Special Characters   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 


macros: _SQL_OS_NETWARE Loading the interface library dynamically
macros: _SQL_OS_UNIX Loading the interface library dynamically
macros: _SQL_OS_WINNT Loading the interface library dynamically
main method: Java in the database Using the main method
Calling the main method
manual commit mode: controlling Controlling autocommit behavior
manual commit mode: implementation Autocommit implementation details
manual commit mode: transactions Setting autocommit or manual commit mode
membership: result sets Adaptive Server Anywhere cursors
memory: Java in the database Configuring memory for Java
merge modules: InstallShield Using InstallShield for deployment
Message property: .NET provider API Message property
Message property
Message property
messages: callback db_register_a_callback function
messages: server db_register_a_callback function
methods: >> operator Identifying Java methods and fields
methods: Add method Add method
methods: AsaRowUpdatingEventArgs method AsaRowUpdatingEventArgs constructors
methods: BeginTransaction method BeginTransaction method
methods: Cancel method Cancel method
methods: ChangeDatabase method ChangeDatabase method
methods: class Understanding methods
methods: Clear method Clear method
methods: Close method Close method
Close method
methods: Commit method Commit method
methods: Contains method Contains method
methods: CopyTo method CopyTo method
CopyTo method
IndexOf method
methods: CreateCommand method CreateCommand method
methods: CreateParameter method CreateParameter method
methods: CreatePermission method CreatePermission method
methods: declaring Understanding methods
methods: DeriveParameters method DeriveParameters method
methods: Dispose method Dispose method
methods: dot operator Identifying Java methods and fields
methods: ExecuteNonQuery method ExecuteNonQuery method
methods: ExecuteReader method ExecuteReader method
methods: ExecuteScalar method ExecuteScalar method
methods: Fill method Fill method
methods: FillSchema method FillSchema method
methods: GetBoolean method GetBoolean method
methods: GetByte method GetByte method
methods: GetBytes method GetBytes method
methods: GetChar method GetChar method
methods: GetChars method GetChars method
methods: GetDataTypeName method GetDataTypeName method
methods: GetDateTime method GetDateTime method
methods: GetDecimal method GetDecimal method
methods: GetDeleteCommand method GetDeleteCommand method
methods: GetDouble method GetDouble method
methods: GetFieldType method GetFieldType method
methods: GetFillParameters method GetFillParameters method
methods: GetFloat method GetFloat method
methods: GetGuid method GetGuid method
methods: GetInsertCommand method GetInsertCommand method
methods: GetInt16 method GetInt16 method
methods: GetInt32 method GetInt32 method
methods: GetInt64 method GetInt64 method
methods: GetName method GetName method
methods: GetObjectData method GetObjectData method
methods: GetOrdinal method GetOrdinal method
methods: GetSchemaTable method GetSchemaTable method
methods: GetString method GetString method
methods: GetTimeSpan method GetTimeSpan method
methods: GetUInt16 method GetUInt16 method
methods: GetUInt32 method GetUInt32 method
methods: GetUInt64 method GetUInt64 method
methods: GetUpdateCommand method GetUpdateCommand method
methods: GetValue method GetValue method
methods: GetValues method GetValues method
methods: Insert method Insert method
methods: instance Understanding methods
methods: IsDBNull method IsDBNull method
methods: Item property Item property
Item property
methods: Java in the database Understanding Java objects
methods: NextResult method NextResult method
methods: Open method Open method
methods: Prepare method Prepare method
methods: private A Java glossary
methods: protected A Java glossary
methods: public A Java glossary
methods: Read method Read method
methods: RefreshSchema method RefreshSchema method
methods: Remove method Remove method
methods: RemoveAt method RemoveAt method
methods: ResetCommandTimeout method ResetCommandTimeout method
methods: Rollback method Rollback method
methods: Save method Save method
methods: static Understanding methods
methods: ToString method ToString method
ToString method
ToString method
methods: Update method Update method
Microsoft Transaction Server: three-tier computing How application servers use DTC
Microsoft Visual C++: embedded SQL support Supported compilers
MissingMappingAction property: .NET provider API MissingMappingAction property
MissingSchemaAction property: .NET provider API MissingSchemaAction property
mixed cursors: ODBC ODBC and OLE DB
mlxtract utility: building your own an_unload_db structure
mlxtract utility: header file an_unload_db structure
MobiLink synchronization servers: deploying Using a silent installation for deployment
MSDASQL: OLE DB provider Introduction to OLE DB
multi-row fetches Fetching more than one row at a time
multi-row inserts Fetching more than one row at a time
multi-row puts Fetching more than one row at a time
multi-row queries: cursors Using cursors in embedded SQL
multi-threaded applications: embedded SQL SQLCA management for multi-threaded or reentrant code
Using multiple SQLCAs
multi-threaded applications: Java in the database Using threads in Java applications
multi-threaded applications: ODBC ODBC conformance
Threads and connections in ODBC applications
multi-threaded applications: UNIX Linking ODBC applications on UNIX
multiple result sets: DESCRIBE statement Stored procedures with result sets
multiple result sets: ODBC Calling stored procedures