Special Characters   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 


partitioning: column-wise Publishing only some columns in a table
Creating articles containing some of the columns in a table
partitioning: row-wise Publishing only some rows in a table
Creating articles containing some of the rows in a table
passthrough mode: Adaptive Server Enterprise Using passthrough mode
passthrough mode: batches Operations not replicated in passthrough mode
passthrough mode: for Adaptive Server Anywhere Using passthrough mode
passthrough mode: operations not replicated Operations not replicated in passthrough mode
passthrough mode: operations not replicated in Operations not replicated in passthrough mode
passthrough mode: uses Uses and limitations of passthrough mode
passthrough SQL Remote table: Adaptive Server Enterprise sr_passthrough table
PASSTHROUGH statement: using Using passthrough mode
passthrough statements: multi-tier installations Uses and limitations of passthrough mode
password control parameter: FTP message type The ftp message system
password control parameter: VIM message type The VIM message system
passwords: extraction utility Adaptive Server Enterprise features unsupported in Adaptive Server Anywhere
passwords: saving SQL Remote options
Path control parameter: VIM message type The VIM message system
patience: Message Agent Requesting resends
performance: database extraction Designing an efficient extraction procedure
performance: design tips for SQL Remote Design tips for performance
performance: incoming messages Tuning incoming message polling
performance: Message Agent Tuning Message Agent performance
performance: message sending Tuning the message sending process
performance: number of subscriptions Who gets what?
performance: publications Who gets what?
performance: replication throughput Tuning Message Agent performance
Tuning Message Agent performance
performance: replication turnaround time Tuning Message Agent performance
performance: SQL Remote Tuning Message Agent performance
performance: ssxtract Tuning extraction performance
Tuning extraction performance for shared rows
performance: threading Tuning throughput by controlling Message Agent threading
permissions: CONSOLIDATE Granting and revoking REMOTE and CONSOLIDATE permissions
permissions: granting CONSOLIDATE Granting CONSOLIDATE permissions
permissions: multi-tier installations Assigning permissions in multi-tier installations
permissions: publish Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
permissions: publish (tutorial) Add the publisher and remote user to the database
Grant PUBLISH and REMOTE at the consolidated database
permissions: remote Granting and revoking REMOTE and CONSOLIDATE permissions
permissions: remote (tutorial) Add the publisher and remote user to the database
Grant PUBLISH and REMOTE at the consolidated database
permissions: revoking REMOTE Revoking REMOTE and CONSOLIDATE permissions
permissions: SQL Remote administration Management overview
platforms: supported operating systems Supported Platforms and Message Links
polling: messages Tuning incoming message polling
pop3_host control parameter: SMTP message type The SMTP message system
pop3_password control parameter: SMTP message type The SMTP message system
pop3_userid control parameter: SMTP message type The SMTP message system
port control parameter: FTP message type The ftp message system
primary key pools: about Ensuring unique primary keys
The primary key pool
primary key pools: generating unique values using default global autoincrement Using global autoincrement default column values
primary key pools: replenishing Filling and replenishing the key pool
Filling and replenishing the key pool
primary key pools: replicating Replicating the primary key pool
Replicating the primary key pool
primary key pools: summary Primary key pool summary
Primary key pool summary
primary keys: generating unique values Ensuring unique primary keys
primary keys: generating unique values using pools Using primary key pools
primary keys: publications How statements are replicated
Design issues overview
Design issues overview
primary keys: replication Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
Using global autoincrement default column values
Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
primary keys: replication errors Replication errors
primary keys: SQL Remote Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
primary keys: uniqueness Ensuring unique primary keys
The primary key pool
procedure groups: extraction utility Adaptive Server Enterprise features unsupported in Adaptive Server Anywhere
procedures: passthrough mode Operations not replicated in passthrough mode
procedures: replicating Replication of procedures
procedures: SQL Remote Replication of procedures
procedures: SQL Remote Open Server Other issues
procedures: statements corresponding to Adaptive Server Enterprise procedures and Adaptive Server Anywhere statements
profiles: Microsoft Exchange The MAPI message system
properties: articles Publishing data
properties: message type properties Using Sybase Central to work with message types
properties: publications Publishing data
publication creation wizard: creating an article using a subscription expression Publishing only some rows using a subscription expression
publication creation wizard: creating SQL Remote publications Add publications and subscriptions
Publishing whole tables
publication creation wizard: creating SQL Remote publications using a WHERE clause Publishing only some rows using a WHERE clause
publication creation wizard: creating SQL Remote publications with column-wise partitioning Publishing only some columns in a table
publication design: Adaptive Server Anywhere SQL Remote Design for Adaptive Server Anywhere
publication design: for many subscribers Publishing only some rows using a subscription expression
Creating an article using a subscription column
publication design: SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise SQL Remote Design for Adaptive Server Enterprise
publication design: using subscription expression Publishing only some rows using a subscription expression
Creating an article using a subscription column
publication SQL Remote table: Adaptive Server Anywhere SYSPUBLICATION table
publication SQL Remote table: Adaptive Server Enterprise sr_publication table
publications SQL Remote view: Adaptive Server Anywhere SYSPUBLICATIONS view
publications SQL Remote view: Adaptive Server Enterprise sr_publications view
publications: about Publications and subscriptions
publications: altering Altering existing publications
publications: column-wise partitioning Publishing only some columns in a table
Creating articles containing some of the columns in a table
publications: creating Create publications and subscriptions
Publishing data
Creating publications
publications: creating (tutorial) Add publications and subscriptions
publications: design at consolidated database Design overview
publications: designing Principles of SQL Remote Design
Design overview
Replication errors and conflicts
Publication design for Adaptive Server Anywhere
Design issues overview
Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
Publication design for Adaptive Server Enterprise
Design issues overview
Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
publications: dropping Dropping publications
publications: example A sample publication
publications: foreign keys Design issues overview
Partitioning tables that do not contain the subscription expression
Design issues overview
Partitioning tables that do not contain the subscription column
The Contact example
publications: locking Design issues overview
Design issues overview
publications: managing subscriptions Creating subscriptions
publications: many-to-many example The Policy example
The publication
Territory realignment with a many-to-many relationship
The Policy example
The publication
publications: many-to-many relationships Sharing rows among several subscriptions
Sharing rows among several subscriptions
publications: notes Notes on publications
publications: performance Who gets what?
Design tips for performance
publications: primary keys Design issues overview
Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
Ensuring unique primary keys
The primary key pool table
Design issues overview
Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
Ensuring unique primary keys
The primary key pool
publications: properties Publishing data
publications: referential integrity Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
Designing to avoid referential integrity errors
publications: row-wise partitioning Publishing only some rows in a table
Creating articles containing some of the rows in a table
publications: setting up Publishing data
Creating publications
publications: simple Publishing whole tables
Creating whole-table articles
publications: subqueries Partitioning tables that do not contain the subscription expression
publications: tables in many publications Who gets what?
publications: transactions Design issues overview
Design issues overview
publications: using a WHERE clause Publishing only some rows using a WHERE clause
Creating an article using a WHERE clause
publications: whole table Publishing whole tables
publish permissions (tutorial) Grant PUBLISH and REMOTE at the consolidated database
publish permissions: granting Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
publish permissions: granting (tutorial) Add the publisher and remote user to the database
publish permissions: managing Managing SQL Remote permissions
publish permissions: remote permissions (tutorial) Add the publisher and remote user to the database
Grant PUBLISH and REMOTE at the consolidated database
publish permissions: revoking Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
publisher SQL Remote table: Adaptive Server Enterprise sr_publisher table
publisher: about Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
publisher: adding to a database (tutorial) Grant PUBLISH and REMOTE at the consolidated database
publisher: address Working with message types
publisher: creating Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
Granting and revoking PUBLISH permissions
publisher: tutorial Add the publisher and remote user to the database
publishing: selected columns Publishing only some columns in a table