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TableMapping property: .NET provider API TableMapping property
TableMapping property
TableMappings property: .NET provider API TableMappings property
technical support: newsgroups Finding out more and providing feedback
threaded applications: UNIX UNIX deployment issues
threads: embedded SQL SQLCA management for multi-threaded or reentrant code
Using multiple SQLCAs
threads: Java in the database Using threads in Java applications
threads: ODBC ODBC conformance
threads: ODBC applications Threads and connections in ODBC applications
threads: UNIX development Linking ODBC applications on UNIX
three-tier computing: about Three-Tier Computing and Distributed Transactions
three-tier computing: architecture Three-tier computing architecture
three-tier computing: Distributed Transaction Coordinator How application servers use DTC
three-tier computing: distributed transactions Distributed transactions in three-tier computing
three-tier computing: EAServer How application servers use DTC
three-tier computing: Microsoft Transaction Server How application servers use DTC
three-tier computing: resource dispensers The vocabulary of distributed transactions
three-tier computing: resource managers The vocabulary of distributed transactions
Time structure: time values in .NET provider Obtaining time values
times: obtaining with .NET provider Obtaining time values
TimeSpan : .NET provider Obtaining time values
TIMESTAMP data type: conversion Range limitations in data type mapping
ToString method: .NET provider API ToString method
ToString method
ToString method
transaction attribute: component Setting the component transaction attribute
transaction coordinator: EAServer Configuring EAServer
transaction processing: using the .NET provider Transaction processing
Transaction property: .NET provider API Transaction property
transactions: ADO Using transactions
transactions: application development Controlling transactions in applications
transactions: autocommit mode Setting autocommit or manual commit mode
Controlling autocommit behavior
transactions: cursors Cursors and transactions
transactions: distributed Introduction
Using distributed transactions
transactions: isolation level Controlling the isolation level
transactions: ODBC A first ODBC example
transactions: OLE DB Using transactions
troubleshooting: cursor positioning Cursor positioning
troubleshooting: Java in the database methods Procedure Not Found error
truncation: FETCH statement Using indicator variables for truncated values
truncation: indicator variables Using indicator variables for truncated values
truncation: on FETCH Using indicator variables to handle NULL
try block: Java Java error handling
tutorials: using the .NET provider Simple code sample Tutorial: Using the Simple code sample
tutorials: using the .NET provider Table Viewer code sample Tutorial: Using the Table Viewer code sample
two-phase commit: and Open Client Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
two-phase commit: three-tier computing Distributed transactions in three-tier computing
The vocabulary of distributed transactions
type: objects Understanding Java objects