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C programming language: data types C host variable types
C#: support in .NET provider The ADO.NET programming interface
cache: Java in the database Configuring memory for Java
CALL statement: embedded SQL Using simple stored procedures
callback functions: embedded SQL Implementing request management
callback functions: registering db_register_a_callback function
callbacks: DB_CALLBACK_CONN_DROPPED db_register_a_callback function
callbacks: DB_CALLBACK_DEBUG_MESSAGE db_register_a_callback function
callbacks: DB_CALLBACK_FINISH db_register_a_callback function
callbacks: DB_CALLBACK_MESSAGE db_register_a_callback function
callbacks: DB_CALLBACK_START db_register_a_callback function
callbacks: DB_CALLBACK_WAIT db_register_a_callback function
Cancel method: .NET provider API Cancel method
canceling requests: embedded SQL Implementing request management
capabilities: supported Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
case sensitivity: Java in the database and SQL Java is case sensitive
catch block: Java Java error handling
CD-ROM: deploying databases on Deploying databases on read-only media
chained mode: controlling Controlling autocommit behavior
chained mode: implementation Autocommit implementation details
chained mode: transactions Setting autocommit or manual commit mode
CHAINED option: JDBC Notes on JDBC connections
ChangeDatabase method: .NET provider API ChangeDatabase method
character strings The SQL preprocessor
character-set translation: iAnywhere JDBC driver Using the iAnywhere JDBC driver
class fields: about Understanding fields
class methods: about Understanding methods
Class.forName method: loading jConnect Loading the jConnect driver deploying database servers Deploying database servers runtime classes The Adaptive Server Anywhere runtime Java classes
classes: about Understanding Java classes
classes: compiling Understanding Java classes
classes: constructors Class constructors
classes: creating Creating a class
classes: installing Installing Java classes into a database
classes: instances Object oriented and procedural languages
classes: Java Object oriented and procedural languages
classes: partially supported Partially supported packages and classes
classes: runtime The runtime Java classes
classes: supported Which Java classes are supported?
Supported Java packages
classes: unsupported Unsupported Java packages and classes
classes: updating Updating classes and Jars
classes: versions Updating classes and Jars
CLASSPATH environment variable: about Using the CLASSPATH variable
CLASSPATH environment variable: Java in the database Using the CLASSPATH variable
CLASSPATH environment variable: jConnect The jConnect driver files
CLASSPATH environment variable: setting Running the external connection example
clauses: WITH HOLD Configuring cursors on opening
Clear method: .NET provider API Clear method
client-side autocommit: about Autocommit implementation details
Close method: .NET provider API Close method
Close method
CLOSE statement: about Using cursors in embedded SQL
code samples: downloads Code samples and other programming interfaces
com.sybase package: runtime classes The Adaptive Server Anywhere runtime Java classes
Command ADO object: ADO Executing statements with the Command object
command line utilities: deploying Deploying database utilities
Command property: .NET provider API Command property
Command property
commands: ADO Command object Executing statements with the Command object
CommandText property: .NET provider API CommandText property
CommandTimeout property: .NET provider API CommandTimeout property
CommandType property: .NET provider API CommandType property
Commit method: .NET provider API Commit method
COMMIT statement: autocommit mode Setting autocommit or manual commit mode
Controlling autocommit behavior
COMMIT statement: cursors Cursors and transactions
COMMIT statement: JDBC Notes on JDBC connections
committing: transactions from ODBC A first ODBC example
CommitTrans ADO method: ADO programming Using transactions
CommitTrans ADO method: updating data Updating data through a cursor
compile and link process Development process overview
compilers: supported Supported compilers
components: transaction attribute Setting the component transaction attribute
Connection ADO object: ADO Connecting to a database with the Connection object
Connection ADO object: ADO programming Using transactions
connection handles: ODBC ODBC handles
connection pooling: .NET provider Connection pooling
Connection property: .NET provider API Connection property
Connection property
connection state: .NET provider Checking the connection state
connections: ADO Connection object Connecting to a database with the Connection object
connections: connecting to a database using the .NET provider Connecting to a database
connections: functions db_string_connect function
connections: jConnect Specifying a database on a server
connections: jConnect URL Supplying a URL for the server
connections: JDBC Differences between client- and server-side JDBC connections
Establishing JDBC connections
connections: JDBC client applications Connecting from a JDBC client application using jConnect
connections: JDBC defaults Notes on JDBC connections
connections: JDBC example Connecting from a JDBC client application using jConnect
Establishing a connection from a server-side JDBC class
connections: JDBC in the server Establishing a connection from a server-side JDBC class
connections: ODBC attributes Setting connection attributes
connections: ODBC functions Choosing an ODBC connection function
connections: ODBC programming Establishing a connection
ConnectionString property: .NET provider API ConnectionString property
ConnectionTimeout property: .NET provider API ConnectionTimeout property
console [dbconsole] utility: deploying Deploying administration tools
constructors: about Class constructors
constructors: AsaCommand AsaCommand constructors
constructors: AsaCommandBuilder method AsaCommandBuilder constructors
constructors: AsaConnection constructor AsaConnection constructors
constructors: AsaDataAdapter method AsaDataAdapter constructors
constructors: AsaParameter AsaParameter constructors
constructors: AsaPermission constructor AsaPermission constructors
constructors: AsaPermissionAttribute constructor AsaPermissionAttribute constructor
constructors: AsaRowUpdatedEventArgs constructor AsaRowUpdatedEventArgs constructors
constructors: Java A Java glossary
Contains method: .NET provider API Contains method
ContinueUpdateOnError property: .NET provider API ContinueUpdateOnError property
conventions: documentation SQL Anywhere Studio documentation
conventions: file names File naming conventions
conversion: data types Using indicator values for conversion errors
CopyTo method: .NET provider API CopyTo method
CopyTo method
Count property: .NET provider API Count property
Count property
CREATE DATABASE statement: Java in the database Ways of Java-enabling a database
New databases and Java
CREATE PROCEDURE statement: embedded SQL Using simple stored procedures
CreateCommand method: .NET provider API CreateCommand method
CreateParameter method: .NET provider API CreateParameter method
CreatePermission method: .NET provider API CreatePermission method
CS_CSR_ABS Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
CS_CSR_FIRST Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
CS_CSR_LAST Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
CS_CSR_PREV Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
CS_CSR_REL Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
CS_DATA_BOUNDARY Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
CS_DATA_SENSITIVITY Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
CS_PROTO_DYNPROC Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
CS_REG_NOTIF Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
CS_REQ_BCP Known Open Client limitations of Adaptive Server Anywhere
ct_command function: Open Client Executing SQL statements
Describing query results in Open Client
ct_cursor function: Open Client Using cursors
ct_dynamic function: Open Client Using prepared statements
ct_results function: Open Client Describing query results in Open Client
ct_send function: Open Client Describing query results in Open Client
cursor positioning: troubleshooting Cursor positioning
cursors Bookmarks and cursors
cursors: about Introduction to cursors
cursors: ADO ODBC and OLE DB
cursors: ADO.NET ADO.NET
cursors: asensitive Asensitive cursors
cursors: availability Availability of cursors
cursors: canceling Canceling cursor operations
db_cancel_request function
cursors: choosing ODBC cursor characteristics Choosing a cursor characteristics
cursors: delete Modifying rows through a cursor
cursors: describing Describing result sets
cursors: dynamic Sensitive cursors
cursors: DYNAMIC SCROLL Cursor positioning
Cursor properties
Asensitive cursors
cursors: embedded SQL Embedded SQL
Using cursors in embedded SQL
cursors: example C code Sample embedded SQL programs
cursors: fat Fetching multiple rows
cursors: fetching multiple rows Fetching multiple rows
cursors: fetching rows Cursor positioning
Fetching rows through a cursor
cursors: insensitive Cursor properties
Insensitive cursors
cursors: inserting multiple rows Modifying rows through a cursor
cursors: inserting rows Modifying rows through a cursor
cursors: internals Adaptive Server Anywhere cursors
cursors: introduction Introduction to cursors
cursors: isolation level Configuring cursors on opening
cursors: keyset-driven Value-sensitive cursors
cursors: membership Adaptive Server Anywhere cursors
cursors: NO SCROLL Cursor properties
Insensitive cursors
cursors: ODBC ODBC and OLE DB
Working with result sets
cursors: ODBC bookmarks Using bookmarks
cursors: ODBC deletes Updating and deleting rows through a cursor
cursors: ODBC result sets Retrieving data
cursors: ODBC updates Updating and deleting rows through a cursor
cursors: OLE DB ODBC and OLE DB
cursors: Open Client Using cursors
cursors: order Adaptive Server Anywhere cursors
cursors: performance Cursor sensitivity and performance
Prefetching rows
cursors: platforms Availability of cursors
cursors: positioning Cursor positioning
cursors: prepared statements Steps in using cursors
cursors: read-only Cursor properties
cursors: requesting Requesting Adaptive Server Anywhere cursors
cursors: result sets Introduction to cursors
cursors: savepoints Cursors and transactions
cursors: SCROLL Cursor properties
Value-sensitive cursors
cursors: scrollable Fetching with scrollable cursors
cursors: sensitive Sensitive cursors
cursors: sensitivity Adaptive Server Anywhere cursors
Cursor sensitivity overview
cursors: sensitivity examples Cursor sensitivity example: a deleted row
Cursor sensitivity example: an updated row
cursors: static Insensitive cursors
cursors: step-by-step Steps in using cursors
cursors: stored procedures Stored procedures with result sets
cursors: transactions Cursors and transactions
cursors: unique Cursor properties
cursors: unspecified sensitivity Asensitive cursors
cursors: update Modifying rows through a cursor
cursors: updating Updating data through a cursor
cursors: updating and deleting rows Modifying rows through a cursor
cursors: uses Introduction to cursors
cursors: using Working with cursors
cursors: value-sensitive Value-sensitive cursors
cursors: values Adaptive Server Anywhere cursors
cursors: visible changes Adaptive Server Anywhere cursors
cursors: work tables Cursor sensitivity and performance