salespub.sql: example publication | A sample publication |
SAVE_REMOTE_PASSWORDS option: replication option | SQL Remote options |
schema changes: SQL Remote | Making schema changes |
schema changes: SQL Remote Open Server | Other issues |
SEND AT: frequency setting | Selecting a send frequency |
SEND EVERY: frequency setting | Selecting a send frequency |
send frequency: selecting | Selecting a send frequency |
send frequency: the Message Agent | Message Agent batch and continuous modes |
sending messages: tutorial | Send data from the consolidated database Send data from the consolidated database |
send_vim_mail control parameter: VIM message type | The VIM message system |
server-to-server replication | Server-to-server replication among offices |
services: Message Agent as | Running the Message Agent as a service |
setting up: consolidated database (tutorial) | Setting up a consolidated database |
setting up: consolidated databases (tutorial) | Set up the consolidated database Setting up the consolidated database |
setting up: publications | Publishing data |
setting up: remote databases (tutorial) | Set up the remote database in Sybase Central Set up the remote database |
setting up: subscriptions | Creating subscriptions |
setup: SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise | Setting Up SQL Remote Preparing your Adaptive Server Enterprise server |
setup: SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise overview | Setup overview |
setup: SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise stable queue | Command-line installation of the stable queue |
setup: TEMPDB for SQL Remote | Ensuring TEMPDB is large enough |
SMTP/POP: addresses | Sharing SMTP/POP addresses |
SMTP: control parameters | The SMTP message system |
SMTP: e-mail | The SMTP message system |
SMTP: message type | Using message types The SMTP message system |
SMTP: SQL Remote | The SMTP message system |
smtp_authenticate control parameter: SMTP message type | The SMTP message system |
smtp_host control parameter: SMTP message type | The SMTP message system |
smtp_password control parameter: SMTP message type | The SMTP message system |
smtp_userid control parameter: SMTP message type | The SMTP message system |
software: dbremote | The Message Agent |
software: dbxtract | The extraction utility |
software: ssqueue | The SQL Remote Open Server |
software: ssremote | The Message Agent |
software: ssxtract | The extraction utility |
sp_add_article procedure: syntax | sp_add_article procedure |
sp_add_article_col procedure: syntax | sp_add_article_col procedure |
sp_add_remote_table procedure: syntax | sp_add_remote_table procedure |
sp_create_publication procedure: syntax | sp_create_publication procedure |
sp_drop_publication procedure: syntax | sp_drop_publication procedure |
sp_drop_remote_type procedure: syntax | sp_drop_remote_type procedure |
sp_drop_sql_remote procedure: syntax | sp_drop_sql_remote procedure |
sp_drop_sql_remote procedure: uninstalling SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise | Uninstalling SQL Remote |
sp_grant_consolidate procedure: syntax | sp_grant_consolidate procedure |
sp_grant_remote procedure: syntax | sp_grant_remote procedure |
sp_hook_dbremote_begin stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_begin |
sp_hook_dbremote_end stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_end |
sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_begin stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_apply_begin |
sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_end stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_message _apply_end |
sp_hook_dbremote_message_missing stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_message_missing and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_missing |
sp_hook_dbremote_message_sent stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_message_sent and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_sent |
sp_hook_dbremote_receive_begin stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_receive_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_begin |
sp_hook_dbremote_receive_end stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_receive_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_end |
sp_hook_dbremote_send_begin stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_send_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_send_begin |
sp_hook_dbremote_send_end stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_send_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_send_end |
sp_hook_dbremote_shutdown stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_shutdown and sp_hook_ssrmt_shutdown |
sp_hook_dbxtract_begin procedure: unique primary keys | Setting unique database identification numbers when extracting databases |
sp_hook_dbxtract_begin procedure: using | Setting unique database identification numbers when extracting databases |
sp_hook_ssrmt_begin stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_begin |
sp_hook_ssrmt_end stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_end |
sp_hook_ssrmt_message_apply_begin stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_apply_begin |
sp_hook_ssrmt_message_apply_end stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_message _apply_end |
sp_hook_ssrmt_message_missing stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_message_missing and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_missing |
sp_hook_ssrmt_message_sent stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_message_sent and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_sent |
sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_begin stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_receive_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_begin |
sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_end stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_receive_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_end |
sp_hook_ssrmt_send_begin stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_send_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_send_begin |
sp_hook_ssrmt_send_end stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_send_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_send_end |
sp_hook_ssrmt_shutdown stored procedure: SQL syntax | sp_hook_dbremote_shutdown and sp_hook_ssrmt_shutdown |
sp_link_option procedure: syntax | sp_link_option procedure |
sp_modify_article procedure: syntax | sp_modify_article procedure |
sp_modify_remote_table procedure: syntax | sp_modify_remote_table procedure |
sp_passthrough procedure: about | Using passthrough mode |
sp_passthrough procedure: syntax | sp_passthrough procedure |
sp_passthrough_piece procedure: about | Using passthrough mode |
sp_passthrough_piece procedure: syntax | sp_passthrough_piece procedure |
sp_passthrough_stop procedure: about | Using passthrough mode |
sp_passthrough_stop procedure: syntax | sp_passthrough_stop procedure |
sp_passthrough_subscription procedure: about | Using passthrough mode |
sp_passthrough_subscription procedure: syntax | sp_passthrough_subscription procedure |
sp_passthrough_user procedure: about | Using passthrough mode |
sp_passthrough_user procedure: syntax | sp_passthrough_user procedure |
sp_populate_sql_anywhere procedure: about | Customizing the system tables |
sp_populate_sql_anywhere procedure: syntax | sp_populate_sql_anywhere procedure |
sp_publisher procedure: syntax | sp_publisher procedure |
sp_queue_clean procedure: syntax | sp_queue_clean procedure |
sp_queue_confirmed_delete_old procedure: syntax | sp_queue_confirmed_delete_old procedure |
sp_queue_confirmed_transaction procedure: syntax | sp_queue_confirmed_transaction procedure |
sp_queue_delete_old procedure: syntax | sp_queue_delete_old procedure |
sp_queue_drop procedure: syntax | sp_queue_drop procedure |
sp_queue_drop procedure: uninstalling SQL Remote stable queue | Uninstalling SQL Remote |
sp_queue_dump_database procedure: syntax | sp_queue_dump_database procedure |
sp_queue_dump_transaction procedure: syntax | sp_queue_dump_transaction procedure |
sp_queue_get_state procedure: syntax | sp_queue_get_state procedure |
sp_queue_log_transfer_reset procedure: syntax | sp_queue_log_transfer_reset procedure |
sp_queue_read procedure: syntax | sp_queue_read procedure |
sp_queue_reset procedure: syntax | sp_queue_reset procedure |
sp_queue_set_confirm procedure: syntax | sp_queue_set_confirm procedure |
sp_queue_set_progress procedure: syntax | sp_queue_set_progress procedure |
sp_queue_transaction procedure: syntax | sp_queue_transaction procedure |
sp_remote procedure: syntax | sp_remote procedure |
sp_remote_option procedure: syntax | sp_remote_option procedure |
sp_remote_type procedure: syntax | sp_remote_type procedure |
sp_remove_article procedure: syntax | sp_remove_article procedure |
sp_remove_article_col procedure: syntax | sp_remove_article_col procedure |
sp_remove_remote_table procedure: syntax | sp_remove_remote_table procedure |
sp_revoke_consolidate procedure: syntax | sp_revoke_consolidate procedure |
sp_revoke_remote procedure: syntax | sp_revoke_remote procedure |
sp_setreplicate procedure: sp_add_remote_table | sp_add_remote_table procedure |
sp_subscription procedure: about | Creating subscriptions |
sp_subscription procedure: syntax | sp_subscription procedure |
sp_subscription procedure: using | Synchronizing data over a message system |
sp_subscription_reset procedure: syntax | sp_subscription_reset procedure |
sp_user_extraction_hook procedure: about | Customizing the system tables |
sp_user_extraction_hook: example | Maintaining the subscription-list column |
SQL Anywhere Studio: documentation | SQL Anywhere Studio documentation |
SQL remote administration | SQL Remote Administration |
SQL Remote Open Server: architecture | Architecture for Replication Server/SQL Remote installations |
SQL Remote Open Server: command line | The SQL Remote Open Server |
SQL Remote Open Server: IRIX | Supported operating systems |
SQL Remote Open Server: procedures | Other issues |
SQL Remote Open Server: schema changes | Making schema changes |
SQL Remote Open Server: setting up | Setting up SQL Remote Open Server |
SQL Remote Open Server: when needed | When you need to use the SQL Remote Open Server |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_add_article | sp_add_article procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_add_article_col | sp_add_article_col procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_add_remote_table | sp_add_remote_table procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_create_publication | sp_create_publication procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_drop_publication | sp_drop_publication procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_drop_remote_type | sp_drop_remote_type procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_drop_sql_remote | sp_drop_sql_remote procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_grant_consolidate | sp_grant_consolidate procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_grant_remote | sp_grant_remote procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_link_option | sp_link_option procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_modify_article | sp_modify_article procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_modify_remote_table | sp_modify_remote_table procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_passthrough | sp_passthrough procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_passthrough_piece | sp_passthrough_piece procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_passthrough_stop | sp_passthrough_stop procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_passthrough_subscription | sp_passthrough_subscription procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_passthrough_user | sp_passthrough_user procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_populate_sql_anywhere | sp_populate_sql_anywhere procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_publisher | sp_publisher procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_clean | sp_queue_clean procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_confirmed_delete_old | sp_queue_confirmed_delete_old procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_confirmed_transaction | sp_queue_confirmed_transaction procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_delete_old | sp_queue_delete_old procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_drop | sp_queue_drop procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_dump_database | sp_queue_dump_database procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_dump_transaction | sp_queue_dump_transaction procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_get_state | sp_queue_get_state procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_log_transfer_reset | sp_queue_log_transfer_reset procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_read | sp_queue_read procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_reset | sp_queue_reset procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_set_confirm | sp_queue_set_confirm procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_set_progress | sp_queue_set_progress procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_queue_transaction | sp_queue_transaction procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_remote | sp_remote procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_remote_option | sp_remote_option procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_remote_type | sp_remote_type procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_remove_article | sp_remove_article procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_remove_article_col | sp_remove_article_col procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_remove_remote_table | sp_remove_remote_table procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_revoke_consolidate | sp_revoke_consolidate procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_revoke_remote | sp_revoke_remote procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_subscription | sp_subscription procedure |
SQL Remote procedures: sp_subscription_reset | sp_subscription_reset procedure |
SQL Remote system tables: #remote | #remote table |
SQL Remote system tables: article | SYSARTICLE table sr_article table |
SQL Remote system tables: articlecol | SYSARTICLECOL table sr_articlecol table |
SQL Remote system tables: marker | sr_marker table |
SQL Remote system tables: object | sr_object table |
SQL Remote system tables: option | sr_option table |
SQL Remote system tables: passthrough | sr_passthrough table |
SQL Remote system tables: publication | SYSPUBLICATION table sr_publication table |
SQL Remote system tables: publisher | sr_publisher table |
SQL Remote system tables: remoteoption | SYSREMOTEOPTION table |
SQL Remote system tables: remoteoptiontype | SYSREMOTEOPTIONTYPE table |
SQL Remote system tables: remotetable | sr_remotetable table |
SQL Remote system tables: remotetype | SYSREMOTETYPE table sr_remotetype table |
SQL Remote system tables: remoteuser | SYSREMOTEUSER table sr_remoteuser table |
SQL Remote system tables: sr_article | sr_article table |
SQL Remote system tables: sr_remoteoption | sr_remoteoption table |
SQL Remote system tables: sr_remoteoptiontype | sr_remoteoptiontype table |
SQL Remote system tables: subscription | SYSSUBSCRIPTION table sr_subscription table |
SQL Remote system views: articlecols | SYSARTICLECOLS view sr_articlecols view |
SQL Remote system views: articles | SYSARTICLES view sr_articles view |
SQL Remote system views: publications | SYSPUBLICATIONS view sr_publications view |
SQL Remote system views: remoteoptions | SYSREMOTEOPTIONS view sr_remoteoptions view |
SQL Remote system views: remotetables | sr_remotetables view |
SQL Remote system views: remotetypes | sr_remotetypes view |
SQL Remote system views: remoteusers | SYSREMOTEUSERS view sr_remoteusers view |
SQL Remote system views: subscriptions | SYSSUBSCRIPTIONS view sr_subscriptions view |
SQL Remote: about | About SQL Remote |
SQL Remote: about the manual | About this manual |
SQL Remote: administering | SQL Remote features Uses and limitations of passthrough mode |
SQL Remote: articles | SYSARTICLE table |
SQL Remote: case studies | Some sample installations Server-to-laptop replication for mobile workforces Server-to-server replication among offices |
SQL Remote: components | SQL Remote components |
SQL Remote: concepts | SQL Remote Concepts |
SQL Remote: creating publications | Create publications and subscriptions |
SQL Remote: creating publications (tutorial) | Add publications and subscriptions |
SQL Remote: dbremote (tutorial) | Start replicating data Send data from the consolidated database Receive data at the remote database Receive data at the remote database |
SQL Remote: dbxtract utility | The extraction utility |
SQL Remote: design overview | Design overview |
SQL Remote: granting publish permissions (tutorial) | Add the publisher and remote user to the database Grant PUBLISH and REMOTE at the consolidated database |
SQL Remote: granting remote permissions (tutorial) | Add the publisher and remote user to the database Grant PUBLISH and REMOTE at the consolidated database |
SQL Remote: Message Agent introduction | The Message Agent |
SQL Remote: message delivery | The message tracking system Status information in the remoteuser table Tracking messages by transaction log offsets Handling of lost or corrupt messages |
SQL Remote: message tracking | The message tracking system Status information in the remoteuser table Handling of lost or corrupt messages |
SQL Remote: message types for Windows CE | Using Sybase Central to work with message types |
SQL Remote: mobile workforces | SQL Remote features Server-to-laptop replication for mobile workforces |
SQL Remote: multi-tier installations | Uses and limitations of passthrough mode |
SQL Remote: options | SQL Remote options |
SQL Remote: publications | Publications and subscriptions |
SQL Remote: server-to-laptop replication | Server-to-laptop replication for mobile workforces |
SQL Remote: server-to-server replication | Server-to-server replication among offices |
SQL Remote: setting up (tutorial) | Tutorial: Adaptive Server Enterprise replication |
SQL Remote: setting up a consolidated database | Setting up a consolidated database Set up the consolidated database Setting up the consolidated database |
SQL Remote: setting up a remote database | Set up the remote database |
SQL Remote: setting up a remote database (tutorial) | Set up the remote database in Sybase Central |
SQL Remote: setup examples | Some sample installations |
SQL Remote: setup for Adaptive Server Enterprise | Setup overview Preparing your Adaptive Server Enterprise server |
SQL Remote: ssremote (tutorial) | Start replicating data Send data from the consolidated database |
SQL Remote: ssxtract utility | The extraction utility |
SQL Remote: subscribers | SQL Remote features |
SQL Remote: subscriptions | Publications and subscriptions |
SQL Remote: system tables | SYSARTICLE table |
SQL Remote: TEMPDB | Ensuring TEMPDB is large enough |
SQL Remote: transaction log management | Transaction log and backup management Managing old transaction logs Backup procedures at remote databases Adaptive Server Enterprise transaction log and backup management |
SQL Remote: tutorial for Adaptive Server Enterprise | A Tutorial for Adaptive Server Enterprise Users |
SQL Remote: uninstalling | sp_drop_sql_remote procedure sp_queue_drop procedure |
SQL Remote: unloading databases | Unloading and reloading a database participating in replication |
SQL Remote: upgrading databases | Upgrading consolidated databases |
SQL Remote: upgrading for Adaptive Server Enterprise | Upgrading SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise |
SQL Remote: user IDs | The Message Agent and replication security |
SQL statements: replication | Replication of data definition statements |
SQL statements: replication of | How statements are replicated Replication of inserts and deletes Replication of updates |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_begin stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_begin |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_end stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_end |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_begin stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_apply_begin |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_end stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_message _apply_end |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_message_missing stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_message_missing and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_missing |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_message_sent stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_message_sent and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_sent |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_receive_begin stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_receive_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_begin |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_receive_end stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_receive_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_end |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_send_begin stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_send_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_send_begin |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_send_end stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_send_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_send_end |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_dbremote_shutdown stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_shutdown and sp_hook_ssrmt_shutdown |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_begin stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_begin |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_end stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_end |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_message_apply_begin stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_apply_begin |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_message_apply_end stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_message_apply_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_message _apply_end |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_message_missing stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_message_missing and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_missing |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_message_sent stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_message_sent and sp_hook_ssrmt_message_sent |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_begin stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_receive_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_begin |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_end stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_receive_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_receive_end |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_send_begin stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_send_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_send_begin |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_send_end stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_send_end and sp_hook_ssrmt_send_end |
SQL syntax: sp_hook_ssrmt_shutdown stored procedure | sp_hook_dbremote_shutdown and sp_hook_ssrmt_shutdown |
SQLANY.INI: SQL Remote | Setting message type control parameters |
SQLREMOTE environment variable: alternative to | The file message system |
SQLREMOTE environment variable: setting message control parameters | Setting message type control parameters |
squpdate.sql: upgrading the stable queue | Upgrading SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise |
sr_article table: about | sr_article table |
sr_articlecol table: about | sr_articlecol table |
sr_confirmed_transaction table: about | sr_confirmed_transaction table |
sr_marker table: about | sr_marker table |
sr_object table: about | sr_object table |
sr_option table: about | sr_option table |
sr_passthrough table: about | sr_passthrough table |
sr_publication table: about | sr_publication table |
sr_publisher SQL Remote table: about | sr_publisher table |
sr_queue_coordinate table: about | sr_queue_coordinate table |
sr_queue_state table: about | sr_queue_state table |
sr_remoteoption SQL Remote table: about | sr_remoteoption table |
sr_remoteoptiontype SQL Remote table: Adaptive Server Enterprise | sr_remoteoptiontype table |
sr_remotetable table: about | sr_remotetable table |
sr_remotetype table: about | sr_remotetype table |
sr_remoteuser table: about | sr_remoteuser table |
sr_subscription table: about | sr_subscription table |
sr_transaction table: about | sr_transaction table |
ssqueue: about | Using SQL Remote with Replication Server The SQL Remote Open Server |
ssqueue: architecture | Architecture for Replication Server/SQL Remote installations |
ssqueue: command line | The SQL Remote Open Server |
ssqueue: IRIX | Supported operating systems |
ssqueue: setting up | Setting up SQL Remote Open Server |
ssqueue: when needed | When you need to use the SQL Remote Open Server |
ssremote.sql: SQL Remote setup | Installing the SQL Remote system objects |
ssremote: about | Running the Message Agent Running the Message Agent The Message Agent |
ssremote: command | The Message Agent |
ssremote: introduction | The Message Agent |
ssremote: Message Agent (tutorial) | Start replicating data |
ssremote: security | The Message Agent and replication security |
ssremote: tutorial | Send data from the consolidated database |
ssupdate.sql: upgrading SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise | Upgrading SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise |
ssxtract utility: about | Synchronizing databases The extraction utility |
stable queue: cleaning | The Message Agent |
stable queue: Replication Server | How the pieces fit together |
stable queue: setup | Command-line installation of the stable queue |
stable queue: SQL Remote Open Server | How the pieces fit together |
stable queue: ssqueue | How the pieces fit together |
stable queue: system tables | Stable Queue tables |
stableq.sql: SQL Remote setup | Command-line installation of the stable queue |
starting: the Message Agent | Starting the Message Agent |
statements: replication of | How statements are replicated Replication of inserts and deletes Replication of updates |
stored procedures: passthrough mode | Operations not replicated in passthrough mode |
stored procedures: replication of | Replication of procedures |
stored procedures: SQL Remote Open Server | Other issues |
subqueries: publications | Partitioning tables that do not contain the subscription expression |
subqueries: SQL Remote | Partitioning tables that do not contain the subscription expression |
SUBSCRIBE_BY_REMOTE option: many-to-many relationships | Using the Subscribe_by_remote option with many-to-many relationships Using the Subscribe_by_remote option with many-to-many relationships |
SUBSCRIBE_BY_REMOTE option: replication option | SQL Remote options |
subscription expressions: about | Publishing only some rows using a subscription expression Creating an article using a subscription column |
subscription expressions: cost of evaluating | Who gets what? |
subscription expressions: in the transaction log | Who gets what? |
subscription expressions: many-valued | Who gets what? |
subscription expressions: subqueries | Partitioning tables that do not contain the subscription expression |
subscription SQL Remote table: about | sr_subscription table |
subscription SQL Remote table: Adaptive Server Anywhere definition | SYSSUBSCRIPTION table |
subscription views: about | Tuning extraction performance for shared rows |
subscription-list columns: about | Adding a subscription-list column to the Contact table |
subscription-list columns: in SQL Remote | Partitioning tables that do not contain the subscription column The Contact example |
subscription-list columns: maintaining | Maintaining the subscription-list column Maintaining the subscription-list column Maintaining the subscription-list column |
subscription-list columns: triggers | Maintaining the subscription-list column |
subscription-list columns: triggers for | Maintaining the subscription-list column |
subscriptions SQL Remote view: Adaptive Server Anywhere | SYSSUBSCRIPTIONS view |
subscriptions SQL Remote view: Adaptive Server Enterprise | sr_subscriptions view |
subscriptions: about | Publications and subscriptions |
subscriptions: creating | Create publications and subscriptions Create the publication and subscription Creating subscriptions Creating subscriptions |
subscriptions: creating (tutorial) | Add publications and subscriptions |
subscriptions: managing | Creating subscriptions |
subscriptions: Message Agent | Who gets what? |
subscriptions: performance | Who gets what? |
subscriptions: resetting | sp_subscription_reset procedure |
subscriptions: setting up | Creating subscriptions Creating subscriptions |
subscriptions: synchronizing | Using the extraction utility Synchronizing data over a message system |
Sun Solaris: availability on | Supported operating systems |
support: newsgroups | Finding out more and providing feedback |
Sybase Central: extraction utility | Using the extraction utility from Sybase Central |
Sybase Central: message types | Using Sybase Central to work with message types Using commands to work with message types |
synchronization: about | Synchronizing databases |
synchronization: customizing | SQL Remote event-hook procedures |
synchronization: databases | Deploying and Synchronizing Databases Deployment overview |
synchronization: event hooks | SQL Remote event-hook procedures |
synchronization: operating systems | Mixed operating systems and database extraction |
synchronization: using dbxtract | Using the extraction utility |
synchronization: using ssxtract | Using the extraction utility |
synchronization: using the extraction utility | Using the extraction utility |
SYNCHRONIZE SUBSCRIPTION statement: about | Synchronizing data over a message system |
synchronizing: SQL Remote databases using the message system | Synchronizing data over a message system |
SYSREMOTEUSER table | Status information in the remoteuser table Tracking messages by transaction log offsets |
system objects for Adaptive Server Anywhere | System Objects for Adaptive Server Anywhere |
system objects for Adaptive Server Enterprise | System Objects for Adaptive Server Enterprise |
system objects: the dbo user | The Database Extraction utility |
system tables: stable queue | Stable Queue tables |
system tables: SYSARTICLE | SYSARTICLE table sr_article table |