property StatementType property
StatementType property
properties: Status property Status property
Status property
properties: TableMapping property TableMapping property
TableMapping property
properties: TableMappings property TableMappings property
properties: Transaction property Transaction property
properties: UpdateCommand property UpdateCommand property
properties: UpdatedRowSource property UpdatedRowSource property
properties: Value property Value property
protected: Java A Java glossary
protected: Java access A Java glossary
providers: supported in .NET Adaptive Server Anywhere .NET data provider features
public fields: issues Public fields
public: Java access A Java glossary
PUT statement: modifying rows through a cursor Modifying rows through a cursor
PUT statement: multi-row Fetching more than one row at a time
PUT statement: wide Fetching more than one row at a time