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object-oriented programming: Java in the database Object oriented and procedural languages
object-oriented programming: style Public fields
objects: .NET data provider API Adaptive Server Anywhere .NET Data Provider API Reference
objects: Java in the database Understanding Java objects
objects: storage format Updating classes and Jars
objects: types Understanding Java objects
obtaining time values Obtaining time values
ODBC drivers: UNIX Linking ODBC applications on UNIX
ODBC settings: deploying Deploying ODBC clients
Deploying connection information
odbc.h: about Including the ODBC header file
ODBC: autocommit mode Setting autocommit or manual commit mode
Controlling autocommit behavior
ODBC: backwards compatibility ODBC conformance
ODBC: compatibility ODBC conformance
ODBC: conformance ODBC conformance
ODBC: cursor types Availability of cursors
ODBC: cursors ODBC and OLE DB
Working with result sets
ODBC: data sources Deploying connection information
ODBC: deploying Deploying ODBC clients
ODBC: driver deployment ODBC driver required files
ODBC: error checking Handling errors
ODBC: handles ODBC handles
ODBC: header files Including the ODBC header file
ODBC: import libraries Linking ODBC applications on Windows
ODBC: introduction Introduction to ODBC
ODBC: introduction to programming The ODBC programming interface
ODBC: linking Linking ODBC applications on Windows
ODBC: multi-threaded applications Threads and connections in ODBC applications
ODBC: multiple result sets Calling stored procedures
ODBC: no Driver Manager Using an ODBC Driver Manager on UNIX
ODBC: prepared statements Executing prepared statements
ODBC: programming ODBC Programming
ODBC: registry entries Deploying connection information
ODBC: result sets Calling stored procedures
ODBC: sample application A first ODBC example
ODBC: sample program ODBC samples
ODBC: SQL statements Executing SQL statements in applications
ODBC: stored procedures Calling stored procedures
ODBC: UNIX development Linking ODBC applications on UNIX
Using an ODBC Driver Manager on UNIX
ODBC: version supported ODBC conformance
ODBC: Windows CE Linking ODBC applications on Windows CE
Linking ODBC applications on Windows CE
Offset property: .NET provider API Offset property
OLE DB: about Introduction to OLE DB
OLE DB: Adaptive Server Anywhere Introduction to OLE DB
OLE DB: cursor types Availability of cursors
OLE DB: cursors ODBC and OLE DB
Updating data through a cursor
OLE DB: deploying Deploying OLE DB and ADO clients
OLE DB: introduction to programming The OLE DB and ADO programming interface
OLE DB: ODBC and Introduction to OLE DB
OLE DB: provider deployment Deploying OLE DB and ADO clients
OLE DB: supported interfaces Supported OLE DB interfaces
OLE DB: supported platforms Supported platforms
OLE DB: updates Updating data through a cursor
OLE transactions: three-tier computing Distributed transactions in three-tier computing
The vocabulary of distributed transactions
online backups: embedded SQL Backup functions
Open Client: Adaptive Server Anywhere limitations Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
Open Client: autocommit mode Setting autocommit or manual commit mode
Controlling autocommit behavior
Open Client: cursor types Availability of cursors
Open Client: data type ranges Range limitations in data type mapping
Open Client: data types Data type mappings
Open Client: data types compatibility Data type mappings
Open Client: deploying Open Client applications Deploying Open Client applications
Open Client: interface The Open Client Interface
Open Client: introduction The Open Client programming interface
Open Client: limitations Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
Open Client: requirements What you need to build Open Client applications
Open Client: SQL Using SQL in Open Client applications
Open Client: SQL statements Executing SQL statements in applications
Open method: .NET provider API Open method
OPEN statement: about Using cursors in embedded SQL
operating system: file names File naming conventions
OUT parameters: Java in the database Returning values from Java via stored procedures
overflow errors: data type conversion Range limitations in data type mapping