Special Characters   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 


unchained mode: controlling Controlling autocommit behavior
unchained mode: implementation Autocommit implementation details
unchained mode: transactions Setting autocommit or manual commit mode
Unicode: ODBC Linking ODBC applications on Windows CE
Unicode: Windows CE Linking ODBC applications on Windows CE
unique cursors: about Cursor properties
UNIX: deployment issues UNIX deployment issues
UNIX: directory structure UNIX deployment issues
UNIX: multi-threaded applications UNIX deployment issues
UNIX: ODBC Linking ODBC applications on UNIX
Linking ODBC applications on UNIX
UNIX: ODBC applications Using an ODBC Driver Manager on UNIX
unixodbc.h: about Including the ODBC header file
unsupported classes: java.applet Unsupported Java packages and classes
unsupported classes: java.awt Unsupported Java packages and classes
unsupported classes: java.awt.datatransfer Unsupported Java packages and classes
unsupported classes: java.awt.event Unsupported Java packages and classes
unsupported classes: java.awt.image Unsupported Java packages and classes
unsupported classes: sun.* Unsupported Java packages and classes
Update method: .NET provider API Update method
UPDATE statement: positioned Modifying rows through a cursor
UpdateBatch ADO method: ADO programming Using transactions
UpdateBatch ADO method: updating data Updating data through a cursor
UpdateCommand property: .NET provider API UpdateCommand property
UpdatedRowSource property: .NET provider API UpdatedRowSource property
updates: cursor Updating data through a cursor
upgrade database wizard: Java-enabling a database Java-enabling a database
URL: database Specifying a database on a server
URL: jConnect Supplying a URL for the server
user-defined classes: Java in the database User-defined classes
using Java in the database Using Java in the Database
using the Adaptive Server Anywhere .NET provider sample applications Using the Adaptive Server Anywhere .NET Data Provider Sample Applications
utilities: deploying database utilities Deploying database utilities
utilities: SQL preprocessor The SQL preprocessor