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Read method: .NET provider API Read method
read-only cursors: about Cursor properties
read-only: deploying databases Deploying databases on read-only media
record sets: ADO programming Updating data through a cursor
RecordsAffected property: .NET provider API RecordsAffected property
RecordsAffected property
Recordset ADO object: ADO Querying the database with the Recordset object
Recordset ADO object: ADO programming Using transactions
Recordset ADO object: updating data Updating data through a cursor
Recordset object: ADO Working with Recordset object
recovery: distributed transactions Recovery from distributed transactions
RefreshSchema method: .NET provider API RefreshSchema method
registering the .NET provider Registering the Adaptive Server Anywhere .NET data provider DLL
registry: deploying Deploying ODBC clients
Deploying connection information
registry: ODBC Deploying connection information
relocatable: defined Configuring memory for Java
REMOTEPWD: using Specifying a database on a server
Remove method: .NET provider API Remove method
RemoveAt method: .NET provider API RemoveAt method
request processing: embedded SQL Implementing request management
requests: aborting db_cancel_request function
requirements: Open Client applications What you need to build Open Client applications
ResetCommandTimeout method: .NET provider API ResetCommandTimeout method
resource dispensers: three-tier computing The vocabulary of distributed transactions
resource managers: about Introduction
resource managers: three-tier computing The vocabulary of distributed transactions
response file: definition Using a silent installation for deployment
response time: AsaDataAdapter AsaDataAdapter class
response time: AsaDataReader AsaDataReader class
result sets: ADO Recordset object Querying the database with the Recordset object
Working with Recordset object
result sets: cursors Introduction to cursors
result sets: Java in the database methods Returning result sets from Java methods
result sets: Java in the database stored procedures Returning result sets from Java methods
result sets: metadata Describing result sets
result sets: multiple ODBC Calling stored procedures
result sets: ODBC Working with result sets
Calling stored procedures
result sets: Open Client Describing query results in Open Client
result sets: retrieving ODBC Retrieving data
result sets: stored procedures Stored procedures with result sets
result sets: using Working with cursors
retrieving: ODBC Retrieving data
retrieving: SQLDA and Retrieving values
return codes Software component return codes
return codes: ODBC Handling errors
Rollback method: .NET provider API Rollback method
ROLLBACK statement: cursors Cursors and transactions
ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statement: cursors Cursors and transactions
RollbackTrans ADO method: ADO programming Using transactions
RollbackTrans ADO method: updating data Updating data through a cursor
Row property: .NET provider API Row property
Row property
RowUpdated event: .NET provider API RowUpdated event
RowUpdating event: .NET provider API RowUpdating event
rt.jar: runtime classes The Adaptive Server Anywhere runtime Java classes
runtime classes: contents The Adaptive Server Anywhere runtime Java classes
runtime classes: installing Java-enabling a database
runtime classes: Java in the database The runtime Java classes
runtime environment: Java in the database Managing the runtime environment for Java